The University of Jordan Faculty of Agriculture Department of Agricultural Economics & Agribusiness Second semester / 2014-2015 Course title: Agricultural Marketing (605230) Time of the lectures: 8-9 Sun., Tue. and Thur. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Credit hours 3 Level second year Prerequisite Coordinator/ Lecturer Dr . Mohammad Majdalawi Office number 293 Office phone 22365 Course website On UJ E. Learning portal @ Moodle LCM . E-mail Place 131 Hall Office hours Day/Time Day Time Sunday Monday * * 9:00-10:00 & 9:30-12:30 11:00-13:00 Tuesday Wednesd ay * * 9:00-10:00 & 10:0011:00-13:00 13:00 Principles Agricultural Economics (0605101) Thursday * 9:30-12:30 Course Description This Course is intended to be an introductory course in Agribusiness Marketing, it will explain agribusiness marketing concept in brief. Marketing functions, channels and margins will be explained in depth. Approaches for studying Agricultural marketing component (mainly agribusiness oriented ones) will be discussed. They will include marketing strategies and marketing plans. The course presents to students various merchandising activities that affect the sale of food products through the food marketing system and that occur in the retail store. . Learning Objectives 1. This course aims at providing students the main concepts and the skills needed for marketing. 2. This course aims at providing the concept of marketing from the Agribusiness Perspective. 3. Discussing the characteristics of strategic marketing and its components 4. Discussing the steps for preparing a marketing strategic plan 5. Providing students the main concepts and the skills needed for analysis Marketing Channels and Marketing Margins. 1 /4 of Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs): Successful completion of the course should lead to the following outcomes: A. Knowledge and Understanding: Student is expected to A1- Gain the Knowledge about how marketing factions are conducted. A2- Gain the Knowledge about the role of agricultural marketing in rural development Lectures in Marketing. A3- Demonstrate basic knowledge on data analysis of marketing channels. A4- Gain the Knowledge about the International Standard measurement of the quality control B. Intellectual Analytical and Cognitive Skills: Student is expected to B1- Employ analytical skills to be used for analysis of the marketing margins. B2-have the skills to prepare marketing plan. B3-using the SWOT analysis for determining the external and internal factors affect the marketing of agricultural goods. C. Subject- Specific Skills: Students is expected to C1- Apply and analyze the new marketing system. C2- Use appropriate economics support tools for preparing a marketing strategic plan. C3: Use the economics and marketing scientific literature effectively. D. Transferable Key Skills: Students is expected to D1- Create self-reliance and team work when necessary. D2- Display personal responsibility to the course requirements ILOs: Learning and Evaluation Methods ILO/s Learning Methods A. Knowledge and Understanding (A1-A3) B. Intellectual Analytical and Cognitive Skills (B1-B3) C. Subject Specific Skills (C1-C4) Lectures and Discussions D. Transferable Key Skills (D1-D3) Lectures and Discussions Lectures and Discussions Lectures and Discussions 2 /4 Evaluation Methods Exam, project and presentations prepared by students. Exam, presentations prepared by students. Exam, project and presentations prepared by students. Exam, project and presentations prepared by students. Course Contents WEEK SUBJECT Sources ILOs A-1 Introduction and tasks of marketing 2010 ، علي جدوع،الشرفات Role of agricultural marketing in rural areas Agribusiness Marketing A-2 D-1 Pricing systems محمد سمير و أحمد،الهباب 1996 ،الريماوي محمد سمير و أحمد،الهباب 1996 ،الريماوي Different websites 8-10 Promotion Marketing 2010 ، علي جدوع،الشرفات 11-13 Marketing Channels and Margins Exercises محمد سمير و أحمد،الهباب 1996 ،الريماوي 14-16 Research and Marketing Information محمد سمير و أحمد،الهباب 1996 ،الريماوي A-1, A-2 D-1, D-2 A-3 C-1, C-2, C-3 D-1, D-2 A-1, A-2 C-1, C-2, C-3 D-1, D-2 1-2 3 4-6 7 A-1 A-4 D-1 Learning Methodology The class will meet three times a week; the course will be structured in lectures, discussions, working group and exercises. Traditional lecture sessions will be delivered using data show and smart board. The material will be presented in Arabic; the presentations will focus on theoretical issues and real life applications. Participation is expected from students (two-ways) lectures. Reading will be assigned from the textbook, the class lectures and other supporting material of the class. Actual participation in class work is a very important part of students learning experience in this course. So students are expected to come and to be prepared to do the work, ask questions and fully engaged with the course. Evaluation First Exam Second Exam Quizzes &Exercises Final Exam Point % Date 20% 20% 10% 50% March 19, 2015 April 30 ,2015 3 /4 Will be announcing from register. References: مبادئ، علي وبسام الديست، الجدوع. األردن. عمان. مبادئ االقتصاد الزراعي. علي جدوع،الشرفات 2010 ،التسويق .1996 . "التسويق واإلرشاد الزراعي" جامعة القدس المفتوحة. محمد سمير و أحمد الريماوي،الهباب 3- -1 -2 Kohl, L. and N. Uhl. " Marketing of Agricultural Products" Macmilan Publishing Co., Inc. New York. USA Crawford, I.M. "Agricultural and Food Marketing Management" FAO. Rome, 1977 4- Notes: Concerns or complaints should be expressed in the first instance to the module lecturer; if no resolution is forthcoming, then the issue should be brought to the attention of the module coordinator (for multiple sections) who will take the concerns to the module representative meeting. Thereafter, problems are dealt with by the Department Chair and if still unresolved the Dean and then ultimately the Vice President. For final complaints, there will be a committee to review grading the final exam. For more details on University regulations please visit: 4 /4