مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت # 1 اسم المشروع Developing A Network Programming Language 1|Page اسم المشرف Mohamed El-Zawawy نبذة عن المشروع PROJECT ABSTRACT: Modern networks provide a variety of interrelated services including routing, traffic monitoring, load balancing, and access control. Unfortunately, the languages used to program today’s networks lack modern features—they are usually defined at the low level of abstraction supplied by the underlying hardware and they fail to provide even rudimentary support for modular programming. As a result, network programs tend to be complicated, error-prone, and difficult to maintain. This project aims at developing robust model for a network programming language. This model should make advantage of interrelated services of modern networks and overcoming disadvantages of any existing network programming languages. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): ASP.net Good knowledge of programming languages and networks concepts أسماء الطالبات ساره ناصر عايض المطيري نوره فهيد ناصر السبيعي سارة صالح عبدالرحمن الشبل ابتهال عشوي محمد العنزي روان عبدالرحمن عبدهللا الحسينان .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 2 Program Analysis for distributed programs 2|Page Mohamed El-Zawawy PROJECT ABSTRACT: The need for distributed programs for graphics processors and desktops was magnified by the creation of multi-core processors which therefore greatly affected the software development. Large parallel systems were built using multicore processors. These systems have memory that uses message passing and that is cache-coherent shared, direct-access (DMA or RDMA) distributed, and hierarchical. An appropriate address space model for machines equipped with multi-core processors is the partitioned global model (PGAS). Examples of DPLs, distributed programming languages that program machines equipped with multi-core processors, that use PGAS are Unified Parallel C (UPC), X10, Chapel, and Titanium which is based on Java. This project aims at developing analysis techniques for distributed programs. These anslyses techniques are included in distributed compilers and are very important for developing robust distributed programs. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): ASP.net Good knowledge of programming languages ابتسام راشد هالل المطيري رزان محمد سعد الزومان شهد سليمان صالح الحجيالن رؤى سامي سليمان ابانمي شيخة علي عبدالكريم الصفوق .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 3 Towards An Object-Oriented Network Programming Language Mohamed El-Zawawy 4 Analyzing ObjectOriented distributed programming Languages Mohamed El-Zawawy 3|Page PROJECT ABSTRACT: The aim of this project is to develop a simple model for a network object-oriented programming language. This model should make advantage of object-oriented concepts as well as interrelated services of modern networks. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): ASP.net Good knowledge of programming languages and networks concepts PROJECT ABSTRACT: This project aims at developing analysis techniques for Object-Oriented distributed programs. These anslyses techniques are included in object-oriented distributed compilers and are very important for developing robust object-oriented distributed programs. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): ASP.net Good knowledge of programming languages أمجاد عبدهللا راشد الحبشان رنداء تركي عبدالعزيز الفوزان بدور مفرح فريح العنزي امل عبدهللا حمد الطريمان زينة عبدهللا محمد الشهري .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 ساره سعد فالح السبيعي لين سعود فهيد القحطاني عبير ناصر محمد بن دوخي أشواق محمد سليمان الخليفي مالك احمد محمد األسمري .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 5 PNU network Jaber Jemai performance management and monitoring system 4|Page PROJECT ABSTRACT: In this project, we propose to develop a system to follow the key performance indicators of the Princess Norah University network. The students will define the criteria used to evaluate the performance of the PNU network. Moreover, they will implement some alerts to the network admin if some performance rates reach critic values. The students will attempt also to implement some algorithms to monitor some network parameters in order to handle some alerting criteria automatically. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Basic networking knowledge Knowledge of key network performance Introduction system analysis and design Programming language: Java/ C++ / VB Database Management system: Oracle / MySql ليلى حسن مبجر حامدي إلهام حسن ظافر الشهري فاطمة خالد سعد القرني ليلى محمد يحيى هلمان وفاء ناصر محمد الرصيص .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 6 A routing Jaber Jemai optimization algorithm for mobile ad-hoc networks 5|Page PROJECT ABSTRACT: In mobile ad-hoc networks, one of the main questions is how to find the optimal route to be followed by the data to reach a destination node starting from a source node. This problem becomes harder to solve particularly for densely deployed networks with a huge volume of transmitted data. In this project, we propose an optimization algorithm to determine efficiently the optimal path from a source to a destination in mobile ad-hoc networks. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Basic networking knowledge Knowledge of mobile ad-hoc networks Programming language: Java/ C++ الجوهرة عبدهللا عبدالعزيز الخنيني بيان عبدالرحمن إبراهيم الربيع نورة احمد محمد بن سالمة أسماء سويد علي السويد صفيه محمد عبده غليله .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 7 Client/Server Ameur Communication BENSEFIA using web services PROJECT ABSTRACT: Nowadays all the information systems need to communicate and exchange data immediately between each other; we call this process the synchronization. Many synchronization techniques exists however in this project we want to focus to the newest and widely used one which is the web services. Indeed, with this technique any of the two systems may be a client at a moment and a server at another moment, depending on who is making the request and who is answering it. The main advantage of this technique is that it allows the client to get an immediate answer from the server if it is available. The objective of this project is to design two systems : 1- System 1 (Server): Traffic violation system which hold all the violations made and by the drivers and registered by the authorities. 2- System2 (Client): a Web interface from which a user can enter specific personal details to get the list of his violations or to get details of a specific violation. The requests made by the System2 will be sent to the System1 by web services, so the students are requested to define the exchange protocol 6|Page سامية عبدالرحمن الفواز نوف عبدهللا العجيان ساره عمر مدهش شهد عبدالرحمن المسعري تماضر عبدالمحسن البقماء .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت (defining wed) and scenario between these two entities. These two systems may be stored in two different machines Optional : To secure more the communication between these two systems a proxy can be defined REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Good programming skills in C++ or Java and in Pup Two distinct machines : server and client MySQL Server Enterprise Architect 7|Page مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 8 QoS monitoring application for mobile content 8|Page Ameur BENSEFIA PROJECT ABSTRACT: Nowadays all different companies are offering their services via websites or apps for mobile phones. However in many cases the downloading time for webpage content (image, video,) can take many seconds due to different reasons. These companies want to improve their Quality of Service (Qi's) by acquiring an application that monitor the downloading time of webpage content in a mobile phone. The students have to develop a desktop application that can open a COM port connected to a modem (3G or 2G) to download a content of a specific URL, read it from the same COM port, and detect the image content (the video and the sounds are optional) and display all the information related to this webpage REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Very Good programming skills in C++, C sharp or Delphi 3G or 2G Modem عائشة محمد سفر الحارثي نوال غازي ابراهيم الحربي دالل عبدالهادى محمد القحطاني نجوى مبارك مجري الزهراني شريفة عواد مشوح العنزي .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 9 VOIP application for Android/ Iphone 9|Page Ameur BENSEFIA PROJECT ABSTRACT: The new Riyadh Metro Company wants to provide its users with reduced mobility tools supporting them in the use of the rail network of Riyadh. The idea is to allow users to establish voice communication quickly and easily with an agent of the Riyadh Metro Company so he could help him. This communication will be established from the user’s mobile phone through the wireless deployed within the Riyadh Metro stations. This service aims to be offered on smart phones supporting the installation of third-party applications, such as Apple iPhone or devices using free Android OS Google, and require the implementation of different technologies revolving around VoIP. To achieve this goal, students advance by steps: - Choice of the operating system on which the service will be implemented (between IOS and Android) - Definition of a software base for application development o State of the art of the various open source SIP clients IOS / Android o Definition of legal constraints imposed by the licenses that these clients (license GPL, LGPL ...) o Choosing a Client - Development of the application over the database بشاير مليحان خلف الشمري دالل عبدهللا رحيل العنزي نوف عبدهللا علي القحطاني أسماء صياح جبر الجهني نوره قائد هيف القحطاني .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 10 Suspicious IP filtering 10 | P a g e Ameur BENSEFIA - Test the application on an existing SIP server optional: - Implementing the server side based on SIP (Open SIPS / Asterisk) REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): VOIP, open libraries SDK PROJECT ABSTRACT: Nowadays many companies are subject to hacker attacks, to prevent these attacks they use a proxy to filter the IP that request access to their systems. This proxy can grant access to some specific well known IP addresses only but in this case the proxy became very restrictive! In order to make this proxy more flexible it should automatically detect any suspicious IP address and block it. To achieve this goal, students should make a survey and define some criteria which make an IP address suspicious, once these criteria defined they should implement them in the proxy. To test this application the students should also prepare some malicious attacks to check the reactivity of their proxy REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Server (proxy)/ clients (attacks) أروى خليفه فهد الضرغام بتول خالد عبدهللا العيبان الهنوف مساعد محمد الجبير أحالم ناصر باني الحارثي هيا محمد عبدهللا العليان .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 11 Implementation of The Indoor Wireless Positioning System 11 | P a g e Magdi ElSharkawy PROJECT ABSTRACT: With the development of wireless technologies, more and more useful and promising Applications come into our lives. Location based services are among the most promising applications and will bring us great convenience. The success of location based services depends on accurate positioning systems. GPS succeeds outdoors, but fails indoors. We need another technology to realize indoor wireless positioning. Indoor wireless positioning based on signal footprint has gained much attention in recent years. Before positioning, a signal footprint map of the building is built by measuring signal footprint at various locations inside the building. In positioning phase, the real time signal footprint at the unknown location will be measured and compared with the signal footprint map, thus the unknown location will be estimated. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Recommended minimum hardware configuration: 2.8 Ghz Intel i series(i3, i5, i7) true PC compatible (dual-core processor recommended). 1 GB RAM (4 GB or greater recommended). 800 x 600 SVGA Display (1280 x 1024 or greater recommended). رنا علي ركبان القرني ساره مطلق ضاوي العتيبي رنا محمد مريف الشهري ندى علي محمد العرف شذى وليد عبدهللا الرويشد .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 250 MB hard disk free space (gigabytes of free space recommended). IEEE 802.11b/g WiFi (for wireless access) Recommended software configuration: Windows 8, Windows 7 or windows Vista Microsofts .NET Framework 4.0 or more recent. IIS 5.1 or greater to operate IMS. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or more recent. 12 | P a g e مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 12 Broadcasting Radio on The Internetwork 13 | P a g e Magdi ElSharkawy PROJECT ABSTRACT: The project provides the basic framework for implementing internet broadcasting. The system is based on knowing internet and network programming. The medium of transmission is the internetwork, LANs, or WANs instead of air/cable. The project concerns both with the live broadcasting and on demand playing of pre-recorded materials. Besides, there should be a database containing subscriber’s information and pricing rules to achieve accounting purposes. The performance of the system will be estimated as well. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Recommended minimum hardware configuration for 3 or more Pcs : 2.8 Ghz Intel i series(i3, i5, i7) true PC compatible (dual-core processor recommended). 1 GB RAM (4 GB or greater recommended). 800 x 600 SVGA Display (1280 x 1024 or greater recommended). 250 MB hard disk free space (gigabytes of free space recommended). IEEE 802.11b/g WiFi (for wireless access) Recommended software configuration: مشاعل عبدهللا عيد العنزي غاده صالح عبدهللا الجفير ساره علي عبدهللا الشهراني نوران عبدالواحد عايد الهادي سميره عبدالرحمن عبدالهادي العتيبي .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 14 | P a g e Windows 8, Windows 7 or windows Vista Microsofts .NET Framework 4.0 or more recent. IIS 5.1 or greater to operate IMS. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or more recent. مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 13 Broadcasting TV on The Internetwork 15 | P a g e Magdi ElSharkawy PROJECT ABSTRACT: The project provides the basic framework for implementing internet broadcasting. The system is based on knowing internet and network programming. The medium of transmission is the internetwork, LANs, or WANs instead of air/cable. The project concerns both with the live broadcasting and on demand playing of pre-recorded materials. Besides, there should be a database containing subscriber’s information and pricing rules to achieve accounting purposes. The performance of the system will be estimated as well. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Recommended minimum hardware configuration for 3 or more Pcs: 2.8 Ghz Intel i series(i3, i5, i7) true PC compatible (dual-core processor recommended). 1 GB RAM (4 GB or greater recommended). 800 x 600 SVGA Display (1280 x 1024 or greater recommended). 250 MB hard disk free space (gigabytes of free space recommended). IEEE 802.11b/g WiFi (for wireless access) Recommended software configuration: Windows 8, Windows 7 or windows Vista Microsofts .NET Framework 4.0 or more recent. ايوان احمد مهدي ابوسليمان نوره عبدالعزيز محمد الحسين فاطمه احمد عبد هللا اباحسين هاجر وليد قبالن القبالن نوف عبد العزيز عبدهللا العقيل .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت IIS 5.1 or greater to operate IMS. Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or more recent. PROJECT ABSTRACT: Ad hoc networks are defined by nodes communicating without using a fixed infrastructure. Each mobile host can communicate with other hosts within its transmission range. This project addresses one of the security problems in ad hoc networks called black hole problem. The black hole problem conducts its malicious behavior during the process of route discovery. So, the challenge is to enhance traditional routing protocols and include new functionalities for detecting black hole nodes. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Good programming skills in simulation tools (NS2, Opnet or Omnet++) 14 Detecting Black Samia Hole Attacks in Ad Chelloug Hoc Networks 16 | P a g e عاليه محمد علي الشهري حنان سعد محمد القرني رغدا عبدالرحمن عبدهللا الجابر حنين مشاري نور المطيري ديما فهد عمر العطيش .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 15 Security in Wireless Sensor Networks 17 | P a g e Samia Chelloug PROJECT ABSTRACT: Wireless sensor networks represent a new type of ad hoc networks that integrate sensing, processing, and wireless communication in a distributed system. While sensor networks have many similarities with traditional ad hoc networks, they also face new requirements introduced by their distributed sensing applications. In particular, sensor networks pose security challenges due to their limited energy, computation and communication capabilities. Then, existing network security techniques cannot directly be applied. The aim of this project is to design and develop a secured routing protocol for wireless sensor networks. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Good programming skills in simulation tools (NS2, Opnet or Omnet++) شاهه فيصل الغميسي العتيبي هاجر عبدهللا محمد الحميد وفاء عوضه سعيد القحطاني نوره حسن محمد العرجاني فاطمه عبدالعزيز الحمد بن طالب .1 .2 .3 .4 .5 مشاريع قسم الشبكات وأنظمة االتصاالت 16 Detecting Black Hole Attacks in Wireless Sensor Networks 18 | P a g e Samia Chelloug PROJECT ABSTRACT: Wireless sensor networks represent a new type of ad hoc networks that integrate sensing, processing, and wireless communication in a distributed system. While sensor networks have many similarities with traditional ad hoc networks, they also face new requirements introduced by their distributed sensing applications. In particular, sensor networks pose security challenges due to their limited energy, computation and communication capabilities. The aim of this project is to defend against black hole attacks in a wireless sensor network which is prone to the security threats. REQUIREMENTS (both hardware and software): Good programming skills in simulation tools (NS2, Opnet or Omnet++) اثير رافع عبدالرحمن الشهري حصة عبدالرحمن مفرح البقمي سارة عبدهللا عبدهللا الشهري زينب سعد مونس العمري بيان احمد سالم العنزي .1 .2 .3 .4 .5