COURSE SECTION INFORMATION Jerry Aubin ACC2310 Accounting Concepts I Business Admin-Accounting Professor’s Name: Jerry Aubin Course Number: ACC2310 Email: aubinj1@algonquincollege .com Course Section: 010 Phone: X5737 Academic Year: 2010 Office: B423C Out of Class Assistance: Refer to BB Term: 01 Academic Level: 01 Section Specific Learning Resources The textbooks for this course are the same as those listed in the approved course outline available on Blackboard. Learning Schedule ACC2310 – ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS I © Algonquin College 1 ACC2310 ACC2310 – ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS I CHAPTER TOPIC TIME 1. Accounting: The Key to Success 3.0 HOURS Complete chapter covered OBJECTIVES 1. Explain the meaning of accounting. 2. Forms of business organizations. 3. Users of accounting information 4. Understand why ethics is a fundamental business concept. 5. Understand the various types of accountants and their roles in business. Homework Exercises: 1-1, 1-2, 1-5 Problem 1-1A 2. FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AND ACCOUNTING TRANSACTIONS 6.0 HOURS Complete chapter covered OBJECTIVES 1. Identify and explain the content and reporting aims of financial statements 2. Identify, explain, and apply accounting principles. 3. Explain and interpret the accounting equation 4. Analyze business transactions using the accounting equation. 5. Prepare financial statements Homework Quick Study: 2-2, 2-3, 2-11, 2-13 Exercises: 2-3, 2-4, 2-5, 2-6, 2-7, 2-8, 2-12 Problems: 2-2A, 2-2B Ethics: EC2-1 3. ANALYZING AND RECORDING TRANSACTIONS 7.5 HOURS Complete chapter covered OBJECTIVES 1. Explain the accounting cycle. 2. Describe an account, its use, and its relationship to the ledger 3. Define debits and credits and explain their role in double-entry accounting. 4. Analyze the impact of transactions on accounts. 5. Record transactions in a journal and post entries to t-accounts. 6. Explain the use of a trial balance. Homework: Exercises: 3-1, 3-3, 3-6, 3-8, 3-12, 3-17 Problems: 3-1A, 3-2A, 3-3A, 3-6A (part 1 only), 3-9A (part 1 only), 3-12A © Algonquin College 2 ACC2310 ACC2310 - ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS I CHAPTER TOPIC TIME 4. ADJUSTING THE ACCOUNTS 6.0 HOURS Complete chapter covered, excluding Appendix OBJECTIVES 1. Apply the timeliness principle, revenue recognition and matching principles. 2. Prepare adjusting entries at the end of the accounting period. 3. Explain how accounting adjustments link to the financial statements. Homework Quick study: 4-3, 4-4, 4-5, 4-6, 4-7 Exercises: 4-1, 4-2, 4-3, 4-4 Problems: 4-1A, 4-2A, 4-3A, 4-4A, 4-5A, 4-7A, 4-8A, 4-9A 9. INTERNAL CONTROL AND CASH 6.0 HOURS Complete chapter covered OBJECTIVES 1. Define and identify the principles of internal control. 2. Apply internal control principles to cash receipts and disbursements. 3. Prepare a bank reconciliation. Homework Exercises: 9-1, 9-2, 9-3, 9-4,9-10, 9-11 Problems: 9-1A, 9-2A, 9-4A, 9-5A, 9-8A Ethics case: EC9-1 5. COMPLETION OF THE ACCOUNTING CYCLE 6.0 HOURS Omit using a worksheet Omit the Appendices OBJECTIVES 1. Demonstrate the process of closing the books. 2. Identify the sections of a classified balance sheet. 3. Prepare a classified balance sheet. Homework Exercises: 5-6 (entries only), 5-7, 5-8, 5-9, 5-15, 5-16 Problems: 5-4A, 5-7A, 5-12A Ethics: EC5-1 © Algonquin College 3 ACC2310 ACC2310 - ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS I CHAPTER TOPIC TIME 6. ACCOUNTING FOR MERCHANDISING OPERATIONS 7.5 HOURS Omit Appendix A Omit worksheets Omit closing entries OBJECTIVES 1. Identify the components in measuring net income in a merchandising company. 2. Calculate ending inventory and cost of goods sold under the perpetual inventory system. 3. Identify the unique features of a merchandiser’s income statement. 4. Record Sales Taxes for a merchandising company—perpetual system (Appendix B) 5. Calculate inventory ratios Homework Exercises: 6-1, 6-2, 6-3, 6-4, 6-5, 6-10, 6-29 Problems: 6-1A, 6-2A, 6-3A, 6-9A, 6-16A, 6-16B In order to achieve a passing grade in this course , you must achieve a weighted average of 50% on the unit tests. Unless you achieve this grade, your assignment marks will not count towards your final mark. Missed unit tests If you miss a unit test for a valid reason (with supporting documentation), you will have the opportunity to write a make up test At a time to be determined. © Algonquin College 4 ACC2310 ACCOUNTING CONCEPTS I ACC2310 -Fall 2009 COURSE SCHEDULE - Subject to change Week 1 1 2 Dates Sept 13-17 Sept 13-17 3 Sept 20-24 Unit Test 1 (10%) 4 4 Resources HRS Sept 6-10 Sept 6-10 2 3 TOPIC Sept 20-24 Sept 27-Oct 1 Sept 27-Oct1 5 Oct 4-8 5 Oct 4-8 6 Oct 11-15 6 Oct 11-15 7 Oct 18-22 7 Oct 18-22 Labour day What is chapter 1 Accounting Financial chapter 2 1.5 Statements Financial chapter 2 Statements Financial chapter 2 Statements F/S, The chapter 2,3 1.5 Recording Process The Recording chapter 3 Process The Recording chapter 3 1.5 Process The Recording chapter 3 Process The Recording chapter 3 Process Thanksgiving/ Chapter 4 1.5 Adjusting the Accounts Unit test chapter ,3 1.5 Adjusting the Accounts Adjusting the Accounts Tests/ Evaluations 1.5 1.5 Lyryx # 1 1.5 1.5 Lyryx #2 1.5 Lyryx #3 1.5 1.5 Lyryx # 4 Unit test 2ch.,3 (15%) chapter 4 1.5 chapter 4 1.5 8 8 9 9 10 10 11 11 12 12 13 13 14 14 TOTAL HOURS Oct 25-29 Adjusting the chapter 4 Accounts Oct 25-29 UT, Internal ch.4, ch.9 Control & Cash Nov 1-5 Internal Control & Cash Nov 1-5 Internal Control & Cash Nov 8-112 Internal chapter 9 Control & Cash Nov 8-12 UT, Complete ch.9, ch.5 the accting.cycle Nov 15-219 Complete the accting.cycle Nov 15-19 Complete the accting.cycle Nov 22-26 Complete the accting.cycle Nov 22-26 Merchandising chapter 6 Ops. Nov 29-Dec 3 Merchandising Ops. Nov 29-Dec 3 Merchandising Ops. Dec 6-10 Merchandising Ops. Dec 6-10 Merchandising chapter 6 Ops. 42 1.5 Lyryx # 5 1.5 Unit test 3ch.4 (15%) chapter 9 1.5 chapter 9 1.5 1.5 Lyryx #6 1.5 Unit test 4ch.9 (15%) chapter 5 1.5 chapter 5 1.5 chapter 5 1.5 1.5 Lyryx # 7 chapter 6 1.5 chapter 6 1.5 chapter 6 1.5 1.5 Lyryx # 8 Other Important Information Please refer to the School of Business Policy Document as found in course documents on your BlackBoard site. This document contains important information of the School’s policies and procedures. It is your responsibility to familizrize yourself with this document. Late assignments will receive a grade of 0, unless appropriate medical information is received by your professor in a timely manner. Refer to the Policy doc.