Chapter 28 Reading Guide

Mr. Nino
AP Euro
Chapter 28 Reading Guide
Section 1 – Again, the Road to War (1933-1939) Pgs. 902-910
Axis Powers
Neville Chamberlain
Nazi-Soviet Pact
Focus Questions
1. How did WWI sow the seeds of WWII?
2. What were Hitler’s foreign policy aims? Was he bent on conquest, or did he simply
want to reform Germany to its 1914 boundaries? Explain.
3. Why did Britain and France adopt a policy of appeasement in the 1930s? Did the
West buy valuable time to rearm at Munich in 1938?
Section 2 – WWII Pgs. 910-922
Winston Churchill
Battle of Britain
Operation Barbarossa
Erwin Rommel
Third Reich
Battle of Stalingrad
Battle of Midway
Focus Questions
1. How was Hitler able to defeat France so easily in 1940?
2. Why did the air war against Britain fail?
3. Why did Hitler invade Russia? Could the invasion have succeeded?
4. Why did Japan attack the United States at Pearl Harbor?
5. How important was the American intervention in Europe?
6. Was President Truman right to drop the atomic bombs on Japan? Explain.
Section 3 – Racism and the Holocaust Pgs. 922-927
Josef Goebbels
Focus Question
1. To what extent can it be said the Holocaust was the defining moment of the twentieth
century? Give evidence to support your answer.
Section 4 – The domestic Fronts Pgs. 927-933
Focus Questions
1. What impact did WWII have on the European economy?
2. Using your response to the above question, complete the following for each country
listed: Germany, Britain, France, Russia
Production and Sacrifice Propaganda and Politics Civilian Casualties and Disruption –
Section 5 – Preparations for Peace Pgs. 933-936
Charles de Gaulle
Atlantic Charter
Potsdam Conference
Tehran Conference
Yalta Conference
Focus Questions
1. Were the tensions between parties at the Tehran conference resolved at Yalta?
2. What elements of the last days of the war and the negotiations at Potsdam
foreshadowed post-war political problems?
Additional Work!!!!!!
Primary Source Questions Page 924-925
Compare and Connect: The Munich Settlement Pages 908-909