Rocks, fossils, and time

Ch. 5 Rocks, Fossils, and Time
ESCI 102
Geologic Record
• The fact that Earth has changed through time is apparent
from evidence in the geologic record
• The geologic record is the record of events preserved in
• Although all rocks are useful in deciphering the geologic
record, sedimentary rocks are especially useful
• We will learn to interpret the geologic record using
• Fossils in these
rocks provide a
record of climate
change and
biological events
• The rocks
themselves help
reconstruct the
ohn Day Fossil Beds National Monument,
• Stratigraphy deals with the study of any layered
(stratified) rock, but primarily with sedimentary
rocks and their
age relationships
geographic extent
• Sedimentary rocks are almost all stratified
• Many igneous rocks and metamorphic rocks are
also stratified
Stratified Igneous Rocks
• Stratification in a succession of lava flows in Oregon
Stratified Metamorphic Rocks
• Stratification in Siamo Slate, in Michigan
Stratified Sedimentary Rocks
• Stratification in sedimentary rocks consisting of alternating layers of
sandstone and shale, in California
Vertical Stratigraphic Relationships
• Surfaces known as bedding
– separate individual strata from
one another
• Rocks above and below a bedding plane differ
– in composition, texture, color
– or a combination of these features
• The bedding plane signifies
– a rapid change in sedimentation
– or perhaps a period of nondeposition
• Nicolas Steno realized that he could determine the
relative ages of horizontal (undeformed) strata by their
position in a sequence
• In deformed strata, the task is more difficult
– sedimentary structures, such as cross-bedding, and fossils
– allow geologists to resolve these kinds of problems
• more later in term
Principle of Inclusions
• According to the principle of inclusions
– inclusions or fragments in a rock are older than the
rock itself
• Light-colored granite
showing basalt
inclusions (dark)
• Which rock is older?
– basalt, because the
granite includes it
northern Wisconsin
Age of Lava Flows, Sills
• Determining the relative ages of lava flows, sills and
associated sedimentary rocks uses alteration by heat
and inclusions
• How can you determine whether a layer of basalt
within a sequence of sedimentary rocks is a buried
lava flow or a sill?
– a lava flow forms in sequence
with the sedimentary layers
• rocks below the lava will have
signs of heating but not the rocks
• the rocks above may have lava
• How can you determine whether a layer of basalt
within a sequence of sedimentary rocks is a buried
lava flow or a sill?
– sill will heat the rocks above and below
– sill might also have
inclusions of the rocks
above and below
– but neither of these rocks
will have inclusions of
the sill
• So far we have discussed vertical relationships
among conformable strata
• sequences of rocks in which deposition was more or less
• Unconformities in sequences of strata represent
times of nondeposition and/or erosion that
encompass long periods of geologic time
– millions to hundreds of millions of years
• The rock record is incomplete
– interval of time not represented by strata is a hiatus
Origins of an Unconformity
• Deposition began 12 million years ago (MYA)
• Continuing until 4 MYA
• For 1 million years
erosion occurred
– removing 2 MY of
– and giving rise to a 3
million year hiatus
• The last column is the
actual stratigraphic
record with an
Types of Unconformities
• Three types of surfaces can be unconformities:
– disconformity
• separates younger from older rocks
• both of which are parallel to one another (implies sed rx)
– nonconformity
• cuts into metamorphic or intrusive rocks
• is covered by sedimentary rocks
– angular unconformity
• tilted or folded strata
• over which younger rocks were deposited
Types of Unconformities
• Unconformities of regional extent may change from one
type to another
• They may not represent the same amount of geologic
time everywhere
Lateral Relationships
• In 1669, Nicolas Steno proposed the
principle of lateral continuity
– layers of sediment extend outward in all
directions until they terminate
– terminations may
be abrupt
• at the edge of a
depositional basin, and…
• where eroded
• where truncated by faults
Gradual Terminations
– or they may be gradual
• where a rock unit becomes
progressively thinner until it
pinches out
• or where it splits into thinner units
each of which pinches out, called
• where a rock unit changes by lateral
gradation as its composition and/or texture
becomes increasingly different
Sedimentary Facies
• Both intertonging and lateral gradation indicate
simultaneous deposition in adjacent environments
• A sedimentary facies is a body of sediment
– with distinctive physical, chemical and biological
attributes deposited side-by-side with other sediments
in different environments
Sedimentary Facies
• On a continental shelf, sand may accumulate in the
high-energy nearshore environment
• Mud and carbonate deposition takes place at the
same time in offshore low-energy environments
 Different Facies
Marine Transgressions
• A marine transgression occurs when sea level rises with
respect to the land
• During a marine transgression
– the shoreline migrates landward
– the environments paralleling the shoreline migrate landward
• Each laterally adjacent depositional environment produces a
sedimentary facies
• During a transgression, the facies forming offshore become
superposed upon facies deposited in nearshore environments
Marine Transgression
• Rocks of each facies become younger in a landward
direction during a marine transgression
• One body of rock with the same attributes (a facies)
was deposited gradually at different times in
different places so it is time transgressive
– ages vary from place to place
older shale
A Marine Transgression in the Grand
• Three formations
deposited in a
widespread marine
transgression are
exposed in the
walls of the Grand
• What is the sea
level history
Marine Regression
• During a marine regression, sea level falls
with respect to the continent
– and the environments
paralleling the shoreline
migrate seaward
Marine Regression
• A marine regression is the opposite of a marine
• It yields a vertical sequence with nearshore facies
overlying offshore facies and lithostratigraphic rock
units become younger in the seaward direction
younger shale
Walther’s Law
• Johannes Walther (1860-1937) noticed that the same
facies he found laterally were also present in a vertical
– Walther’s Law: the facies seen in a conformable vertical
sequence will also replace one another laterally
– Walther’s law applies to marine transgressions and
adapted from Van
Wagoner et al., 1990;
Extent and Rates of
Transgressions and Regressions
• Since the Late Precambrian, 6 major marine transgressions
followed by regressions have occurred in North America
• These produce rock sequence, bounded by unconformities,
that provide the structure for U.S. Paleozoic and Mesozoic
geologic history
• Shoreline movements are a few centimeters per year
• Transgression or regressions with small reversals produce
Causes of
Transgressions and Regressions
Causes of
Transgressions and Regressions
• Uplift of continents causes local regression
• Subsidence causes local transgression
• Widespread glaciation causes regression
– due to the amount of water frozen in glaciers
• Rapid seafloor spreading causes transgression
– expands the mid-ocean ridge system, displacing
seawater onto the continents
• Diminishing seafloor-spreading rates increase the
volume of the ocean basins and causes regression
• Fossils are the remains or traces of prehistoric
• They are most common in sedimentary rocks
– and in some accumulations of pyroclastic materials,
especially ash
• They are extremely useful for determining
relative ages of strata
– geologists also use them to ascertain environments of
• Fossils provide some of the evidence for organic
– many fossils are of organisms now extinct
How do Fossils Form?
• Remains of organisms are called body fossils
– mostly durable skeletal elements such as bones, teeth and
– rarely we might find entire animals
preserved by freezing or
Trace Fossils
• Indications of organic activity including tracks,
trails, burrows, and nests are called trace fossils
• A coprolite is a type of trace fossil consisting of
fossilized feces that may provide information
about the size and diet of the animal that
produced it
Trace Fossils
• A land-dwelling
beaver, Paleocastor,
made this spiral
burrow in Nebraska
Trace Fossils
• Fossilized feces (coprolite) of a carnivorous
– specimen measures about 5 cm long and contains
small fragments of bones
Body Fossil Formation
• The most favorable conditions for preservation of
body fossils occurs when the organism
– possesses a durable skeleton of some kind
– and lives in an area where burial is likely
• Body fossils may be preserved as
– unaltered remains, meaning they retain their original
composition and structure,by freezing, mummification,
in amber, in tar
– altered remains, with some change in composition or
structure by being permineralized, recrystallized,
replaced, carbonized
Unaltered Remains
• Insects in
• Preservation in
Unaltered Remains
• 40,000year-old
frozen baby
found in
Siberia in
– it is 1.15 m
long and
1.0 m tall
and it had
a hairy
– hair
around the
feet is still
Altered Remains
• Petrified tree
stump in
Florissant Fossil
Beds National
– volcanic mudflows
3 to 6 m deep
covered the lower
parts of many
trees at this site
Altered Remains
• Carbon film of a
palm frond
• Carbon film of an insect
Molds and Casts
• Molds form when buried remains leave a cavity
• Casts form if material fills in the cavity
– fossil turtle showing
some of the original
shell material
– body fossil and a cast
Mold and Cast
Step a: burial of a shell
Step b: dissolution leaving a cavity, a
Step c: the mold is filled by sediment
forming a cast
Fossil Record
• The fossil record is the record of ancient life preserved as
fossils in rocks
• The fossil record is very incomplete because of:
bacterial decay
physical processes
• In spite of this, fossils are quite common
Fossils and Telling Time
• William Smith
• 1769-1839, an English civil engineer
– independently discovered Steno’s principle of
– he also realized that fossils in the rocks followed the
same principle
– he discovered that sequences of fossils, especially
groups of fossils, are consistent from area to area
– thereby discovering a method of relatively dating
sedimentary rocks at different locations
Fossils from Different Areas
• Compare the ages of rocks from different localities
Principle of Fossil Succession
• Using superposition, Smith was able to predict
the order in which fossils would appear in rocks
not previously visited
– lead to the principle of fossil
Principle of Fossil Succession
• Principle of fossil succession
– holds that fossil assemblages (groups of fossils) succeed
one another through time in a regular and determinable
• Why not simply match up similar rocks types?
– because the same kind of rock has formed repeatedly
through time
• Fossils also formed through time, but because
different organisms existed at different times, fossil
assemblages are unique
Matching Rocks Using Fossils
• The youngest rocks are in column B
• Whereas the oldest are in column C
Relative Geologic Time Scale
• Investigations of rocks by naturalists between
1830 and 1842 based on superposition and fossil
– resulted in the recognition of rock bodies called
– and the construction of a composite geologic column
that is the basis for the relative geologic time scale
Geologic Column and the Relative
Geologic Time Scale
ages (the
• Correlation is the process of matching up rocks in
different areas
• There are two types of correlation:
– lithostratigraphic correlation
• simply matches up the same rock units over a larger area with
no regard for time
– time-stratigraphic correlation
• demonstrates time-equivalence of events
Lithostratigraphic Correlation
• Correlation of lithostratigraphic units
such as formations
– traces rocks laterally across gaps
Time Equivalence
• Because most rock units of regional extent are time
transgressive we cannot rely on lithostratigraphic
correlation to demonstrate time equivalence
– for example: sandstone in Arizona is correctly correlated
with similar rocks in Colorado and South Dakota
• but the age of these rocks varies from Early Cambrian in the west
to middle Cambrian farther east (THAT'S MILLIONS OF YEARS!)
Time Equivalence
• For all organisms now extinct, their existence marks
two points in time
– their time of origin
– their time of extinction
• One type of biozone, the range zone,
– is defined by the geologic range
• total time of existence
– of a particular fossil group, a species, or a group of related
species called a genus
• Most useful are fossils that are
– easily identified
– geographically widespread
– had a rather short geologic range
Guide Fossils
• The brachiopod Lingula is not
useful because, although it is
easily identified and has a wide
geographic extent,
– it has too large a geologic range
• The brachiopod Atrypa and
trilobite Paradoxides are well
suited for time-stratigraphic
– because of their short ranges
• They are guide fossils
Short Duration Physical Events
• Some physical events of short
duration are also used to
demonstrate time equivalence:
– distinctive lava flow
• would have formed over a short period of
– ash falls
• take place in a matter of hours or days
• may cover large areas
• are not restricted to a specific environment
• Absolute ages may be obtained
for igneous events using
radiometric dating
Absolute Dates and the
Relative Geologic Time Scale
• Ordovician rocks
– are younger than those of the Cambrian
– and older than Silurian rocks
• But how old are they?
– When did the Ordovician begin and end?
• Since radiometric dating techniques work on
igneous and some metamorphic rocks, but not
generally on sedimentary rocks, this is not so
easy to determine
Indirect Dating
• Absolute ages of sedimentary rocks are most
often found by determining radiometric ages of
associated igneous or metamorphic rocks
Indirect Dating
• Combining thousands of
absolute ages associated
with sedimentary rocks of
known relative age gives
the numbers on the
geologic time scale