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St. Catharines Cultural Investment Program
Interim & Final Report Requirements
Sustaining Program
Note: this Interim/Final Report Form is to be completed by Sustaining
Applicants who have a) been approved for multi-year funding or b) are not
planning on reapplying to the Sustaining program for their upcoming
activities. Organizations that choose not to reapply to the Sustaining
Program must submit a report within three months of their fiscal year-end.
Please see below to ensure your Report is complete before submitting. Only
one copy of your report and support materials is required.
Please fill in the report below for both Interim and Final Reports. Attach
additional materials as requested:
1. Please describe the activities and services provided by your
organization this past year. Did your plans change? If so, how and
2. How would you describe your community impact this past year?
Describe your successes and challenges and how you will address
these in the future.
3. Were you able to increase access to your programs and activities for
St. Catharines citizens? Please provide specific details, ie. increased
attendance, workshop attendees, connections to new audiences, new
partnerships and/or programs. Please provide some relevant numbers
to affirm these increases.
4. Describe your organizational development activity over the past year.
Did you achieve what you had planned? Meet your financial and
attendance targets? Address human, building or equipment resource
issues? Do you have new planning documents in place to move your
organization forward?
5. Did you grow your revenue base this year and if so, how? If not, why?
6. What was your biggest management challenge and how will you
address this in the future? Do you have any suggestions for the City
of St. Catharines to assist in supporting this effort?
7. The St. Catharines Cultural Investment Program has five goals as well
as a core purpose. Please describe how you met some or all of the
goals of the Cultural Investment Program.
Please attach the following information to your written report:
 A completed Financial Information Form with the relevant year’s
“Projections” and “Actuals” columns completed. Please explain any
significant changes to your budget as part of Question #4.
 A completed Statistical Information Form. Please explain any
significant changes to your attendance or activity levels as part of
Question #3.
 Sample promotional materials from your year of activity.
 Copies of any significant plans developed as part of your year or
 Financial Statements for your most recent year-end. If they are not
yet available please provide the date when they will be ready and
forward to Cultural Services:
 Date Audited Financial Statements will be approved:
For Interim Reports please include:
 Revised financial projections for the upcoming year for which
funding has been approved. Please add this information into the
appropriate “Request Year” column.
 An updated List of your Board of Directors and their length of
 The minutes of your most recent AGM.
For organizations using CADAC forms, please provide printed copies and
ensure you have undertaken the following:
In the Financial Forms:
 Include all SCCIP funding in Line #4525 – “Other municipal
 Please ensure you are providing line explanations where requested
(in the yellow lines provided throughout the form). Information in
these lines gives our Selection Committee a clearer idea of your
In both Financial and Statistical Forms:
 Please include the previous year’s Actuals.
Please submit one copy of the above to:
Jason Cadieux
Culture Coordinator,
Recreation and Community Services
City of St. Catharines
320 Geneva Street PO Box 3012
St. Catharines, L2R 7C2