POLYUREA COATINGS - westernformworks.com

Coating Division
Table of Contents
 About Polyurea
 Polyurea- Advantages and Benefits
 Polyurea Application- Industry uses
 Polyurea vs Epoxy vs Polyurethane
 Polyurea Is A Green Product
 Polyurea Coating Costs
 Our commitment to you
Coating Division
About Polyurea?
Polyurea elastomeric coatings are remarkable products for many
different areas of construction. Used since the late 1980’s,it has proven
to have an amazing tensile strength while keeping the ability to move
with the substrate up to 900%.
Polyurea creates a seamless, high abrasion liner that expands and
contracts with its substrate and can withstand the harshest
environments known to man. Polyurea is a chemical resistance coating
that has the ability to be UV tolerant, as well it does not break down if
exposed to H2S gasses.
These are just a few of the reasons to look at little further into the
Polyurea elastomeric coating systems. If you want to Protect your
Investment for the future and reduce maintenance cost, then we
strongly recommend contacting Western Form Works Coating Division
for further details on your next project.
Coating Division
Polyurea Advantages and Benefits
No VOC’s and Little to No Odour
Quick cure for fast return to service
Weather Tolerant: Cures at -30ºF to >300ºF even in High Humidity
Excellent Resistance to Thermal Shock
Can achieve 6000psi (40mpa) with 500% elongation
Flexible (bridges cracks)
Waterproof, Seamless and Resilient
Unlimited Mil Thickness in One Application
Excellent Bond Strengths to Properly Prepared Substrates
Resistant to Various Solvents, Caustics and Mild Acids
No maintenance once coating is applied
Low Permeability, Excellent Sustainability
USDA and NSF Potable Approved
Coating Division
Polyurea Applications
 The markets and applications are endless and rapidly on the rise. Polyurea's future uses
are limited only to one’s imagination!
 Polyurea has been used by many large corporations for many years due to the durability
and quick return to service. Some of the companies include but not limited to:
Halliburton Corporation
Sea World
Fluor Corporation
U.S. Army Corp of Engineers (AK)
U.S. Coast Guard
Shell Oil Company
U.S. Marine CORPS
Petro Canada/Suncor
Eglin Air Force Base
Stantec Engineering
Chrysler Corporation
Boeing Corporation (WA)
Disney Productions
Ford Motor Company (MI)
Western States Hospital
General Motors
Sony Entertainment
Dow Chemical Company
Intel Electric
Tyson Seafood's Group
Coating Division
Alaska Pipe Line
Polyurea first was created for the frigid temperatures of the Alaska pipe line. They needed a product that
could encapsulate the foam around pipe and be durable enough to with stand what the Alaska winters
had to offer. Polyurea was then created by Texaco in 1988 specifically for this task. It succeeded as a pipe
coating and then used as a secondary containment liner seeing all the properties of the coating were so
durable. The possibilities of Polyurea seemed endless. To date there are many different formulations of
Polyurea to Protect the Investment of clients and keep minimal down time with no maintenance.
Water Conservation
A company out of Kennewick, Wa had a problem with their irrigation flumes rusting and needing to be
replaced. They did not have the money in the budget at the time to replace the flume so looked into liner
systems. They chose Polyurea to use due to its physical properties and fast return to service time. The
flume was grit blasted and seeing the metal was so far gone created holes in the structure. Polyurea was
then applied to the outside of the tank@ 50 mils to keep the structure which acted as a moldform to be
blasted and sprayed. The interior was then sprayed with 100mils of
polyurea. The flume was re-inspected 9 yrs later and were no signs of
wear, and the Product is performing like new. The savings estimated
on this project to date is $3,000,000.00.
Coating Division
If you would like to see more job profiles please contact us @ 403-873-0674
 Primary / Secondary Containment – Water Treatment Tanks, Oil/Fuel containment,
Tank farms, Anything with potential to spill.
 Liners – Lagoons, Tanks, Ponds, Pools, All liquid holding structure (chemical resistant).
 Floors & Walls - Clean rooms(vets, hospitals, food processing), Dirty rooms (animal barns,
refineries, slaughter houses), Parkades, Computer rooms/labs(static free), Garages, Restaurants.
 Roofs – New/Existing, Flat/Slope, Repair of (metal, EPDM, TPO, tar & gravel)
 Abrasion Resistance – Pipelines, Railcars, Conveyors, Dump truck boxes, Box liners or
anything that takes excessive abuse.
 Corrosion Protection – Bridges, Buildings, Roof top units, Beams, Utility Poles, Piers
(above or below water), Undercarriages, Box liners, or anything that you would like to protect from
the elements.
 Sealants – Air walls(H2S resistant), Decks, Barges, Boats, Floors, Walls.
 Earthen Containment – Soil Stabilization, Sulfer, Sand or snow dumps, Used with or with
out geotextile fabric.
Polyurea can protect your investment for years and
make High Maintenance costs a thing of the past.
Forms a very strong bond to concrete
Forms a very strong bond to concrete
Lasts indefinitely if applied properly- even in challenging
High quality epoxies last indefinitely if applied properly in the right
Has elongation properties more than 50 times that of epoxy- making
it highly resistant to cracking
Cures to a very hard surface- epoxy cannot handle expanding and
contracting concrete found outdoors
Works as well outdoors as it does indoors. Installation can be done
in very challenging environments and perform well
Not recommended for outdoor use. Epoxy cannot handle the constantly
fluctuating state of outdoor concrete.
Polyurea flooring products can be installed in temperatures ranging
-30F to 300F
Epoxy can only be properly installed in temperatures above 50 F
Installs and cures in one day
Installs and cures in 6-8 days
Polyurea is highly resistant to hot tire pick-up
Properly installed industrial grade epoxy is highly resistant to hot tire pickup
Generates almost no odours when curing
Generates strong odours when curing
Highly resistant to oil and most contaminants-just wipe up spills.
Industrial grade epoxies (not big box store epoxies) are very oil and
chemical resistant
Polyurea is 100% UV protected so it will not fade
Industrial grade epoxies do not fade over time
Polyurea retains traction when wet
Properly installed epoxy retains traction when wet
Green Product- Most forms have zero to extremely low VOCs
Industrial grade epoxies have low VOCs. Big box store epoxies have
extremely high VOC content
Many colour options and is able to coat walls and floors as one
surface, which prevents bacteria growth in wall cavities and makes
cleaning much easier
Many colour options. Epoxy can be used as a single surface coating
between floors and walls
Forms a very strong bond to concrete
Forms a weak bond when applied directly to concrete. Usually used as
topcoat coat with an epoxy based primer
Lasts indefinitely if applied properly- even in challenging
Must be top coated every 4-7 years
Has elongation properties more than 50 times that of epoxy- making
it highly resistant to cracking
Polyurethane has elongation properties similar to Polyurea
Works as well outdoors as it does indoors. Installation can be done
in very challenging environments and perform well
Works well indoors and outdoors
Polyurea flooring products can be installed in temperatures ranging
-30F to 300F
Can be installed in temperatures ranging from 20F to 110F degrees
Installs and cures in one day
Installs and cures in 2-4 days
Polyurea is highly resistant to hot tire pick-up
Moderately susceptible to hot tire pick-up
Generates almost no odours when curing
Generates strong odours when curing
Highly resistant to oil and most contaminants-just wipe up spills.
Highly resistant to oil and most contaminants
Polyurea is 100% UV protected so it will not fade
More resistant to fading than epoxy
Polyurea retains traction when wet
Retains traction when wet
Green Product- Most forms have zero to extremely low VOCs
Moderate VOC levels
Many colour options and is able to coat walls and floors as one
surface, which prevents bacteria growth in wall cavities and makes
cleaning much easier
Many colour options
Comparative Polymer Chart
Coating Division
Polyurea is a Green Product
 Ultra high strength polyurea coatings help protects human
life, the environment, and infrastructure from many of the
threats and dangers we face today.
 Polyurea (100% solids) formulas are environmentally
friendly- contain no VOCs and provides quick cure times
for a fast return to service- and offer customized physical
characteristics (tensile strength, elongation etc.)
 Once the two products are mixed together it create an inert
product that has no release back into the environment.
Coating Division
Polyurea Coating Costs:
 Every project is unique
 Project location, process, surface condition, weather,
support structure, and other requirements varies
 By understanding your needs we are better equipped to:
Present a Polyurea product to suit your specific needs
Prepare a comprehensive work schedule to work with your project
Apply a safe work plan in accordance with site specific regulations as
well as OH&S standards
Organizing, implementing, and completing your project in a costeffective manner
Call for a quote on your next project and we will show you the savings
that can be achieved
Coating Division
Western Form Works prides itself in the Quality
and Integrity of every job and person that works with
us. We believe that people are our greatest asset. We
are Members of the PDA(polyurea development association),
Certified from our supplier for application and
equipment use, maintain our QA/QC program and are
COR certified for the safety of the job as well as the
people working on them.
We thank you for taking the time to review our
presentation and look forward to the opportunity of
Protecting your Projects and Investments.