Name:______________________________________________________________________ Cell City The objective of this project is to create an analogy for the structure and function of a cell and its organelle. Just as a city has many parts that serve various functions, so does a cell. You will create either a plant or animal cell analogy. The analogy must make sense in terms of function of the organelle. The “City” must include at LEAST 11 organelles. The “City” poster will also need to include a KEY and an explanation of EACH of the organelle analogies. EX. City Hall is like a nucleus because City Hall controls the activities of the city, just like a nucleus controls the activities of a cell. The KEY and explanations should be completed on a separate paper. Must Be Included Cell Membrane Cytoplasm Nucleus Mitochondria Ribosomes Endoplasmic Reticulum Vacuole Golgi Apparatus Nucleolus Brainstorm: Plant/ Animal Parts Choose 2 Cell Wall Chloroplast Lysosome Centriole Proteins Chromatin Name ____________________________________________________________ Period ______ CELL CITY RUBRIC Organelles Analogy Key Design 5 4 3 2 1 or 0 Cell City has at least 11 organelles accurately represented and labeled Cell City includes 9 or 10 organelles that are accurately represented and labeled Cell City includes less than 5 organelles or many are not labeled Cell City does not include the correct organelles Analogy or story makes sense and fits with function of cell Most of the analogy/story makes sense and fits within the function of cell Cell City includes less than 9 organelles or not all are accurately represented or labeled Some of the analogy/story does not make sense, most fit with the function of cell None of the analogy/story makes sense, does not fit with function of cell Key is present and all organelles are listed within the key Design shows a great deal of creativity, neatness, detail and effort Key is present, 1 to 2 parts are missing Key is present, 3 to 4 parts are missing Most of the analogy/story does not make sense, does not fit with the function of cell Key is present, 5 or more parts are missing Design shows significant creativity, neatness, detail and effort Design shows a moderate level of creativity and effort, some parts are not represented neatly Design shows little creativity or effort, messily drawn or arranged Design shows no creativity or effort, messily drawn or arranged Cell City Powerpoint Procedures Key is not present Must include 3 slides Slide 1: City Design Slide 2: Key Slide 3: Citations (for images) Cell City Paper Procedures Must include 2 parts Poster paper: City Design Computer paper: Key Other Web Based Tool: Prezi, Scratch/Alice, Must include 3 parts City Design Key Citations (for images)