
Title Page
The purpose or abstract
The Materials List
The methods
The Data
The Conclusion
 Title
of Lab
 Name
 Date
 Period
 My Name
 The
above things should be centered in
the middle of the page and should be
 The
purpose or abstract.
 This is a short paragraph that explains
the basic outline of the lab. Generally,
you will state your hypothesis, or what
you expected from the lab, and a brief
general overview that gives the reader a
road map to follow.
 For the purposes of this lab you can
ignore the hypothesis.
 The
following lab report with review and go
in depth on the flame lab. This lab burned
metals in order to find their energy
emission. The hypothesis of the
experimenter was, the closer the element is
on the periodic table, the more similarly
colored flame it will burn and energy it will
emit. In the lab the experimenter will take
different metals and stick them into a flame.
As the flame changes colors, the
experimenter will record the found data to
compare at the end.
The purpose of the lab was to better understand
the behavior of electrons and to identify an
unknown compound. In this test, compounds
were burned and produced colors. It has shown
the process of electrons moving to different
energy levels since light was emitted. To identify
the unknown compound, the compound was
burned and the results were compared to the
results of the other compounds. The hypothesis
was that the compounds would produce distinct,
vibrant colors when burned and these colors
would correspond to the the amount of energy
released by the atoms during the process.
 Your
materials need to be listed in as much
detail as possible. From the watch glass
used in part one, to the crucible tongs you
 You should be specific. Include number of
moles of things used, and grams.
 Some teachers prefer this to be a part of the
procedure, some prefer it to be a separate
list. You should always ask. I want a list.
 You should exclude the obvious things like
gloves and goggles
-gloves on your hands
-goggles covering your eyes
-skewers soaked in the distilled water for 3 hours
-two cups(one for soaking the skewers and another for the
used skewers
-Distilled water in one of the cups
-Bunsen burner
-color pencils and pen
-a tray of substances
-and unknown substance in another cup
-hair tied up for those with long hair
-sleeves rolled up
A methods section is where you communicate
your procedure. It is your instructions to those
who follow you.
 You want it to be clear, and concise, yet detailed
enough for someone else to follow.
 It should be written in the passive voice but it
should include all values, and measurements that
need to be used or taken.
 It is a record of what you did not the procedure
 It should be in paragraph form.
 There should be no I or We
First, you should take one cup and fill it with 75ml of distilled
water. Put the bamboo skewers in the cup and leave it for 3-7
hrs. Then find a table and place the Bunsen burner, the lighter,
the cups, the tray of known substances, and a cup of the
unknown substance. hair must be tied up one has long hair
and sleeves should be pulled up. Put on gloves and goggles to
protect eyes and skin and to prevent anything that can be
dangerous to the body. On the table, place all the materials
that was listed onto the table. Make sure nothing is too close to
the Bunsen burn. Light up the Bunsen burner. Take one soaked
skewer and start with the first substance by scooping some of
it up. Then place it over the Bunsen burner and into the flame.
Repeat this with all the substances 3 times each. Record the
colors of each substances for each trial. Lastly, take the
unknown substance and repeat the process of putting the
substance into the flame. Record the results.
Before conducting the experiment, the bamboo splints were placed in
75.0mL of distilled water and were left to soak for three to seven
hours. This was done to prevent the combustion of the skewers. A
small sample, approximately 1.0 grams, of each of the seven known
compounds, sodium chloride, magnesium chloride, strontium
chloride, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, copper (II) chloride,
and lithium chloride, were placed in a labeled well plate. The physical
appearance of each substance was recorded for later comparison. A
clean skewer was then dipped into the sample, and then was placed
into the flame of a Bunsen burner. The color was then recorded, and an
image was drawn. Each sample was burned three times and then the
results were compared so that a baseline could be obtained. Two
unknown samples in numbered vials were then acquired. Each one
was examined for physical appearance, with special attention to color
and crystal shape. Then the two unknown substances were burned as
with the known compounds and the results were recorded.
Data needs to always be presented in a clear and
precise way.
 You should always have a data table with labels.
 Usually there is a graph of some sort.
 Graphs need to be computer generated, have
properly labeled axis's, a clear key, and some
sort of best fit line with an R-squared value.
 Graphs should have color, but maintain a
professional appearance. No neon yellow or
 You should also provide sample calculations
here.You should do one calculation of each type.
 When
you write a lab report the synthesis of
your data happens in the conclusion.
 So you need to do the following things.
• Decide whether or not your data supports or refutes
your hypothesis.
Talk about what your data says, what conclusions can
you draw from your evidence.
You should also compare your results to the class
results. If your results differ you must explain why.
You should also compare it to accepted values and
explain why your results could be different.
You also should talk about where experimental error
could have been introduced.
 Need
to be in third person. No “I” or
“We” or anything of that nature.
 It must be written in passive voice.
 Make sure you use units.
 12pt Times
New Roman
 1 inch margins
 Double spaced
 Sections should be set off by a bold 14 pt
 Aside from the materials list, everything
should be in paragraph form
 Always include your units!!!!
 I want the final copy typed and printed. I
also want a copy emailed.