Spin Dependence in Polarized Elastic Scattering in the CNI Region A. Bravar, I. Alekseev, G. Bunce, S. Dhawan, R. Gill, H. Huang, W. Haeberli, O. Jinnouchi, K. Kurita, Y. Makdisi, A. Nass, H. Okada, N. Saito, H. Spinka, E. Stephenson, D. Svirida, T. Wise, J. Wood, A. Zelenski DIS 2006 TSUKUBA April 21, 2006 Alessandro Bravar The Elastic Process: Kinematics scattered proton (polarized) proton beam RHIC beams + internal targets fixed target mode s ~ 14 GeV t pout pin 2 0 polarized proton target or Carbon target recoil proton or Carbon essentially 1 free parameter: momentum transfer t = (p3 – p1)2 = (p4 – p2)2 <0 + center of mass energy s = (p1 + p2)2 = (p3 – p4)2 + azimuthal angle jif polarized ! elastic pp kinematics fully constrained by recoil proton only ! DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar Helicity Amplitudes for spin ½ ½ ½ ½ Scattering process described in terms of Helicity Amplitudes i All dynamics contained in the Scattering Matrix M (Spin) Cross Sections expressed in terms of 1 s, t | M | spin non–flip observables: 3 -sections 5 spin asymmetries double spin flip 2 s, t | M | 3 s, t | M | spin non–flip ? M double spin flip 4 s, t | M | single spin flip 5 s, t | M | | M | AN ANN d 4 AN ( s, t ) 2 Im 5* 1 2 3 4 dt s d 4 2 ANN ( s, t ) 2 2 5 Re 1*2 3*4 dt s formalism well developed, however not much data ! only AN studied / measured to some extent DIS 2006 identical spin ½ particles Alessandro Bravar The Very Low t Region Ahadronic ACoulomb INTERFERENCE CNI = Coulomb – Nuclear Interference around t ~ 103 (GeV/c)2 scattering amplitudes modified to include also electromagnetic contribution ihad ihad iemei hadronic interaction described in terms of Pomeron (Reggeon) exchange electromagnetic single photon exchange = |Ahadronic + ACoulomb|2 P unpolarized clearly visible in the cross section d/dt polarized “left – right” asymmetry AN DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar + g charge magnetic moment AN & Coulomb Nuclear Interference the left – right scattering asymmetry AN arises from the interference of the spin non-flip amplitude with the spin flip amplitude (Schwinger) * had had * had AN C1 em C 2 flip non flip flip non flip 1)p pphad in absence of hadronic spin – flip contributions AN is exactly calculable (Lapidus & Kopeliovich): 8 Z y 3 / 2 1 AN 2 pA 2 m p tot 1 y pA tot t y 8 Z hadronic spin- flip modifies the QED “predictions” p 1 p 1 p 1 I5 I2 2 2 2 interpreted in terms of Pomeron spin – flip and parametrized as DIS 2006 AN (t) had 5 Alessandro Bravar t had ( s) mp polarimeters DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar pp p p DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar pp pp and pp pp with a Polarized Gas Jet Target polarized gas JET target 1 N L N R N R N L AN PT N L N R N R N L ANN 1 N N PT PB N N ANbeam (t ) ANtarget (t ) for elastic scattering only! Pbeam = Ptarget . eB / eT RHIC polarized Proton beams DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar The Atomic H Beam Source H2 dissociator H = p+ + eRF transitions OR Pz+ OR Pz- record beam intensity 100% eff. RF transitions focusing high intensity B-R polarimeter Ptarget ~ 0.924 ± 0.018 DIS 2006 holding field magnet Alessandro Bravar separation magnets (sextupoles) focusing magnets (sextupoles) recoil detectors ToF, EREC; QREC Breit-Rabi polarimeter pp elastic data collected Number of elastic pp events ToF vs EREC correlation Tkin= ½ MR(dist/ToF)2 recoil protons elastic pp pp scattering JET Profile: measured selecting pp elastic events FWHM ~ 6 mm as designed background 118 cts. subtracted Hor. pos. of Jet 10000 cts. = 2.5 mm D ToF < 8 ns CNI peak AN 1 < E REC < 2 MeV prompt events and beam-gas • recoil protons unambiguously identified ! DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar source calibration Energy - Position correlations punch through protons recoil energy fully absorbed protons Tkin q2 (i.e. position2) TDC vs ADC individual channels DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar punch through recoil protons position pp elastic events clearly identified ! Missing Mass MX2 @ 100 GeV number of events (a. u.) Mp2 not corrected for the magnetic field simulations M2X distribution 80 cm from target convoluted with spectrometer Resolution FWHM ~ 0.1 GeV2 inelastic threshold DM2X~ 0.1 GeV2 DM2X proton MX2 [GeV2] DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar M2X (GeV2) AN for pp pp @ 100 GeV in the simplest assumption: spin-flip prop. to non-flip ampli. hep-ex/0601001 had 5 t had r5 ( s) 1 3had 2m p Re r5 = -0.001 ± 0.009 c2 ~ 13 / 14 d.o.f. no hadronic (11 / 12) spin-flip Imsource r5 =of-0.015 ± systematic errors: 10.029 D PTARGET = 2 % 2 from backgrounds & event selection < 0.0016 3 false asymmetries: small similar to statistical errors no need of a hadronic spin – flip contribution to describe these data DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar ANN for pp pp @ 100 GeV ANN 1 1 eT 2 e NN PT PB PT e B source of sys. errors: 1 D PT2 = 3 % 2 from backgrounds and event selections ~ 0.001 3 rel. luminosity ~ 0.001 similar to stat. errors statistical errors only ANN basically 0 double spin – flip amplitudes (2 and 4) are very small / do not contribute in this region DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar pC p C DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar AN for pC pC @ 100 GeV r5pC Fshad / Im F0had 1 contour statistical errors only no hadronic spin-flip spread of r5 values from syst. uncertainties with hadronic spin-flip systematic uncertainty Kopeliovich – Truemann model PRD64 (01) 034004 hep-ph/0305085 “forbidden” asymmetries DIS 2006 best fit with hadronic spin-flip Alessandro Bravar AN pC pC: Energy Dependence AN (%) only statistical errors shown t = - 0.01 GeV2 t = - 0.02 GeV2 t = - 0.03 GeV2 t = - 0.04 GeV2 normalization errors: ~ 10 % (at 3.9) ~ 15 % (at 6.5) ~ 20 % (at 21.7) systematic errors: < 20 % - backgrounds - pileup - RF noise Asymptotic regime E? statistical errors only Beam Energy (GeV) DIS 2006 Alessandro Bravar No energy dependence ? Summary measured A p pp for elastic pp pp scattering at 100 GeV and A N NN with very high accuracy (statistical and systematic) – |t| range: 0.0015 < |t| < 0.035 (GeV/c)2 p A data well described by CNI – QED predictions (Schwinger – Lapidus) these data do not require a hadronic spin-flip term N ANN ~ 0 over whole range with no “structure” (i.e. t – dependence) measured A – pC for elastic pC pC scattering at 100 GeV (RHIC) zero crossing around |t| ~ 0.03 (GeV/c)2 N pC data require substantial hadronic spin-flip ! measured A for pC pC scattering over 3.5 < E – pC < 24 GeV (AGS) Eb < 10 GeV/c: almost no t dependence & departure from “CNI” shape DIS 2006 N Alessandro Bravar b