Spanish-American War Project Page 347 in textbook Objective: In this partner project you will learn about the people and events that form the SpanishAmerican War. This was a very short war, but one that had quite a role in our quest to becoming a global power. Instructions: To understand what happened, you must do the following: Write an explanation/summary using your book for each of the events listed below ON A SEPARATE PIECE OF PAPER. Be sure to include the date on your summaries. Your explanations should be detailed enough that someone could pick it up and understand the whole Spanish-American War. Tell a story! After completing the description, you will complete an illustrated flip book on small sheets of paper. Each event in the flip book must include the title AND picture. You don’t have to be an excellent artist! All you can do is try your very best! I like stick figures! You will turn in your description of each event along with the flip book. th This is due on Thursday, October 20 at the end of class and is worth 50 points (date and description page will be 3 points per event and the picture and title in the flip book will be 2 points each). I will not accept projects after MONDAY, October 24th! Late projects will lose 5 points. 1.) Cubans Rise in Revolt Against Spain ( ) 2.) General Weyler Puts Cubans in Concentration Camps ( 3.) The DeLome Letter ( 4.) The Maine Explodes ( ) ) 5.) Congress Declares War ( ) 6.) Dewey Attacks the Spanish Fleet ( ) 7.) American Troops Join Aguinaldo’s Filipino Rebels ( 8.) Battle of San Juan Hill ( 9.) Puerto Rico Invaded ( 10.) Treaty of Paris Signed/Ratified ( ) ) ) ) )