Economics and business students: different, different but the same Dr Inna Pomorina Bath Spa University Students expectations and behaviour study • Project by EN in 2013 – 2015 • 17 Economics departments and 1 Business • Observational study looking at the ways the new fee regime had influenced students’ behaviour and expectations • Demographic factors: age, gender, year of study, English as second language, residence, A levels in Math and Economics Survey • Anonymised in class survey • Virtually all Likert responses • Behaviour: attendance, coursework submission, paid work, independent study • Attitudes/expectations: mathematical content, assessment quantity/types, employability/skills content, student support, feedback, teaching Same results • For a wide range of questions business students like economics students (A.Birdi 2014) demonstrated considerable similarity between those who are paying different fees • In questions about expectations and experience, the extent of the “gap” is lower for high fee students (higher price signal better quality) • No change in behaviour patterns due to fees • But big differences between those patterns of economics and business students Demographic factors 1) What year/level of the programme are you currently in? ( EN) Year Freq. Percent 1 2 Other 1,990 1,422 22 57.95 41.41 0.64 Total 3,434 100.00 1) What year/level of the programme are you currently in? Participants by Business Year groups 11% 1st year 25% 2nd year 64% 3rd year 2) How old are you? Age Freq. Percent 21 and under 22 to 25 Over 26 2,992 418 50 86.47 12.08 1.45 Total 3,460 100.00 2) How old are you?(BSU) Age distribution 3% 19% under 21 22 - 25 over 25 78% 3) What is your gender? Gender Freq. Percent Male Female 2,020 1,444 58.31 41.69 Total 3,464 100.00 3) What is your gender? (BSU) Gender distribution 48% 52% Male Female 4&5) Which A-levels do you have? Economics Maths No No Yes 559 687 Total 1,246 Yes No Frequency Percent Frequency Percent Total Yes 454 1,740 2,194 Total 1,013 2,427 3,440 Maths Economics 2,445 70.58 1,019 29.42 3,464 2,200 63.79 1,249 36.21 3,449 4&5) Which A-levels do you have? (BSU) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% no yes Economics Maths English as second language 29% First language Second language 71% 7) What is your permanent place of residence? Residence Freq. Percent England/NI Scotland Wales EU (non UK) Other international 1,803 273 44 393 945 52.14 7.89 1.27 11.36 27.33 Total 3,458 100.00 7) What is your permanent place of residence? (BSU) England/NI 13% Scotland 8% 2% 0% Wales EU 77% International non EU 8) How many hours of paid employment do you do during a week of term time? Paid work (hours) Freq. Percent 0 1-5 6-10 11-20 Over 20 2,671 207 203 284 98 77.13 5.98 5.86 8.20 2.83 Total 3,463 100.00 8) How many hours of paid employment do you do during a week of term time? (BSU) 4% 20% 0 hours 1to 5 6 to 10 10% 57% 11 to 20 over 20 9% 9) Is either of your parents a university graduate? Parents Freq. Percent No 1,244 36.49 Yes 2,165 63.51 Total 3,409 100.00 9) Is either of your parents a university graduate? (BSU) 45% 55% No Yes Choosing the university 11&12) When you applied to university, was this degree/institution your first choice? Degree choice Freq. Percent No 636 18.38 Yes 2,824 81.62 Total 3,460 100.00 Institution choice Freq. Percent No Yes 1,558 1,884 45.26 54.74 Total 3,442 100.00 11&12) When you applied to university, was this degree/institution your first choice? (BSU) 100 90 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 Yes No Degree choice Institution choice 13) To what extent do you agree with the following statements on why you are studying here? Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly disagree The reputation of the university is important to me Bus 17.5 55.8 21.2 5.5 0 Econ 48.45 44.39 5.79 1.07 0.32 I have a strong interest in the subject Bus 37.8 51.6 9.2 1.4 0 Econ 36.85 49.90 10.56 1.85 0.84 I like the structure/content of the course Bus 13.8 59.0 22.1 5.1 0 Econ 13.49 52.77 26.34 6.07 1.33 I wanted to increase my employability Bus 64.1 30 5.9 0 0 Econ 58.91 33.88 5.96 0.69 0.55 The quality of like in this city/location is important to me Bus 41.5 42.4 12.9 3.2 0 Econ 31.18 46.19 17.09 4.27 1.27 My friends went here Bus 1.4 11.1 17.5 33.2 36.9 Econ 3.44 10.60 23.38 28.68 33.92 Bus 2.3 15.2 37.8 24.4 20.3 Econ 3.53 13.87 39.68 21.36 21.56 Bus 8.8 16.1 42.9 19.8 12.4 Econ 8.30 15.57 31.55 24.25 20.33 My family wanted me to come here I’m studying now because I think university costs are going to increase further Students’Behaviour 14) What proportion of your scheduled classes do you attend? 15) What proportion of the work your course requires you to do have you submitted? Attendance 0-25% 26-50% 51-75% 76-90% Over 90% Bus 0.5 5.1 26.3 41.0 27.2 Econ 1.24 2.89 12.10 29.52 54.24 Required work Bus 0.5 4.1 8.3 9.7 77.4 16) How much time do you spend each week (on average) independently studying for your course? Independent work Bus Econ < 10 hours 40.6 43.3 8.8 6.5 0.9 40.37 Econ 1.86 3.00 5.68 13.63 75.82 11-20 hours 21-30 hours 31-40 hours > 40 hours 36.00 16.23 5.16 2.24 17) To what extent have the following reasons contributed to any absences from your lectures or seminars? Frequently Occasionally Once or twice Never Not Applicable Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ 5.5 22.6 12.4 4.69 14.21 54.24 11.5 46.1 53.5 8.05 18.92 46.1 14.3 17.5 25.98 12.23 27.2 13.4 15.7 47.07 3.75 9.7 3.7 0.9 Lectures cover ground I already know 7.4 4.00 6.5 15.01 24.4 30.23 28.6 41.92 33.2 8.84 Other social commitments 10.6 3.26 1.8 12.07 18.9 33.46 35.9 40.66 32.7 10.55 Illness Paid work Lectures are confusing 1.24 3.02 7.64 55.33 32.78 10.87 18) How valuable did you find the induction events in 1st year? Induction Freq. Percent Very valuable 249 7.44 Quite valuable 1,359 40.59 Neither valuable or not 864 Not particularly 598 valuable Not valuable at all 278 25.81 17.86 Total 100.00 3,348 8.30 18) How valuable did you find the induction events in 1st year? (BSU) Very valuable 5% 7% 17% Quite valuable Neither valuable nor not valuable 17% 54% Not particularly valuable Not valuable at all Students’ Expectations 19) Please show to what extent you agree with the following statements: Strongly agree Agree Neither agree or disagree Disagree Strongly disagree Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ I find my course less challenging than expected 6.5 4.22 27.2 16.66 41.5 30.76 24.0 37.78 0.9 10.57 There is more maths on my course than I expected 3.7 14.25 0.5 26.92 33.2 23.34 57.6 28.82 5.1 6.67 I expected to develop more practical skills 6.9 10.41 44.7 38.17 28.6 34.25 19.8 15.59 0 1.58 I expected fewer module/unit options 3.2 3.29 14.7 15.13 42.4 40.37 34.1 34.74 5.5 6.47 I expected more interaction with lecturers/tutors 6.9 17.59 37.3 39.82 30.4 26.87 23.5 14.18 1.8 1.55 I expected my course to be more relevant to the current economic situation 5.5 14.25 26.7 30.52 41.5 33.64 25.3 19.16 0.9 2.42 20) How does the quantity of each one of the following aspects of studying on your course match your expectations? Significantly more than expected More than expected Matches my expectations Less than expected Significantly less than expected Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ Class contact 5.1 3.40 21.7 14.12 55.3 50.59 17.5 26.92 0.5 4.98 Assessment 3.7 3.11 25.3 16.81 62.7 57.96 7.8 19.21 0.5 2.90 Contact with lecturers 6.0 2.26 18.0 8.53 43.3 42.30 30.4 37.41 2.3 9.50 E-learning and use of IT 6.0 5.57 26.3 23.17 44.7 44.20 20.7 22.23 2.3 4.83 Workload 3.2 6.16 19.4 24.35 61.8 53.27 15.2 14.03 0.5 2.18 21) How does the quality of each one of the following aspects of studying on your course match your expectations? Teaching Feedback Student support Significantly better than expected Better than expected Matches my expectations Worse than expected Significantly worse than expected Bus 4.1 26.3 53.9 14.7 0.9 Econ 4.42 16.67 51.45 22.36 5.10 Bus 5.5 35.5 45.6 12.4 0.9 Econ 2.86 12.36 39.84 37.01 7.93 Bus 9.7 26.3 51.6 9.7 2.8 Econ 4.90 21.19 49.82 20.72 3.36 22) How does each one of the following assessment types match your expectations? A larger proportion than expected Matches my expectations A smaller proportion than expected Not Applicable Exams/unseen tests Bus 9.2 12.4 55.8 22.6 Econ 15.92 70.20 12.37 1.51 Essays and assignments Bus 13.4 78.3 8.3 0 Econ 12.51 60.37 25.49 1.62 Group work (counts towards degree) Group work (does not count towards degree) Bus 0.9 39.2 52.5 7.4 Econ 13.63 40.83 31.25 14.28 Bus 4.1 25.3 53.0 17.5 Econ 8.25 43.22 31.72 16.80 23) How does your course match your expectations in terms of developing the following skills? Significantly better than expected Better than expected Matches my expectations Worse than expected Significantly worse than expected Presentation Bus 19.9 47.5 30.9 2.3 0 4.58 20.20 42.52 28.47 4.23 Mathematical Econ Bus 3.7 24.4 46.5 24.0 1.4 8.92 36.76 37.29 14.48 2.54 Writing Econ Bus 8.3 32.3 47.9 11.9 0 Econ Bus Econ Bus Econ 4.73 6.5 5.22 8.3 5.15 21.92 32.3 29.81 34.1 24.11 47.83 49.3 48.38 43.3 40.03 23.07 11.1 15.20 13.4 26.72 2.45 0.9 1.39 0.9 3.99 Bus. Econ Bus Econ 14.7 3.20 9.2 4.61 40.1 16.17 28.1 19.75 42.4 43.44 49.3 46.32 2.3 30.98 12.4 24.27 0.5 6.20 0.9 5.05 Problem solving Applying theory to the real world Team working Using IT 24) Has studying this degree course met your expectations overall? 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0% no mostly no in some parts yes, in others no mostly yes yes Business Economics Summary • Business students like economics students (A.Birdi 2014) demonstrated considerable similarity between those who are paying different fees • Reputation of university is less important for BS • 27% of BS attend more then 90% of classes compared to 54 % of ES • 22% of BS miss classes due to paid work , compared to 1% of ES • More BS find their courses less challenging, more confusing, but more interactive, practical, relevant and developing different skills • Degree course better met expectations of BS Any questions? I’ll be happy to answer any questions regarding this research. Please contact me at Thank you!