Access Chapter 9

Microsoft Office 2007
Access 2007 Chapter 9
Administering a Database
Convert a database to and from earlier versions of Access
Use the Table Analyzer, Performance Analyzer, and Documenter
Create custom categories and groups in the Navigation Pane
Use table and database properties
Use field properties to create a custom input mask and to allow
zero length
• Create indexes
• Enable and use automatic error checking
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Create and use smart tags
Select a startup form
Encrypt a database and set a password
Understand and use digital certificates
Understand the purpose and use of options
within the Trust Center
• Lock a database
• Split a database
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Plan Ahead
• Determine whether a database needs to be
converted to or from an earlier version
• Determine when to analyze and/or document
the database
• Determine the most useful way to customize the
Navigation Pane
• Determine any table-wide validation rules
• Determine any custom database properties
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Plan Ahead
• Determine indexes.
• Determine whether a startup form is appropriate
• Determine whether the database should be
• Determine whether the database should be
• Determine whether the database should be split
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Opening a Database
• With your USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s USB ports, click
the More button to display the Open dialog box
• If the Folders list is displayed below the Folders button, click the Folders button
to remove the Folders list
• If necessary, click Computers in the Favorite Links section and then doubleclick UDISK 2.0 (E:) to select the USB fl ash drive, Drive E in this case, as the
new open location. (Your drive letter might be different.)
• Click JSP Recruiters to select the file name
• Click the Open button to open the database.
• If a Security Warning appears, click the Options button to display the Microsoft
Office Security Options dialog box
• With the option button to enable the content selected, click the OK button to
enable the content
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Table Analyzer
• If necessary, hide the Navigation Pane
• Click Database Tools on the Ribbon to display the
Database Tools tab
• Click the Analyze Table button on the Database Tools tab
to display the Table Analyzer Wizard dialog box
• Click the Next button to display the next Table Analyzer
Wizard screen
• Click the Next button to display the next Table Analyzer
Wizard screen
• Make sure the Client table is selected
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Table Analyzer
• Click the Next button
• Be sure the ‘Yes, let the wizard decide.’ option
button is selected
• Click the Next button to run the analysis
• Because the type of duplication identified by the
analyzer does not pose a problem, click the
Cancel button
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Table Analyzer
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Performance Analyzer
• Click the Analyze Performance button on the
Database Tools tab to display the Performance
Analyzer dialog box
• If necessary, click the Tables tab
• Click the Select All button to select all tables
• Click the OK button to display the results
• Click the OK button to finish working with the
Performance Analyzer
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Performance Analyzer
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Documenter
• Click the Database Documenter button on the
Database Tools tab to display the Documenter
dialog box
• If necessary, click the Tables tab and then click
the Client c
• Click the OK button to produce a preview of the
documentation heck box
• Click the Close Print Preview button to close the
preview of the documentation
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Documenter
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating Custom Categories and
• Show the Navigation Pane
• Right-click the Navigation Pane title bar to display a shortcut
• Click the Navigation Options command on the shortcut menu to
display the Navigation Options dialog box
• Click the Add Item button to add a new category
• Type Financial Items as the name of the category.
• Click the Add Group button to add a group, and then type
Detailed as the name of the group.
• Click the Add Group button to add a group, and then type
Summary as the name of the group
• Click the OK button to create the new category and groups
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating Custom Categories and
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Items to Groups
• Click the Navigation Pane arrow to produce the Navigation Pane
• Click the Financial Items category to display the groups within the
• Right-click Client-Recruiter Crosstab to display the shortcut menu
• Point to the ‘Add to group’ command on the shortcut menu to
display the list of available groups
• Click Summary to add the Client-Recruiter Crosstab to the
Summary group.
• Using the same technique, add the items to the Detailed and
Summary groups.
• Click the arrow in the Unassigned Objects bar to hide the
unassigned objects
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding Items to Groups
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Search Bar
• Return the Navigation Pane to its default state by selecting Tables
and Related Views as the category and All Tables as the filter
• Right-click the Navigation Pane title bar to display a shortcut
• Click Search Bar on the shortcut menu to display the Search Bar
• Type Sem in the Search Bar to display only items containing Sem
• Right-click the Navigation Pane title bar to display a shortcut
• Click Search Bar on the shortcut menu to remove the Search Bar
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Using the Search Bar
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Validation Rule for a Table
• Open the Seminar Offerings table in Design view
and hide the Navigation Pane
• Click the Property Sheet button on the Design
tab to display the table’s property sheet.
• Click the Validation Rule property and type
[Hours Spent]<=[Total Hours] as the
validation rule
• Click the Validation Text property and type Hours
spent cannot exceed total hours as the validation
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Validation Rule for a Table
• Close the property sheet
• Click the Save button on the Quick Access
Toolbar to save the validation rule and the
validation text
• When asked if you want to test existing data,
click the No button
• Close the Seminar Offerings table
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Validation Rule for a Table
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating Custom Properties
• Click the Microsoft Office Button to display the
Microsoft Office Button menu
• Point to the Manage arrow to display a submenu
• Click Database Properties to display the JSP
Recruiters.accdb Properties dialog box
• Click the Custom tab
• Scroll down in the Name list so that Status
appears, and then click Status
• Ensure that the Type is Text
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating Custom Properties
Click the Value box and type Live Version as the value
Click the Add button to add the property
Type Production in the Name box
Select Date as the Type
Type 04/03/2008 as the value to indicate that the
database went into production on April 3, 2008
• Click the Add button to add the property
• Click the OK button to close the JSP Recruiters.accdb
Properties dialog box
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating Custom Properties
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Custom Input Mask
• Open the Client table in Design view and hide the
Navigation Pane
• With the Client Number field selected, click the
Input Mask property, and then type >LL99 as
The value
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Custom Input Mask
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Allowing Zero Length
• Click the row selector for the Client Name fi eld
to select the field
• Click the Allow Zero Length property and then
click the arrow that appears to display a menu.
• Click No in the menu to change the value of the
Allow Zero Length property from Yes to No
• Save your changes and click the No button when
asked if you want to test existing data
• Close the table
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Allowing Zero Length
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Single Field Index
• Open the Client table in Design view and hide the
Navigation Pane
• Select the Client Name field.
• Click the Indexed property box in the Field Properties
pane to select the property
• Click the down arrow that appears to display the
Indexed list
• If necessary, click the Yes (Duplicates OK) value in the list
to specify that duplicates are to be allowed
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Single Field Index
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Multiple-Field Index
• Click the Indexes button on the Design tab to display the Indexes:
Client dialog box
• Click the blank row (the row following Client Name) in the Index
Name column in the Indexes: Client dialog box to select the
position to enter the name of the new index
• Type TypePaid as the index name, and then press the TAB key
• Click the down arrow in the Field Name column to produce a list
of fields in the Client table and then select Client Type to enter
the first of the two fields for the index
• Press the TAB key three times to move to the Field Name column
on the following row
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Multiple-Field Index
• Select the Amount Paid field in the same manner
as the Client Type field
• Close the Indexes: Client dialog box by clicking its
Close button
• Click the Save button to save your changes
• Close the Client table
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Multiple-Field Index
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Enabling Error Checking
• Click the Microsoft Office Button and then click
Access Options to display the Access Options dialog
• Click Object Designers to display the options for
creating and modifying objects
• Scroll down so that the Error Checking section
• Be sure the Enable error checking box is checked
• Click the OK button to close the Access Options
dialog box
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Enabling Error Checking
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Smart Tag to a Field in a
• Open the Recruiter table in Design view and hide the
Navigation Panel text box to select it
• Click the row selector for the Last Name field
• Click the Smart Tags text box to select it
• Click the Build button
• Click the check box for the Person Name smart tag
• Click the OK button to add the smart tag
• Save your changes
• Close the table
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Smart Tag to a Field in a
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Smart Tag to a Control in a
• Open the Recruiter Master Form in Design view and
hide the Navigation Pane
• If a field list appears, close the field list by clicking the
Add Existing Fields button on the Design tab
• Click the Last Name control to select it.
• Click the Property Sheet button on the Design tab to
display a property sheet
• Be sure the All tab is selected. Scroll down until the
Smart Tags property appears, and then click the Smart
Tags property
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Smart Tag to a Control in a
• Click the Build button to display the Smart Tags
dialog box
• Click the check box for the Person Name smart
• Click the OK button to add the smart tag to the
• Close the property sheet
• Save your changes
• Close the form
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Adding a Smart Tag to a Control in a
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Selecting a Startup Form
• Click the Microsoft Office Button and then click Access Options to
display the Access Options dialog box
• Click Current Database to select the options for the current
• Click the Display Form box arrow to display the list of available
• Click Switchboard and then click the OK button to select the
switchboard as the form that will automatically be displayed
whenever the database is opened.
• Click the OK button when Access displays a message indicating
that you must close and reopen the database for the change to
take effect.
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Selecting a Startup Form
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Opening a Database in Exclusive
• Close the open database by clicking the Microsoft Office Button
and then clicking Close Database on the Microsoft Office Button
• With your USB flash drive connected to one of the computer’s
USB ports, click the More button to display the Open dialog box.
• If the Folders list is displayed below the Folders button, click the
Folders button to remove the Folders list.
• If necessary, click Computer in the Favorite Links section and then
double-click UDISK 2.0 (E:) to select the USB fl ash drive, Drive E in
this case, as the new open location. (Your drive letter might be
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Opening a Database in Exclusive
• Click Camashaly to select the file name.
• Click the Open button arrow to display the Open button
• Click Open Exclusive to open the database in exclusive
• If a Security Warning appears, click the Options button
to display the Microsoft Office Security Options dialog
• With the option button to enable the content selected,
click the OK button to enable the content
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Opening a Database in Exclusive
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Encrypt a Database with a Password
• Click Database Tools on the Ribbon to display the Database Tools
• Click the Encrypt with Password button on the Database Tools tab
to display the Set Database Password dialog box
• Type a password in the Password text box in the Set Database
Password dialog box
• Press the TAB key and then type your password again in the Verify
text box
• Click the OK button to encrypt the database and set the
• Close the database
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Encrypt a Database with a Password
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Decrypt the Database and Remove
the Password
• Open the Camashaly database in exclusive mode (see
the steps on page AC 647), entering your password
when requested. If necessary, enable the content
• Click Database Tools on the Ribbon to display the
Database Tools tab
• Click the Decrypt Database button on the Ribbon to
display the Unset Database Password dialog box
• Type the password in the Password dialog box
• Click the OK button to remove the password and
decrypt the database
• Close the Camashaly database
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Decrypt the Database and Remove
the Password
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Self-Signed Certificate
• Open the JSP Recruiters database and close the switchboard. If
necessary, enable the content
• Click the Start button on the Windows Vista taskbar to display the
Start menu
• Click All Programs at the bottom of the left pane on the Start
menu to display the All Programs list and then click Microsoft
Office on the All Programs list to display the Microsoft Office list
• Click Microsoft Office Tools on the Microsoft Office list to display
the Microsoft Office Tools list
• Click Digital Certificate for VBA Projects to display the Create
Digital Certificate dialog box.
• Type your name in the ‘Your certificate’s name’ text box
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Creating a Self-Signed Certificate
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Packaging and Signing a Database
• Click the Create button to package and sign the
• If the switchboard opens, close it by clicking its
Close button
• Close the existing database by clicking the
Microsoft Office button and then clicking Close
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Packaging and Signing a Database
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Opening a Signed Package
• From the Getting Started with Microsoft Office Access screen, click the More
button to display the Open dialog box
• Select the location for the package and then change the file type by clicking
the ‘Files of type’ box arrow and selecting Microsoft Office Access Signed
• Ensure the package you wish to open is selected
• Click the Open button to open the package and, if there is a security concern
detected, to display the Microsoft Office Access Security Notice dialog box
• Click the Open button to display the Extract Database To dialog box
• Select your USB drive as the location and change the database name to JSP
Recruiters New
• Click the OK button to extract the database
• Because you will not be using this database, close the database and reopen the
JSP Recruiters database
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Opening a Signed Package
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Splitting the Database
• Open the JSP Recruiters New database. If necessary, enable the content and
close the Switchboard
• Click Database Tools on the Ribbon to display the Database Tools tab
• Click the Access Database button on the Database Tools tab to display the
Database Splitter dialog box
• Click the Split Database button to display the Create Back-end Database dialog
• Be sure the file name in the Create Back-end Database dialog box that appears
is JSP Recruiters New_acc.mdb
• Select a location for the back-end database, for example, drive E:, and then
click the Split button
• Click the OK button
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Splitting the Database
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Quitting Access
• Click the Close button on the right side of the
Access title bar to quit Access
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
• Convert a database to and from earlier versions of
• Use the Table Analyzer, Performance Analyzer, and
• Create custom categories and groups in the Navigation
• Use table and database properties
• Use field properties to create a custom input mask and
to allow zero length
• Create indexes
• Enable and use automatic error checking
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Create and use smart tags
Select a startup form
Encrypt a database and set a password
Understand and use digital certificates
Understand the purpose and use of options
within the Trust Center
• Lock a database
• Split a database
Microsoft Office 2007: Comprehensive Concepts and Techniques - Windows Vista Edition
Microsoft Office 2007
Access 2007 Chapter 9 Complete
Administering a Database