the Crossword Rubric

Microsoft Excel
Interactive CrossWord Puzzle
Grading Rubric -120 Points
Each of the following is a requirement for the project:
Row and Columns are Correct Width (7) and Height (30) ..... ______/5
Text is all caps , centered, size 24 Font ....................................... ______/5
Has an overall theme .................................................................... ______/5
Borders and shading are present ................................................ ______/5
A comment is inserted for each word ........................................ _____/10
Minimum of 7 Words (with direction) are used .......................... _____/35
Conditional Formatting is applied to each puzzle letter ......... _____/10
Add a "clear board" macro button that works ......................... _____/10
Add a "hint 1" macro button and a "hint 2" macro button ..... ______/5
Printout a copy of your answer board attached to Rubric ..... ______/5
All words (hints, answers, theme…etc) are spelled correctly ______/10
Submission on Y:Drive .................................................................... ______/5
WOW Factor/Creativity/Professionalism ................................... ______/10
TOTAL MICROSOFT EXCEL PROJECT: = .................. _____/120Points