analyzing the marketing environment

Chapter 3
Marketing Environment
Marketing environment consist of the actors and
forces outside marketing that affect marketing
management’s ability to build and mantain
successful relationships with target customers.
The Microenvironment
Microenvironment is the actors close to the company
that affect its ability to serve its customers - the
customer markets, competitors, and publics.
The Company
Dalam merancang rencana pemasaran, manajemen
perusahaan (manajemen puncak, keuangan, riset dan
pengembangan, pembelian, operasi dan akuntansi).
Semua kelompok saling berhubungan membentuk
lingkungan internal.
Pemasok membentuk hubungan paling penting dalam
keseluruhan sistem penghantar nilai perusahaan.
Mereka menyediakan sumber daya yang diperlukan
oleh perusahaan untuk menghasilkan barang dan
Marketing Intermediaries
o Marketing intermediaries help the company promote, sell,
and distribute its products to final buyers.
o They include resellers, physical distribution firms, marketing
services agencies, and financial intermediaries.
Marketing Intermediaries
o Resellers are distribution channel firms that help the company
find customers or make sales to them.
o Physical distribution firms help the company stock and move
goods from their points of origin to their destinatons.
o Marketing services agencies are marketing research firms,
advertising agencies, media firms, and marketing consulting
firms that help the company target and promote its products
to the right market.
o Financial intermediaries include banks, credit companies,
insurance companies, and other businesses that help finance
transactions or insure against the risks associated with the
buying and selling of goods.
Pemasar harus melakukan lebih dari sekadar
menyesuaikan diri dengan kebutuhan konsumen
sasaran. Mereka juga harus meraih manfaat strategis
dengan menempatkan penawaran mereka secara kuat
menghadapi penawaran pesaing dalam pikiran
Public is any group that has an actual or potential interest in or
impact on an organization’s ability to achieve its objectives.
Types of publics:
• Financial Publics (Masyarakat Keuangan) – influences the
company’s ability to obtain funds.
• Media Publics (Masyarakat Media) – carries news, features, and
editorial opinion.
• Government Publics (Masyarakat Pemerintah)
• Citizen-action Publics
(Masyarakat Lembaga Swadaya
• Local Publics (Masyarakat Lokal)
• General Publics (Masyarakat Umum)
• Internal Publics (Masyarakat Internal)
– Lima jenis pasar pelanggan yaitu :
• Pasar Konsumen
– Terdiri dari perorangan dan keluarga yang membeli barang dan jasa
untuk konsumsi pribadi.
• Pasar Bisnis
– Membeli barang dan jasa untuk pemrosesan lebih lanjut atau untuk
digunakan dalam proses produksi mereka.
• Pasar Penjual Perantara
– Membeli barang dan jas auntuk dijual kembali demi mendapatkan
• Pasar Pemerintah
– Tediri dari badan pemerintah yang membeli barang dan jasa untuk
menghasilkan pelayanan umum atau menyalurkan barang dan jasa ke
pihak lain yang membutuhkan.
• Pasar Internasional
– Terdiri dari pembeli dari negara lain, termasuk konsumen, produsen,
penjual perantara, dan pemerintah.
The Macroenvironment
Macroenvironment is the larger societal forces that
affect the microenvironment – demographic, economic,
natural, technological, political, and cultural forces.
Major Forces in the Company’s
The Demographic Environment
Demography is the study of human populations
in terms of size, density, location, age, gender,
race, occupation, and other statistics.
The Most Important Demographic trends
• The Changing Age Structure of the Population
o Baby Boomers (Ledakan Bayi) is the 78 million people born during years
following World War II and lasting until 1964.
o Generation X is the 45 million people born between 1965 and 1976 in the
“birth dearth” following the baby boom.
o Millennials or Generation Y is the 83 million children of the baby boomers,
born between 1977 and 2000.
o Generational marketing
• The Changing American Family
• Geographic Shifts in Population
o Periode ini adalah periode perpindahan (migrasi) besar-besaran antar dan
dalam negeri.
• A Better-Educated, More White-Collar, More Professional Population
• Increasing Diversity
o America sering disebut pot peleburan (melting pot)–tempat beragam kelompok
bangsa dan budaya bertemu menjadi satu keseluruhan lebih homogen.
The Economic Environment
• Faktor-faktor yang mempengaruhi daya beli dan pola
pengeluaran konsumen.
• Sejumlah negara mempunyai ekonomi subsisten–
mereka mengkonsumsi hasil pertanian dan
industrinya sendiri. Negara ini menawarkan peluang
pasar yang kecil.
• Tingkat ektrem yang lain ekonomi industri, yaitu
menghasilkan pasar yang kaya untuk berbagai jenis
barang yang berbeda.
The Most Important Economic trends
• Income Distribution
– Pemasar harus memperhatikan distribusi pendapatan seperti
halnya pendapatan rata-rata.
– Konsumen kelas atas
• Yang pola pengeluarannya tidak dipengaruhi kejadian ekonomi terkini dan
menjadi pasar utama barang-barang mewah.
– Konsumen kelas menengah
• Yang nyaman dan berhati-hati dengan pengeluarnnya tetapi masih dapat
menjangkau kehidupan yang layak pada sebagian besar waktunya.
– Konsumen kelas pekerja
• Masih berkutat pada pemenuhan kebutuhan dasar akan pangan, pakaian,
dan tempat berlindung dan harus bekerja keras untuk menabung.
– Terakhir, Konsumen kelas bawah
• (Orang yang dijamin tunjangan kesejahteraan dan kebanyakan pensiunan)
harus menghitung uang recehnya ketika membeli barang kebutuhan yang
paling dasar sekalipun.
The Most Important Economic trends
• Changes in Costumers Spending
– Hukum Engel
• Perbedaan yang dicatat lebih dari satu abad yang lalu
tentang cara orang mengubah pengeluaran mereka terhadap
makanan, perumahan, transportasi, perawatan kesehatan,
dan kategori barang serta jasa lain ketika pendapatan
– Perubahan variabel ekonomi utama seperti
pendaptan, biaya hidup, suku bunga, dan tabungan
serta pola peminjaman mempunyai dampak besar
pada pasar.
– Dengan peringatan yang cukup, Bisnis dapat
mengambil keuntungan dari perubahan lingkungan
ekonomi ini.
The Natural Environment
• Sumber daya alam yang diperlukan sebagai
masukan bagi pemasar atau yang dipengaruhi
oleh kegiatan pemasaran.
The Most Important Natural trends
Kelangkaan Bahan Mentah yang Semakin Meningkat.
Polusi udara di banyak kota di dunia dan kelangkaan air sudah menjadi
masalah besar di dunia.
Sumber daya yang dapat diperbarui seperti hutan dan pangan, juga harus
digunakan dengan bijaksana.
Perusahaan penghasil produk dengan sumber daya yang tidak dapat
diperbarui dan langka seperti minyak bumi, batu bara, menghadapi
peningkatan biaya yang besar.
Peningkatan Polusi.
Kegiatan Industri biasanya merusak kualitas lingkungan alam seperti limbah
zat kimia dan limbah nuklir, tingkat merkuri yang membahayakan di samudra,
dan bahan kemasan yang tidak dapat didaur ulang.
Peningkatan Intervensi Pemerintah dalam Manajemen Sumber Daya Alam.
Pemerintah berbagai negara mempunyai beragam tingkat kepedulian dan
usaha dalam mempromosikan lingkungan yang bersih, seperti di Amerika
Serikat, Badan Perlindungan Lingkungan (the Environmental Protection
The Technological Environment
• Technological environment is forces that create
new technologies, creating new product and
market opportunities.
• The technological environment perhaps the most
dramatic force now shaping our destiny.
• As products and technology become more
complex, the public needs to know that these are
safe. Thus, the goverment agencies investigate
and ban potentially unsafe products.
The Political and Social Environment
Political environment consists of laws, goverment
agencies, and pressure groups that influence and
limit various organizations and individuals a given
The Political and Social Environment
Legislation Regulating Business
Well-conceived regulation can encourage competition and ensure fair markets
for goods and services. Thus, goverments develop public policy to guide
commerce – sets of laws and regulations that limit business for the good of
society as a whole.
• Increasing legislation
Moreover, regulations are constantly changing, what was allowed last year
may now be prohibited, and what was prohibited may now be allowed.
Marketers must work hard to keep up with changes in regulations and their
• Changing goverment agency enforcement
News laws and their enforcement will continue to increase. And goverment
agencies have some discretion in enforcing the laws, they can have a major
impact on a company’s marketing performance.
The Political and Social Environment
Increased Emphasis on Ethnic and Socially Responsible Actions
• Socially responsible behavior
Enlightened companies encourage their managers to look beyond what
the regulatory system allows and simply “do the right thing”. These socially
responsible firms actively seek out ways to protect the long-run interests
of their consumers and the environment.
The Political and Social Environment
Increased Emphasis on Ethnic and Socially Responsible Actions
• Cause-related marketing
To exercise their social responsibility and build more positive images, many
companies are now linking themselves to worthwhile causes. It lets
companies “do well by doing good” by linking purchase of the company’s
products or services with fund-raising for worthwhile cause or chatitable
organizations. Critics worry that cause-related marketing is more a
strategy for selling than a strategy for giving – that “cause-related”
marketing is really “cause-exploitative” marketing. However, if handled
well, cause related marketing can greatly benefit both the company and
the cause.
The Cultural Environment
• Cultural environment consists of institutions and
other forces that affect a society’s basic values,
perceptions, preferences, and behaviors.
• Cultural characteristics can affect marketing
decision making.
The Cultural Environment
The Persistence of Cultural Values
People in a given society hold many beliefs and values. Their core
beliefs and values have a high degree of persistence. These beliefs
shape more specific attitudes and behaviors found in everyday life. And
marketers just have a little chace of changing core values.
The Cultural Environment
Shifts in Secondary Cultural Values
• People’s views of themselves
People vary in their emphasis on serving themselves versus serving others.
Marketers can target their products and services based on such self-views.
• People’s views of others
Recently, many trend trackers have seen a new wave of “cocooning” or
“nasting”. Due in part to the uncertain economy, people are going out less
with others and are staying home more.
• People’s views of organizations
Many people today see work not as a source of satisfaction but as a
required chore to earn money to enjoy their nonwork hours. This trend
suggest that organizations need to find new ways to win customer and
employee confidence.
The Cultural Environment
Shifts in Secondary Cultural Values
• People’s views of society
People vary in their attitudes toward their society. People’s orientation to
their society influences their consumption patterns and attitudes toward
the marketplace.
• People’s views of nature
A long-term trend has been people’s growing mastery over nature through
technology and the belief that nature is bountiful. More recently, however,
people have recognized that nature is finite and fragile, it can be destroyed
or spoiled by human activities.
• People’s views of the universe
Finally, people vary in their beliefs about the origin of the universe and
their place in it, for example about religion.
Reponding to the Marketing
Companies can passively accept the marketing
environment as an uncontrollable element to which
they must adapt, avoiding threats and taking
advantage of opportunities as they arise. Or they
can take a proactive stance, working to change the
environment rather than simply reacting to it.
Whenever possible, companies should try to be
proactive rather than reactive.