Credit Recovery (CR) Course Model

K12 Credit Recovery Courses
High School Teacher Guide
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 3
Credit Recovery (CR) Course Model ................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
Materials ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Course Pacing .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 4
The Diagnostic Cycle .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Diagnostic ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 4
Feedback ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
Study ....................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Test ......................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
Path Builder ...................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Learning Management System (LMS) ............................................................................................................................................................................... 7
LMS Login..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 7
TotalView School (TVS) Login Option ...................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Online School (OLS) Login Option ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7
Classroom Setup ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Course Pacing .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 8
Due Date Settings ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 8
Gradebook Review Date Settings ................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Course Syllabus ............................................................................................................................................................................................................ 9
Create a Course Syllabus within the LMS .............................................................................................................................................................. 10
Upload an Existing Course Syllabus ....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Graded Assignments .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 10
Display Hidden Items ............................................................................................................................................................................................ 10
Exclude an Assignment from Final Grade Calculation ........................................................................................................................................... 11
Include Assignments in Grade to Date Calculations.............................................................................................................................................. 11
Assign Teacher Graded Items to Students ............................................................................................................................................................ 11
Create a Group ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 11
Assign Content Item to Groups ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Assign Student(s) to Groups .................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Grading Student Work .................................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Knowing When Assignments Have Been Submitted .................................................................................................................................................. 12
Finding Answer Keys .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Grading Student-Submitted Work ............................................................................................................................................................................. 12
Download Student Work ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Return Graded Work.................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Monitor Student Progress .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Gradebook ................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 13
Exam and Question Statistics ..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Gradebook Details ..................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
User Activity............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
Course Management ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 15
Course Announcements............................................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Creating New Course Announcements ................................................................................................................................................................. 15
Edit Existing Course Announcements ................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Assessments .............................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Password Settings ................................................................................................................................................................................................. 16
Granting Additional Time on Computer-Scored Assessments .............................................................................................................................. 17
Changing the Allowed Time on Computer-Scored Assessments........................................................................................................................... 17
Permitting Students to Retake Computer-Scored Assessments ........................................................................................................................... 18
Effects of Including Quiz Performance in Overall Course Average ............................................................................................................................ 18
Course Content ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 19
Adding Course Content .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Extra Credit Recommendations ................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
Adding a Custom Item to the Gradebook .................................................................................................................................................................. 19
ExamGuard ..................................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
Questions........................................................................................................................................................................................................................ 20
K12 Teacher Effectiveness Division
March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
High School Credit Recovery (CR) courses are designed for students who have taken a course in the past, but who failed
to earn a passing grade in the course. In cases, where the student is a member of a K12 Virtual Academy (VA) the course
the student took previously would have been a K12 delivered course. In other schools, referred in this document as
Virtual School Programs (VSP), the course previously failed may not have been a K12 course.
Credit Recovery (CR) Course Model
Each Credit Recovery (CR) course contains the same content found in the original version of the course. However, CR
courses differ from traditional High School courses in the following ways:
The following items are hidden from student view, but are available for teacher use:
o Raise Your Hand a public threaded discussion for students to post questions for teachers to answer
o Course Survey item from the Course Home area
o Threaded Discussion assignments
o Laboratory Lessons
o Your Choice Lessons
Teacher Graded Assignments (TGA) and assessments are available in the course, however the teacher will
determine which (if any) of these assignments they will complete. Please see the course implementation guide
embedded in your course(s) for more information
Implementation Guides are available within each course, which provide teachers with an overview of the course
along with recommendations on its use
The first course element of each unit is a Diagnostic test
o The Diagnostic test for each unit assesses the students’ general understanding of major concepts included in
the unit. By selecting on the grade in the Gradebook, students are provided with feedback on their
performance on the test. This feedback indicates the objectives and resource lessons for each diagnostic
test item
o The diagnostic test results are one available resource to the teacher and student to help assess
preparedness for the mid-unit and/or unit test. Each item on this diagnostic test has an associated learning
objective. These learning objectives can help the student and teacher identify content/learning gaps where
the student may need further study
Students are provided with Learning Objectives Roadmaps that outline the objectives covered by each lesson in
the course. This tool can be used by the student and/or teacher to create a clear study plan designed to ensure
mastery of course content in advance of completion of unit assessments
The Course Scheduler is only used to indicate the Due Dates and Gradebook Review Date for Computer Scored
(CS) graded assignments
Quizzes are used as self-check assessments to help students ensure they have mastered the critical lesson
objectives, by default; these are set to be taken more than once
Course grades are based on Unit Test and Semester Test performance. Diagnostic tests, quizzes and other
activities are excluded from the final grade calculation in the Gradebook by default, unless added back into the
course Gradebook by the instructor. All items, however, appear in the Gradebook. Items excluded from final
grade calculation display an exclusion symbol
K12 Teacher Effectiveness Division
March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Students taking High School Credit Recovery (CR) courses may receive fewer materials than those shipped for non-CR
courses. In fact, some courses may have no materials at all delivered to the students. Students who have previously
taken the course can use those original materials with their new Credit Recovery (CR) course.
Course Pacing
Credit Recovery (CR) course design allows students to move at their own pace within a period specified by their school.
It is recommended this course remain self-paced given its adaptability. Teachers may, set the pace of the course by
setting Due Dates, Passwords or controlling access to course items through the calendar function in the Course
The Diagnostic Cycle
A High School Credit Recovery (CR) course employs a Diagnostic Cycle format as follows:
• Students review the
feedback resulting
from their
performance on the
•Students take a unitlevel diagostic test
• Students complete
the summative
assessment at the
end of the Unit
before proceeding to
the next diagnostic
•Diagnostic feedback
gaps where students
need further study
Each unit begins with a Diagnostic Test. These tests evaluate the general level of understanding a student has of the
content of the related unit. These tests are not prescriptive in the sense that it does not test every single objective
covered in the assessment. Rather, the diagnostic questions cover the broad topics covered in the unit. Students are
unable to access the Unit Test for that unit until completing the diagnostic for that unit first. Likewise, access to the
diagnostic tests in units 2 and onward in a Credit Recovery (CR) course requires completion of the previous Unit test.
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SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Diagnostics are Computer Scored (CS) activities; however, they will not affect the student’s course average in the course
Gradebook. The default settings for the Diagnostic are a 45 minute time limit and only available to students one time.
Teachers adjust these settings for the entire class or individual students as needed.
After completing a diagnostic test, the student should select their score in the Gradebook. This opens the Gradebook
Details window, which displays the questions they were asked on the diagnostic, their answers, and whether their
provided answers were correct or incorrect.
Feedback is provided on each question, pointing the student back to the lessons that cover the content assessed by that
question. By taking note of the feedback provided in the Gradebook Details screen, the student will have a clear path to
follow in the Study stage of the Diagnostic Cycle. Keep in mind, students cannot access the Unit tests until the previous
diagnostic test for the related unit is completed. Access to the course content area is open and available for all units at
all times.
The diagnostic test results are one available resource to the teacher and student to help assess preparedness for
the mid-unit and/or unit test
Each item on this diagnostic test has an associated learning objective. These learning objectives can help the
student and teacher identify content/learning gaps where the student may need further study
The Learning Objectives Roadmap is offered to students as a self-evaluative planning tool. Students are
encouraged to review each learning objective to identify their individual strengths and weaknesses with the
content. Students can list in the Study Plan column content areas that they determine require further study
Students can take quizzes multiple times; however, the questions do not contain a test back or vary. The intent
is to assist the students in determining content mastery for the related lessons
While quizzes and diagnostic tests are Computer Scored (CS), grades received on these items are excluded from
the overall course average
Students take the unit test for each unit upon completion of their unit study. The unit test is timed, limiting students to
60 minutes for completion of each test. Teachers may adjust these settings based upon the needs of the students and
class. The grade earned by the student appears in the Gradebook, however selecting the grade does not display the
questions and answers. Questions and Answers in Unit Tests are hidden from students to maintain academic integrity
and a summative assessment. Students may take Unit tests only once. Completion of the Unit Test, regardless of the
level of performance, unlocks the subsequent Diagnostic Test.
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March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Path Builder
As described in the above Diagnostic Cycle, student access to unit tests is triggered by the completion of the diagnostic
test for that unit. Additionally, access to diagnostic tests of units past unit 1 of a course is triggered by the student
completing unit test prior to the diagnostic test. Below reflects the Path Builder triggering or unlocking process, however
does not reflect the student learning process described above.
Unit 1 Diagnostic Test  Unit 1 Test  Unit 2 Diagnostic Test  Unit 2 Test  …
The LMS Path Builder provides this triggering functionality and accessing any course item can be controlled by the
performance of the student on a Computer Scored (CS) quiz or test. The Credit Recovery (CR) course Path Builder
settings are triggered by students earning a grade Greater Than or Equal to zero points. How well the student performs
on a Diagnostic Test is not important. Ensuring that students take the Diagnostic Test, review all of the objectives from
the unit and do a self-evaluation of content they may be unsure about (in addition to the items missed on the Diagnostic
test) is important.
You may wish to prevent students from accessing Unit Tests until you have confirmed they have spent an adequate
amount of time reviewing the lesson content. Please see the section titled Manually Controlling Access to Unit Tests for
more information.
The Credit Recovery (CR) course is pre-set with the correct Path Builder settings for the course to perform as described
in this document. In some cases, teachers may decide to change the Path Builder settings to meet alternative student
workflows, such as requiring students to demonstrate mastery on lesson-level quizzes before allowing them access to
Unit tests or on unit tests before permitting access to the diagnostic and unit tests in the subsequent unit. In such cases,
teachers can make changes to the Path Builder settings to meet these requirements.
Keep in mind, making changes to the Path Builder settings can result in unexpected results if you are not careful and are
unclear about how these settings affect student access to course content.
To revise Path Builder settings follow the steps below:
Select  Course Admin tab at the top of the course screen
Select  Course Information and Preferences
Select  Course Scheduler & Path
Scroll to find the course item you wish
to modify, in this example below 1.07
Mid-Unit Test is used
Select  Condition from the pull-down
menu, in this example student must
complete the Diagnostic 1.1 prior to
Mid-Unit Test 1.07 access
Select  the Computer Scored (CS)
assessment that will be used to permit
access to the course item – in this case
it would be quiz 1.01
K12 Teacher Effectiveness Division
March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Select  Number Grade from the next pull-down menu
Select  the appropriate condition, in this case Greater Than or Equal to from the next pull-down menu
In this example, Greater Than or Equal to is set to zero to ensure that the student completes Diagnostic 1.1 before
accessing the 1.07 Mid-Unit Test.
Learning Management System (LMS)
LMS Login
There are several ways to access the High School Learning Management System (LMS), teachers prefer the first method
while students or Learning Coaches login using the second method.
TotalView School (TVS) Login Option
Navigate 
Enter  your Username
Enter  your Password
Select  Login
Select  LMS in upper right of your TotalView School page
Online School (OLS) Login Option
Select one links below to navigate to the OLS login link:
Navigate  or
Select  OLS Login in the upper right of the webpage 
Enter  your Username
Enter  your Password, if necessary; recover your Username or Password through the Forgot Username? or
Forgot Password? links
Select  Login
Select  Continue if prompted
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SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Select  Virtual High School on the right side of the page 
A new window opens listing courses assigned to you under Course List or My Courses.
Select  the course you wish to access within the Learning Management System (LMS)
 Indicates page opens in a new window, you may need to disable your pop-up blockers
Classroom Setup
There are several important tasks to complete before your students will be able to work in Credit Recovery (CR) courses.
How you chose to implement the Credit Recovery (CR) courses will determine how you should set the Due Dates for
graded assignments in the course. Failure to set Due Dates in a course will result in TotalView School (TVS)
administration reports and course information provided to students and mentors to be inaccurate or absent.
Course Pacing
Self-Paced: If students are allowed to follow their own pace through the course, it’s recommended to set all Due
Dates to the last day of the course
Self-Paced with Milestones: If students are expected to complete the entire course, set milestone Due Dates
throughout the course, for example, if students have four weeks to complete a course that includes 8 units, you
might want to set Due Dates for assignments that require students to complete two units each week
Teacher-Paced: If the teacher controls the pace of the course on a daily basis, set Due Dates for graded
assignments that reflects the pace you have chosen for your students, keeping in mind, lessons and related
activities (e.g. labs, quizzes, worksheets, etc.) are designed to take approximately 45 to 60 minutes each day
with a 90-day semester
Due Date Settings
Select  Course Admin tab at the top of your course screen
Select  Course Scheduler link
Enter the due date for each graded assignment in the Due Date field
Select  Save Changes
Wait for confirmation message before leaving the screen
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March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Gradebook Review Date Settings
The Gradebook Review Date is a Gradebook setting that determines when students can see earned grades within the
LMS Gradebook. Typically, Gradebook Review Dates reflect the last day of the semester, which means students will not
be able to see their graded lessons, activities and assessments until the last day of the semester. It is important that
teachers set these Gradebook Review Dates in the Course Scheduler.
Select  Course Admin tab at the top of your course screen
Select  Course Scheduler link
Enter  Gradebook Review Date for each Computer Scored (CS) assignment in the appropriate field
Select  Save Changes
Wait for confirmation message before leaving the screen
Course Syllabus
There is a space in the Course Home region of the left-hand navigation of your course for you to upload and display a
Course Syllabus that you have created using Microsoft Word or to create using an online Rich Text Editor.
Select  Author tab at the upper-left corner of the course screen
Select  Syllabus link in the course home area of the left-hand navigation frame
Select  Compose Text Item to create your Syllabus from scratch using the online Rich Text Editor
K12 Teacher Effectiveness Division
March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Create a Course Syllabus within the LMS
Create and edit your Course Syllabus using the Rich Text tools
Select  Save Changes when you have finished editing your Course Syllabus
Upload an Existing Course Syllabus
Select  Upload Microsoft Word Syllabus to add a Course Syllabus saved to your computer
Select  Browse and navigate to your syllabus, Select  Open
Select  Upload and Convert File
Wait until the document has completed being converted and uploaded, it will appear in this space when you
have the Course tab selected
Graded Assignments
K12 Credit Recovery (CR) courses include Teacher Graded Assignments (TGA) activities such as lab reports, essays,
Threaded Discussions, as well as Teacher Graded Unit Tests. It is recommended that K12 Virtual Academy teachers
include the teacher graded portion of unit tests, as well as at least one Teacher Graded Assignment (TGA) whenever
possible. Including Teacher Graded assignments and assessments increases the level of understanding and academic
integrity of the course.
If a teacher chooses to include, exclude or modify course assignments from the Gradebook grades, changes are made in
the LMS Gradebook Settings. Below are some setting items for making assignment modifications.
Display Hidden Items
Some items are hidden from student view as indicated by the asterisk to
the right of the item name in the left-hand navigation area. These hidden
items are excluded from the Gradebook. Teachers may include these as
required assignments for any or all students. Dropbox items are included
in the course to permit students to submit these completed assignments to
their teachers.
1. Select  Author tab at the top of the course screen
2. Select the name of the item from the left-hand navigation area you
wish to unhide
3. Select  Toolbox button at the top of the main area of the screen
4. Scroll down to uncheck the box next to Hide item from students
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March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
5. Select Save Changes at the bottom of the screen
Exclude an Assignment from Final Grade Calculation
Select  Gradebook tab at the top of the course screen
Select Setup Gradebook button at the top of the page
Select  Select Gradable Items
Scroll down to find the item in the list provided, and uncheck the box
across from the assignment name and below the unit number
In the event that a teacher adds an assignment or assessment to the course that
they wish to have included in the final grade calculation, the course item must be added to the Gradebook.
Include Assignments in Grade to Date Calculations
Select  Gradebook tab at the top of the page
Select  Setup Gradebook button at the top of the Gradebook
Select  Select Gradable Items sub-tab on the Gradebook screen
Scroll to find the item in the list provided, and check the box across from
the assignment name and below the unit number
Select  Save Changes at the bottom of the Select Gradable Items subtab
Wait for confirmation message before leaving the screen
It is important that students are made aware of assignments they are
required to complete.
Assign Teacher Graded Items to Students
If every student is required to complete an assignment, notify students of
the requirement:
Post a Course Announcement
Send via K-Mail or e-mail
Explain to students
If only certain students should see the item, you will need to create and assign students to a Group as well as assign
Create a Group
Select Course Admin tab at the top of the page
Select Group Management tab
Select Add New Group
Enter Group Name
Select  Add Group
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Assign Content Item to Groups
Select  Author tab at the top of the page
Select  the name of the item from the left-hand navigation area you wish to unhide
Select  Toolbox at the top of the main area
Scroll to the bottom of the screen
Select  the Group Name from the pull-down menu to
assign the item
Select  Save Changes
Assign Student(s) to Groups
Select  Course Admin tab at the top of the screen
Select  Group Management sub-tab
Select Edit for the group assigned to the course item
Select  student name from the Select Group Members
Select  the right-facing arrow to add the student to the
Select Save Changes
Grading Student Work
Your implementation of Credit Recovery (CR) courses may include one or more teacher graded assignments or
assessments and it is important for students to receive timely instructional feedback on work they have completed.
Knowing When Assignments Have Been Submitted
At the bottom of the Course Home page of your course, you will find the What’s New tool. This tool will indicate activity
that occurred in the course since the last time you entered the course. If the title of a Teacher Graded assignment or
assessment (TGA) appears here, it indicates that at least one student submitted that item. By selecting the name of the
course item, the names of the students who submitted this item display. Selecting Go to the right of the item title will
take you directly to the items to be graded.
Finding Answer Keys
Answer Keys are provided for all graded assignments in a course.
Teacher answer keys are available within the lesson screen
immediately below the assignment or assessment item and with the
Unit Resources in the left-hand navigation area.
Grading Student-Submitted Work
Students submit Teacher Graded offline work via the course Dropbox
tool. Students will save their work to their local computer, navigate to
the Dropbox, select the Dropbox basket for that assignment, and upload their file and any comments for the teacher.
Download Student Work
Select  Go from the What’s New area when a new assignment appears for grading, or…
K12 Teacher Effectiveness Division
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SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Select  Dropbox from the top of your course screen for the assignment you wish to download
Select  Download Attachments to download the attachments from single or multiple students
Return Graded Work
Select  Dropbox tab at the top of the course screen
Select  the name of the student whose work you are returning
Select  to upload the file
Enter  the numerical grade in the space provided and any comments to the student
Select  Save and Return to Student
Monitor Student Progress
Monitoring student progress is important in any instructional environment. This is even more important when students
are attempting to complete a large amount of coursework in a compressed period as in a Credit Recovery (CR) course.
The LMS provides several powerful tools to monitoring student progress in their courses. You can review student
progress at the individual student level as well as the assignment level.
Selecting the Gradebook tab at the top of the
Learning Management System (LMS) opens the
course Gradebook. Selecting any student name
will display his or her grades in the course so
To examine grades for all students on
assignments in a specific unit, select the Unit
from the pull-down menu and select Go.
K12 Teacher Effectiveness Division
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SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Exam and Question Statistics
Selecting the bar chart icon at the top of an assignment column will display the Exam Statistics for that assignment. The
second tab of the Exam Statistics allows you to pinpoint items on the test that many students struggled with on the
Gradebook Details
Selecting the grade of any student assignment will open the Gradebook Details for the assignment, displaying the
questions provided to the student, their answers, date and time the test was taken, and the length of time spent on the
User Activity
User Activity within the Learning Management System (LMS) Gradebook displays data accurate to the previous 24
hours. Selecting User Activity in the Gradebook displays the amount of time (in minutes) that students have spent in
each unit of the course. Selecting the unit number will display how much time every student spent in each unit item.
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SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Selecting the name of any student displays the time that student spent in each area of the course. Expanding a unit title
displays the time spent on each individual course item in the unit.
Choosing View by date from the drop-down menu and selecting Go allows you to see the amount of time each student
spent in the course on any given day. You may select options to view a date range less than 31 days.
You can export any Gradebook activity to Microsoft Excel by selecting the Export View link found on the screen.
Course Management
Course Announcements
Posting announcements to the homepage of your course is a great way to keep your students informed and engaged in
your course.
Creating New Course Announcements
Select  Course Home unit header in the left-hand navigation area
Select  Author tab at the upper-left corner of the course screen
Select  Add Announcement link
Enter  a title for your Course Announcement in the Subject box
Enter  Course Announcement text in the Rich Text Editor box
Set  Start and End Dates and Times to define when the message appears to students
Select  Add Announcement
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Edit Existing Course Announcements
Select  Course Home in the left-hand navigation area
Select  Author tab
Select  Edit icon
Edit  the Subject, Text, Start and End
Dates and Times as needed
Select  Save Changes
High School Credit Recovery (CR) courses are designed to allow students to
progress at their own pace. Students are prevented from taking Unit Tests until they complete the Diagnostic test for
that unit. This will help students follow the correct path through the Diagnostic Cycle. Currently there is no way for the
LMS to automatically track if students have followed the study guidance provided by the Diagnostic Test.
While not necessary, it is a best practice to ensure that a student has fully completed the lessons that were
recommended in the Diagnostic Test feedback. One way to do this is to password protect unit tests, and then provide
the password to students once you have confirmed that they have reviewed the appropriate lessons. Confirming that
students have completed the necessary lessons can be accomplished by reviewing his/her performance on related
quizzes and/or reviewing Activity reports in the LMS.
Password Settings
Other than using groups, preventing access to an exam or quiz by use of a password is the only method in the LMS to
permit access to one or more students while preventing access by others.
Select  Author tab
Select  the assessment item from the left-hand navigation
Select Toolbox button
Scroll the bottom of the Toolbox settings
Enter (to set) or delete (to remove) the password restricting access to the item
Select Save Changes
Wait for confirmation message before leaving the screen
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March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Granting Additional Time on Computer-Scored Assessments
Computer-Scored (CS) assessments are timed and occasionally teachers may need to grant additional time to students,
based upon IEP documentation or other circumstances. This setting can only be modified after a student has attempted
an assessment. Follow these steps to grant additional time on an assessment to a single student:
Select  Gradebook tab
Select  the related unit from the drop-down
Select  the grade the student earned (or the
asterisk) associated with that assignment
Enter  the number of additional minutes the
student can use on the assessment in the
Gradebook Detail window
Select  Grant button
The status of the assignment will change to in
Select  Save and Close
Changing the Allowed Time on Computer-Scored Assessments
Computer Scored (CS) assessments have presets
indicating the amount of time a student may spend
on an assessment. Teachers may revise these
settings to require a shorter or longer period and/or
change whether or not the system to kick students
out of the assessment when the time expires.
Follow these steps to make these adjustments:
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Select  Author tab
Select the name of the assessment in the left-hand navigation
Select Toolbox button at the top of the main content screen
Edit Edit the time in hours and minutes next to the Time allowed label
Check/Uncheck  if students should be removed from the text when the time expires
Select Save Changes
Permitting Students to Retake Computer-Scored Assessments
The default settings restrict students from taking Computer Scored (CS) Assessments more than once. Follow these
steps to change this setting to permit students to take assessments more than once.
Select  Author tab near the upper-left of the course screen
Select  the name of the assessment in the left-hand navigation
Select  Toolbox button at the top of the main content screen
Scroll to the Exam Type settings
Select  the appropriate radio button to restrict students to taking the exam once or allowing them to retake
the exam
Select  Save Changes
Effects of Including Quiz Performance in Overall Course Average
Most lessons have a quiz associated with them, and although they are graded and results are visible in the Gradebook,
these scores do not calculate into the students’ overall grade in the course. Although teachers may be tempted to
include these scores into the final course grade calculation, this is not a recommended practice, since quizzes are set for
students to take multiple times and not based upon a question pool. Students could easily earn enough points on
quizzes for a passing grade in the course and do not reflect an accurate measure of content mastery. It is preferred that
participation is rewarded through a teacher added “participation” Gradebook item or through the Extra Credit points
already available in the Gradebook.
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SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
Course Content
Teachers may wish to add course content items or assessments to K12912 courses in order to meet local requirements.
Three types of content can be added to the courses: Lesson Content, Computer Scored (CS) assessments and Teacher
Graded Assessments (TGA). Teachers in K12 Virtual Academy programs should always discussion course additions and
deletions with their school academic administrator.
Adding Course Content
Refer to other Teacher Guides for specific instructions on Adding Lesson Content, Computer Scored (CS) and Teacher
Graded Assignments (TGA).
Extra Credit Recommendations
Teachers frequently indicate the desire to employ the use of Extra Credit in courses s a means of encouraging student
engagement and effort. This common practice is supported by the design of the High School CR courses. It is important
to limit the use of Extra Credit in a course to prevent artificial inflation of grades. K12 recommends that the total amount
of Extra Credit possible students can earn is limited to 5% of the total points in the course. The default design of the
course assumes that only Unit tests will be used to calculate the final grade in the course. Because of this, the 5% is
limited to the total points possible on the unit tests.
Extra Credit could be used as a reward or incentive for students who spend adequate time in lessons, or for
encouragement in completing non-graded quizzes.
Adding a Custom Item to the Gradebook
Teachers may wish to provide a grade to students for an assignment or event that is not related to a course item. Do add
an assignment or even unassociated with the left-hand navigation, the Learning Management System (LMS) requires a
custom item to add to the Gradebook.
Select  Gradebook tab
Select Setup Gradebook
Select Add New Items
Scroll to the bottom of the screen
Enter  the name of the custom item in
the box labeled Add Custom Item
Select  Add
Find the item in the checklist on this page
Mark  the checkbox to the left of the
item name
Select Save Changes
Select Select Gradable Items
Scroll to find the item you added
Mark  the checkbox for each unit the new item will appear in the Gradebook
Select  Save Changes
Select Assign Points/Weights sub-tab
Scroll to find the item you added in each unit
Enter  the total points possible for the item in the box provided
Select Save Changes button at the top or bottom of the screen
K12 Teacher Effectiveness Division
March 10, 2016
SY10-11 Credit Recovery Courses Teacher Guide
The K12912 Learning Management System features ExamGuard, a secure browser add-on that limits the student’s ability
to print, navigate the Internet, and access other programs while taking an online assessment.
Please refer to the Teacher Effectiveness ExamGuard Teacher Guide for additional information.
If you have any questions regarding this document or training, feel free to submit a teacher help ticket to
K12 Teacher Effectiveness Division
March 10, 2016