формулар за подготовка на предметна програма врз основа на

MARKETING – Political Studies
I. Information about the head of the course program, and the professor of the
subject program
Name and Surname:
Scientific degree, and academic title:
Sofija Todorova
PhD, Full time professor
II. Information about collaborators and other lecturers of the subject program
Name and Surname:
Scientific degree, and academic title:
Other lecturers (experts from the field):
III. Basic data of the subject program
Name of the subject program:
Code of the subject program:
Number of credits:
Total hours of instruction:
Number of pages of mandatory
Academic year in which the program is Semester in which the subject program
is studied:
5 year
9 semester
IV. Description of the subject program and keywords (terms)
Description of the subject program
This subject is of a professional nature. The successful functioning of the enterprises in
the market economy largely depends on the application of marketing as a modern
business concept, founded on the central position of consumers, their needs and
preferences. Apart from the definition of marketing, through the content of the subject
perceive assumptions about the occurrence and the factors for the application of this
modern business concept. In the creation of analytical-informational basis for carrying
quality marketing decisions of importance is market research (analysis of market
performance, forecasting demand and sales, research on the behavior and motives of
buyers, research on individual market segments). As part of managing the marketing
activities we will be processed the following topics: setting system goals marketing
activities, conceptualization of marketing strategy for their implementation,
organization of marketing functions, and control of marketing activities. Important
contextual element of the course are going to be the instruments of the marketing mix:
Product (product policy, product life cycle, new product growth - factor and enterprise
development); Price (conceptualizing and conducting policy prices, policy of price
differentiation pricing of new products); Distributional channels (selection of
distribution channels, the major forms of distribution); Promotion as a strategy of
market communication with consumers (goals in communicating with consumers, as
well as the basic forms of promotion: economic promotion, personal selling, publicity
and public relations).
Keywords (terms) for the curriculum
Marketing, Consumer, Supplier, Market, Product, Price, Distribution, Promotion,
Economic promotion, Personal selling, Publicity and Public relations
V. Objectives and results to be achieved
Objectives and results to be achieved:
We expect that the students will have the following results:
• Students will understand the basic definition, the meaning and the content of
marketing as a modern conception of the business policy of the enterprise;
• Students should be able to distinguish the basic instruments of marketing (product,
distribution, price and promotion);
• Students will understand the problem and will gain knowledge to participate in teams
to manage with marketing activities (planning, organizing and controlling of
• Students will understand the combining of marketing instruments in achieving the
business objectives of economic and other business entities and the integral marketing
strategy (i.e., the so-called marketing-mix concept);
• Students will gain knowledge of the theoretical aspects and practical application of the
concept of international marketing;
• In this case we provide the formation of such profiles that would be willing to
participate in teams that will deal with the design and implementation of marketing
business strategy or in the planning and implementation of activities related to market
performance of businesses.
VI. Methodology of teaching
VI. Methodology of teaching
The course of Marketing will be done by using more specific methods for system
studies according to ECTS. The most significant elements of the subject matter will be
presented by the teacher with involvement of the assistant in teaching. Also in the
classes we’ll invite persons from the practice. To ensure the active involvement of
students in teaching, despite their participation in the debate class predetermined topics,
students will be able to prepare presentations and especially to prepare case studies. To
gain knowledge about the application of marketing in practice, they will visit some
companies from the business community who implement marketing business strategy,
as well as institutions whose business is market research, creation and implementation
of promotional activities
- Assessment of students in the second cycle will be based on the success of:
- Taking written assignments consisting of written questions: 70 points
- Research work / practical work / case study:
20 points
- Continuing activity of students in classes:
10 points
Total: 100 points
VII. Detailed structure of the curriculum
Week No. 1
Number of classes:
name of the thematic unit:
Mandatory literature:
1. Marketing in the conditions of Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
modern market economy
Chapter 1 and Chapter 2
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Marketing in the conditions of modern market economy
1.1 Definition of marketing
1.2 Meaning of marketing
1.3 Scope of marketing activities
1.4 The role of marketing as an economic process
1.5 Separation: macro and micro marketing
1.6 Business activities that comprise marketing
1.7 Integrity of marketing
1.8 Marketing Management
1.9 Marketing Mix
Week No. 2
name of the thematic unit:
1.Consumerism - Consumer Protection
Number of classes:
Mandatory literature:
Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
Chapter 2; legislation regulating consumer
protection matter.
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Consumerism - Consumer Protection
2.1. Legal protection of consumer rights
2.2. Basic features of Consumer Protection Act
2.3. Comparative and misleading advertising
2.4. Guaranting proper functioning of the products
2.5. Unclear clauses in consumer contracts
Week No. 3
Number of classes:
name of the thematic unit:
Mandatory literature:
1. Information about managing the Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
marketing as a business strategy
Chapter 6
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Information about managing marketing as a business strategy
1.1.Marketing-modern business concept
1.2 Factors and alternatives of business concept
1.3 Marketing concept
1.4 Social consequences of marketing activity
1.5 Marketing Information Systems and forecasting
Week No. 4
Number of classes:
name of the thematic unit:
Mandatory literature:
1. Market research and forecasting the Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
demand and sales
Chapter 7, Chapter 8 and Chapter 9
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Market research and forecasting the demand and sales
1.1 Defining the market
1.2 Basic elements of market analysis
1.3 Market Segmentation
1.4 Concept of demand for management with marketing activities
1.5 Factors affecting the demand of enterprise
1.6 Methods of forecasting demand and sales
Week No. 5
name of the thematic unit:
Number of classes:
Mandatory literature:
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Visit of the institution - firm
Week No. 6
name of the thematic unit:
1. Instruments of the marketing mix
Number of classes:
Mandatory literature:
Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
Chapter 10, Chapter 13 and Chapter 14
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Instruments of the marketing mix
- Price as an instrument of the marketing mix
1.1 The role of price in the marketing mix
1.2 Factors that influence pricing decisions
1.3 Cost as a factor pricing
1.4 Demand as a factor pricing
1.5 Competition as a factor pricing
1.6 Economic policy and state control as a factor in the pricing policy
1.7 Methods of cost-based pricing
1.8 Methods based on demand and competition
Week No. 7
name of the thematic unit:
1. Product as an instrument
marketing mix
Number of classes:
Mandatory literature:
of Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
Chapter 11 and Chapter 12
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Product as an instrument of marketing mix
1.1 Concept of product marketing
1.2 Classification of product marketing
1.3 Product Quality
1.4 Design
1.5 Brand
1.6 Product Packaging
1.7 Sales Service
Week No. 8
name of the thematic unit:
1. Promotion - market communication
Number of classes:
Mandatory literature:
Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
Chapter 16
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Promotion - market communication strategy
1.1 Promotion as an instrument of marketing mix
1.2 Personal selling as a form of promotion
1.3 Promote sales
1.4 Publicity and Public Relations
Week No. 9
Number of classes:
name of the thematic unit:
Mandatory literature:
1. Economic promotion as a form of Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
Chapter 16
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Economic promotion as a form of promotion
1.1. Action of economic promotion
1.2. Economic planning promotion
1.3. Means of economic promotion
1.4. Media of economic promotion
1.5. Economic advertisement
1.6. Measuring the effects of investments incorporated in economic promotion
Week No. 10
name of the thematic unit:
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Visit of the institution - firm
Number of classes:
Mandatory literature:
Week No. 11
Number of classes:
name of the thematic unit:
Mandatory literature:
1. Distribution as an instrument of Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals
of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje,
marketing mix
Chapter 15
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
1. Distribution as an instrument of the marketing mix
1.1 Channels of distribution
1.2 Functions of distribution channels
1.3 Selection of the distribution channels
1.4 Physical distribution (Marketing and Logistics)
1.5 Collaboration of manufacturer and distribution channels
Week No. 12
Number of classes:
name of the thematic unit:
Mandatory literature:
Detailed structure of the thematic unit:
Presentations of students of their research/practical work/case study.
VIII. Activities of external institutions
IX. Literature
Mandatory literature
Sofija Todorova, (2009), "Fundamentals of Marketing", Faculty of Law, Skopje
Additional literature:
 Adrian Palmer, Introduction to Marketing theory and practice, Oxford
University, 2004
 Allan J. Kimmel, Marketing communication, New Approaches, technologies
and Styles, Oxford University Press, 2005
 Geoff Lancaster, Paul Reynolds, Marketing, Macmillan Business Masters 1998;
 Joel Evans, Barry Berman, Marketing, Collier Macmillan Publishers, London,
 Carl McDaniel, Marketing essentials, Thomson South-Western, 2007;
 Eloise Coupey, Marketing and the internet, Prentice Hall, USA, 2001;
 E. Jerome McCarthy, William D. Perreault, Applications in Basic Marketing,
IRWIN, USA, 1994