Name _____________________ L ea rn i n g Obj e cti v e Today, we will demonstrate1 comprehension by identifying2 answers in text. 1 2 show or prove something find CFU What What What What are we going to do today? are we going to identify? does demonstrate mean? does identify mean? Acti va t e ( o r p r o vi de ) P ri o r K n o wl edg e How many children are in the picture? What are the children doing? CFU Students, you already know how to answer questions about a picture. We can also answer questions about a story by using the text. Today, we will demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in text. DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Co n c e pt D ev el opm e n t Comprehension is the ability to understand something. One way we demonstrate comprehension is by identifying answers in the text. When identifying answers in text: Read the text for understanding (comprehension). Read the question paying attention to key words. • Key words are important words that tell us what the question is asking. • Key words from the question, match words from the text. Example: Our Moon 1. Our moon is the second brightest object in the sky. 2. The moon is like a desert with mountains, valleys3, and plains. 3. A plain is a large area of flat land. 4. The moon also has many holes called craters. 5. Craters are made when objects from space hit the moon at high speeds. 3 low 51 words areas of land surrounded by higher ground Question: Answer: What are the holes on the moon called? The holes on the moon are called craters. Question: Answer: When are craters made? Craters are made when objects from space hit the moon at high speeds. Question: Which word from the text is defined4 for the reader? 4 Answer: gives the meaning of a. desert b. plain c. space CFU In your own words, how can we demonstrate comprehension? We can demonstrate comprehension by________________. In your own words, what are key words? Key words are _______________. Which key words would you use to identify the answer to the question below? Explain your answer. Question: What is the moon like? a. what is b. moon like DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Imp o rta n c e One way we demonstrate comprehension is by identifying answers in the text. It is important to demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text because: 1. it will help you understand what you read. Horses are measured by hands. A hand equals four inches. They are measured from the top of their withers to the ground. The withers on a horse are like the shoulders on a human. 2. it helps you do well on test. CFU Why is it important to identify answers in text? (pair-share) Does anyone else have another reason why it is important to identify answers in text? You may give me one of my reasons or one of your own. Which reason means more to you? Why? DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. S ki l l De v el op m en t/ Gu i de d P ra cti c e When identifying answers in text: • Read the questions paying attention to key words. • Key words from the question, match words from the text. Identify answers in the text. Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Read the question, underline the key word(s) that will help you identify the answer. a. Find the key words in the text that match the question. Step #3: Answer the questions. Write your answer in a complete sentence if needed. Mammals 1. Mammals are animals that have hair and feed their young with milk. 2. The blue whale is the largest mammal living today. 3. The largest mammal on land is the elephant. 4. The tallest animal on the planet is also a mammal, the giraffe. 5. The smallest mammal in the world is a bat from Thailand1. 1 country 52 words in Southeast Asia 1. Which animal is the largest mammal on land? ____________________________________________________________ 2. What is the smallest mammal in the world? ____________________________________________________________ 3. Which mammal is the tallest animal on the planet? a. elephant b. mammals c. blue whale d. giraffe 4. Where is the smallest mammal in the world from? a. elephant b. a bat from Thailand c. blue whale d. young CFU How did I know which words to underline? How did I identify the answer? How did I write my answer? How did you know what to underline? How did you identify the answer? How did you write your answer? DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Ski l l Dev el o pm en t /G u i ded P ra cti c e ( c on t i n u ed) When identifying answers in text: • Read the questions paying attention to key words. • Key words from the question, match words from the text. Identify answers in the text. Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Read the question, underline the key word(s) that will help you identify the answer. a. Find the key words in the text that match the question. Step #3: Answer the questions. Write your answer in a complete sentence if needed. The Forest 1. Woodlands are large pieces of land covered with trees and plants. 2. Pine trees are usually found in places that are very cold. 3. Pine trees bark, or outermost layer, is usually thick and hard. 4. Other trees have broad1, flat leaves, such as an Oak tree. 5. Trees with broad leaves are usually found in places that are warmer. 1 56 words wide 5. Which word from the text is defined for the reader? a. plants b. woodlands c. leaves 6. Which word from the text is defined for the reader? a. plants b. trees c. leaves d. tree d. bark CFU How did I know which words to underline? How did I know what to look for in the text? How did I identify the answer? How did you know what to underline? How did you know what to look for in the text? How did you identify the answer? DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Cl osu r e 1. In your own words, how can we identify answers in text? 2. Identify answers in the text below. 3. What did you learn today about identifying answers in text? Why is that important to you? (pair-share) Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Read the question, underline the key word(s) that will help you identify the answer. a. Find the key words in the text that match the question. Step #3: Answer the questions. Write your answer in a complete sentence if needed. The Cactus 1. A cactus is a plant that lives in the desert or other hot places. 2. It has a hard, green stem. 3. It also has spines or sharp leaves that protect it from animals. 4. It stays alive by storing water for long periods of time. 5. A cactus can live up to 300 years. 51 words 1. How long can a cactus live? ___________________________________________________________ 2. What protects a cactus from animals? a. the desert b. stem c. spines d. water DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Name _______________________ In d ep en d en t P ra cti c e When identifying answers in text: • Read the questions paying attention to key words. • Key words from the question, match words from the text. Identify answers in the text. Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Read the question, underline the key word(s) that will help you identify the answer. a. Find the key words in the text that match the question. Step #3: Answer the questions. Write your answer in a complete sentence if needed. The U.S. Flag 1. The U.S. flag has 13 red and white stripes. 2. These stripes represent1 the original thirteen colonies2 that fought against the British. 3. The thirteen colonies were the settlements that became the first states in the United States, in 1776. 4. Inside the blue rectangle, there are 50 small, white stars. 5. The stars represent the nation’s 50 states. 55 words 1 stand 2 for where a group of people live 1. How many red and white stripes are on the U.S. flag? a. 50 b.1776 c. 13 d. 17 2. What do the stripes represent? a. the United States b. settlements c. nation d. thirteen colonies 3. What is inside the blue rectangle? ____________________________________________________________ 4. What do the stars represent? ____________________________________________________________ 5. Which word from the text is defined for the reader? a. British b. U.S. flag c. nation d. thirteen colonies DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Name __________________________ P eri odi c R evi ew 1 When identifying answers in text: • Read the questions paying attention to key words. • Key words from the question, match words from the text. Identify answers in the text. Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Read the question, underline the key word(s) that will help you identify the answer. a. Find the key words in the text that match the question. Step #3: Answer the questions. Write your answer in a complete sentence if needed. Freedom 1. The Statue of Liberty is a U.S. monument1 that is located in New York City. 2. The people of France gave the statue to the people of the United States over 100 years ago. 3. The Statue of Liberty stands for freedom and democracy2. 4. It also stands for the 56 words friendship between France and the United States. 1 2 something built to remind people of something important government chosen by the people 1. Who gave the Statue of Liberty to the United States? a. the U.S. b. France c. New York City d. China 2. How long ago did France give the Statue of Liberty to the United States? ____________________________________________________________ 3. Where is the Statue of Liberty located? ____________________________________________________________ 4. What does the Statue of Liberty stand for? _____________________________________________________________________ 5. Which word from the text is defined for the reader? a. Statue of Liberty b. freedom c. New York City d. France DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Name __________________________ P eri odi c R evi ew 2 When identifying answers in text: • Read the questions paying attention to key words. • Key words from the question, match words from the text. Identify answers in the text. Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Read the question, underline the key word(s) that will help you identify the answer. a. Find the key words in the text that match the question. Step #3: Answer the questions. Write your answer in a complete sentence if needed. The Miwok Indians 1. The Miwok Indians lived along the northern coast of California. 2. Every day, they hunted for large animals, fished, and gathered acorns to make food. 3. They liked to make baskets and dance. 4. They also had a complex1 language. 5. The Miwok lived in dome2-shaped homes that were covered with wooden boards or grass. 6. They also built a structure3 called a roundhouse. 7. A roundhouse was a special place to have ceremonies or large gatherings. 71words 1 difficult to understand round 3 building 2 1. Where did the Miwok Indians live? a. coast of California b. dome-shaped homes c. huts d. roundhouse 2. What did they do every day? ____________________________________________________________ 3. What did they like to do? a. hunt b. fished c. made baskets and danced d. walked 4. What did the Miwok Indians live in? ____________________________________________________________ 5. Which word from the text is defined for the reader? a. coast b. acorns c. language d. roundhouse DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only. Name __________________________ P eri odi c R evi ew 3 When identifying answers in text: • Read the questions paying attention to key words. • Key words from the question, match words from the text. Identify answers in the text. Step #1: Read the text carefully. Step #2: Read the question, underline the key word(s) that will help you identify the answer. a. Find the key words in the text that match the question. Step #3: Answer the questions. Write your answer in a complete sentence if needed. Our Government 1. The United States Constitution is a document1 that contains our laws. 2. The U.S. Constitution was written over 200 years ago. 3. It describes how our government2 works. 4. The Constitution splits the government into three parts called branches. 5. The three branches are the legislative, executive, and judicial. 6. Each branch of government carries out different jobs. 7. The legislative branch makes the laws, while the executive branch makes sure people obey3 the laws. 8. The judicial branch discusses the laws. 1 piece of paper 75 words 2 3 people who control what happens in a country follow 1. When was the U.S. Constitution written? a. 10 years ago b. 200 years ago c. 500 years ago d. 70 years ago 2. The U.S. Constitution splits the government into how many parts? a. 13 b. 3 c. 4 d. 200 3. What are the three branches of government? ________________________________________________________ 4. What does the executive branch do? ________________________________________________________________ 5. Which word from the text is defined for the reader? a. jobs b. carries c. United States Constitution d. laws DataWORKS Educational Research (800) 495-1550 • ©2011 All rights reserved. Comments? 3rd Grade Reading Comprehension 2.3 (2Q) Demonstrate comprehension by identifying answers in the text. Lesson to be used by EDI-trained teachers only.