Spanish Pre B.I. I Class Schedule

¿Qué hicimos en clase hoy?
lunes, el 13 de enero
We began the final oral presentation.
****Homework: Organize your notes and come in with questions to review for the block exam tomorrow.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow during 3A if you were absent today.
viernes, el 10 de enero
We turned in our pesos and pases. We reviewed the homework worksheets. We took the quiz on chapter
2a vocabulary, listening, reading and reflexive verbs.
****Homework: Prepare for the final oral presentation. Create 25 questions about the plot, characters
and cultural information from “¿Eres tú, María?”
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 9 de enero
We finished the oral presentations. We discussed our final exam and our final oral presentation.
****Homework: Worksheet: Guided practice 2a-1 and 2a-2. Go to grammar
#60. Do the mini test and basic quiz. Submit and record. Study for the quiz on chapter 2a vocabulary
recognition, listening, reading, and the conjugation of reflexive verbs. Prepare out loud Wkbk p. 31-32
actividades 10 and 11. Bring to class ALL pesos and pases.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 8 de enero
We received a new homework calendar and the worksheets for the rest of the block. We began our Guia
de vacaciones presentations and turned in the rubric.
****Homework: Go to grammar #58 y 59. Read the explanations and study
the examples. Then do the mini tests and basic quizzes. Submit and record everything. (40 puntos).
Read “Guia del examen del cuarto bloque “ y “Presentación oral”.
Go to web
code jdd 0204 Do the activities. Then go to the “home page” capítulo 2 – puzzles – do them.
Worksheeets: Pruebas 2a-2 and 2a-3.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 19 de diciembre
We reviewed p. 80-81 actividades 8 and 9. Do p. 81-83 actividades 10, 11 and 14.
****Homework: Worksheet: Guided practice 2a-1 and 2a-2. Go to web code jdd
0204. Do the activity. Bring your own beverage, something to share with the class to eat and a small gift
for everyone in class.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 18 de diciembre
We reviewed the definitions that we create for chapter 2ª. We turned in the rubric for Guia de vacaciones
parte III. We discussed Guia de vacaciones Parte IV. We learned how to form and use reflexive verbs.
****Homework: We worked on chapter 2A vocabulary. Go to web codes jdd 0202 y
0203. Do the activities. Prepare out loud p. 78 actividades 4 and 5. Write out in your notebook p. 80-81
actividades 8 & 9
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3ª if you were absent today.
martes, el 17 de diciembre
We took the test on chapter 1ª/b vocabulary and affirmative and negative words. We reviewed p. 34-35
and p. 62-63. We began discussing Christmas traditions of Hispanic countries.
****Homework: Guia de vacaciones parte III – due by 6:00 a.m. tomorrow. Turn in the rubric. Read and
study p. 74-77. Write out in your notebook of 77 actividad 3. Create definitions in Spanish for 25 of the
new vocabulary words for chapter 2ª. Bring to class objects for the chapter 2 vocabulary.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 16 de diciembre
Remember to check your email – if you have not received and/or are not able to open the script
attachment, notify Mrs. Damascus a.s.a.p. We reviewed P.s. 1a-8 and 1b-8. We also reviewed p. 21
actividad 3, p. 49-59 activdades 3 and 4. We took the quiz on chapter 1a/b vocabulary recognition,
listening and reading. We did a worksheet on affirmative and negative words and practiced sentence
****Homework: Study for the test on chapter 1a/b vocabulary production and translations with
affirmative and negative words. Worksheets: Pruebas 1a-2 and 1b-2. Read p. 34-35, 62-63 and write out
the “¿Comprendiste” sections in your notebook.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
viernes, el 13 de diciembre
We reviewed Wkbk p. 14 actividad 12 and P.S. 1ª1 through 1ª-3 and 1b-1 and 1b-2. Do P.S. 1a-6 and
1a-7. We did various listening exercises with chapter 1a/b vocabulary.
****Homework: P.S. 1a-8 and 1B-8. Write out in complete sentences in your notebook p. 21 actividad 3,
p. 49 actividad 3 and p. 50 actividad 4. Study for the quiz on chapter 1a/b vocabulary – recognition,
listening and reading.
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 12 de diciembre
We watched and discussed episodio 10 of “¿Eres tú, María?” We reviewed p. 31 actividad 19 and the
definitions that we created for chapter 1a/b vocabulary. We worked on chapter 1a/b vocabulary.
****Homework: Go to grammar point # 19 Do theBasic quiz y Mini test.
Submit y record. (20 puntos) Wkbk p. 14 actividad 12 . P.S. 1ª-1 through 1ª-3, 1B-1 and B-2.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 11 de diciembre
We took the test on chapter 9ª/b vocabulary, saber/conocer and equal comparisons. We discussed part III
of the Guía de Vacaciones assignment: Powerpoint. We learned affirmative and negative words and word
order. Do P.s. 1a-6.
****Homework: Write out in complete sentences in your notebook p. 31 actividad 19. Go to web code jdd 0105 and do the activitiy. Read and study p.1 8-21 and p. 46-49.
Then create definitions for 20 of the new vocabulary for chapter 1A and 20 for the new vocabulary in
chapter 1B. Prepare to watch episodio 10 of “¿Eres tú, María?” Bring REALIDADES II books to class from
now on.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3B if you were absent today.
martes, el 10 de diciembre
We discussed the format of tomorrow’s test – chapter 9ª/b vocabulary production, saber/conocer, unequal
comparsions, sentence translation and writing. We reviewed the homework worksheet. We reviewed P.S.
9a-1 through 9a-4, 9a-8, 9b-3, 9b-4 and 9b-8.
****Homework: Read p. 464-465 and write “¿Comprendes?” Study for the test on chapter 9a/b.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 9 de diciembre
We took the quiz on chapter 9ª vocabulary recognition, reading and listening. We reviewed P.S. 9B-6. Do
P.S. 1B-6 (Realidades 2). Do the online activity to practice saber and conocer:
We reviewed P.S. 1b-5. In Realidades II do Wkbk p. 22 actividad 11. We watched an discussed episodio 9
of “¿Eres tú, María?”
****Homework: P.S. 9A-8 and 9B-8. Worksheet: Prácticas con saber/conoer y comparativos iguales.
Guía de vacaciones Parte II must be sent to Mrs. Damascus as an email attachment (.doc) by 10 p.m.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you werea absent today.
viernes, el 6 de diciembre
We reviewed the definitions that we created for chater 9ª and 9B vocabulary. We did a couple of listening
activities. We reviewed p. 53 actividades 10 & 11 and p. 57 actividad 16. We worked together on a couple
of online activities to practice equal comparisons and the verbs saber and conocer. You can access these
at: and
Tarea: Go to web codes jcd 0901, 0902, 0911,0912 0914 y jdd 0115. Do the
activities. Prepare to watch episode 9 of “¿Eres tú, María?. P.S. 9a-1 through 9a-4,9 9b -1 through 9b-4,
9b-6. Also in Realidades II do P.S. 1b-5.
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 5 de diciembre
We turned in our Fin de semana project with the rubric. We learned how to use SABER and CONOCER. We
learned how to form equal comparisons. We reviewed p. 432 actividad 9 and p. 441 “Comprendes”.
****Homework: Create definitions in Spanish for at least 20 of the new vocabulary for chapter 9A and 20
for chapter 9B. In Readlidades 2, write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 53 actividades 10 &
11 and p. 57 actividad 16.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7;30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miercoles, el 4 de diciembre
We took the test on chapter 8ª/b vocabulary, decir, hacer que presente, verbs like gustar and writing. We
began working with chapter 9a/b vocabulary. Do p. 419 actividad 3.
****Homework: Fin de semana project – be sure to turn in your rubric too! Write out in your notebook in
complete sentences p. 432 actividad 9. Read p. 440-441 and write out “¿Comprendes?” Read p. 454 and
do actividad 4 #1. Prepare out loud p. 455 actividad 6.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow during 3ª if you were absent today.
martes, el 3 de diciembre
We turned in the letter that we wrote for homework. We received a new homework calendar. Turn in the
rubric for “Guía de vacaciones” parte I. We received and discussed instructions for the Guía de vacaciones
parte II. We watched and discussed episodio 8 of “¿Eres tú, María?” We discussed the format of our
chapter test, and practiced sentence translations.
****Homework: Study for the test on chapter 8a/b vocabulary, decir, hace que presente, writing.
Tomorrow 3A is the deadline to recite the Our Father to Mrs. Damascus
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
We watched and discussed Eres tú María episodio 7. We reviewed P.S. 6B-5 in Realidades II and P.S. 8a-8
and 8b-8 in Realidades I. We reviewed p. 390-391.
****Homework: Worksheets: Pruebas 8a-2 and 8b-2. On looseleaf write (in black or blue ink) a 175 word
letter to a friend describing what you did during your vacation (it can be made up). Use at least 10
different verbs in the preterite and at least 5 diferent connections/transitions. Go to Grammar #48 Basic quiz y mini test. Submit y record everything. (30
puntos) . Go to jcd 0904, jdd 0601, jdd 0613 and do the activities. Prepare to
watch episodio 8 of “¿Eres tú, María?”. Guía de Vacaciones – Parte I. (This is due by 10:00 p.m. on
See Mrs. Damascus at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A on Tuesday if you were absent today.
lunes, el 25 de noviembre
We did the last timing for our competition against the other class with preterite verbs. We took the quiz
on chapter 8a/b vocabulary recognition, reading and listening. We discussed the instructions for Part I of
“Guia de vacaciones” and picked a country to research. We reviewed verbs like GUSTAR and added some
new ones. Do P.S. 8B-6, 9a-6 and 9A-7.
****Homework: Prepare to watch episodio 7 of “¿Eres tú, María?” In Realidades 2 do P.S. 6B-5.
Worksheets: Pruebas 8b-4, 9a-4. Bring both books for Realidades I and II.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:35 a.m. if you were absent today.
viernes, el 22 de noviembre
We reviewed Wkbk p. 167 actividad 11. InRealidades 2 do P.S. 1b-7. In Realidades 2 we reviewed P.S.
1b-3 and 1b-5. In realidades I we reviewed P.S. 8a-1 through 8a-4, 8b-3 and 8b-4. We also reviewed p.
388 actividad 21, p. 403 activiad3 and p. 378 actividad 4.
****Homework: Study for the quiz on chapter 8a/b vocbulary recognition, reading and listening. Bring
both books for Realidades I and II. Do P.S. 8A-8, 8b-2 and 8B-8. Go to web codes
jcd 0801, 0802, 0811 0812, 0813 and jdd 0116. Do the activities.
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7;30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, e 21 de noviembre
We learned the verb DECIR. Worksheet: Prueba 8B-3. We learned the use of hace que presente. Do in
realidades 2 p. 58 actividad 18. We did a couple of listening exercises. We reviewed p. 377 actividad e
****Homework: In Realidades 2 do P.S. 1B-3. In Realidades I do Wkbk p. 167 actividad 11, P.S. 8a-1
through 8a-4, 8b-3 and 8b-4. Bring both Readliades I and II books to class tomorrow.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 20 de noviembre
We received the worksheets for homework/classwork that we’ll need for the rest of this week and next.
We discussed episodio 6 of “¿Eres tú, María?” We reviewed the definitions that we created for chapter 8a
and 8B vocabulary. We worked on chapter 8a and 8b vocabulary. We learned the verb DECIR. We
reviewed p. 408 actividad 9.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow during period 3 if you were absent today.
lunes, el 18 de noviembre
We reviewed the homework worksheets. We received a new homework calendar. We took the test on
chapter 7a/b vocabulary, preterite, personal a, demonstrative adjectives.
****Homework: Read and study p. 374-376 and p. 400-403. Write out in your notebook in complete
sentences p. 377 actividad 3 and p. 403 actividad 3. Create definitions in Spanish for 20 of the new
vocabulary for chapter 8A and 20 for chapter 8B. Prepare out loud p. 378-382 actividades 4, 10, 11 and p.
385 actividad, p. 404-405 actividades 5 and 6. Write out in your noteboom in complete sentences p. 379
actividad 7, p. 388-389 actividad 21 and “Exploracion del lenguaje”, p. 406 “Exploración del lenguaje” and
See Mrs. Damascus on Wednesday at 7:35 a.m. if you were absent today.
viernes, el 15 de noviembre YOU MAY NOT USE YOUR HOMEWORK PASS. THIS MUST BE
We watched episodio 6 of “¿Eres tú, María?” We reviewed the homework worksheet and the practice
sheet pages assigned last night and the night before. We practiced demonstrative adjetives, vocabulary
chapters 7A/B and the preterite.
****Homework: Study for the test on chapter 7A/B vocabulary, preterite, personal A and demonstrative
adjectives. Work packet (you received in class yesterday).
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 am. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 14 de noviembre
We took the quiz on chapter 7ª/b vocabulary recognition, reading and writing. We reviewed P.S. 7B-5 and
7B-6. We watched and discussed episode 5 of “¿Eres tú, María?” We learned a song to practice body
parts (La Cabeza). We practiced the preterite out loud (competition against the other class).
****Homework: Go to web codes jcd 0713, 0714, 0803, 0804, 0814 y jdd 0214,
0305. Do the activities. Do P.S. 8ª-4, 8ª-5 , 8B-7. Hoja: Prueba 8ª-5.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 13 de noviembre
Do P.S. 8ª6 an d8A-7. We did a couple of listening exercises. We reviewed the homework worksheets. We
learned how to say how long ago we did something. We practiced the preterite.
****Homework: Study for the quiz on chapter 8A and 8B vocabulary recognition, reading and listening.
Do P.S. 7A-3, 7B-3, 7B-5 and 7B-6.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 12 de noviembre
We did a listening activity. Reviewed P.S. 7A-7 and the written work in our notebook – p. 356 actividad 15,
p. 383 actividad 13 and p. 412 actividad 17. We learned how to use the personal “a”. Do p. 388 actividad
20. We practiced the preterite, demonstrative adjectives and vocabulary in sentences.
****Homework: Go to web code jcd 0805 and do the activty. Go to Grammar point #26 (a personal). Do the basic quiz, mini test, record and
submit both. (15 points). From Realidades 2 write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 110
actividad 13, p. 112 actividad 16 and p. 140 actividad 15. Worksheets: Adjetivos deonstrativos –
prácticas adiciones.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 11 de noviembre
We received a new homework calendar (it’s also on my website). We did a listening exercise. Do P.S. 7A1, 7B-1 and 7B-2. We reviewed the homework worksheets on demonstrative adjectives and the preterite.
We did some partner and group practices with demonstrative adjectives, chapter 7A/B vocabulary and the
preterite. We began discussing the preparation information for ¿Eres tú, María? Episodioe 5.
****Homework: Go to web codes jcd 0701 and 0711. Do the activities. Do P.S.
7A-7, 7A-8 and 7B-8. Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 356 actividad 15, p. 383
actividad 13 and p. 412 actividad 17. Prepare to watch episodio 5 of “¿Eres tú, María?”
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
viernes, el 8 de noviembre
We reviewed the definitions that we created for chapter 7ª and 7B vocabulary. We learned demonstrative
adjectives and how to form and use the preterite. We practiced vocabualry chapters 7A and 7B. We
reviewed p. 325 actividad 3 and p. 349 actividad 3.
****Homework: Worksheets Guided practice Adjetives demosntrativos y el pretérito”
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 7 de noviembre
We turned in the ad for our house. Do p. 350-351 actividades 5 and 7. We worked on chapter 7A and 7B
vocabualry.Do p. 326-329 actividades 4, 6, 9 and 11.
****Homework: Create definitions for 40 of the new vocabulary in chapters 7A and 7B.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 6 de noviembre
We took the test on chapter 6B. We began working on chapter 7A and 7B vocabulary.
****Homework: “Se vende una casa” assignment – be sure to turn in the rubric too. Read and study p.
322-325, 346-349 (chapters 7A/B vocabulary). Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 325
actividad 3 and p. 349 actividad 3. Bring to class any clothing/accessory articles related to the current
chapter vocabulary.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 5 de noviembre
We turned in Wkbk p. 127. We reviewed P.S. 9A-5, p. 307 actividad 15 and the homework worksheets
with affirmative tú commands and pronouns. We discussed the instructions for creating a flyer to sell a
house (due on Thursday).
****Homework: Study for the test on chapter 6B vocabulary, affirmative tú commands with pronouns,
direct object pronouns, the present progressive, acabar de, and writing.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 4 de noviembre
We discussed the format of our chapter 6b test (it’s on this Wednesday). We reviewed the homework
worksheet on the present progressive with pronouns. We reviewed P.S. 6B-8. We practiced giving each
other affirmative tú commands. Do p. 305-306 actividades 12 through 14 and p. 168 actividad 16.
****Homework: Wkbk p. 127 actividad 11 – this will be collected – be sure to do it in pen and neatly.
Worksheeet” Practica adicional – pronobres directos y mandatos afirmativos tú. Write out in your
notebook in complete sentences p. 307 actividad 15.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
viernes, el 1 de noviembre
We watched and discussed episodio 4 of “¿Eres tú, María?” We learned how to form affirmative tú
commands with pronouns. We learned a song to remember the irregular affirmative tú commands
****Homework: On Monday bring both books for Realidades I and II. Learn the irregular affirmative tú
command song by hear. Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 311 activdiad 22. Preare out
loud p.3 05-306 actividades 12 through 14. Create 8 original affirmative tú commands in Spanish which
can be acted out in class. Use a different verb in each command.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 31 de octubre
We reviewed P.S. 6B-3 and 6B-4. We took the quiz on chapter 6B vocabulary recognition, listening and
reading. We reviewed the homework worksheets. Do P.s. 6B-7. We learned the construction with acabar
de ininitive. Do p. 434 actividad 12. We discussed the project “El fin de semana con una familia”.
****Homework: Worksheet: El presente progresivo. Prepare to watch episodio 4 of “¿Eres tú, María?” Do
P.S. 9A-5. Then rewrite the sentences in the present progressive and change the direct objects to
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 30 de octubre
We reviewed the definitions that we created for chapter 6B vocabulary. We reviewed p. 312-313. We did
a few listening activities. We reviewed p. 361 actividad 21. We created new verbs for the present
progressive song.
****Homework: P.S. 6B-1 through 6B-4. Worksheets (Prueba 6B-2, 6B-4, 3B-5. Practice the verses that
your group created for the present progressive song. Study for the quiz on chapter 6B vocabualry –
recognition, listening and reading.
See Mrs. Damscus tomorrow at 7;30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 29 de octubre
We did p.303-304 actividades 7 and 8. We reviewed p. 310 actividad 21. We did a couple listening
activities. We finished the powerpoint activity with direct object pronouns. For P.S. 2A-6 and 3A-4 –
rewrite the sentences which have direct objects – change them to rponouns. We learned how to form and
use the present progressive with pronouns. We learned a song to practice the present progressive with
****Homework: read p. 312-313 and do “Comprendes” in your notebook. Create definitions for at least
20 of the new vocabulary words for chapter 6B. Practice the present progressive song. Write out in your
notebook p. 361 actividad 21 – write each sentence TWICE – once putting the pronoun before the
conjugated verb and once putting the pronoun after it.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 28 de octubre
We received new PASES and a new homework calendar. We worked on chapter 6B vocabulary. We
learned direct object pronouns and how to use them. (Consult my website and read the powerpoint.) We
sang a song using direct object pronouns.
****Homework: Go to web code jcd 0611 y 0612. Do the activities until you get
100%. Prepare out loud p.3 03-304 actividades 7 & 8. Write out in your notebook p. 310 actividad 21.
Go to grammar points #41-43. Do the BASIC QUIZ and MINI TEST for each
grammar point. Don’t forget to SUBMIT and RECORD each one. (45 points) .
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:15 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 22 de octubre
We took our block exam.
Have a nice weekend!
lunes, el 21 de octubre
We reviewed for the block exam.
****Homework: Study for the block exam. Bring two black or blue pens, white out/liquid paper (optional)
and something to read/study/ do sliently by yourself in case you finish the exam early. TAKE CARE OF ALL
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 am. if you were absent today.
viernes, el 18 de octubre
We discussed the format of our block exam. We did a writing in class. We discussed traditional Spanish
****Homework: Actively practice for the block exam.
See Mrs. Damascus at 7:50 a.m. on Monday if you were absent today.
jueves, el 17 de octubre
We turned in our pesos and pases. We presented our “bandera personal”. We reviewed the homework
translation sheet. We talked about traditional Spanish architecture.
****Homework: Prepare to write in class using comparatives, superlatives, numbers and stem changing
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7;50 a.m. if you were absent today.
martes, el 15 de octubre
We reviewed p. 288-289. We took the quiz on chatper 6ª vocabulary. We watched and discussed episodio
3 of “¿Eres tú, María?” We began correcting the homework worksheet.
****Homework: Bring ALL of your pesos and pases to turn in tomorrow. You MUST have them with you
when you come to class in order to receive credit for them this block. Be prepared to present your
“bandera personal” – bring the rubric.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 if you were absent today.
viernes, el 11 de octubre
We did a couple of listening activities and reviewed P.S. 6ª-8. We toook the quiz on chapter 6A vocabulary
recognition, reading and listening. We did number dictation practice. We reviewed the homework
****Homework: Read p. 288-289 and write in your notebook “¿Comprendes?” Study for the quiz on
chapter 6A vocabulary – production – definitions. Worksheet: Traducciones capítulo 6A.
See Mrs. Damascus on Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 10 de octubre
We worked with chapter 6ª vocabulary. We did a couple of listening activities. We reviewed P.S. 6A-1,
6A-2 , 6A-5, 6A-6 and 6A-8. Do p. 279-280 actividades 11 and 13. We did number dictation practice.
We discussed the instructions for “Mi bandera personal” which is due next Thurs Oct 17 th.
****Homework: Quiz on chapter 6A vocabulary (recognition) listening and reading. Worksheets.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 9 de octubre
We received a homework calendar for the rest of the block. We worked on chapter 6A vocabulary. Re
reviewed p. 27 actividad 14 from Realidades II. We learned how to form unequal comparisons and the
****Homework: Practice vocabulary chapter 6A. Bring Realidades I books. Write out in your notebook in
complete sentences p. 286 actividad 26. Do P.S. 6A-5 and 6A-6. Go to web codes
jcd 0603 and 0604. Do the activities until you get 100%.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 8 de octubre
We turned in the drawing of our bedroom. We watched and discussed episodio 2 of “¿Eres tú, María?”We
reviewed P.S. 6a-7, 7A-2 and 9B-5. We reviewed p. 99 actividad 2 fro Realidades 2. We practiced stem
changing verbs, and learned preferir, servir, empezar, almorzar, entender, and costar.
***Homework: Prepare out loud p. 282-283 actividades 17-19. Practice chapter 6A vocabulary. Do P.S.
6A-8. From Realidades II read and study p. 27. Then write out in complete sentences in your notebook p.
27 actividad 14. Bring both books for Realidades I and II to class tomorrow.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 7 de octubre
We watched the videohistoria for chapter 6ª. We reviewed the vocabulary definitions that we created for
chapter 6ª. We reviewed P.275 actividad 3 and P.S. 6a-1 and 6A-2. Do P.S. 7A-3, 7A-4, 7A-8 and 7A-2.
Do Wkbk p. 116 actividad 10. From Realidades II write out in your notebook in complete sentences and
spell out the numbers for p. 99 actividad 2.
****Homework: On a white sheet of paper, draw a bedroom. Label at least 8 different items of furniture
including the article and color in Spanish. Go to grammar point #52 (Numbers
31-1000). Do the Basic quiz and Mini test. Submit and record. (15 puntos) Read and study p. 284
“Gramática” and p. 458 “Gramática”. Then do P.S. 6A-7 and 9B-5.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
viernes, el 4 de octubre
We took the chapter 5B test. We learned our numbers through the millions.
****Homework: Read and study p. 272-275/ Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 275
actividad 3. Create definitions in Spanish for at lest 20 of the new words for chapter 6A. Write out in your
notebook p. 282-283 actividad 17 and 19. Do P.S. 6A-1 and 6A-2
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
jueves, el 3 de octubre
We reviewed the mnemonic devices that we created for SER and ESTAR. We did a worksheet to review
for our chapter 5B test tomorrow.
****Homework: Study for the test on chapter 5B, vocabulary, ser/estar, venir, traer, indirect object
pronouns and faltar. Prepare to watch episodio 2 of “¿Eres tú, María?”
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow BEFORE 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 2 de octubre
We discussed the format of our chapter 5B test (it’s this Friday). We discussed the traditional daily and
meal schedule of Hispanic countries. In Realidades II do Wkbk p. 33 actividad 12. Do P.S. 5B-6 in
Realidades I. We reviewed the homework worksheets.
****Homework: Bring Realidades I – both books to class tomorrow. Wkbk p. 107-108 actividades 12 and
13. In your notebook, create a mnemonic device to remember the uses of SER and ESTAR.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 1 de octubre
We turned in our “Concurso con opciones”. We took the quiz on chapter 5B vocabulary recogntion,
reading and listening. We learned a poem of directions. In Realidades II do P.S. 2A-6 and p. 86-87
actividades 19 and 20. We reviewed P.S. 5B-1 through 5B-4.
****Homework: Tomorrow bring both Realidades I books and the workbook for Reaidades II. Read p.
262-264 and wirte out “¿Comprendes?” Tomorrow 3A is the deadline to recite the Hail Mary to Mrs.
Damascus. Worksheets: guided practice 5B-3 and 5B-4, pruebas 5B-4, 5B-2 and 2A-4.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 30 de septiembre
We received a new homework calendar. We received the worksheets for homework for the rest of the
week. We discussed the instructions for the homework assignment with our bedroom and the mnemonic
devices for ser and estar. We discussed and practiced the uses of the verbs Ser and Estar. Do p. 259
actividad 16. We reviewed the definitions which we created for chapter 5B vocabulary.
****Homework: “Concurso con opciones” – be sure everything is completed as directed with appropriate
signatures. Study for the quiz on chapter 5B vocabulary (recognition) reading and listening. Go to web codes jcd 0514 and jdd 0205 and do the activities. Go to Realidades I link on
my website – chapter 5B and do the puzzles. Go to grammar points #15
through 18. Do the Basic quiz and Mini test – be sure to record and submit each one. (45 points). Bring
BOTH Realidades II books and the workbook for Realidades I to class tomorrow.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you wer absent today.
jueves, el 26 de septiembre
We did our oral introduction presentation. We learned how to use indirect object pronouns with pedir,
faltar and traer.
****Homework: Go to web codes jcd 0511, 0512, 0513 . Do the activities until you
get 100%. Create definitions in Spanish for at least 20 fo the new vocabular words for chapter 5B. Do
P.S. 5B-1 through 5B-4. Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 255 actividad 10.
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 25 de septiembre
We watched and discussed episodio 1 of “¿Eres tú, María?”. We worked with chapter 5B vocabulary and
discussed table settings/manners. We learned the verbs pedir, faltar and traer.
****Homework: Be ready to present your oral introduction. Remember to bring the rubric and your
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 24 de septiembre
We took the test on chapter 5ª. We began working on chapter 5B vocabulary.
****Homework: Prepare to watch episodio 1 of “¿Eres tú, María?” read and study p. 248-251. Write out
in your notebook in complete sentences p. 253 actividad 6. Prepare out loud p. 253 actividad 7.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 23 de septiembre
We discussed the “concurso con opciones” assignment. We took a quiz on chapter 5A vocabulary
recognition, reading and listening. We reviewed the sentences that we wrote with tener idioms. We
discussed the format of tomorrow’s chapter 5A test. Do p. 232 actividad 18. We read and discussed p.
****Homework: Study for the test on chapter 5A: vocabulary production, possessive adjectives, tener
and tener idioms, culture.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7;30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
viernes, el 20 de septiembre
We turned in our comparison paper. We reviewed the omework worksheets. We practiced sentence
translations using tener idioms and possess adjectives. We discussed the use of words ending in “ito/ita”.
We discussed the concepts of family, godparents and the quinceañera.
****Homework: Worksheet “Expresiones idiomáticas con el verbo TENER”. On looseleaf written neatly in
black or blue ink – follow the directions for Wkbk p. 98 – write at least 150 words. Study for the quiz on
chapter 5A vocabulary – recognition, reading and listening.
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 19 de septiembre
We discussed the process of writing a comparison paper. We reviewed P.S. 5-7 and 5-8. We did a
listening activity. We learned and practiced the verb HACER and the expression “tener ganas de infinitivo”.
Do Wkbk p. 96 actividad 11.
****Homework: Worksheet packet with tneer, possessive adjective and chapter 5A vocabulary. On
looseleaf, written neatly in black or blue ink – write a comparison paper of 150 words based on the
interviews from class yesterday and your Venn Diagram. Include at least 4 different
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or durng 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 18 de septiembre
We discussed the instructions for our oral presentation to introduce ourselves (due next Thurs Sept 26th
– you can find this also in the worksheet section of my website). We reviewed P.S. 5A-3 through 5A-6.
We interviewed two classmates.
****Homework: P.S. 5a-7 and 5A-8. Create a Venn diagram with the information from the interviews in
class today.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 17 de septiembre
We reviewed the definitions that we created for chapter 5ª vocabulary. We reviewed p.s. 5A-1 and 5a-2.
We did a listening activity. We learned how to express possession with “DE” and possessive adjectives.
We also learned indirect object pronouns and how to use them with gustar and encantar. We reviewed p.
228-230 actividades 9 and 14.
****Homework: P.S. 5A-3 through 5A-6. Write out in complete sentences in your notebook p. 229
actividad 11.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 16 de septiembre
We received a new homework calendar. We learned a song “La Mar”. We began working with the
vocabulary for chapter 5A. We discussed the traditional name system in the Hispanic culture. We did a
spontaneous dialogue with a partner.
****Homework: Go to web code jcd 0501, 0502 y 0504. Do the activities until
you get 100%. Do P.S. 5ª-1 and 5ª-2. Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 228 actividad
9 and p. 230 actividad 14. Practice and memorize “La Mar”.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
viernes, el 13 de septiembre
We took the test on chapter 4B vocabulary and grammar, culture and writing. We reviewed p. 212-213
and discussed different types of texts.
****Homewrok; Read and study p. 220-225. Create definitions in Spanish for at least 20 of the new
vocabulary words for chatper 5A. Write out in your notebook p. 225-226 actividades 3 throught 5.
Prepare out loud p. 227 actividades 6 through 8. Prepare to have a spontaneous conversation in which
you invite someone to do something/go somewhere and accept/reject the invitation.
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
jueves, el 12 de septiembre
We did a listening exercise. We reviewed P.S. 4B-8 , Wkbk p. 84-85 actividades 10 & 11 and the
homework worksheets. Do P.S. 4B-5. We took a quiz. We discussed the way tomorrow’s test wil be set
****Homework: Worksheets: Guided practice 4b-1 through 4b-4. Study for the test and chapter 4b
vocbulary, and the verb expressions such as ir a infinitive, tener que infinitive, etc.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7;30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 11 de septiembre
We reviewed the definitions that we created for chapter 4B vocabulary. Wr did p. 204 actividades 10 & 11. We
reviewede P.s. 4B-3, 4B-4, 4B-6 and 4B-7.
****Homework: Workshets (Pruebas 4B-2 and 4B-3). Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 209
actividad 20. Read p. 212-213 and write out “¿Comprendes?” Prepare to have a conversation in which you invite
someone to do something, accept and/or reject an invitation.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
martes, el 10 de septiembre
We received a new homework calendar. We reviewed ways to invite, accept and reject invitations. We
reviewed the sentences that we wrote with jugar, tener, and tener que infinitivo. We learned the
difference between “de la noche” and “por la noche”.
****Homework: Prepare to have a conversation in which you invite, accept and reject an invitation. Write
Wkbk p. 84-85 actividades 10 & 11. Write P.S. 4b-7.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
lunes, el 9 de septiembre
We reviewede p. 203-209 actividades 7 and 20. Do P.S. 4b-3, 4B-6 and 4B-8. Read “¿Qué es un texto?”
worksheet and follow the instructions. (You can find the worksheet on my website)
****Homework: P.S. 4B-4. Go to Connect to Realidades I capitulo 4B –
Puzzles. Do the crossword, jumble and word searches with clues. Go
to Grammar lesson #32. Read and study the explanation and examples. Do
the BASIC QUIZ and MINI Test. Submit and record. (20 points) Tomorrow there will be a reading and
listening quiz for chapter 4B. Study and practice the vocabulary!
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
viernes, el 6 de septiembre
We reviewed P.S. 4B-1, 4B-2 and 4B-5. Do p. 206-208 actividades 14, 16 and 18. We created definitions
in Spanish for the vocabualry from chatper 4B. See the “worksheet” section of my website for “Como
crear definiciones”.
****Homework:a. Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p. 203 actividad 7
b. Do the activities at web code jcd 0313
c. Read p. 209 actividad 20 and answer the questions in your notebook
d. Create 3 original sentences using the verb JUGAR.
e. Create 3 original sentences using the verb TENER.
f. Create 3 original sentences using the structure TENER + que + infinitivo
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
jueves, el 5 de septiembre
We interviewed a partner with the questions that we created last night. Do p. 202-203 actividades 4, 5, 6
and 8. Read p. 198-201 and write out in your notebook p. 201 actividad 3.
****Homework: P.S. 4b-1 and 4B-2. Go to web codes Jcd 0411 through 0414 and
jcd 0514. Do the activities.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 4 de septiembre
We received a new homework calendar. We took the test on chapter 4ª. We learned how to use the
different tools on We wrote our description and attached our photo to it to turn in. We
watched the Videohistoria for chapter 4A and 4B.
****Homework: In your notebook, in Spanish, create 10 questions you would ask a classmate to
interview her. At least 5 of the questions must use interrogatives. Read and study p. 196-201. Then, in
your notebook, in Spanish, make a list of three different ways to invite someone to do something or go
somewhere, 3 different ways to accept an invitation, and 3 different ways to reject an invitation.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
martes, el 3 de septiembre
We practiced sentence translations in preparation for our test tomorrow. We reviewed the cultural
information from chapter 4A.
****Homework: Study for the test on chapter 4A.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
viernes, el 30 de agosto
We discussed the details of our test – which is next Wed Sept 4th. We turned in our “concurso”. We took
the quiz on chapter 4A listening and reading. We reviewed P.S. 4ª-6 and 4ª-7.
****Homework: Begin reviewing for the chapter 4A test. Have a good weekend!
See Mrs. Damascus on Tuesday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3A if you were absent today.
jueves, el 29 de agosto
We reviewed p. 184-185 actividades 15 & 16. We did a couple of listening exercises. Do Wkbk p. 77
actividad 12, p. 73 actividad 6 and text p. 181 actividad 13. We learned the pronunciation of the letters
“C” and “G” with different vowels.
****Homework: P.s. 4a-6 and 4A-7. Read the “Fondo cultural” on pgs. 177 and 181 and answer any
questions that you find. Study for the quiz on chapter 4A listening and reading. On looseleaf, written
neatly in black or blue ink, make a list of at least 10 countries where Spanish is the official language, and
also list the capital of each of them.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
miércoles, el 28 de agosto
We sang the song “Yo te daré”. We reviewed P.S. 4ª-8 an 4ª-5. We took a pop quiz. We reviewed the
worksheets from last night. We practiced pronunciation. We learned the verb “tener”, the expression
“tener que infinitivo”. We brainstormed transitional words/phrases/connections.
****Homework: Read p. 192-193. Answer the questions in your notebook and make a list of the five
most importatn concepts from the reading. Read p. 188-189 and answer the questions in your notebook.
In your notebook, write a 10 sentence description about yourself. You must use at least 5 different
conjugated verbs. Also include some transitions/connections that we discussed in class today.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 am. if you were absent today.
martes, el 27 de agosto
We reviewed P.S. 4ª-1 through 4ª-4. We had a pop quiz. Turn in Wkbk p. 75-76. We reviewed p. 180181 actividades 11 & 12 and the homework worksheets. We discussed interrogative question words. We
learned a song to practice the vowels.
****Homework: Practice and memorize the song “Yo te daré?. Create two original sentences to tell
where two different subjects are going and what they will do there. Memorize them and be able to say
them out loud. Write out in your notebook in complete sentences p.1 84-185 actividades 15 & 16.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
lunes, el 26 de agosto
We turned in the rest of our class materials (folder, marker or tissue, picture). Anything that has not
been turned in is now LATE and PREPARATION POINTS will be deducted. We received a homework
calendar. (See the “Homework” section on my website). We discussed our birthday and the colors. We
played a game to review chapter 4A vocabulary and took a little quiz. We reviewed how to conjugate
regular ar, er and ir verbs. We learned the verbs IR, JUGAR, VER and HACER.
****Homework: P.S. 4A-8. Study for the quiz on chapter 4ª vocabulary. Write out in complete sentences
in your notebook p. 180-181 actividades 11 and 12. Worksheet: Guided practice sheets 4A-1 and 4A-2.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:35ª.m. if you were absent today.
viernes, el 23 de agosto
We recited “Arbolito de Peru”. We discussed class policies and procedures. We had a class discussion
about various pets and animals.
**** Homework: Continue to practice chapter 4A vocabulary. Prepare out loud p. 176-179 actividades 4,
5, 8 and 10 from your Realidades I textbook. Read (In Realidades I) the “Fondo Cultural” on pgs. 170,
181, 185 and 186 and answer the questions. Read p. 178 “Exploración del lenguaje” and write the
answers to the questions in your notebook.
See Mrs. Damascus on Monday at 7:30 a.m. or during 3a if you were absent today.
jueves, el 22 de agosto
We turned in our contract and information/schedule sheet. We chose a name in Spanish and received our
assigned seats. We learned a poem in Spanish (Arbolito de Perú). Textbooks were distributed.
****Homework: Cover your textbook – make it creative and/or culturally appropriate for our concurso
(contrest). Memorize and practice out loud the poem you learned in class today. Bring a recent picture of
yourself (by Monday). Continue to practice chapter 4A vocabulary.
See Mrs. Damascus tomorrow at 7:30 a.m. if you were absent today.
lunes, el 19 de agosto
We had a very short class. Attendance was taken. We received a packet of information.
****Homework: Read the class policies and procedures and give the sheet to your parents. Complete the
“Hoja de información/horario” to turn in on Thursday. Complete the class contract, and have your parents
do the same – turn it in tomorrow. Bring all class materials with you. Be prepared to hear ESPAÑOL when
you come to class on Thursday!