Direct Store Delivery (DSD) / Scan-based Trading (SBT) Supplier Setup Documentation Requirements Dear Supplier, Thank you for your interest in doing business with CVS/Caremark. It is CVS/Caremark policy that we do not establish a working relationship with the supplier until we receive all the following forms. Below is an explanation of each form. Use these links to access the appropriate forms on portal SBT Forms / DSD Forms Document Name Explanation Req New DSD Supplier Information Form To establish a supplier number to be utilized in your transactions with CVS/Caremark. Yes Indemnification Agreement Product Liability Requirements SBT Purchase Agreement or DSD Contract DSD New Item and Maintenance Form Updated: February, 2015 As part of our Risk Management Program, CVS requires that all suppliers supply us with an Indemnification Agreement. A Certificate of Product Liability must be submitted indicating the total amount of your Product Liability Coverage for the products supplied to us by your firm. Comments Yes Yes Purchase Sales Agreement Yes This form is to be utilized to indicate the items you are presenting to CVS/Caremark. You must use this form for subsequent item changes. Changes to product description, size, UPC). Yes As of January 1st 2014, all new DSD retail suppliers must participate in our SBT program. Under certain conditions, CMs/FMMs may seek special authorization to setup a supplier as DSD. Page 1 Direct Store Delivery (DSD) / Scan-based Trading (SBT) Supplier Setup Documentation Requirements CVS General Supplier Policy (Financial Evaluation (pg.30-31, section 6.2)) Regulatory Compliance Supplier Hazardous Waste Compliance CVS Ethics Policy Portal Security Access Form (non-alcohol and nonwarehouse suppliers only) Updated: February, 2015 To provide suppliers with CVS policies and expectations as they relate to the payments, supplier billing standards, routing, delivery of invoices, returns, disputes, and electronic data interchange (EDI). Yes To allow CVS to perform a financial review of your company. The Finance Department has access to credit information from various sources. Prior to entering a business relationship, a credit check by Finance will be performed on all new suppliers. To learn more about CVS/pharmacy’s WERC Smart Assessment requirement visit our Mandatory Regulatory Compliance page via the link provided below. CVS/pharmacy is requesting information related to the proper handling of products when spilled, damaged, leaking, or otherwise in need of disposal. All suppliers providing non-food products to CVS/pharmacy are asked to support our environmental compliance program by providing this waste management information. Please review to acknowledge CVS ethical standards. The CVS Supplier Portal is the website you, as a CVS Supplier, will use to access and maintain pricing information and to review invoices for direct store delivery items only. Informational Only Conditional MSDS sheets are not needed for products in the following categories: Food/Beverages, Apparel, Paper Products, Magazines, Greeting Cards, Prepaid/Gift Cards, Eyewear, Hair Accessories, Vitamins, Furniture, and Flowers/Plants Informational Only No Page 2