Homework Policy:

From the Desk of Mrs. Hallahan
Name: ______________________________________________
Class: 8-1 or 8-2
8th Grade Mathematics
Common Core Algebra I – High School Level Regents Course
Student Responsibilities – School Year 2014-2015
*This must remain in the front of your notebook throughout the school year – for your reference*
One of the most important aspects to a successful academic year is focus and
appropriate behavior during class time. RESPECT is what is expected at all times
within our classroom.
“I will always do my best”
“I will positively participate in all classroom activities”
“I will stay on task without disturbing or distracting others”
“I will not use ‘put downs’ or harass others”
“I will respect other people’s differences and opinions”
“I will raise my hand to speak”
“I will enter and exit the room quietly”
“I will actively listen when the teacher or a class mate is speaking”
In addition to a respectful environment, completing assignments well and in a timely
manner is directly linked with academic success.
HW directly correlated to the lesson taught and reviewed in class each day will be
assigned on a daily basis. HW will be assigned on a regular basis from the textbook
and/or the workbook. Worksheets and review sheets, and interactive online
assignments that augment each lesson will also be assigned for HW.
“I will spend enough time completing a HW assignment to do it well”
“I will complete my homework assignments on time”
“I will ensure my written homework assignments are neat and easy to read”
“I will have my daily HW assignment on my desk at the start of class, before the bell
rings, ready for Mrs. Hallahan to check that my HW assignment is completed”
“I will diligently check my work and my answers when we review HW in class”
“I will always raise my hand and ask questions when I do not understand a HW
“I will attend extra help / review sessions if I still have questions”
“I will always show my work”
“I will make sure that I know about and understand homework assignments before I
leave the classroom each day”
“I will write down my HW in my Agenda on a daily basis”
“If I miss class for any reason, I will make it my responsibility to find out what I
missed and make up all work in a timely manner”
In addition to DAILY HW ASSIGNMENTS, students will be assigned, usually on a
weekly basis, TEST PREP AND REVIEW (TPR) HW Assignments. During the early
weeks of the first trimester, these review HW assignments will review work
completed in 7th grade. As we proceed through the year, TPR assignments will review
COOP Test questions, NYS Grade 8 Mathematics Test Questions, and HS Level
Integrated Algebra Regents Test Questions. Weekly review from class inception in
September, through class completion in June, will serve to reinforce and review
concepts all year long. This will aide students in achieving mastery level achievement.
You will receive a minimum of 10 Test Prep and Review HW (TPR) Assignments
during each marking period.
You can usually expect to receive a Test Prep and Review HW Assignment each
The content of each Test Prep and Review HW Assignment will be review of
any prior topics that were covered during the year.
The content of the first several weeks’ Test Prep and Review HW Assignments
will be topics from the previous year’s curriculum.
Weekly Test Prep and Review HW Assignments will be assigned in addition to
daily HW that correlates to the current lesson.
Each Test Prep and Review HW Assignment will have 5 questions.
Each question will be worth 2 points.
Each Test Prep and Review HW Assignment will be worth 10 points in total.
Your marks on ten Test Prep and Review HW Assignments will be added
together to count as one test grade per marking period.
Each Test Prep and Review HW Assignment will usually, but not always, consist
of three multiple choice questions, one short answer, and one extended
response question, in a similar format to NYS test assessments.
You must show work where requested.
You will always have the opportunity to attend extra help before your TPR
assignment is due.
You should always aim and expect to receive a 10 on each an every TPR
If you turn in your TPR late, you will lose one point per day.
It is your responsibility to turn in your TPR HW. Please see me at recess
regarding any outstanding assignments.
Each marking period there will be a cumulative review TPR test. This test will
consist entirely of review questions from the TPR assignments from the
Students will have the opportunity to earn extra credit points each trimester through completion of
extra credit challenge questions. Extra credit questions will periodically show up on weekly TPR
assignments. Students should always be on the lookout for them, and always make their best effort to
complete them. Students will have the opportunity to ask about extra credit questions extra help
session prior to their due date.
Being prepared for class means being ready to work when the bell rings.
“I will enter the classroom quietly”
“I will have my HW on my desk before the bell rings”
“I will begin checking my HW or working on the DO NOW Activity as soon as the bell
“I will await teacher dismissal at the end of class”
“I will participate in class work, activities and discussion”
“I will answer questions to the best of my ability when I am called on”
“I will use logical thought and careful consideration when I am participating in an
activity or class discussion”
“I will come to class with the necessary books, materials and assignments each day”
This includes bringing to class each and every day the following:
 Something to write with – several sharpened pencils.
o This will prevent you from having to get up in the middle of class to sharpen
your pencil and be disrespectful to the class and teacher. It will also enable
you to focus in class and not have to miss any part of the lesson or HW
review if you are prepared.
Math Binder – see separate hand out on how to set up the Math Binder
Algebra I Textbook - your textbook is expected to be left at home.
o You are expected to review, on a daily basis, the lesson that was completed
in class, including reviewing all examples in the textbook, prior to completing
your HW assignment. Daily review and reinforcement of each lesson,
including sample questions is directly tied to academic success.
Students will be assessed in a variety of ways throughout the course of the
trimester, including Daily and Weekly HW Assignments, In Class Review Assignments,
Lesson Quizzes, Mid-Chapter and Chapter Tests, Cumulative Trimester Tests,
Practice COOP Testing, NYS Grade 8 Assessment Testing, and culminating the NYS
High School Level Common Core Algebra I Regents, which will count as a course Final
Exam (see http://www.p12.nysed.gov/apda/about-apda.html for additional reference
on NYS Grade8 and Regents Testing).
“I will be well prepared for exams”
“I will show work and checks”
“I will ask if I do not understand”
“I will attend extra help sessions for any question or topic that I need additional
Academic Grading Policy
Tests: Averaged twice each into trimester average
Quizzes: Averaged once each into trimester average
TPR Spiral Review Assignments will sum and count as a test grade
Daily HW and Classwork: Required to be completed for outstanding academic success
Ample opportunity is available to students for review and reinforcement multiple
times a week, throughout the year. Extra help is available to Math8 Students every
Wednesday afternoon from 2:20pm – 3:00pm, and every Tuesday at recess. The
extra help schedule is posted on the class website, on the extra help board in the
classroom, and announced in class. Any changes will also be posted and announced.
Each child is expected to attend extra help for any topic or assignment that they may
need additional review on.
COMMUNICATION – Teacher / Parent / Student
Good Parent, Teacher, Student Communication is essential for a child’s success in
school. Recent studies indicate that the more actively involved a parent is in his or
her child’s school life, the more the child excels. When parents and teachers work
together, a child has a team of adults who are committed to bringing out his or her
best. As parents and teachers, we can work together to support each other in ways
that keep this goal in mind.
Email is the most efficient way to contact me. I will respond to your email within 24
hours. If you would prefer a conference call or a meeting, please just email me to set
that up.
Email: ehallahan@stannesgcschool.org (include your email on the form below)
Class website: Login and Subscribe
The Class web pages are updated, usually on a daily basis. There is a wealth of
information on the class pages about what is going on in class today, tomorrow and
what is to come in the weeks ahead.
To login: From the St. Anne’s School Home Page
o www.stannesgcschool.org  Class Pages  8th Grade  8th Grade Math
To subscribe: From the St. Anne’s School Home Page, click email registration
Parent Portal: Log in frequently to check on your child’s grades all throughout the
o All returning students / parents should have access to the parent portal
o All new students / parents should receive login usernames
o Contact your child’s homeroom teacher for login information
I am here to work with you to help your child succeed. Please do not
ever hesitate to contact me to schedule a conference.
Dear Parents,
Please read through the
with your child to ensure understanding of expectations for MATH
Class this year. The GUIDE can be found posted under the RESOURCE
section of the 8th Grade Class Web Page. The Classroom web pages can
be accessed via the St. Anne’s School Home Page, and clicking the
CLASS PAGES button on the left.
Please then sign and complete the form below, and have your child
sign the form below and return this page to me by Monday, September
8, 2014.
Thank you!
Mrs. Hallahan 
I have read and understand the above expectations, as outlined
Student’s Name____________________________ Class: 8-1 or 8-2
Date: _________________________________________________________
Parent email address:
Primary _______________________________________________________
Secondary _____________________________________________________
Parent contact phone number:
Home _______________________
Cell _____________________