Unit 6 - Broughton Hall Catholic High School

About the ICT sample teaching units for Key Stage 3
Unit 7.6 Control and monitoring
ICT Framework objectives
Prior learning
Subject knowledge needed by teachers
Lesson outlines
Lesson plans
Lesson 1 Understanding control in everyday life
Lesson 2 Using flowchart symbols and writing instructions
Lesson 3 Using a sensor as a switch in a control model
Lesson 4 Creating and testing control models
Lesson 5 Creating an efficient system to monitor an event
Teacher resource 3 Slide presentation for lesson 2
Teacher resource 4 Flowchart planning sheet (a demonstration version of
Pupil resource 3)
Teacher resource 5 Slide presentation for lesson 3
Teacher resource 6 Slide presentation for lesson 4
Teacher resource 7 Slide presentation for lesson 5
Pupil resource 1 Sequencing cards
Pupil resource 2 Sequencing of traffic lights
Pupil resource 3 Flowchart planning sheet
Pupil resource 4 Decisions (a flowchart to complete)
Pupil resource 5 More decisions (blank flowcharts to complete)
Pupil resource 6 Three flowcharts
Pupil resource 7 Decision table
Pupil resource 8 Task sheet
7.6 homework tasks
7.6 vocabulary cards Flash cards of the key vocabulary used in this unit
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Control and monitoring
ICT Framework objectives
Analysing and automating processes
 Represent simple processes as diagrams, showing:
how a task can be broken down into smaller ones;
the sequence of operations, and any conditions or
decisions that affect it;
the initial information needed.
Control and monitoring
 Implement a system to carry out a simple control task,
including some that involve sensed physical data, by:
compiling sets of instructions, identifying those which can
be grouped to form procedures or loops;
testing and refining the instructions.
Unit 7.6 is expected to take five lessons of 60 minutes. Each activity has a
guide time so that you can alter the number and duration of lessons to suit your
own timetable.
The unit helps pupils to understand that technology is used to control many
everyday events, such as the operation of traffic lights and the raising of car
park barriers. Pupils use software to simulate a range of familiar scenarios and
to develop and refine flowcharts for control programs. The efficiency of the
programs is enhanced through loops and subroutines. In the final lesson of the
unit, pupils consider how the systems controlling a lighthouse could be adapted
to help, for example, a person with impaired hearing at home.
The lessons are designed for pupils working at levels 4 and 5, with extension
work for pupils working at higher levels. Adaptations and extra material are
suggested for less experienced pupils or for pupils working at lower levels.
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Computer and large display
Movie-playing software, such as Windows Media Player
Software, such as Microsoft Office, for wordprocessing and presentations
A control and monitoring package that allows onscreen simulations, for
example, Flowol, Logicator or Crocodile Clips, or any suitable control software
Whiteboard or flipchart
A webcam with movement sensor software
A control box
A few stopwatches
Teacher resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- 7.6 vocab cards.pdf
Flashcards of the key vocabulary used in this unit
- Teacher resource 1.wmv A video of traffic flow at traffic lights
- Teacher resource 2.wmv A video of reverse flow of traffic
- Teacher resource 3.ppt
Slide presentation for lesson 2
- Teacher resource 4.doc
Flowchart planning sheet (a demonstration version
of Pupil resource 3.doc)
- Teacher resource 5.ppt
Slide presentation for lesson 3
- Teacher resource 6.ppt
Slide presentation for lesson 4
- Teacher resource 7.ppt
Slide presentation for lesson 5
- 7.6 homework tasks.doc Homework tasks
Pupil resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Pupil resource 1.pdf
Sequencing cards
- Pupil resource 2.pdf
Sequencing of traffic lights
- Pupil resource 3.pdf
Flowchart planning sheet
- Pupil resource 4.pdf
Decisions (a flowchart to complete)
- Pupil resource 5.pdf
More decisions (blank flowcharts to complete)
- Pupil resource 6.pdf
Three flowcharts
- Pupil resource 7.pdf
Decision table
- Pupil resource 8.pdf
Task sheet
Prior learning
Pupils should already know how to:
 program a floor turtle;
 test and modify a series of instructions to solve a problem;
 write simple procedures;
 link output devices together.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Subject knowledge needed by teachers
To teach this unit, teachers will need to know how to:
 log on to the network;
 load and save work in a shared area;
 use a large screen display, such as an interactive whiteboard;
 use presentation and wordprocessing software;
 use a control box and sensors to model simple control scenarios;
 use programming software to control simple events, using decisions, loops and
Lesson outlines
Understanding control in everyday life
Starter: Checking pupils’ knowledge and understanding
Everyday control: traffic lights
Using instructions to control events
Improving sequences
Plenary: Merits of using ICT to control events
Homework: Comparing manual and automated road crossings
Using flowchart symbols and writing instructions
Starter: Sequencing instructions
Flowchart symbols
Writing efficient instructions
Using software to control events
Plenary: Matching instructions to actions
Homework: Creating a flowchart
Using a sensor as a switch in a control model
Starter: Using a webcam to sense and log movement
Using software to control events
Plenary: How a loop can improve the efficiency of a system
Homework: Control systems that use a loop
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Creating and testing control models
Starter: Linking flowcharts to systems
More complex systems
Using control software for a simulation involving more than one variable
Monitoring two variables at once
Plenary: Advantages of using a computer for control
Homework: Controlling greenhouse conditions
Creating an efficient system to monitor an event
Starter: Identifying the characteristics of a model
Developing the model and the use of the software
Using procedures to build a program
Plenary: Understanding a system
Homework: Using control in different environments
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Understanding control in everyday life
ICT Framework objectives
Control and monitoring
 Implement a system to carry out a simple control task by:
compiling sets of instructions, identifying those that can
be grouped to form procedures or loops.
Key vocabulary
From Year 6: control, procedure, sequence of instructions
From Year 7: automatic, program, repeated process
Other: precise, programmer
Preparation and planning
Clarify from pupils’ records the types of control activities they have experienced
in Key Stage 2. If necessary, modify the questions at the beginning of the
Make sure that you are able to show Teacher resource 1.wmv, a video clip of
traffic flow at traffic lights, and Teacher resource 2.wmv, a video clip of traffic
flow in the opposite direction. Have the first clip loaded, ready to show the class
after the lesson starter.
Use Pupil resource 1.pdf to prepare sets of sequencing cards for activity 3.
Each pair of pupils should have enough cards to complete sequences for two
sets of traffic lights at a crossing.
Prepare copies of Pupil resource 2.pdf for any pupils who may need a simplified
task in activity 3 (optional).
Create a wall display of key vocabulary for the unit, which can be added to each
week. If you wish, you could create a complete set of vocabulary cards from the
file 7.6 vocab cards.pdf.
Display the lesson’s objectives in a prominent position, phrased in a way that
pupils will understand.
Prepare copies of the appropriate part of 7.6 homework tasks.doc, one for each
pupil. Modify if appropriate.
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Computer and large display screen
Movie-playing software, such as Windows Media Player
Whiteboard or flipchart
Teacher resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- 7.6 vocab cards.pdf
Flashcards of the key vocabulary used in this unit
- Teacher resource 1.wmv A video of traffic flow at traffic lights
- Teacher resource 2.wmv A video of reverse flow of traffic
- 7.6 homework tasks.doc Homework tasks
 Pupil resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Pupil resource 1.pdf
Sequencing cards
- Pupil resource 2.pdf
Sequencing of traffic lights
Lesson outline
60 minutes
Starter: Checking pupils’
knowledge and
Whole class
10 minutes
Everyday control:
traffic lights
Individual work
10 minutes
Using instructions to
control events
Whole class
Paired work
20 minutes
Improving sequences
Whole class
10 minutes
Plenary: Merits of using
ICT to control events
Whole class
10 minutes
Homework: Comparing
manual and automated
road crossings
Individual work
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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1 Starter: Checking pupils’ knowledge and understanding
10 minutes
Tell pupils that during the next few lessons they will be developing their skills in
using computers to control things. Ask pupils to tell you briefly about their previous
experience of using control equipment. Ask them:
Have you used a floor turtle? What did you make it do? What did you find out?
Have you used a control box? What kind of models did you control? Did you
make the models?
Have you controlled a Lego® motor from a computer? How was the motor
used in your model?
Say that in this lesson pupils will watch a video clip of traffic at a set of traffic lights.
They will create a set of instructions to describe exactly what is happening. Refer
them to the displayed objectives for the lesson.
10 minutes
2 Everyday control: traffic lights
Show pupils Teacher resource 1.wmv, a video clip of 53 seconds of traffic flow at
lights. Tell them to watch carefully and think about these two questions.
What is causing the traffic to move into two lanes?
Road markings, and no entry ahead – the traffic can turn left or right only.
What is controlling the flow of traffic?
The traffic lights.
Say that while they are watching they might jot down what is going on. After the clip
is finished give the class a little thinking time, then ask individual pupils to describe
what they saw.
20 minutes
3 Using instructions to control events
Say that you will now show the clip in short sections so that pupils can identify the
different parts of the sequence of traffic moving through the lights. This will also
allow them to refine their jottings.
Show the clip again in sections, allowing time for pupils to make notes each time,
before you move on to the next section. Prompt their thinking by asking:
Section 1 (0–25 seconds)
Why is the oncoming traffic (going in the opposite direction) moving through
the lights?
Section 2 (26–27 seconds)
What is happening to the lights opposite?
What will happen next to the lights you can see?
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Section 3 ( 28–44 seconds)
How does one set of traffic light signals control the flow?
Pause on 44 seconds
What will happen next to the light sequence?
Finish playing the clip, then gather a set of statements from pupils to describe the
sequence of events. Write examples of these on the whiteboard or flipchart.
Discuss and identify words in each statement that could be omitted to summarise
the statement. For example, a statement: ‘at first, the cars move through lights
because they are green’, could become: ‘to start, lights green’. Stress that the
wording of the summary should be clear, unambiguous and precise but does not
have to be grammatically correct.
Ask pupils to work in pairs for 3 or 4 minutes and to write down, as precisely as
possible, some numbered steps for the traffic light sequence on the video, using
their jottings to help them. You could provide less confident pupils with a writing
frame, or give them a ready-made sequence and ask them to reorder it.
Alternatively, group together any pupils who are likely to find the task difficult so
that you can give them some direct help.
Take feedback from one or two pairs, replaying the video clip to verify their
Now write the sequence (red, red amber, green, amber, red) on the whiteboard or
flipchart. Ask pupils:
What further instructions do the traffic lights need?
‘Start’, ‘Stop’, ‘Wait’.
What else might be needed to make sure that the traffic continues to flow
throughout the day and that long queues don’t build up?
Having a delay sequence that takes the flow of traffic into consideration, or a
longer green light for traffic going into town in the morning and coming out in
the evening.
How can time delays be built in?
With an instruction such as ‘Wait 100 seconds’.
Add pupils’ suggested timings to the sequence on the class display, making sure
that they understand that the timings cannot be equal. Then ask:
What happens at the end of the whole sequence?
The sequence is repeated over and over again so that the lights continue
working continuously until they are switched off.
Show Teacher resource 2.wmv, a video clip lasting 31 seconds, demonstrating
flow from the opposite traffic light. Ask:
Why doesn’t the traffic collide with traffic coming from the opposite direction?
When the traffic in one direction is moving, the lights stop the traffic going in
the opposite direction. The two sets of lights have to work together.
How would you describe in your own words how both sets of lights work
concurrently so that traffic doesn’t collide?
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Distribute sets of Pupil resource 1.pdf, sequencing cards. Ask pupils to work in
pairs to arrange the cards to create two corresponding sets of statements, one for
each set of lights, side by side. Allow 5 minutes for this task.
Pupils who complete the task easily should work in pairs, with a stopwatch, to
agree appropriate delays. They should also identify any words that they think
should be inserted between the coloured cards.
Less confident pupils could be given an alternative task, based on Pupil resource
2.pdf, which is already partly completed. Explain that they should concentrate on
the lights controlling the traffic coming in the opposite direction, set 2. Prompt them
to complete the table, and draw out their understanding by emphasising the same
repeated pattern but with different phasing for the two sets of lights.
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10 minutes
4 Improving sequences
Bring the whole class together. Discuss some of the sequences. Ask if these
should be modified in any way to improve them. Use responses from the class to
10 minutes
potential hazards with some sequences, for example, drivers jumping lights
on amber;
potential improvements, for example, longer delays at critical points of the
the potential to change timings to improve the efficiency of traffic flow, for
example, traffic moving in and out of a city centre is sometimes controlled at
peak times to allow different lanes to be used;
some ways in which the traffic light system could vary, for example, there
could be a three-way junction or a pelican crossing.
5 Plenary: Merits of using ICT to control events
Ask pupils:
How do the traffic lights ‘know’ the set of instructions they are supposed to be
carrying out?
They don’t ‘know’ – they are responding automatically to the instructions they
are receiving.
Who told the traffic lights what to do?
The people who designed the set of instructions that the traffic lights are
following – the programmers.
Who is able to change the instructions?
The people who are responsible for the traffic flow on roads, usually the town
or borough council, can ask the programmers to change the instructions.
What happens if the traffic light system breaks down?
A manual alternative could include people operating stop/go signs, as
happens at roadworks. This would be safe but may cause queues.
Draw out answers that reflect the significance and merits of using ICT to automate
repeated processes.
Round off the lesson by reminding pupils that in this lesson they have written
instructions to control the traffic lights. They have learned that it is important to
make the instructions clear and precise.
Point out the key vocabulary chart, stressing the words that are new to pupils.
Explain that you will add more words to the chart in later lessons.
Homework: Comparing manual and automated road crossings
Set this task.
Two types of crossing
Describe three differences between a school crossing control and a pelican crossing.
Give one advantage and one disadvantage for each of the two types of crossing.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Using flowchart symbols and writing
ICT Framework objectives
Analysing and automating processes
 Represent simple processes as diagrams, showing:
how a task can be broken down into smaller ones;
the sequence of operations, and any conditions or
decisions that affect it;
the initial information needed.
Key vocabulary
From Year 6: input, output, process, sequence of instructions
From Year 7: efficient, flowchart, program
Other: decision, logic, start, stop
Preparation and planning
Make a copy for each pupil of Pupil resource 3.pdf, a flowchart planning sheet,
for activity 3. Make a second copy for each pupil in readiness for the homework
Use your control and monitoring software to prepare an example for pupils to
use in the simulation of the control of an event in activity 4. Put it in the network
shared area.
Display the lesson’s objectives in a prominent position, phrased in a way that
pupils will understand.
If necessary, have available guidance to help pupils to use your control and
monitoring software.
Add new vocabulary to the wall display.
Prepare copies of the appropriate part of 7.6 homework tasks.doc, one for each
pupil. Modify if appropriate.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Computer and large display
Software for wordprocessing and presentations
A control and monitoring package that allows onscreen simulations, for
example, Flowol, Logicator or Crocodile Clips, or any suitable control software
Whiteboard or flipchart
Teacher resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Teacher resource 3.ppt
Slide presentation for lesson 2
- Teacher resource 4.doc Flowchart planning sheet (a demonstration version
of Pupil resource 3)
- 7.6 homework tasks.doc Homework tasks
Pupil resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Pupil resource 3.pdf
Flowchart planning sheet
Lesson outline
60 minutes
Starter: Sequencing
Individual work
Whole-class discussion
10 minutes
Flowchart symbols
Whole class
10 minutes
Writing efficient
Whole-class demonstration
Individual work
15 minutes
Using software to
control events
Whole-class demonstration
Individual work
15 minutes
Plenary: Matching
instructions to actions
Group work
Whole class
10 minutes
Homework: Creating a
Individual work
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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10 minutes
1 Starter: Sequencing instructions
Before the start of the lesson, load Teacher resource 3.ppt, ready to show on the
large screen display.
Refer pupils to their homework. Ask them:
What are the advantages of an automatic pelican crossing?
It is always there, day and night. It doesn’t need anyone to oversee it. It keeps
watch all the time and stays alert. School crossing patrol officers might
accidentally be late for work and are only there at certain times of day. They
might be distracted or lose attention momentarily.
What are the advantages of a person controlling traffic outside a school?
A person can make quick decisions based on what they hear or see. A person
would not allow children to cross before the traffic has stopped. A pelican
crossing can’t stop cars from going through on red.
Move the discussion on, asking:
Would coffee-making be a suitable activity to be computer-controlled?
It might be a good idea for brewing, since constant quality could be
maintained, but in a household it would be difficult to cope with the different
demands made by members of a family.
Show slide 1 of Teacher resource 3.ppt.
Slide 1
Give pupils, in pairs, a couple of minutes to consider the instructions. Bring the
class together and ask:
What do you think the correct order is? Would any other order be possible?
What instructions could be missing? Where would they fit in?
Put coffee in cup, put milk in coffee, plug kettle in.
What extra instructions could you include so that a robot could make the
coffee? Where do the instructions fit in?
When to start and stop, asking ‘Do you take sugar?’, ‘Do you want milk?’
Why do we need clear instructions?
Sometimes we are asked to carry out new tasks without knowing how to do
them. We need a complete set of clear instructions, in the correct order.
Tell pupils that an ordered set of instructions is called a sequence of instructions. In
this lesson, they will learn how to break a task down into smaller parts and how to
use a diagram to represent instructions for carrying out the task.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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10 minutes
2 Flowchart symbols
Explain that instructions for computers can be summarised in flowcharts, using
special symbols and language. Show and talk through slide 2, a simplified
flowchart for making a cup of coffee, drawing attention to the symbols for ‘Start’
and ‘Stop’, decision and process boxes, and explaining their purpose. Stress that a
computer expects a decision box to have the answer ‘yes’ or ‘no’ and that the
outcome of the decision affects exactly which instructions are carried out.
Slide 2
Show slide 3 and slide 4 to summarise the symbols, and to introduce the
parallelogram symbol for inputs and outputs.
Slide 3
Slide 4
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15 minutes
3 Writing efficient instructions
Distribute copies of Pupil resource 3.pdf, a flowchart planning sheet, one per
Tell pupils to complete the first column in their own words, writing instructions for
making a piece of toast. Remind them to think first about all the steps they would
need to take to make the toast.
While the class is working, load Teacher resource 4.doc, a demonstration version
of Pupil resource 3, on the large display.
After 5 minutes, stop the class. Use Teacher resource 4.doc to complete a class
set of instructions. Demonstrate how to make the wording concise by adapting
pupils’ instructions. Emphasise that each instruction completes a specific task.
Emphasise also that the sequence of instructions must be in the right order overall
(for example, whether to put the butter or jam on first), although the order of some
of the individual instructions may not matter (for example, whether to get out a knife
and a spoon before or after getting out a plate).
Ask pupils to return to their own flowchart planning sheets, Pupil resource 3.pdf, for
a further 5 minutes. Ask them to complete the activity. In the centre column, they
should aim to rephrase their instructions to make the wording as concise and
precise as possible. In the right-hand column they should draw the appropriate
flowchart symbol. You may wish to return to slide 3 of Teacher resource 3.ppt to
remind them of the symbols.
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Choose a small group of pupils and tell them that you will ask them to share their
answers with the rest of the class during the plenary.
While pupils are working, load your chosen control software ready for activity 4.
15 minutes
4 Using software to control events
Explain to the whole class that flowcharts help to:
organise thinking;
break a problem down into parts;
ensure that instructions are in the right order;
test a possible solution for ‘logic’.
Ask pupils:
What do you understand by ‘logic’?
Following the instructions in the order given to produce the output that was
Using your chosen software, show pupils an example of how to use it to simulate a
simple control event, perhaps a set of traffic lights. Recreate the example on the
screen, showing pupils how to use the facilities of the software. Ask pupils to load
the same example on their own machines and to follow the flowchart through,
observing the corresponding actions on the screen.
10 minutes
5 Plenary: Matching instructions to actions
Display for the whole class the flowchart you used in the previous activity. Ask the
Which symbol tells the program to start? Which tells it to stop?
Give an example of a decision.
In a simulation of making a cup of coffee, a decision might be: ‘Has the kettle
Could a different decision achieve the same result at this point?
‘Is the water hot enough?’
Give an example of a process.
Boil the kettle, add coffee to the cup, put in the milk, add the sugar, stir
Ask more able pupils to suggest ways to extend the program. For example, in the
coffee example, they could add more decisions, including an initial one to choose
cappuccino or espresso.
Ask the group of pupils that you chose earlier to describe their set of instructions to
the class.
Round off the lesson by reminding pupils that in this lesson they have learned that
computers need very precise instructions in order to work. They have begun to
develop flowcharts to represent instructions for carrying out simple tasks. They
understand that each instruction carries out a specific part of the task. They
appreciate that the sequence of instructions must be in the right order and that
decisions made may affect exactly which instructions are carried out.
Point out on the wall display the vocabulary used in the lesson.
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Homework: Creating a flowchart
Set this task.
Buying chocolate
Take home a copy of Pupil resource 3, a flowchart planning sheet.
Plan a flowchart for buying a bar of chocolate from a machine.
You may wish to provide lower-ability pupils with a frame to support their thinking.
Higher-ability pupils could be asked to consider extra decisions, such as: ‘Do you
want milk chocolate?’ or: ‘Do you want a bar with a filling?’ They could also be
asked to consider what they would do if their first choice of chocolate bar were not
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Using a sensor as a switch in a control
ICT Framework objectives
Control and monitoring
 Implement a system to carry out a simple control task,
including some that involve sensed physical data, by:
compiling sets of instructions, identifying those which can
be grouped to form procedures or loops;
testing and refining the instructions.
Key vocabulary
From Year 6: input, output, procedure
From Year 7: automate, if … then, input device, output device, system
Other: loop
Preparation and planning
Make sure that you know how to use a webcam and movement-sensing
software, and that these will be available for the lesson.
Write the questions for the starter activity on the whiteboard or flipchart. Set up
the webcam.
Prepare a control box for activity 2.
Use your control and monitoring software to prepare the flowchart for activity 2
(see page 28).
Prepare some partially completed flowcharts for less confident pupils in activity
3 (optional). Put the flowcharts in the network shared area.
Make copies of Pupil resource 4.pdf, a flowchart to complete, one copy per pair
of pupils.
Make copies of Pupil resource 5.pdf, blank flowcharts, one copy per pupil.
Display the lesson’s objectives in a prominent position, phrased in a way that
pupils will understand.
If necessary, have available guidance to help pupils to use your control and
monitoring software.
Add new vocabulary to the wall display.
Prepare copies of the appropriate part of 7.6 homework tasks.doc, one for each
pupil. Modify if appropriate.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Computer and large display
Software for wordprocessing and presentations
A control and monitoring package that allows onscreen simulations, for
example, Flowol, Logicator or Crocodile Clips, or any suitable control software
Whiteboard or flipchart
A webcam with movement-sensor software
A control box for activity 2
Teacher resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Teacher resource 5.ppt
Slide presentation for lesson 3
- 7.6 homework tasks.doc Homework tasks
Pupil resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Pupil resource 4.pdf
Decisions (a flowchart to complete)
- Pupil resource 5.pdf
More decisions (blank flowcharts to complete)
Lesson outline
60 minutes
Starter: Using a webcam to Small-group work
sense and log movement
Whole-class demonstration
15 minutes
Whole class
Paired work
Individual work
25 minutes
Using software to
control events
Individual or paired work
15 minutes
Plenary: How a loop can
improve the efficiency of
a system
Paired work
Whole class
Homework: Control
systems that use a loop
Individual work
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
5 minutes
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15 minutes
1 Starter: Using a webcam to sense and log movement
Before the start of the lesson, set up a webcam, linked to the large display, to
observe pupils’ movements as they enter the classroom. If you have not already
done so, write the questions below on the whiteboard or flipchart.
As pupils enter, they should notice that their movements are registering on the
display. Ask them, in small groups, to consider the questions displayed.
What is happening as people move in front of the camera?
The camera is recording what is in front of it and displaying a picture on the
How is the camera sensing movement?
The software checks to see if there is a change in the image.
How could movement sensing be used in real life?
To trigger a burglar alarm system, to activate a catflap, to sense the
movement of people as they approach an automatic door so that the door can
Give them a few minutes to consider, then ask the whole class:
What instructions do you think the webcam has been given?
Show the class how the camera takes a picture or short video clip when the
software has sensed a change in the image window.
Demonstrate how the sensitivity of the capture can be changed. Ask:
When could it be useful to use the change of sensitivity?
You may not want the camera to be activated by a pet animal, or by trees
moving outside a window.
Tell pupils that in this lesson they will learn how sensors are used to control events.
They will create a flowchart to represent a simple system involving a sensor and
then implement and test the system.
25 minutes
2 Loops
Tell pupils that the web camera is acting as a sensor and the software is checking
for changes in the image area. The software keeps checking and does not just run
straight through a flowchart from START to STOP. This process of constant
checking and rechecking uses a flowchart feature that is called a loop and this
technique is used in a range of sensing environments.
Ask the class:
What checks does the system controlling an outside security light constantly
What checks does the system controlling a shop entry bell keep making?
Why does an automatic door open when you stand in front of it?
From these examples, develop pupils’ understanding that in each case the control
system is asking a question. The question can be represented in a flowchart by a
decision box. Explain that the question in the decision box needs an answer of
YES or NO and the next action depends upon the answer. When the question has
been answered then another action takes place.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Give out copies of Pupil resource 4.pdf, a flowchart to complete, one for each pair
of pupils.
Ask the pairs first to study the diagram at the top of the page. They should then
complete the diagram at the bottom of the page, writing a suitable question in the
empty decision box and the subsequent action in each of the two process boxes.
Allow 2 to 3 minutes for them to do this, then take feedback on their examples from
three of the pairs.
Emphasise that there is no constant checking process in these examples. Once the
question has been answered the process is complete.
Load Teacher resource 5.ppt on the large screen display. Show slides 1 to 3,
illustrating the build-up of a flowchart with two loops.
Slide 1
Slide 2
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Slide 3
Say that slide 3 represents a system for monitoring light levels outdoors and
turning on a lamp when it gets dark (i.e. when the light intensity is less than 50 on
a scale). An added feature is that an alarm beeps when the lamp is switched off.
Talk through the flowchart and explain that in this example there is a constant
checking process. Explain that a flowchart is only useful if it shows the sequence
of instructions without any chance of confusion. The lines joining the boxes must
make clear the order in which the instructions are carried out. A start, input or
output box may have only one line leading either from it or to it. A process box may
have only one line in and one line out. A decision box must have one line in and
two lines out. Conventionally, lines go down or left to right, otherwise the direction
‘up’ or ’left’ should be indicated by arrows, and – just as in electricity circuit
diagrams – the lines should preferably not cross.
Show slide 4. Explain that sometimes software that produces flowcharts may not
follow the conventions, as on slide 4, where the lines cross over each other.
Slide 4
Show slide 5, three scenarios, on the large display. Say that each of these
scenarios requires a loop.
Slide 5
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Hand out copies of Pupil resource 5.pdf, blank flowcharts, one copy per pupil.
Ask pupils to choose one of the scenarios. They should then complete the decision
and process boxes in the flowchart, adding connecting lines and arrows to
demonstrate a loop. They should then try a second scenario.
Bring the class together. For each of the three scenarios, invite one or more pupils
to describe their flowcharts.
Now show and talk through slide 6, a flowchart that includes a light sensor from a
monitoring and control simulation package. Say that this slide was produced with
software and suffers from crossing lines.
Slide 6
Stress how the flowchart shows:
how the process is broken down into parts;
what information is needed at the start;
the order in which the instructions must be carried out;
what is to happen after a decision;
where the loops go.
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Say that you will now use your control and monitoring package to test this
flowchart. Load your prepared flowchart, shown below, and connect a control box.
Val 1 is a light sensor, and Output 1 is a bulb.
Run the program, showing pupils how to step through it. Vary the light intensity by
using a piece of paper or your hand to shade the area close to the light sensor.
Ask pupils:
What is happening in the decision box?
The sensor is checking the light intensity.
Where is the loop?
What is happening in the system?
If it is too dark, the light bulb is turned on; if it is light enough, the light bulb is
turned off and a beep sounds.
Explain that it is a security system – sensing a change in the light level in front of
the sensor.
15 minutes
How might a system like this be used in real life?
A security light could come on outside a shop when it gets dark, and go off
when it gets light, with a single warning sound to tell the shopkeeper that the
light has switched off.
3 Using software to control events
Remind pupils that loops allow systems to keep checking and not just run through
a flow diagram from START to STOP.
Tell pupils to use the control and monitoring simulation software. They should
produce and test out a simple flowchart, with a loop to monitor an input from a
digital device, to produce an output when it is on. For example, a doorbell, where a
simple input action (touching the bell push) produces a result (ringing of the bell),
which stops when the input is released.
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The diagram below illustrates the kind of flowchart that pupils should be able to
produce. Expect most of them to be able to create a flowchart of this level of
complexity, to run the simulation software and talk about the processes that are
taking place.
If it is appropriate, less-confident pupils could load a prepared, partially-completed
flowchart from the shared area, complete it and run it.
5 minutes
4 Plenary: How a loop can improve the efficiency of a system
Stress that every system is designed for a particular purpose. Some systems are
controlled manually (for example, the length of time for which toast is toasted under
a grill) and some are controlled automatically (for example, the time for which toast
is toasted in an electric toaster).
Ask the class to discuss, in pairs, for 2 minutes, why a loop is an efficient method in
the control of a system. For example, instructions have only to be written once;
after that, once the system starts, everything happens automatically. The
alternative to an efficient control system is that a human being would have to keep
Round off the lesson by reminding the class that, in today’s lesson, they have
learned how information from sensors can be used to control events. They have
represented instructions in the form of flowcharts and tested whether their
flowcharts work.
Homework: Control systems that use a loop
Set this task. You may want to suggest one or two examples, such as:
a temperature sensor in a greenhouse that switches on a heater in cold
a baby alarm, in which the sound of a baby crying starts a motor to rock the
Designing loops
Write down three examples of systems that use a loop.
Sketch a flowchart for one of your examples.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Creating and testing control models
ICT Framework objectives
Analysing and automating processes
 Represent simple processes as diagrams, showing:
how a task can be broken down into smaller ones;
the sequence of operations, and any conditions or
decisions that affect it;
the initial information needed.
Control and monitoring
 Implement a system to carry out a simple control task,
including some that involve sensed physical data, by:
compiling sets of instructions, identifying those which can
be grouped to form procedures or loops;
testing and refining the instructions.
Key vocabulary
From Year 6: procedure, refine, switch
From Year 7: improve, subtask, system
Preparation and classroom management
Make copies of Pupil resource 6.pdf, three flowcharts, one set per pair of pupils.
Copy Pupil resource 7.pdf, a decision table, one per pair of pupils.
Use your control and monitoring software to prepare one of the flowcharts for
use in activity 3 (page 35: optional).
Write the problem for activity 4 (page 36) on a whiteboard or flipchart.
Display the lesson’s objectives in a prominent position, phrased in a way that
pupils will understand.
If necessary, have available guidance to help pupils to use your control and
monitoring software.
Add new vocabulary to the wall display.
Prepare copies of the appropriate part of 7.6 homework tasks.doc, one for each
pupil. Modify if appropriate.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Computer and large display
Software for wordprocessing and presentations
A control and monitoring package that allows onscreen simulations, for
example, Flowol, Logicator or Crocodile Clips, or any suitable control software
Whiteboard or flipchart
A control box for activity 3 (depending on your choice of software)
Teacher resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Teacher resource 6.ppt
Slide presentation for lesson 4
- 7.6 homework tasks.doc Homework tasks
Pupil resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Pupil resource 6.pdf
Three flowcharts
- Pupil resource 7.pdf
Decision table
Lesson outline
Starter: Linking flowcharts Paired work
to systems
10 minutes
More complex systems
10 minutes
Using control software for Whole-class demonstration
a simulation involving more
than one variable
15 minutes
Monitoring two variables
at once
15 minutes
Plenary: Advantages of
Paired work
using a computer for control
Homework: Controlling
greenhouse conditions
60 minutes
Whole-class questioning
Individual work
10 minutes
Individual work
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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10 minutes
1 Starter: Linking flowcharts to systems
Before the start of the lesson, load Teacher resource 6.ppt on the large screen
display ready to show.
Say to the class that you have three examples of everyday uses of sensors to
show them. Show slides 1 to 4, and pause on slide 4.
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Slide 4
Give out the three flowcharts, Pupil resource 6.pdf, one for each pair of pupils.
Ask them to match the flowcharts to the three scenarios by following the process
through and identifying the features of each flowchart. Allow 2 to 3 minutes for the
Take feedback. (Flowchart 1 is for the street light, flowchart 2 is for the burglar
alarm and flowchart 3 is for the automatic doors.) For each example, ask one or
more pupils to describe in their own words what is happening.
10 minutes
2 More complex systems
Remind pupils of the work on loops that they did in the previous lesson and how
they used software to create a flowchart to control an event. Review their
homework briefly, inviting individual pupils to describe their example of a system
and how a loop is used. Tell pupils that in this lesson they will use the software to
create more flowcharts and that they will be testing their solutions. Refer them to
the displayed objectives for the lesson.
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Display slide 5 of Teacher resource 6.ppt.
Slide 5
Discuss how the temperature in a room might be controlled by using the electric
fire, the temperature sensor and the cooling fan. Ask pupils to identify the three
temperature conditions (too hot, too cold and about right) and the actions that they
might want to take in each case.
Distribute Pupil resource 7.pdf, a decision table. Ask pupils, in pairs, to complete
the columns for the fire and the fan. They should use the words ‘ON’, ‘OFF’ or ‘DO
NOTHING’ to describe the state of the appliance for the appropriate room
temperature condition. Allow 2 to 3 minutes for pupils to do the task.
Bring the class together and ask pairs of pupils to explain the reasoning behind
their answers. For example, if it is too cold, then turn on the fire. If it is too hot, then
turn on the fan. If the temperature is about right, then do nothing.
Explain that systems in a home can be more complex than those that pupils
considered in their last lesson because:
more conditions are being monitored, such as the time of day, air temperature,
water temperature, air quality, light intensity, whether windows or doors are
open or closed;
more outputs are being controlled, such as room heaters, immersion heaters,
refrigerators, automatic lights, automatic blinds, the garage door, burglar and
fire alarms.
Remind pupils that in these systems constant checking is going on and that each
check involves a loop.
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3 Using control software for a simulation involving more than
one variable
15 minutes
Explain that you will now use software to simulate the control of the temperature in
a room. Load your monitoring and control software. Create at least one of the
flowcharts on screen to reinforce for pupils the processes needed to operate the
Electric fire Output 5
Cooling fan Output 7
Val 1 is a temperature sensor
As you demonstrate the development of the flowchart, provide prompts for pupils,
such as:
How can we break this problem into parts?
What is the first information that we need?
Will we need to make a decision?
What happens if the outcome of the decision is ‘yes’? What happens if the
outcome is ‘no’?
Is there a loop? Where does it go?
Are the instructions in the right order?
Step through the action of the flowcharts, using an onscreen simulation, if your
software supports it, or a control box.
Review with pupils the actions that are taking place. Relate these actions to the
way in which pupils could regulate the temperature manually if computer control
were not available.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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15 minutes
4 Monitoring two variables at once
Tell pupils to work in pairs or individually, depending on the number of computers
available, to create a flowchart for the problem written on the whiteboard or
You have two inputs: a switch and a
light sensor.
Your program should respond when
someone pushes a switch by a door.
A light should be switched on only if
the light level is low. If it is bright,
then no action should take place.
Say that this is equivalent to the action of an automatic security light near a front
door, with a motion detector acting as a switch. Remind the class to consider:
how to break the task down into smaller ones;
what information is needed at the start;
the sequence of operations that they need to carry out;
any decisions to be made and how these affect the sequence;
whether any loops are involved.
While pupils are working, circulate to provide support.
10 minutes
5 Plenary: Advantages of using a computer for control
Ask pupils, in pairs, to take one of the examples of computer control that they have
considered in the lesson: the fire and fan, or the security light. They should identify
and jot down two advantages of the control element of their example and one
possible restriction or problem that could occur.
After 3 or 4 minutes, take feedback. Make sure that the discussion includes the
advantages of the reliability and efficiency of control, and the disadvantage of a
need for constant power. (Some pupils may argue that this could be offset by using
solar energy.)
Remind the class that in this lesson they have used software to create a flowchart
to model a control situation and then to test their solution. Finish by referring them
to the key vocabulary that they have used in the lesson.
Homework: Controlling greenhouse conditions
Set this task. You may want to give one or two examples of physical conditions,
such as humidity, air temperature, dampness of soil, light intensity.
Monitoring growing conditions
Write down the physical conditions that a gardener may wish to monitor in a
Create a flowchart to show how a computer could control one of these conditions.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Creating an efficient system to monitor an
ICT Framework objectives
Analysing and automating processes
 Represent simple processes as diagrams, showing:
how a task can be broken down into smaller ones;
the sequence of operations, and any conditions or
decisions that affect it;
the initial information needed.
Control and monitoring
 Implement a system to carry out a simple control task,
including some that involve sensed physical data, by:
compiling sets of instructions, identifying those which can
be grouped to form procedures or loops;
testing and refining the instructions.
Key vocabulary
From Year 6: procedure, refine, switch
From Year 7: improve, subtask, system
Other: subroutine
Preparation and planning
Prepare a model for the starter activity, using a control box and software with a
light sensor connected to input 1 and a lamp connected to output 1. When the
light sensor is covered to simulate darkness, the light should flash: 1 second on,
1 second off. (The model is intended to simulate a lighthouse.)
Adapt the model to use in activity 3. This time the light should flash rapidly five
times, with a short delay before the next set of five flashes. For a flowchart, see
page 43.
Make copies of the task sheet, Pupil resource 8.pdf, one per pupil.
Display the lesson’s objectives in a prominent position, phrased in a way that
pupils will understand.
If necessary, have available guidance to help pupils to use your control and
monitoring software.
Add new vocabulary to the wall display.
Prepare copies of the appropriate part of 7.6 homework tasks.doc, one for each
pupil. Modify if appropriate.
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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Computer and large display
Software for wordprocessing and presentations
A control and monitoring package that allows onscreen simulations, for
example, Flowol, Logicator or Crocodile Clips, or any suitable control software
Whiteboard or flipchart
A control box for activity 3 (depending on your choice of software)
Teacher resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Teacher resource 7.ppt
Slide presentation for lesson 5
- 7.6 homework tasks.doc Homework tasks
Pupil resources from the CD-ROM for the unit
- Pupil resource 8.pdf
Task sheet
Lesson outline
60 minutes
Starter: Identifying the
characteristics of a
Paired work
Whole-class questioning
10 minutes
Developing the model and
the use of the software
Whole-class discussion
Individual work
20 minutes
Using procedures to build
a program
Group work
20 minutes
Plenary: Understanding a
Group work
Whole-class questioning
10 minutes
Homework: Using control in
different environments
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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10 minutes
1 Starter: Identifying the characteristics of a model
Before the start of the lesson, set up your prepared flashing light model at the front
of the class. Load Teacher resource 7.ppt on the large screen display ready to
Discuss pupils’ homework briefly. Invite one or two pupils to describe how a
gardener might monitor a particular condition in a greenhouse.
Say to the class that you have four examples of uses of light to show them. Show
slides 1 to 5, pausing at slide 5.
Slide 1
Slide 2
Slide 3
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Slide 4
Slide 5
Run your flashing light model, using your hand or a piece of paper to simulate
darkness, and ask the class:
Which of the four sources of light is represented by the model?
Allow 3 to 4 minutes for pairs to discuss the question, then ask:
Which source of light does the model represent?
The lighthouse.
Why did you make that choice? For example:
- the street light senses but does not flash;
- the zebra crossing light flashes but does not sense;
- the emergency light flashes but does not sense;
- the lighthouse both senses and flashes.
Make sure that pupils appreciate that the program is constantly checking the
intensity of the surrounding light, and that the lighthouse flashes only after the
physical change to darkness has been sensed.
Ask pupils:
Can you describe how the light is flashing?
At regular intervals, on and then off. There is a time delay of about 1 second
after the light comes on before it goes off, and then another delay of about
1 second before it comes on again.
Make sure that everyone interprets ‘delay’ as a pause or waiting time in which the
computer suspends action for a defined period before it moves on. Point out that
the time delay can be varied, and real-life lighthouse lights have different patterns
for their lights going on and off – a bit like the Morse code. This helps sailors to
identify individual lighthouses.
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20 minutes
2 Developing the model and the use of the software
Refer pupils to the objectives for the lesson. Tell them that in this lesson they will
learn how to create a procedure or subroutine to make a program more efficient.
Pupils should be familiar from their work in Key Stage 2 with the idea of using a
procedure or subroutine when sets of instructions are repeated. If you wish, use
slides 6 to 9 of Teacher resource 7.ppt to remind them of the concept.
Slides 6 & 7
Slides 8 & 9
Ask pupils to use the control and monitoring software to develop a flowchart for a
program that will switch on a light. To differentiate, you could ask different groups
to produce flowcharts that carry out one of these options:
switch the light on for 1 second and then switch it off;
make the light repeatedly flash on and off at intervals of 1 second;
constantly check the surrounding light intensity and start the light flashing at
intervals of 1 second only when it becomes dark, turning it off when the light
intensity rises above a particular level.
Allow 10 minutes for pupils to do the task, then bring them together where they can
see the large display. Tell the class that the ‘programs’ they have produced are
similar to those that control a lighthouse. Ask the class:
Why are lighthouses needed at night?
To warn of dangerous rocks in the dark, or to identify coastlines.
Are lighthouses necessary during the day? Why?
Even in daytime, the visibility can be poor. When the lighthouse light cannot
be seen because of poor weather conditions, a foghorn is used as a warning.
Are lighthouses more important to small or to large ships?
Larger vessels have radar which can detect large objects such as land even
at night. Not all smaller vessels have radar.
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3 Using procedures to build a program
20 minutes
Say that pupils have just considered one example, a lighthouse, which helps
people when they cannot rely on their human senses. Tell them that their task now
is to create a system to help a person with impaired hearing, at home. Give each
pupil a copy of the task sheet, Pupil resource 8.pdf.
Discuss the difficulties that a person with impaired hearing may have with signals
that ring bells or sound buzzers in the home. Ask:
What equipment do you have at home that rings a bell or sounds a buzzer?
For example, the telephone, burglar alarm, smoke alarm, alarm clock, cooker
timer, door bell.
How might you use your flowchart for the lighthouse to alert a person with
impaired hearing when the doorbell rings?
Instead of ringing a bell, a light could flash when the bell push is pressed.
What other signals for this person could be conveyed by flashing lights?
All the other alarms except the wake-up alarm clock.
How will the person with impaired hearing be able to distinguish the different
signals? Each one might need to flash in a different way, or use lights of
different colours.
Ask the class to work in small groups to adapt their flowcharts to cater for the door
bell, and then to incorporate as many other features as possible.
While the groups are working, give direct support to the pupils who will find the task
most difficult. If it is appropriate, gather them around the control box and use your
control and monitoring software to generate a flowchart similar to the one below.
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Explain that this is a subroutine (which has been named ‘Fast’). Its purpose is to
turn the light on for a short period of time. It is kept on by the delay command, and
the light is then turned off again.
The subroutine can be used in any other flowchart whenever a light needs to be
flashed. Show the flowchart that makes use of the subroutine.
Run the program to show how the light flashes rapidly five times. There is then a
short delay before the light starts flashing again. Ask pupils:
What would happen if the instruction ‘Delay 1’ were not there?
The light would flash continuously.
Ask more able pupils to refine their flowcharts to make them more efficient. For
example, they should look for places where they could use subroutines.
10 minutes
4 Plenary: Understanding a system
Ask each group, in turn, to consider their system. If possible use the large screen
display to allow them to show their work to the whole class. Ask the group:
How do you know that the logic of your flowchart is correct?
You can step through each instruction, checking the outcome from one box
into the next.
Is your flowchart efficient? How can you judge?
No unnecessary instructions are used. Subroutines or procedures are used
when instructions in a program are repeated.
How might you improve your flowchart?
A group of instructions could be made into a subroutine or procedure. The
program could be extended to allow different patterns of signals for different
Round off the lesson by telling the class that in this lesson they have used inputs
(taking information from sensors), processes (making decisions based on this
information) and outputs (something that happens as a result of the decision).
They have created systems that use loops and procedures and they have
considered the efficiency of the finished product.
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Homework: Using control in different environments
Set this task.
Helping in the home
Jot down some ideas, or draw a flowchart, to answer one of these questions.
How would you change your system for a person with impaired hearing, to
make it suitable for a person who cannot see very well?
How would you change your system to help a disabled person get into and
move around inside a building? (Think first about the nature of the disability.)
In what other ways could people with hearing difficulties be assisted by a
control system?
Key Stage 3 National Strategy / Sample teaching unit 7.6
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