THIRD GRADE SCIENCE CURRICULUM The primary focus of science in the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas is to develop the ability in each student to conduct scientific inquiry while acknowledging that God is present in all we think, do, and say. He is the creator of all things. STANDARD 1: SCIENCE AS INQUIRY As a result of the activities in grades 3-4, all students will experience science as inquiry with Catholic infusion. The student will: ▲ Ask questions that he/she can answer by investigating. ▲ Plan and conduct a simple investigation. ▲ Employ appropriate equipment, tools, and safety procedures to gather data. ▲ Demonstrate the ability to communicate, critique, analyze his/her own investigations and interpret the work of other students. STANDARD 2: PHYSICAL SCIENCE As a result of the activities in grades 3-4, students will increase their understanding of the properties of objects and materials that they encounter on a daily basis. Students will compare, describe, and sort these materials by observable properties. Third Grade Physical Science Matter The student will: 1. Recognize that God is present in many forms. 2. ▲Observe objects and measure those properties using appropriate tools. (inquiry) a. ▲ Describe and classify objects by more than one property. b. ▲ Observe and record how one object interacts with another object. c. ▲ Recognize and describe the differences between solids, liquids, and gases. d. Describe evaporation. e. ▲ Demonstrate and describe how particles move within an atom in the different states of matter. 3. Demonstrate understandings that all objects are made of matter and application of everyday use. (application) Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Third Grade Science Curriculum Page 1 of 6 3/10/2016 ▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment Key content vocabulary: Matter, physical property, solid, liquid, gas, atom, evaporation, volume, mass, particles. Key content ideas: o Liquid particles are arranged loosely and slide past each other quickly. o Gas particles are not connected or close to each other; movement is straight. o Solid particles are close together and move slowly. o Metric measurement needs to be emphasized. Simple Machines The student will: 1. Compare definitions of force. Read 2 Kings 6:14 and Job 24:4. 2. Recognize that parts of our faith work together as one. 3. Explore simple machines. (inquiry) a. Explore simple machines. b. Weigh objects in grams. 4. Relate the concept of force to simple machines. (knowledge) a. Name and describe the six simple machines and the work they do. 5. ▲ Move objects by pushing, pulling, throwing, spinning, dropping, and rolling and describe the motion. STANDARD 3: LIFE SCIENCE As a result of the activities for grades 3-4, all students will develop an understanding of biological concepts through direct experience with living things, their life cycles, and their habitats. Third Grade Life Science Food Chains and Webs The student will: 1. Recognize the Eucharist as food for our soul, and Jesus’ presence within us. 2. Observe food chains as a component of a food chain. (inquiry) a. Recognize that the energy most living things get from food originated with the sun. Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Third Grade Science Curriculum Page 2 of 6 3/10/2016 ▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment b. Analyze that all living things get energy from food. 3. Explain the relationships between members of a habitat. (knowledge) a. Explain that animals depend on plants and other animals for energy. b. Define producer, consumer, decomposer, predator, and prey. c. Identify members of a habitat and how they compete with each other for food. d. Identify a food chain as a model that shows movement of food and energy through a community 4. Apply observations of members of habitat to explain food web. (application) a. Arrange members of a habitat in proper sequence producing a food web. b. Describe the effects on a habitat if a member is missing from the food web. Key content vocabulary: food chain, energy pyramid, interact, producer, consumer, decomposer, predator, prey, habitat, community, food web STANDARD 4: EARTH AND SPACE SCIENCE As a result of the activities for grades 3-4, all students will observe objects, materials, and changes in their environment, note their properties, distinguish one from another, and develop their own explanations of how things become the way they are. Third Grade Earth Science Water Cycle The student will: 1. Read Genesis 1:7-9 (“Let the waters under heaven be gathered into one place and let the dry land appear: and it was so.”) 2. Observe the water cycle. (inquiry) a. Investigate the steps of the water cycle. b. Explore where water is found as a solid, liquid, and gas. 3. Identify water in solid, liquid, and gas form. (knowledge) a. Describe condensation, precipitation, evaporation, freezing, and melting. b. Define groundwater and explain how it forms. c. Describe and model the steps of the water cycle. d. Explain how water flows through different types of soils. Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Third Grade Science Curriculum Page 3 of 6 3/10/2016 ▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment 4. Apply understandings of water as a resource that cycles through the Earth system. (application) a. Identify major sources of fresh water and describe how it is used. b. Explain how water can become polluted, then cleaned for reuse. c. Infer ways water can be wasted or conserved. 5. ▲ Observe, describe, and record daily and seasonal weather changes. Key content vocabulary: atmosphere, water vapor, ice cap, soil water, groundwater, evaporation, condensation, cloud, precipitation, freeze, melt, water cycle, runoff, transpiration, irrigation, filtration, sewage, sewer, water conservation. Rocks, Minerals, Soil and Fossils The student will: 1. Identify nature in symbols of the Church. For example, Water in Baptism and Peter built the Church on the rocks of our faith, etc. 2. Read Matthew 16:18 (And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church,…) 3. Explore Earth’s resources. (inquiry) a. ▲ Describe properties of many rocks. b. Explore the content of soil. c. Interpret information from tracks and footprints. 4. ▲ Collect, observe properties, and classify a variety of earth materials in his/her environment. 5. ▲ Discuss that the sun provides light and heat (electromagnetic radiation) to maintain the temperature of the earth. 6. ▲ Describe changes in the surface of the earth as a result of erosion. Key content vocabulary: mineral, igneous rock, sedimentary rock, relative age, metamorphic rock, rock cycle, imprint, mold, cast, amber, soil, silt clay, sand, loam Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Third Grade Science Curriculum Page 4 of 6 3/10/2016 ▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment Natural Resources The student will: 1. Recognize and value God’s natural resources. 2. Explore objects that stem from natural resources. (inquiry) a. Observe different kinds of resources and their origins indoors and outside. 3. Identify the characteristics of common resources by describing renewable and nonrenewable resources. (knowledge) a. Identify resources that will never run out. b. Identify the resources that could be used up. c. Describe recycling. d. Classify the resources that can be saved by recycling. 4. ▲ Apply understandings of natural resources to solve a conservation/recycling problem (application) a. Research the kinds of materials people use and if they can be recycled. Use the information to develop a recycling/conservation plan for home, school, or neighborhood. Key content vocabulary: reusable, renewable, nonrenewable, conservation, recycle, soil, forests, mining, ore, diamonds, oil, coal, oceanography, cycle, electric power, vehicle fuel, plastics manufacturing, resources. STANDARD 5: SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY As a result of the activities for grades 3-4, all students will have a variety of educational experiences which involve science and technology. They will begin to understand the design process, which includes this general sequence: state the problem, the design, and the solution. STANDARD 6: SCIENCE IN PERSONAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL PERSPECTIVES As a result of the activities for grades 3-4, all students will demonstrate personal health and environmental practices. Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Third Grade Science Curriculum Page 5 of 6 3/10/2016 ▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment STANDARD 7: HISTORY AND NATURE OF SCIENCE As a result of the activities for grades 3-4, all students will experience some things about scientific inquiry and learn about people from history. Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas Third Grade Science Curriculum Page 6 of 6 3/10/2016 ▲=indicators assessed on the Grade Four Kansas Science Assessment