Name: __________________________________ Period: _______ Date: _______________ Quarter Two: Quiz 1 Study Guide European Geography, Modern History, and Contemporary Issues Focus of Quiz One will be on the political divisions of Europe, Eurasia, and Northern Asia and the Middle Ages. Quiz on____________ Goal 1: Students will demonstrate the ability to examine the cultural effects of the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. Objectives: Students should be able to: identify selected countries and regions of modern Europe, Eurasia, and Northern Asia. identify the achievements, contributions and fall of the Byzantine Empire. explain the factors that led to the development of Feudalism. identify and explain the political, social, and economic aspects of life in Medieval Europe. explain the role of the Church during the Middle Ages and how the Crusades impacted the expansion of Christian Europe. describe, explain, and interpret the origins, development, and impact of the European Renaissance. Assignments and Notes Section: Papers from the First Quarter: 1. Pre-Assessment -- Student Evaluation, 2. Parts to a Good Map and Latitude Zones, 3. Physical Map of Europe/Russia and Eurasia, 4. Europe: Land, Water, Natural Resources, and Climate, 5. Russia and the Eurasian Republics: Land, Water, Natural Resources, and Climate, 6. Calculating Time, 7. Ancient Rome: The Fall of Rome Article and activity: Ancient Rome – Byzantium - Rome’s Eastern Empire Response sheet and color-coded map: Political Divisions of Europe, Eurasia, and Northern Asia Mini Quiz on political divisions and regions Webs: Charlemagne and the Vikings plus the article, Europe in the Middle Ages: The Vikings Article and activity sheet: Europe in the Middle Ages: Feudalism -- A System for Living Medieval Life diagram Article and activity sheet: Europe in the Middle Ages: Knights -- Myth versus Reality Article and activity sheet: Europe in the Middle Ages: The Rise of Cities Article: The Great Cathedrals w/ highlights Notes: The Influence of Religion on Medieval Society Article and web: Europe in the Middle Ages: The Crusades Black Death materials: o Notes on the video o Article and notes: The Global Impact of the Black Death o Article and notes: The Black Death, 1348 o Article and notes: England: The Black Death of 1348 to 1350 o Image and notes: Doktor Schnabel von Rom o Image and notes: St. Sebastian . . . o Final activity: Directions/Scoring Tool and product Article and activity sheet: Europe in the Middle Ages: Kings and Popes Article and activity sheet: The Renaissance and Reformation Articles, The Renaissance: The Italian City-States and Life in Renaissance Florence and activity sheet, The Renaissance: Italian City-States and Life (over) Key words/people/events: Constantinople Charlemagne Feudalism Serfs Chivalry Clergy Guild Black Death Pilgrims Magna Carta Bishop Leonardo da Vinci Florence Medici family Protestants Last Supper Palestine Bosporus Strait Vikings Lords Fief Page Pope Apprentice Pope Urban II Pope Gregory VII Parliament Hundred Years’ War Mono Lisa Italian city-states Reformation Illuminated Manuscripts The Pieta Merchants Crossroads Bubonic Plague Vassals Manor/Manorialism Squire Excommunicate Middle class Holy Land King Henry IV Nation Renaissance Michelangelo Popolo grosso Martin Luther Tithe David Peasants Patriarch Middle Ages Knights Medieval Coat of arms Cathedral Crusades Jerusalem King John Joan of Arc Perspective Sistine Chapel Popolo minuto Indulgences Vitruvian Man Gothic