OFFICE OF THE COMMISSIONER CENTRAL EXCISE & CUSTOMS BHUBANESWAR-II C.NO.II(12)9/COMP/B-II/2008 Dated To 1. M/s HCL Infosystems ltd. A/9, AshokNagar Bhubaneswar 3. M/s Prime Technologies, D/74, MaitriVihar, Bhubaneswar 5. M/s Victor Computers Pvt.Ltd B-36 Saheed Nagar Bhubaneswar-751007 7. DGT Systems Pvt. Ltd. M-132, Barmunda Housing Board Colony Bhubaneswar-3 9. M/s Wipro Limited, Plot No-86/A, Third Floor, Saheed Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751007 11. NOTICE BOARD 2. M/s PCS Technologies Ltd. 443, Saheed Nagar Bhubaneswar-751007 4. M/s Sylvesa Infotech P. Ltd. S-33, MaitriVihar Phase-II, C.S.Pur Bhubaneswar-15 6. M/s S.A.Infosys Plot No-B-6 Saheednagar, Bhubaneswar-7 8. M/s Maple Computer and Communication P.Ltd. Maple House, A-44 Kharvelnagar, Janapath, Bhubaneswar-751001 10. M/s GMG Systems, 20 Janapath. Bapujee Nagar, Bhubaneswar-751009 12. Web-site ( Sub: Quotation for AMC of computers and peripherals in the Commissionerate of Central Excise , Customs & Service Tax, Bhubaneswar-II –Regarding Dear Sirs, Quotations are hereby invited for awarding Annual maintenance contract (AMC) of 30 nos. of desktop PCs and 17 nos. of Printers in the Office of the Commissioner, Central Excise & Customs, Bhubaneswar-II, Central Revenue Building , Rajaswa Vihar, Bhubaneswar-7. The terms and conditions are stipulated in a separate sheet enclosed as (Annexure-A). A list showing details of the computers and printers installed in different sections of the above mentioned office, to be covered by the said AMC, is shown in Annexure-B enclosed. You are, therefore, requested to submit your most competitive technocommercial bids(both technical bid and commercial bid to be given in separate envelops) for AMC addressed to the Additional Commissioner (Systems), by name, in a sealed cover with a superscription “Quotation for AMC of Computers & Peripherals of Bhubaneswar-II )so as to reach by 09.04.2010 (05:30 PM) at the latest. Quotations, if any, received after the above mentioned date will be rejected. The quotation once submitted is final and no negotiation is permissible/admissible. Thanking you, Yours faithfully, Encls: As above (Annexure A to E) (P.K.GOSWAMI) ADDITIONAL COMMISSIONER CENTRAL EXCISE & CUSTOMS BHUBANESWAR-II Copy to Sri S.P.Dash, Sr. Scientist, NIC , Central Excise & Customs Bhubaneswar for hosting the tender in the website “”. ANNEXURE-A TERMS AND CONDITIONS FOR ANNUAL MAINTENANCE CONTRACT The Annual Maintenance Contract will be awarded to the agency found to be the most suitable for maintenance of Computers and peripherals which are the property of the Government of India subject to the acceptance of the following terms and conditions. A. The details of the Systems and peripherals located at the Commissionerate Headquarters are listed in Annexure-B. B. The validity of the AMC will be for one year which will be mentioned in the order. C. For keeping the Systems and peripherals in good working condition the following services must be provided: a. Scheduled preventive maintenance (PM) at least once in three months. The record of PM should be maintained as per proforma given in Annexure-C. PM can be clubbed with corrective maintenance. These call sheets/PM reports(as mentioned in Annexure-C) should be submitted to the Commissioner CE &C, HQ, Bhubaneswar-II regularly. b. Unscheduled, on call corrective and remedial maintenance service to set right the malfunctions of the Systems. This includes replacement of unserviceable parts. The parts replaced will be either new parts or equivalent in performance to the new parts. Whether a defective item or component to be replaced or repaired shall be at the sole discretion of the Agency. The replaced part can be taken by the agency provided an alternate suitable part has been provided. Device Drivers under Windows 98/2000/XP OS are parts of the Hardware. Any problem related to the device drivers will be attended to by the agency. D. Either party can terminate the contract at any time by giving three months notice in writing. E. System maintenance charges shall not include the cost of consumables and supply items such as ribbons, media like magnetic tapes, cartridges, printer bands, floppy diskettes, print heads, computer stationery and toner cartridges F. For down time calculations the day on which the call is closed will not be taken as part of down time . G. In case of intermittent failures and repetitive problems to improper diagnosis or repair, the system will be treated as continuously down. H. This contract extends only to problems arising out of normal functioning of equipment and the contract does not cover breakdown or services or spare cost, arising out of damages caused due to fire, theft, riots, accidents, earthquakes, storm and other natural calamities. I. The deptt. will keep record of machine failure including the nature of failure, date and time of booking the complaint ,date and time of repair and the total down time. This record will be signed by the Agency and the authorised representative from the deptt.. Format for keeping this record will be as per Annexure-D. This can be done through complain register. J. The equipment will be handed over to the deptt. after the AMC period is over in good working condition. K. In case deptt. decides to upgrade any System the same will be taken out of the contract. L. Any changes to the system when the System gets burnt due to site problem would not be covered under this contract and it will be discussed mutually on case to case basis. M. For all the equipments maximum acceptable downtime will be three working days excluding holidays. However, it is desirable that the call is attended within 24 hrs. of lodging of the complain. The penalty for completing the calls after the scheduled is given in Annexure-E. However the maximum delay in fault rectification averaged over three months for all machines should not exceed two working days. It is desirable that PM is done once in three moths in every system & peripheral. If neither PM nor corrective maintenance has been done in any System or Peripheral the payment for that System or peripheral will be deducted from the payment of the agency. N. The payment will be made quarterly after the submission of the bill and down time statements. The penalty will be deducted as per the conditions above. O. All the maintenance calls will be registered with the nearest office of the agency by Telephone, Post, Fax etc. The agency offering the bids, therefore, should provide the address, telephone no. Fax no. e-mail id etc. so that complain can be registered expeditiously. The agency will submit the call service slips which will be signed by both the parties. P. The agency shall not be liable or deemed to be in default of any delay or failure in performance stated herein resulting directly or indirectly from causes beyond its reasonable control and if the agency is prevented from performing its function. Q. The obligation of the agency shall cease forthwith if the deptt. ceases to be the owner of the machine. ANNEXURE - C ( Form for Preventive Maintenance of Computer Systems / Peripherals Installed under Central Excise & Customs, Bhubaneswar-II commissionerate) Location Officer In-Charge Period Date M/C Type with Serial No. Action Taken ( A ) System / Printer Cleaned ( Y/ N ) Configuration Checked ( Y/N ) OS / Drive Checked ( Y/N ) Network Connectivity OK ( Y/N ) Performance OK ( Y/N ) ( B ) Virus Virus Checked OK ( Y/N ) Virus Scanner Used ( Y/N ) General Layout Suggestions ( If any ) Remarks Signature Officer In-Charge Name : Designation : Engineer Name : Organisation : ANNEXURE – D ( Form for Complaint Reports of Central Excise & Customs, Bhubaneswar-II) Address Month & Date Failure Complaint Booking Attended Date Time Date Time Comp. No. Date Time Repaired Date Time Down Time Remarks Days Hours ( Signature of the Officer ) ANNEXURE - E PENALTY PROVISIONS 1. 3. 4. 5. Personal Computer including Monitor Printer(Deskjet) Printer(Laserjet) Printer(DMP) Rs.200/- Per working day Rs. 50/- Per working day Rs. 75/- Per working day Rs. 50/- per working day Maximum penalty per day will be limited as that of the System penalty if the System and attached printer are down at the same time. Down time will be calculated after 3 working days as mentioned earlier.. Whenever the System/printer cannot be rectified on site within the specified limits the vendor will have the option to provide an alternative equipment of machine specifications which will be replaced within a period of maximum 60 days with equipment of same make/model. But in case of Computer System the original CPU should be restored. Engr. Name & Sig.