
Name: __________________________
Chapter 5 Section 2: The Age of Jackson
Inaugural Address of Jackson
Based on the Quote:
1. When was Andrew Jackson’s
Presidential acceptance speech given?
2. What does the word arduous mean?
3. Who is President Andrew Jackson
expressing his gratitude toward?
4. What does President Jackson say is the
best thing he can do in return for the
people electing him to become
Pedigree of a man
5. What does the word Pedigree mean?
6. What three words describe Andrew
Jackson’s Pedigree?
7. Name two states that the Cumberland
Road crossed.
8. Why was Andrew Jackson seen as
9. Why was Andrew Jackson seen as
10. Is Pedigree important in the making of a
Voting Requirements
11. In 1800 what was the main requirement
allowing someone to vote?
12. In 1830 what was the main requirement
allowing someone to vote?
13. Which qualifications increased from
1800 to 1830?
14. Which states did not change their voting
requirements from 1800 to 1830?
Voter Turnout
15. What was the percentage of voter
turnout in 1824?
16. When did the biggest jump in voter
turnout occur?
17. True / False: More people voted in
1860 than in 1824.
18. Name one reason that could cause the
large increase in voters from 1824 to
19. Which year had the largest numbers in
Jackson’s Early Years
20. What nationality is President Andrew
21. Where and when was President Andrew
Jackson born?
22. Who raised President Andrew Jackson as a
young boy?
23. True / False: Andrew Jackson was known
as a calm and even tempered child.
24. Which side did Andrew Jackson fight on
during the American Revolution: American or
25. How old was President Andrew Jackson when
he fought in the American Revolution?
Jackson’s First House
26. What did Andrew Jackson’s first house look
27. What was Jackson’s first home called?
28. Based on the appearance of Jackson’s house,
do you think Andrew Jackson was rich or
poor? Explain.
Andrew Jackson and his Family
29. How old was Jackson when he was caught by
the British forces?
30. What was Jackson ordered by British soldiers
to do?
31. Where did Andrew Jackson get the scares on
his face and hands from?
32. How did Andrew get out of British jail?
33. What disease did Andrew Jackson give to his
34. Who raised Andrew when he was a teenager?
Andrew Jackson’s First Painting
35. When was the first painting of Andrew
Jackson painted?
36. Based on the painting do you think this was
before Jackson’s mother died or after?
37. Based on the painting what was Andrew
Jackson’s job?
Jackson’s Plantation House
38. Andrew Jackson came from a very poor family
how did he gain enough money to buy this
expensive looking house?
39. Where do you think Andrew Jackson lived based
on the size and appearance of this house?
40. Based on the location of Jackson’s house, what
types of crops could Andrew Jackson have on his
Jackson vs. Dickinson Duel
41. When was the Jackson vs. Dickinson Duel?
42. What were Jackson and Dickinson arguing over?
43. What is a Duel?
44. Who got the first shot? Who died?
Jackson’s Health Problems
45. What happened to the bullet that Dickinson shot
Jackson with?
46. Based on the events that happened in the
Dickinson vs. Jackson Duel what words can you
use in order to describe Jackson’s behavior?
General Andrew Jackson
47. Based on the painting, was Jackson old during his
years in the army as General? Explain
48. Based on the painting, how would you describe
Andrew Jackson as a General?
49. How would you describe Andrew Jackson’s status
in this painting? Explain
Extending your Knowledge
50. What military did Andrew Jackson work in?
51. How large was Andrew Jackson’s first military?
52. What happened during Andrew Jackson’s first
invasion on the British as General?
53. Why was Andrew Jackson angry about the
invasion of New Orleans?
Nicknamed “Old Hickory”
54. How did Jackson receive the nickname Old
55. Who nicknamed Jackson?
56. True / False: Jackson never won against the
British or the Native Americans during any battle.
57. What happened to Jackson during the Battle of the
Creek Indians?
58. Why do you think Andrew Jackson decided to care of
the Infant as his own?
Samuel Slater: Invention of Factory System
59. Which Battle caused Andrew Jackson to become a
War Hero?
60. How many American lost their lives in this battle?
61. Why was Andrew Jackson a War Hero because of
this Battle?
Favorite Son’s
62. What is a Favorite Son?
63. Name the four most well-known favorite son’s?
64. What were Jackson’s Opponents called?
Results of Election of 1824
65. Which color do you see the most of?
66. Who won the majority of the Electoral College
67. Who won the majority of Popular votes?
68. Since nobody won the Electoral College who
decided who will become President?
69. Since Henry Clay is the Speaker of the house he is
out of the running for President. What did he do
Election of 1824
70. Which vote did Andrew Jackson win during the
Election of 1824?
71. Why did John Adams become President in 1824?
72. What is a Corrupt Bargain?
73. What political party did supporters of Andrew
Jackson form in response to the Election of 1824?
Early Unions
74. What does Andrew Jackson’s slogan the Common
Man’s Candidate mean?
75. Which type of American is most likely to support
Andrew Jackson to become the next President?
Election of 1828
76. What were the two political parties during the
Election of 1828?
77. Who was Andrew Jackson’s opponent during the
Election of 1828?
78. What type of mudslinging did opponents to
Andrew Jackson say:
79. What is happening in the political cartoon in the
80. What is Andrew Jackson’s mood based on this painting?
80. What does the word mourning mean?
81. What happened to Andrew Jackson’s wife?
Election of 1828
82. When was the first painting of
Andrew Jackson painted?
83. What did supporters of Andrew
Jackson say about Adams?
84. What does mudslinging mean?
85. How did Andrew Jackson appeal to
1828 Election Results
86. Who won the Election of 1828?
87. How many Electoral College votes
did Andrew Jackson receive?
88. Was the Election of 1828 a close
89. What caused Andrew Jackson to win
this Election?
Andrew Jackson’s Victory
90. Who was the “Common man”?
91. What does Andrew Jackson mean by
“plain folk”?
92. What did Andrew Jackson believe a
common man was capable of?
The Reign of “King Mob”
93. What is going on in this picture?
94. Where did the Dorr Rebellion
95. Why do you think so many people
are at the White House?
Andrew Jackson As President
96. Based on the painting how do you
think Andrew Jackson handled his
97. What are some of the emotions
Andrew Jackson is feeling during
this painting?
Andrew Jackson’s First Painting
98. What type of people identified with
Jackson’s “Self-made man” image?
99. What is the spoils system?
What does Andrew Jackson
think ordinary citizens can do?
Jackson’s Presidential Style
1. How is Jackson not from humble
2. How did Andrew Jackson use the
spoils system during his presidency?
3. What did Andrew Jackson nickname
his Cabinet?
Andrew Jackson’s First Painting
4. Explain the Peggy Eaton Affair?
Center of Population
5. Where was the center of the
population in 1790?
6. What direction is the center of the
population moving throughout the
7. Why do you think the population is
moving in that direction?
Political Cartoon
Answer the following questions based on the
8. When was this made?
9. What is happening in this cartoon?
10. Who are the main characters in this
11. What is the purpose of this Cartoon?
The Nullification Issue
12. Why did the United States pass a
tariff in the 1830s?
13. Who called the tariff passed by
Andrew Jackson an Abomination?
14. Why did he call it an abomination?
The Nullification Issue
15. What did John C. Calhoun
encourage states to do?
16. What did President Jackson pass
because of the Nullification issue?
17. What happened at the end of the
Nullification issue?
Wbester Hayne Debate
18. What did Daniel Webster want?
19. What did Robert Haynes want?
Removal of Native Americans
20. What happened during the Indian
Removal Act of 1830?
21. Who passed the Indian Removal
22. What is happening in this political
Removal of Native Americans
23. What was the name of the court case
where the Native Americans fought
against the United States?
24. What happened by 1838?
25. True / False: The Trail of tears
was a 800 mile walk where many
Native Americans died.
Samuel Slater: Invention of Factory System
26. Where were the Cherokee Native
Americans told to relocate to?
27. Why did some Native American
think that they were protected?
Favorite Son’s
28. What four states did the Cherokee
Nation cover?
29. What is the Cherokee Nation?
Trail of Tears
30. What type of transportation did the
Cherokee’s use?
31. What words can be used to describe
the emotions during the trail of
32. What types of things did the Native
Americans bring on their travels?
33. How long did these Native
Americans travel on the trail of
Election of 1824
34. What is going on in this picture?
35. What is the purpose of this picture?
Early Unions
36. What bill did Jackson veto?
37. What does Veto mean?
38. Why doesn’t Jackson like the Second
Bank Bill?
39. What is a Pet Bank?
40. Who is a part of the Whig Party?
Election of 1828
41. Which political party do you think
printed this political cartoon?
42. Why do you think this?
National Bank Debate
80. Why did Nicholas Biddle want the Second
National Bank?
43. Why doesn’t President Jackson want the
Second National Bank?
44. What is specie money?
45. Who were the candidates during the
Election of 1832?
46. Who won this election?
Election of 1832
47. What was the biggest result of the
Election of 1832?
Van Burin Legacy
48. Who won the Election of 1836?
49. Why is there a rush to exchange
paper money for specie?
50. What is the Panic of 1837?
51. What caused Andrew Jackson to win
this Election?