sol review test--------#4

1. Europeans were a) Buddhists b) Christians c) Moslem d) believers of nature gods.
2. The House of Burgesses was a) part of British parliament b) George Washington's home c) the first
colonial legislative assembly d) created by King George III.
3. The first uprising against British rule in the colonies was a) Shay's Rebellion b) Whiskey Rebellion
c) Bacon's Rebellion d) Nat Turner's Rebellion.
4. Which called for boycotts against British goods? a) Annapolis Convention b) Northwest Ordinance
c) 1st Continental Congress d) the Federalist Papers.
5. Which taxed legal documents? a) Quartering Act b) Stamp Act c) social contract d) Morrill Act.
6. Which battle convinced the French to aid the colonies? a) Bunker Hill b) Saratoga c) Trenton d)
7. The slavery issue was settled at the constitutional Convention by the a) Virginia Compromise b)
3/5 Compromise c) Great Compromise d) Shay's Rebellion.
8. Which was written in an attempt to convince people to support the ratification of the Constitution? a)
Common Sense b) Louisiana Purchase c) Declaration of Independence d) Federalist Papers.
9. Which showed that the new Constitutional government would enforce its laws? a) Shay's rebellion
b) Tet Offensive c) Whiskey rebellion d) Bacon's rebellion.
10. Which court case stated that the state could not tax a federal institution like the National Bank? a)
McCulloch vs. Maryland b) Marbury vs. Madison c) Roe vs. Wade d) Reed vs. Reed.
11. Who won the 1860 election? a) U.S. Grant b) Robert E. Lee c) Abraham Lincoln d) Jefferson
12. The Lincoln-Douglas Debates were about a) Uncle Tom's Cabin b) the abolition of slavery c) the
extension of slavery into new territories d) the Trent Incident.
13. Which battle convinced Britain no to openly aid the Confederates? a) Appomattox b) Vicksburg c)
Gettysburg d) Antietam.
14. Which state entered the Union by the 1850 Compromise? a) Oregon b) California c) Texas d)
15. Which stated that a state should be able to not to enforce a federal law such as the tariff if it does not
benefit that state? a) Free Soil Doctrine b) 13th Amendment c) Nullification of South Carolina d)
Virginia Compromise.
16. Which provided land for the establishment of colleges? a) Homestead Act b) Morrill Act c) Clayton
Act d) Volstead Act.
17. Which was a Confederate general? a) George McClellan b) William Sherman c) U.S. Grant d)
Thomas Jackson.
18. Which amendment allowed black men to vote? a) 13 b) 14 c) 15 d) 19.
19. Which is NOT associated with the reconstruction period? a) Scalawags b) Carpetbaggers c)
Bloody Kansas d) Black Codes.
20. What ended reconstruction? a) the assassination of Garfield b) the KKK c) the Compromise of
1877 d) the Haymarket affair.
21. What group of people were first to be restricted in immigrating to the U.S.? a) Irish b) South Africans
c) Chinese d) Mexicans.
22. Which is NOT appropriately linked? a) Edison--light bulb b) Morgan--Oil c) Vanderbilt--railroads d)
23. Which amendment created a federal income tax? a) 16th b) 17th c) 18th d) 19th.
24. Which strengthened anti-trust laws? a) Federal Trade Commission b) Clayton Act c) Social
Security Act d) National Recovery Act.
25. Which was part of the Versailles Treaty? a) France gave up her Asian colonies b) Britain lost
Ireland c) the League of Nations was created d) an "open door policy".
26. The Scopes Trial was about a) Nazi war criminals b) the teaching of evolution c) the assassination
of John Kennedy d) the court martial of Lt. William Calley.
27. Which is NOT a lobbyist group? a) AMA b) Sierra Club c) AARP d) CCC.
28. What was signed by the Germans and Soviet Union prior to the German invasion of Poland in 1939?
a) Neutrality Act b) Munich Pact c) Camp David Accords d) Non-aggression Pact.
29. Which is a cause of the Stock Market Crash? a) rising farm prices b) overspeculation c) bombing of
Pearl Harbor d) stagflation.
30. Which Kennedy program was used to help third world nations in Latin America to prevent communist
takeovers? a) SALT b) Alliance for Progress c) NASA d) VISTA.
31. Which was NOT a leader of an Axis Power? a) Stalin b) Hitler c) Mussolini d) Tojo.
32. The code name of the atomic bomb was a) Ajax b) Sierra Club c) Manhatten Project d) Operation
rolling thunder.
33. Which was created to investigate alleged communist activities in the U.S. after WWII? a) Nuremburg
trials b) HUAC c) SALT d) committees of Correspondence.
34. Which were U.S. backed rebels who fought against the communist in Nicaragua during the Reagan
administration? a) Viet Cong b) Sandinistas c) Zoot-suiters d) Contras.
35. Which was the Polish union led by Lech Walsea which ultimately ended the communist government
there? a) UMW b) Solidarity c) Hawks d) Teamsters.
36. What country was created by a decree of the United Nations after WWII? a) Greece b) Vietnam c)
Finland d) Israel.
37. Which court case involved gerrymandering? a) Miranda v. Arizona b) Westberry v. Sanders c) Roe
v. Wade d) Marbury v. Madison.
38. Which court case outlawed quotas for achieving affirmative action? a) regents of University of
California v. Bakke b) Reed v. Reed c) Engle v. Vitale d) Gideon v. Wainwright.
39. Which amendment abolished the poll tax? a) 19th b) 21st c) 24th d) 30th.
40. Which was the communist leader of China? a) Mao Tse-Tung b) Chaing Kai-Shek c) Ho Chi Minh
d) Nyguen Giap.