2013 spring final review

2013 spring review
Limits on immigration based on race or country of origin (Japan, China, 1920s) -2. The basic viewpoint of the U.S. Supreme Court in the
1810s –
1870s –
1910s –
1920s –
1960s –
3. Causes and effects of XYZ Affair
4. Nature of delegates to Philadelphia 1787 Constitutional Convention
5. Marcus Garvey
Booker T. Washington
W. E. B. Du Bois
Malcolm X
Stokely Carmichel
Significance of the following battles in the Am Rev –
Bunker Hill
6. Significance of Puritan town meetings
Bacon’s Rebellion
Fries Rebellion
Stono Rebellion
Shays Rebellion
Washington Naval Conference in 1922
Good Neighbor Policy
1892 Populist platform
9. Location and Effect of the Erie Canal
Great Migration (1630s and 1920s)
Enlightenment effect on Am Rev
Great Awakening
Glorious Revolution effect on colonies
11. ratification of Versailles Treaty failed
Maine Law of 1851?
The purpose of the Open Door Policy was to
The slave states that remained in the Union included
The Gilded Age received its nickname because
factors in the American decision to declare war on Great Britain in 1812
Aroostook War
Supporters of Andrew Jackson
Tenure of Office Act
Civil Rights Act of 1866
Black Codes
Force Act
Intent of Hartford Convention
Northern Securities Company v. U.S.
Great Compromise (of Constitutional Convention)
1824 and 1828 presidential elections
weaknesses of the Articles of Confederation
The Effect of Seapower upon History
7. The original purpose of NATO was to
Dorothea Dix’s
29. President Hoover response to the Depression
Missouri Compromise – agreements and why each side agreed
Reasons for and effects of Emancipation Proclamation
New Immigration and nativism
Alexander Hamilton as Secretary of Treasury
Yalta Conference
Suez Crisis
Bay of Pigs invasion
Taft-Hartley Act
Advances in democracy 1810-1860
Cause of Bleeding in Kansas 1855
Compromise of 1850
border dispute with Mexico
Dred Scott v. Sandford
tariff issue of 1828
Controversy surrounding Louisiana Purchase
Elizabeth Cady Stanton
Lucretia Mott
Isolationism in interwar period
President Carter “Crisis of Confidence” speech
Weaknesses in the economy, 1920s
Securities and Exchange Commission
Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation
War on Poverty
Marshall Plan
Go to http://quizlet.com/5910428/supreme-court-cases-apush-flash-cards/
Ida B. Wells
Elijah Lovejoy
Charles Lindbergh
Jeanette Rankin
Gerald Nye
Nixon visit to China
Gulf of Tonkin attack
Panay incident
Chesapeake v. Leopard
Roughly how many slave marriages were broken up by sales or forced removal
Slave culture
Freedom Summer
Grant vs. Lee
The principal crop produced in the West Indies was in the seventeenth century was
Fundamental Orders of Connecticut
Mayflower Compact
growth of the youth culture in the 1960s
Massive retaliation
Flexible response
Nature of Quakers –
Albany Congress
Stamp Act Congress
Suffolk Resolves
Galloway Plan
salutary neglect
Distribution of indentured servants in colonies
Harriet Beecher Stowe
Ida Tarbell
Rachel Carson
Betty Friedan