L-810 LED SAMPLE SPECIFICATION Note: Modify the items in italics according to your specific job requirements. ITEM L-150 INSTALLATION OF L-810 LED LIGHTS DESCRIPTION 150-1.1 This item shall consist of furnishing and installing the L-810 LED obstruction lights in accordance with these specifications. This item shall also include all wire and cable connections, the furnishing and installing of all necessary conduits and fittings and all necessary mounting structures, excavation, and backfill. It shall also include the testing of the installation and all incidentals necessary to place the lights in operation as completed units to the satisfaction of the Engineer. EQUIPMENT AND MATERIALS 150-2.1 GENERAL The L-810 LED fixture shall conform to the requirements of FAA Advisory Circular 150/5345-43 (current edition) “Specification for Obstruction Lighting Equipment” and FAA LED “Engineering Brief No. 67” (current edition). The L-810 LED fixture shall be ETL certified. { The L-810 LED fixture shall comply with ICAO Annex 14, Vol. 1, para. 6.3, Type A.} The L-810 LED fixture shall be as manufactured by ADB Airfield Solutions (www.adb-air.com) or approved equal. {If required by the airport authority, a Return on Investment (ROI) and Life Cycle Cost (LCC) analysis shall be calculated to validate the benefit of the LED fixture in comparison to the equivalent incandescent technology.} FAA L-810 LED fixtures shall be supplied for the total quantity as shown on the plans. Each lot shipment of fixtures shall include two Instruction Manuals. 150-2.2 L-810 LED FIXTURE. To insure reliability, the light source shall be an electroluminescent diode module using no more than three LEDs. The LED unit shall consist of a single {dual} assembly. {A dual LED fixture shall consist of two single LED fixtures wired in parallel.} The input voltage shall be 95-264Vac, 50/60 Hz {12VDC} {24-48VDC}. The electrical load for a single LED fixture shall be 7W (14VA) maximum for an input voltage of 95-264Vac, 50/60 Hz {6W (6VA) for an input voltage of 12VDC} {6.6W (6.6VA) for an input voltage of 24VDC} {6W (6VA) for an input voltage of 48VDC}. It shall be possible to install the LED fixture on existing circuits in addition to, or in replacement of, conventional incandescent lights. The fixture electronics shall be mounted inside the LED chamber to provide optimum protection from the environment. The fixture shall use robust, solid-state devices and rugged lightning protection designed to exceed lightning protection requirements of ANSI/IEEE C62.41-1991 Category C1 given in FAA Eng. Brief 67. Each LED fixture shall have a low profile design with a maximum O.D. of 3.69 inches. The overall fixture height of a single LED fixture shall be no more than 10.8 inches. {The overall fixture height of a dual LED fixture assembly shall be no more than 14.4 inches.} 150-2.3 L-810 LED FIXTURE MOUNTING. A single L-810 LED fixture shall be mounted on the bottom via an industry standard 1-inch to 11.5 TPI NPT. {A single L-810 LED fixture shall be mounted on the side via an industry standard 1-inch to 11.5 TPI NPT.} {A single L-810 LED fixture shall be mounted via a 1-inch EMT bottom column mount.} {A dual L-810 LED fixture assembly shall be mounted on the bottom via an industry standard 1-inch to 11.5 TPI NPT.} {A dual L-810 LED fixture assembly shall be mounted on the side via an industry standard 1-inch to 11.5 TPI NPT.} CONSTRUCTION METHODS 150-3.1 PLACEMENT. The contractor shall furnish and install each L-810 LED fixture as specified in the proposal and shown in the plans. 150-3.2 TESTS. All obstruction lights shall be fully tested by continuous operation for not less than 24 hours as a completed system prior to acceptance. The test shall include turning the input power circuit on and off not less than 10 times at the beginning and end of the 24-hour test. The fixtures shall illuminate properly during each portion of the test. METHOD OF MEASUREMENT 150-4.1 MEASUREMENT. The quantity of lights to be paid for under this item shall be for the total quantity of single {dual} L-810 LED fixtures installed and two Instruction Manuals (per lot) and accepted as completed units, in place, ready for operation. BASIS FOR PAYMENT 150-5.1 PAYMENT. Payment will be made at the contract unit price for the completed total quantity of single {dual} L-810 LED fixture assemblies installed, in place by the Contractor, and accepted by the Engineer. This price shall be full compensation for furnishing all materials and for all preparation, assembly, and installation of these materials, and for all labor, equipment, tools, and incidentals necessary to complete this item. Payment will be made under: Item L-150-5.1 L-810 LED fixtures, in Place—per each END OF ITEM L-150