Google C++ Testing Framework
Value-Parameterized Tests
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Write value-parameterzied tests
Step 1: Define a fixture class.
◦ Be derived from ::testing::TestWithParam<T>, where T is the type of your parameter values.
◦ TestWithParam<T> is itself derived from ::testing::Test.
T can be any copyable type.
If it's a raw pointer, you are responsible for managing the lifespan of the pointed values.
Step 2: use the TEST_P macro
◦ To define as many test patterns using this fixture as you want.
◦ The _P suffix is for "parameterized" or "pattern", whichever you prefer to think.
◦ to instantiate the test case with any set of parameters you want.
◦ Google Test defines a number of functions for generating test parameters.
They return what we call (surprise!) parameter
Functions for generating test parameters
all in the testing namespace: