Gateway Middle School PTSA 7

Gateway Middle School PTSA 7.3.72
General Membership Meeting
Date: 9/15/11
Proper notice was given to the membership including Executive Committee members, all Committee Chairs,
Principal, Assistant Principal, Teacher Representatives and ASB Representatives.
Taleena Koch, Amber Mitchell Gamber, Anita Marie Walton, Lona Brack, David Brack, Bui Alaz, Dr. Peter Scott, Becky
Ballbach, Lisa Wininger, Brandy Gumke, Luanne Te, Michele Rimmelle, Kris Helgerson, Kelley Phan, Kristina Monten,
Vicki Fraser, Stacy Dachenhausen
A quorum of the general membership and Executive Committee were present.
Call to Order: 6:35 p.m.
 Introductions
Minutes: Minutes accepted with changes: Under Volunteer Committee Update, Michele Rimmele’s name was
misspelled and so corrected; under Treasurer’s Report Michelle Te was corrected to read Luanne Te and under New
Business Michele Rufer’s name was misspelled and so changed.
Membership Report:
Brandy Gumke reported that the current membership number is 151 with more forms in the
office to be added.
 Working to meet goal of 100% teacher membership.
 $415 in donations to PTSA received under “Pass the Hat”
Fundraising: Angela was unable to attend and so Kelley Phan shared upcoming fundraising events.
 Jamba Juice cards will be going home with students. Gateway gets 10% of each purchase when using the
 Discount cards will be sold for $10.00 with Gateway receiving $5.00 on each card. Discount cards include
discounts from local businesses and will be sold during conference week, school and sporting events.
 Raffle. Looking for people to help to procure items to be available to raffle during conference week.
President Report:
 Kelley Phan presented and discussed the 2011-2012 Gateway PTSA standing rules with revisions. Motion to
accept the 2011-2012 Standing Rules, with corrections to change “Article IIII” to read “Article IV” and “Article
XII” to read “Article XIII” was made and passed with the changes noted.
 2011-2012 PTSA Goals and mission statement were presented. Motion to accept 2011-2012 PTSA Goals and
Mission Statement was made and passed as written.
Volunteer Committee Update
Report made by Michelle Rimmele and Luanne Te
 Notebooks will be ready for pick-up by the chairs on Monday.
 Magazine Drive is still looking for a few morning volunteers.
 Still looking for a few chairs; Guardian Breakfast, Student of the Month Reception
Treasurer’s Report
Report made by Vicki Fraser
 New budget/cash flow form to be used this coming year
 Luanne Te motioned to pass 2011/2012 budget, motioned voted and passed.
 Financial review done on July 20th, 2011 by Michele Rimmele, Kristina Monten, Kris Helgerson. The review
found nothing out of order.
 The financials were accepted as written.
Principal’s Report
 Welcome to Becky Ballbach
 Thank you so much for the orientation and newsletter.
 Strong gains on MSP scores especially in Math
 “Mind Set” book recommended by Dr. Scott
Vice Principal’s Report
 Thank you for warm welcome
 Record turn out for fall sports
Teacher Representative:
 Stacy Dauchenhausen trying to help with staff membership
 Teachers being trained on new management system (including online grades).
Guardian Wear
Report made by Taleena Koch
 Went really good at orientation (82 orders)
 Will do again in November
 Will look into other vendors, would like to get more demos.
Staff Appreciation:
 Email sent out to meet up
 Will continue Birthday cookies
 ASB Magazine Drive starts tomorrow
 October 4th and 22nd PTA & the Law
 October 14th & 15th Legislative Assembly
 Reflections
 Discussed possibility of pre paid card to be sold at orientation
The meeting adjourned at 8:18 p.m.
Kristina Monten
Gateway PTSA Secretary