survey - Hunterdon Central Regional High School

The Works Cited page is arranged alphabetically by the author’s last name (or title, if no author).
Sample Citation Formats
Adams, Don. “Agents in Korea.” The Associated Press 5 Feb. 1955. The Eisenhower Years, 1952-1960.
Danbury, CT: Grolier Educational Corporation, 1995. 32-34.
20th Century America
Brady, Judy. “I Want a Wife.” The Bedford Reader. Ed. X. J. Kennedy et al. 7th ed. New York: Bedford/St.
Martins, 2000. 275-77.
article within an
The College Dictionary. Springfield, MA: G. & C. Merriam Co., 1976.
book (no author)
Dawes, Tim. Tech Time. Flemington, NJ: Central Press, 1997.
book (one author)
Deed, Patricia, and Marc Southern. Software Basics. New York: May Press, 2002.
book (two authors)
Dew, John, et al. Myths Revisited. New York: The Viking Press, 1992.
book, pamphlet
(3 or more authors)
“Donuts.” Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. 2001. Grolier Incorporated. 22 July 2001.
encyclopedia (online)
Dray, Patrick. “Cameras.” The New Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia. CD-ROM. Grolier, Inc., 1992.
encyclopedia (CD)
Dundes, Alan. “Myth: Myths of the Beginning and of the End.” Encyclopaedia Britannica. 15th ed. 1970.
encyclopedia (print)
Eden, Howard. “West Africa: Fair Employment.” Harvard Business Review May/June 1989: 145+.
EBSCOhost. EBSCO. 28 May 2003.
Evans, Glen. “Teen-age Gambling.” Seventeen June 1981: 136-140. SIRS Researcher. SIRS Knowledge
Source. 29 May 2003.
SIRS (online)
Faison, S. “Summit at the U.N.: Bush and Chinese Prime Minister Meet Briefly.” New York Times 1 Feb.
1992, late edition: A1+.
NY Times (print)
Gleason, John. “Natural Spring Water: Is it a Myth?” New York Times 16 May 1999, late edition. ProQuest.
16 July 2001.
NY Times (online)
Grant, William E. “Nathaniel Hawthorne.” Contemporary Literary Criticism Select. Gale Group. 22 July 1999.
Contemporary Literary
Criticism (online)
“Hemingway, Ernest (Miller).” Discovering Authors. Vers. 1.1. CD-ROM. Gale Research, Inc., 1993.
Discovering Authors (CD)
“Ivy Tunnel Opens to Public.” Facts On File News Digest. 14 May 1994. 1999. Facts On File
News Services. 22 July 1999. (online)
“Japan: Overview.” World Geography. 2001. ABC-CLIO. 13 July, 2001.
World Geography (online)
“A Mask of Genius.” Time 26 May 1980: 79.
magazine (no author)
Massaro, Thomas. “A Welfare Primer.” Commonweal 14 June 1996: 16-19.
magazine (1 author)
Romeo and Juliet. Dir. Franco Zeffirelli. Paramount Pictures, 1968.
video recording
Rosenberg, Harlene. Personal interview. 27 Aug. 1997.
Seeger, Pete. The Bitter and the Sweet. Columbia Records, 1962.
audio recording
“Shakespeare’s Best Lines.” Bob’s Shakespeare Page. 1998. 2 April 2002 <>.
website (no author)
Smith, Sue. “Top 10 Movie Stars.” Entertainment Weekly Online. July 2003. 7 July 2003
website (author)
Tanner, Robert. History of Doors. New York: Harper, 1999. Rutgers Books Online. 2003. 13 June 2004
online book (e-book)
Turner, Harold. “Peru.” U.N. Chronicle June 1994: 7. Abstract. Sociological Abstracts. Dialog. 28 May 1996.
United States. Dept. of Labor. Child Labor Laws. Washington: GPO, 1997.
government publication
West, Adam. “Bats at Night.” Personal e-mail. 28 May 1996.
personal e-mail
Woods, Jim. “Dream Questionnaire.” Hunterdon Central Regional High School: Flemington, 1997.
- For citations with multiple authors, follow the formats used for books.
- If a website is lacking an author, copyright date, etc., skip that portion and move on to the next item in the citation.
- The date at the end of the on-line citations indicates when the resource was accessed.
- To save space, the examples are single-spaced. However, MLA guidelines require double spacing.
- Missing a format? Try or
Instructional Media Center, Hunterdon Central Regional High School, 2003, updated 7/04