New Lebanon Jr/Sr High School Database Descriptions Ebsco includes: Current events Full-text magazines Funk & Wagnalls New World Encyclopedia Greenfile environmental science database Facts on File American History Online includes: Biographies Historical Events and Topics Primary Sources Timelines Images and Videos Maps and Charts Facts on File Science Online includes: Chemistry Environmental Science Mathematics Physics Weather and Climate Gale InfoTrac includes: Authors Business and company info Health topics Newspapers Grolier (available at school only - no password required) Encyclopedia Magazines Websites Marshall Cavendish Earth and Physical Science resources Science articles, diagrams, photographs, and research tools Biographies of scientists Rosen Teen Health and Wellness Contains information on health and wellness topics such as Drugs and Alcohol; Eating Disorders; Friendship and Dating; Mind, Mood, and Emotions; and Sexuality and Sexual Health. Features an advice column and personal stories from real teens. SIRS Researcher Includes news, pros and cons of important political issues, world maps, and more. Connects you with author programs and websites, audio and video previews of books, author name pronunciations, and specialized book lists. World Book Online Contains up-to-date, in-depth encyclopedia articles, as well as a Spanish edition. Passwords are available on the library eBoard.