AP Government Chapter 6 Questions Interest Groups: The Political Influence 1. How did some interest groups influence the election of 2004? 2. How did 527 organizations influence the election of 2004. INTEREST GROUPS PAST AND PRESENT: THE “MISCHIEFS OF FACTION’ 3. What is the overall purpose of interest groups? 4. List and explain the different types of economic interest groups. 5. List and explain the different types of ideological and single-issue interest groups. 6. List and describe the different types of public interest groups. 7. List and describe the different types of foreign policy interest groups. 8. List and describe the different types of public sector interest groups. CHARACTERS AND POWER OF INTEREST GROUPS. 9. Explain how interest groups gain membership, and how they promote their interests. 10. List and describe the different levels of “cohesiveness” within interest groups. 11. List and explain the different techniques interest groups use to influence both Houses of Congress, federal agencies, etc. 12. Even though briefly explained in questions # 11, how do interest groups use litigation to wield influence? Explain the significance of an amicus curiae brief to the courts? THE INFLUENCE OF LOBBYISTS 13. Explaining what lobbyists do. Both in the negative aspect that is often portrayed in mainstream America, and the actual positive benefits they provide. 14. Explain the significance of “revolving door” and “iron triangles.” Analyze the possible outcome of these occurrences. 15. Explain the different perception people have of lobbyists. (What do lobbyists do?) MONEY AND POLITICS 16. Explain the significance of PACs in the election process. 17. Differentiate between hard and soft money. Define FECA and explain their significance. 18. Explain the significance of the BCRA: ALSO KNOWN AS THE MCCAIN FEINGOLD ACT. CURING THE MISHIEFS OF FACTION—TWO CENTURIES LATER 19. Explain the significance of FECA its effect of elections. 20. Explain the Lobbying Disclosure Act of 1995. 21. Explain how BCRA has changed the way interest groups, PACs, lobbyists etc influence political campaigns? 22. Will have to find independently: Explain the significance of the Citizens United on campaign donations.