8/19/09 ELMIRA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ELMIRA, NEW YORK REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION EFA Community Room 933 Hoffman Street Elmira, NY 14905 August 19, 2009 6:00 pm Executive Session 7:00 pm Meeting MEETING CALLED TO ORDER President Larry McGovern, Jr. called the Regular meeting of the Board of Education to order at 6:05 and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ATTENDANCE Present: Lynn Grottenthaler, Dan Hurley, Dianna Jackson (departed 8:40 p.m.), Sara Lattin, Ted Lax, Colleen McCall, Larry McGovern, Jr., Rodney Strange, Mary Tucker Student Representatives Present: Alternative High School Representative Fred Beard Absent: Elmira Free Academy Student Representative, Abbey Proudfoot; Southside High School Student Representative, Samantha Potter Others: Joseph Hochreiter, Greg Kern, Christine Mecke, Diane Spotts, Attorney Conrad Wolan APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mrs. Lattin that the Board approve the agenda with the following additions. Add under New Business I-1 District Wide Diversity Training. Add under New Business I-2 Request for Investigation of District wide Discrimination. Add Personnel Addendum under Item L Mrs. Jackson requested that I-1 and I-2 be added to the agenda. Mr. Hurley asked Mr. Hochreiter if he had met with the Boy Scouts. Mr. Hochrieter stated that he met with the District Attorney, Weeden Wetmore and the Regional Boy Scout executive last week. They asked to be able to create a consistent protocol to have time in the elementary schools for public service announcements to recruit Boy Scouts during breakfast, lunch, afternoon recess and at Open Houses. Mr. Hochreiter agreed to have a consistent time for all eight elementary schools to make this announcement; in a year he will evaluate if it was effective. Information will also be sent home to parents in the Wednesday folders. All Board members were in agreement with this decision. 60 8/19/09 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board move into Executive Session for discussions involving proposed, pending, or current litigation, matters leading to the discipline of a particular person or corporation, matters leading to the suspension of a particular person or corporation and privileged consultation with legal counsel; also included for motion Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board appoint Ms. Grottenthaler as Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk (6:07 p.m.) Also invited into Executive Session were Mr. Hochreiter and Attorney Wolan. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None Mrs. Jackson stated that she would not participate in a certain litigation discussion if it was brought up in Executive Session. Valerie Castiglia Substitute Clerk RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board return to Open Session. (7:04 p.m.) Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None Lynn Grottenthaler Clerk Pro Tem RECONVENED The meeting reconvened at 7:09 p.m. 61 8/19/09 AGENDA CHANGE Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the agenda be amended to add “Settlement Agreement between District and Children of the District” as Consent Item J-11. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None VISITORS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD There were no visitors wishing to address the Board. CELEBRATIONS Elmira City School District-Recipient of New York Sportsmanship Promotion Banner from New York State Public High School Athletic Association Jeff Manwaring, Director of Health, Physical Education and Athletes, explained to the Board that the Elmira City Schools have been chosen as one of three school districts through New York State to be recognized as having an exemplary sportsmanship program. The New York State Public High School Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) awarded EFA and SHS banners and plaques at the August 5th Annual Banquet in Lake Placid, New York. Mr. Manwaring stated that the district should be proud of this award as it shows the great sportsmanship our district promotes to coaches, parents and students. BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORTS Joyce Carr, ESSAC Representative, stated that ESSAC members are extremely busy preparing for the opening of school, preparing schedules and getting buildings ready. She said that Leadership Week was very successful. Dr. March was in the District this week as a follow up from Kristin Miller working on intervention rates. Dr. March spent the day attended EFA & SHS working with teams on plans. Associations Representatives Wendi Walton reported on behalf of Laurie Marchesani, ETA President. Ms. Walton stated that she is the new non-tenured teacher coordinator. She had an opportunity of meeting new teachers and sharing with them the good work done by our membership. She looks forward to working with the district to ensure that our new teachers have all the information they need to be successful. She thanked Dr. Marchesani who shared his experiences as a new teacher in the 1970s; he spoke about the progress that has taken place in education over the course of his career and encouraged the teachers on their future endeavors. ETA is gearing up for another school year and on August 22nd the Chemung County Fairgrounds will once again be hosting “Strong Kids, Safe Kids”, ETA plans to raise approximately $3000. 62 8/19/09 CMCW President, Mike Thomas, introduced himself as President of CMCW and welcomed new board members, Mary Tucker and Sara Lattin. He reported everyone is very busy getting ready for the opening of school. There was no report from ISEA. There was no report from CWA. Student Representatives Alternative High School Student Representative, Fred Beard reported that there will be a meet and greet meeting the first day of school to go over plans for the year. Buildings & Grounds Committee Chairperson, Mr. Hurley, reported that hundreds of hard worker throughout the district are preparing for the opening of school. He also spoke about the courtyard at Beecher School which is up for discussion regarding turning the courtyard into a handicapped accessible garden area which will be used for classrooms in the Fall at the cost of $85,000. Mr. McGovern asked if there were funds left over from the Beecher project that could be used, is so he would consider approving the project, if not he would not approve it. Mr. Greg Kern, Interim Assistant Superintendent of Management Services, reported on the progress being discussed at each building with concerns only at Ernie Davis and BMS not being ready for the opening of school. Mr. Hurley continued to speak about the amazing work going on in the district along with the dedicated workers that are working on our buildings. He said that we are getting our money’s worth and we are way ahead of other districts. He reported that many bid openings have come up less than expected. Mr. Hochreiter stated that other superintendents that have visited our district stated that they would like to have their districts as productive as Elmira’s is. Audit Committee Chairperson, Mr. Strange, reported that the Audit Committee met at their last meeting with the external auditors. At the end of September or beginning of October the committee will go over their findings and will adopt the plan by Oct. 15th. The district will have 90 days to produce a corrective action plan which will be brought to the Board for approval. He also reported that the Forensic Audit is almost complete and are waiting for the auditors to submit their report. Community Relations Committee There was no report from the Community Relations Committee. 63 8/19/09 Policy Committee Chairperson, Mr. Lax, reported that the majority of the policies have been completed and plan to start regulations shortly. Dr. Lax asked Ms. Grottetnhaler if she had any questions about Policy #2210, “Support for Committees”. She asked about seeking support for her committee and asked if the Clerk could perform those duties. Dr. Lax explained that the committee chairperson makes the determination as to what there needs are, then chooses a confidential secretary from a pool that has been established to perform those duties. Attorney Wolan stated that the Clerk is a separate entity and is not a confidential secretary. He also stated that the Board could expand the Clerk’s duties if the Board so chooses. Mr. McGovern suggested that Ms. Grottetnhaler come to the Board with the amount of hours she would need a support person for and the board will decide. Learning & Teaching Committee Chairperson, Ms. Grottenthaler, reported that there was not a meeting in July but there will be one on Aug. 25th. She reported that her committee is looking into doing a better job with special education students as far as extra-curricular activities, working on better communication with schools, staff training, mainstreaming classroom students and transitioning from elementary to middle school. Arts Committee Chairperson, Mrs. McCall, asked the Board what her committee is responsible for. Dr. Lax and Mr. McGovern stated that she should know what she is looking to do with the committee and make up a charter for the Board. She explained that the committee was set up under the Learning and Teaching Committee and that she is very limited as to what can be done as far as curriculum and what to recommend. She stated that there is a charter but not a charge. Mr. Hochreiter suggested that the Board use this committee as part of the Board goals and orchestrate it to what is decided on through the goals. The Board is adopting the goals on Sept. 2nd and will show the scope of work. Equity Committee Chairperson, Mrs. Jackson, reported that two meetings were held, one on July 7th and one on August 5th. She stated that her committee has discussed diversity training; difficult discussion; recognizing stakeholders of the District. She stated that there are challenges; denial of issues going on in the district. She would like to see diversity training through the whole city. She has been a resident of Elmira for four yeas and has only seen training for a few years and then it stopped. Mrs. Verdier from NAACP can assist with this training. She stated that some members of the committee received intimidating phone calls from the President of the Board. President McGovern stated that he had spoken with a few members of the committee who said they were part of a conversation about the Superintendent and his contract; President McGovern felt that these conversations were inappropriate and has in writing from two members that 64 8/19/09 these matters were discussed during the Equity Committee Meeting; President McGovern asked to discuss this later. Mrs. Jackson stated that the focus for September is Diversity and is concerned that everyone is on the right page. She would like to build equity and have conversations on a comfortable level. She would also like to pick out some dates in September so that everyone on the Board can have some training. It would be one day of training and Mrs. Verdier will do the training. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Superintendent Hochreiter handed out opening day festivities postcard that were mailed to district employees inviting them to the Clemens Center on Sept. 8th. Everyone from custodians, secretaries, teachers and administrators are invited; transportation will be provided for all employees. The focus of this meeting is to inform district staff on where the district is going, board goals, school plans and initiatives and show case renovations; but most importantly to bring the community members together to support the district. The Clemens Center has offered the District a cut rate to use the Center. This event will be used as Staff Development and therefore will be covered by grant funds. Congressman Massa will be joining us as the District ushers in a new school year. Mr. Hochreiter also invited Board members to attend. Mr. Hochreiter also reported that the 2009 Summer School Graduation was held on August 18th which was a very successful event. Introduction of New Community Information Specialist, Kathleen Costello Mr. Hochreiter announced partnering with BOCES and introduced Kathleen Costello, the new community information specialist, who comes to the district with experience in writing from the Star Gazette and the Corning Leader. Mr. Hochreiter welcomed interim Director of Human Resources and Employee Relations Diane Spotts. Mrs. Spotts was a principal in the District for 33 years and is excited about the opportunity of again working in the district. Overview and Introduction of 2009-2010 Parent Partners and New Parent Resource Coordinator Director of Pupil Personnel, Chris Mecke introduced the following as Parent Partners: Suzanne Waters: EDMS Melinda Kunzman-Pine City Krystal Kozemkobaker-Diven Heathrye Murray-Fassett Mrs. Mecke also welcomed Nora Ripley as the Parent Resource Coordinator. 65 8/19/09 OLD BUSINESS Contract for Superintendent President McGovern explained that there is no contract yet for discussion. It will be postponed until information is received from the Attorneys. Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange to postpone the Superintendent’s Contract until more information is received from Attorneys. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None 2009-2010 Board Goals and Adopt a School Program Mrs. McCall explained to new Board members Sara Lattin and Mary Tucker the Adopt a School Program. She stated that Board members select schools that they would like to be liaison for, they attend concerts, meetings etc. A sheet was passes around to board members so that they could sign up for what school they would like to adopt. Mr. McGovern stated that the Board will vote on Board Goals at the September 2nd meeting. NEW BUSINESS District Wide Diversity Training Mrs. Jackson moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board approve having a Diversity training in September. The Board discussed the training, the cost of the training and who would teach the training. Board members were in agreement to attend the training, but did voice their concerns about September’s time frame being a problem. Mrs. Jackson stated that she wants to commit to training in September. A roll call was taken to have the diversity training in September. The results were a 7(no)-2(yes) vote not to have the training in September. Motion Denied Yes: Jackson, Lattin, No: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker Absent: None Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley to approve having the diversity training for Board members to be done by November 2009 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Jackson, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None 66 8/19/09 Request for Investigation of District Wide Discrimination Mrs. Jackson moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board implements a District-wide investigation into discrimination. The Board discussed whether there were new or current incidents. Discussion ensues as to the cost of such an investigation and who would do the investigation. Attorney Wolan highly discourages comments regarding this issue in public session. Mr. McGovern recommends that the Board move into Executive Session to discuss this matter. Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange to table the original motion until after the Board meets in Executive Session. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Jackson, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None Mrs. Jackson states that she will not go into Executive Session, she wants a public discussion. Mr. Strange stated that personnel items can not be discussed in public session. Mrs. Jackson stated as she left the meeting why the Board is going into Executive Session on her motion. Mrs. Jackson stated that she made the motion and wants her issues discussed as part of the public session. EXECUTIVE SESSION Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Ms. Grottenthaler that the Board move into Executive Session for discussions involving proposed, pending, or current litigation and privileged consultation with legal counsel; also included for motion Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mrs. Grottenthaler that the Board appoint Ms. Grottenthaler Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk. (8:39 p.m.) Mr. Hochreiter and Attorney Wolan were invited into Executive Session. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Jackson, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None Valerie Castiglia Substitute Board Clerk 67 8/19/09 BOARD MEMBER DEPARTS Mrs. Jackson left the meeting at 8:40 p.m. She did not attend Executive Session. RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that the Board return to Open Session. (8:53 p.m.) Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board amend Mrs. Jackson’s motion to implement a district-wide investigation. Dr. Lax stated, “As a Board we are committed both morally and ethically to investigate any and all reports of any kind of discrimination. As such we request that such reports be presented to the Superintendent or as otherwise provided by existing district policy”. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Lynn Grottenthaler Clerk Pro Tem RECONVENED The meeting reconvened at 8:55 p.m. CONSENT ITEMS Minutes Mrs. McCall moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve minutes of the August 5, 2009, Regular Meeting of the Board of Education. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson 68 8/19/09 Change Orders Mr. Hurley moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board of Education approve the following change orders. a.) Southside High School Project Change Order # E-001 in the amount of $10,519. b.) Southside High School Project Change Order H-001 in the amount of $12,656. c.) Southside High School Project Change Order GC - 003 in the amount of $36,453. d.) Southside High School Project Change Order No. EC-17 in the amount of $13,609. e.) Southside High School Project Change Order No. GC-002 in the amount of $139,794. f.) Beecher Elementary School Project Change Order No. MA-001 in the amount of $20,946. g.) Elmira Free Academy Project Change Order No. GC-002 in the amount of $30,684. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Elmira Free Academy No. xxx Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the Elmira Free Academy Change Order xxx in the amount of $85,000. Mrs. McCall asked about the earlier discussion that the booster club was going to assist with the cost of bathrooms, etc. and the board voted no. She asked if there were extra funds? Mr. Hurley explained that this work is for trenching, sanitary sewer, conduit. It can be done at a fraction of the cost now and is prepared and done for future work. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Donations Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Strange that the Board accepts the gift of two (2) wireless computer mini laptops from CIM Technology Solutions & NetTrekker. 69 8/19/09 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Approval of Universal Pre-K Contracts Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve contracts with the parties listed below for the provision of Universal Prekindergarten-related services for the 2009-2010 school year, which contracts shall be substantially in the forms (copy available in Clerk’s Supplemental File), and authorize the Superintendent and President of the Board each be authorized and directed to execute all such documents and take all such further actions as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate this resolution. Gingerbread House Daycare Center, Inc. Young Women’s Christian Association of Elmira and the Twin Tiers Economic Opportunity Program, Inc. Happy House Nursery, LLC Harriet Sweet Mrs. McCall asked how can we enroll students into the programs before the contract are approved. Mrs. Mecke explained that we don’t pay out any funds until contracts are approved. We received an RFP which shows price and number of students and that is done prior. Approval of Title IV Contracts Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mrs. Lattin that the Board approve the District’s entry into contracts with the parties listed below for the 20092010 school year, which contracts shall be in the forms attached hereto, and use of Title IV Safe and Drug Free Schools grant monies to fund the District’s financial obligations under such contracts, and authorize the Superintendent and President of the Board to execute all such documents and take all such further actions as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate this resolution. a.) b.) c.) d.) Parent Partners Community Dispute Resolution Center Council on Alcohol and Substance Abuse Southside Community Center 70 8/19/09 Mrs. Grottenthaler asked for data and would like an appraisal of these contracts. Mr. Hochreiter said he will get that information to the Board. Mrs. McCall asked about parent partners. She said they are at an hourly rate and asked what their maximum amount of hours were. Mrs. Mecke explained allocation through Title I and each school. The Grants office keeps track of vouchers and expenditures and keeps apprised as well as principals. They are paid as a contractor. Mrs. Grottenthaler is concerned about the price of fingerprinting for these contractors and asked if there was anything else we could do to assist. Mrs. Spotts stated she has an appointment with BOCES to see what can be worked out financially to get this fingerprinting cost down. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Approval of Contract with Caregivers Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mrs. Lattin that the Board approve a contract with CareGivers, Inc., in an amount not to exceed twelve thousand dollars ($12,000.00) for the provision of nursing services for the 2009-2010 school year, which contract shall be substantially in the form (copy available in Clerk’s Supplemental file), and that the Board authorize and direct each of the Superintendent and President to execute all such documents and take all such further actions as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate this resolution. Dr. Lax asked if there was a sole source provider. Attorney Wolan confirms and stated they provide service during the school day and extended by us. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Approval of FLYERS Mentoring Program Contracts Family Services of Chemung County YWCA Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board approve the FLYERS Mentoring Programs Contracts. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson 71 8/19/09 Approval of Consent to Sell Surplus Cafeteria Equipment Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board approve the consent to the sale of the Surplus Cafeteria Equipment listed below. Lot # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 Item Description Vending Machine SS PrepTable, w/ 3 Drawers 4-Wheel Dolly for Wire Racks Shrink Wrap Bag, 9.5x10x2 Shrink Wrap Machine w/ Conveyor and Table Perfection Condiment Machine J&J Pretzel Warmer w/ 12 Hangers Misc. Pots and Pans Carlisle Insulated Food Carrier, NSF 350 Carlisle Insulated Food Carrier, NSF 500 Blodgett Dual Flow Oven New Age Rolling Food Cabinet, Un-insulated Wire Racks For Food Line Oblong 1 Pound Aluminum Food Pans Commercial Milk Cooler Market Forge Double Steam Kettle Penny Plate Aluminum Hot Dog Tray Penny Plate Aluminum Hamburger Tray Garland Gas Range, 6 Burner, with Oven Garland Pizza Oven Quantity 1 1 14 13 cases New/ Used Used Used Used New Working Y/N N Y Y Y 1 1 Used Used Y Y 1 1 Lot (26 pcs. Total) Used Y Used Y 2 Used Y 2 2 Used Used Y 1Y, 1N 4 695 Used Used Y Y 19 cases 1 New Used Y Y 1 Used Y 7 cases New Y 34.5 cases New Y 1 1 Used Used Y Y Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Change Order-No. GC-24 for Beecher Elementary Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that the Board approve Change Order No. GC-24 for Beecher Elementary School in the amount of $84,545 72 8/19/09 Mr. Hochreiter had a meeting with Mr. Lanning, Principal of Beecher Elementary School, with regard to the use of space. The scope of the project was begun under prior leadership before Mr. Lanning’s arrival. This project would be for instructional learning, student opportunities and to showcase the school. Mr. Willie Holleran, Supervisor of Building and Grounds, stated that while there is a lot of initial site work, custodian, students and teacher can keep up the work afterward. Mr. Strange asked about keeping up financially, Mr. Kern stated that projects would have to be approved through the State Education Dept. They would check to see if the project was aid able and it would need special project numbers to go forward. Mr. McGovern asked if there were left over funds available from the Beecher project or will there be additional funds that the District will have to come up with. Mr. Kern stated that he will have those figures by the end of the week. Mrs. McCall expressed her concern regarding distraction of instruction in rooms near courtyard. Dr. Lax’s concern was utilization of the space and whether this was feasible at this time. With the recommendation of the President, Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that the Board table this item until more information can be provided to the Board regarding funding for this project. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson Committee on Special Education (CSE) Recommendations Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the placement of students classified by the District Committee on Special Education (CSE) Teams. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson VISITORS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD There were no visitors wishing to address the Board. PERSONNEL Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the Personnel Packet and Addendum. 73 8/19/09 Mr. Hochreiter introduced Kristina Earl, Assistant Principal at Fassett. RESIGNATIONS Instructional Name: Assignment: Effective Date: Jennifer A. Dominick Elementary Teacher/Parley Coburn Elementary School August 31, 2009 Non-Instructional Name: Assignment: Effective Date: Patricia L. Hoffman Bus Driver/Bus Garage August 7, 2009 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Instructional Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: Heather L. Eden Elementary/Hendy Avenue Elementary School Family Medical Leave September 8, 2009 through September 30, 2009 Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: Michelle M. Reeves Reading/Riverside Elementary School Family Medical Leave September 8, 2009 – To Be Determined Non-Instructional Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: Ernest M. Bohart Custodian/Ernie Davis Middle School Family Medical Leave July 31, 2009 through September 15, 2009 Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: Robert Hammond Head Custodian/Southside High School Family Medical Leave July 7, 2009 through September 24, 2009 Name: Assignment Reason: Tentative Date: Roxane R. Joris Bus Driver/Bus Garage Family Medical Leave Extension September 8, 2009 through September 16, 2009 74 8/19/09 SEPARATION OF SERVICE Non-Instructional Name: Assignment: Effective Date: James Heard Bus Driver/Bus Garage September 3, 2009 Name: Assignment: Effective Date: Catherine B. Wood Food Service Helper/Southside High School September 22, 2009 ESTABLISHMENT OF POSITION Instructional Amendment to April 21, 2009 Board Packet, page 4 Position: Location: Justification: Effective Date: Budget: Special Education (1.0) Parley Coburn Elementary School Increase support for autistic children in grades 3-5 September 8, 2009 General Federal ABOLISHMENT OF POSITION Non-Instructional Position: Location: Justification: Effective Date: Budget: Community Information Specialist Administration Building Realignment of Duties August 20, 2009 General APPOINTMENTS Administrative Probationary Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Kristina M. Earl Assistant Principal/Fassett Elementary School Replacement/Sara Fontana September 1, 2009, contingent upon providing Elmira City School District with appropriate NYS Administrative Certification 75 8/19/09 Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: September 1, 2012 Assistant Principal Special Education, Permanent; School District Leader, Initial Pending; School Building Leader, Initial Pending $66,300 prorated CAS, UNY Brockport, Major: Educational Administration; MS, Walden University, Major: Early Literacy/Administration; BA, Mansfield University, Major: Special Education; Student Teacher, Corning Painted Post (NY) Central School District Teacher, GST BOCES (6 years) Instructional Probationary Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: Laura O. Abel Elementary/Parley Coburn Elementary School Increased support for autistic children in grades 3-5 September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Special Education Students with Disabilities Grades 1-6, Initial $40,690, Step: 1 B+35 BS, Lock Haven University of PA, Major: Recreation Management; Student Teacher Wellsboro (PA) Area School District; Student Teacher, Corning-Painted Post (NY) School District Long Term Substitute, Elmira Heights (NY) Central School District (1 year) Stephanie E. Andrus Elementary/George M. Diven Elementary School Replacement/Jessica Patchett September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Elementary Childhood Education Grades 1-6, Conditional Initial $38,690, Step: 1 B+5 BS, Mansfield University, Major: Elementary Education; Student Teacher, Troy (PA) Area School District; Substitute Teacher; Elmira (NY) City School District (1.5 years) 76 8/19/09 Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: Jamie L. Butcher Elementary/Broadway Elementary School Replacement/Kathleen Nelson September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Elementary Early Childhood Education Birth – Grade 2, Initial Childhood Education Grades 1-6, Initial $41,490, Step 1 B+35+M MS, Elmira College, Major: General Education; BS, SUNY Brockport, Major: Dance; Student Teacher, Horseheads (NY) Central School District Substitute Teacher; Horseheads (NY) Central School District (7 months) Matthew D. Crabb Special Education/Broadway Elementary School Replacement/Jill Edwards September 1, 2009, contingent upon providing the Elmira City School District with the appropriate NYS Teaching Certification September 1, 2012 Special Education Students with Disabilities Grades 1-6; Initial pending $38,440, Step 1 B BS, Keuka College, Major: Unified Childhood Special Education; Student Teacher, Penn Yan (NY) Central School District Recent Graduate, first teaching position Candice H. DiRubba Special Education/Fassett Elementary School Replacement/Alexis Swierc September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Special Education Literacy Birth-Grade 6, Initial; Early Childhood Grades 1-6, Initial; Early Childhood Education Birth – Grade 2, Initial; Students with Disabilities Grades 1-6, Initial $41,990, Step 1 B+45+M MS, Mansfield University, Major: Education; BS, Elmira College, Major: Childhood Education; Student Teacher, Watkins Glen (NY) Central School District Substitute Teacher, Odessa-Montour (NY) Central School District (2 years); Watkins Glen (NY) Central School District (2 years) 77 8/19/09 Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Lisa M. Duchesne Science/Broadway Middle School Replacement/David Smith September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Science Biology 7-12 Initial $38,440, Step 1 B BS, LeMoyne College, Major: Biology; Student Teacher, Chittenango (NY) Central School District; Student Teacher, Syracuse (NY) City School District Recent graduate, first teaching position Monika M. Heath Speech/Riverside Elementary School Replacement/Judy Schaeffler September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Speech Speech and Language Disabilities, Initial $42,240, Step 1 B+50+M MS, Ithaca College, Major: Speech-Language Pathology; BS, SUNY Cortland, Major: Speech-Language Disabilities; Student Teacher, Whitney Point (NY) Central School District; Student Teacher, Chenango Forks (NY) Central School District Recent graduate, first teaching position Experience: Nancy L. Kennison Elementary/George M. Diven Elementary School Replacement/Amy Burke September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Elementary Childhood Education Grades 1-6, Initial $40,690, Step 1 B+35 BS, Elmira College, Major: Childhood Education; Student Teacher, Elmira (NY) City School District; Substitute Teacher, Elmira (NY City School District (1 year) Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Jillian T. McLaughlin School Counselor/George M. Diven Elementary School Replacement/Maribeth Ewing September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 School Counselor School Counselor, Provisional 78 8/19/09 Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: $43,490, Step 1 B+55+M+NBC MS, Marywood University, Major: Counselor Education; BS, Mansfield University, Major: Psychology; Student Teacher, Maine-Endwell (NY) Central School District Substitute Teacher, Union-Endicott (NY) Central School District (1.5 years) Nicole L. Sosnoski Science/Southside High School Replacement/Courtney Warren September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Science Biology 7-12, Initial; Students with Disabilities Grades 7-12 Biology, Initial; Biology 5-6 Extension, Initial Extension $38,440, Step 1 B BS, SUNY Brockport, Major: Biological Sciences; Student Teacher, Hilton (NY) Central School District; Student Teacher, Greece (NY) Central School District; Substitute Teacher, Elmira (NY) City School District (8 months) Je-Lan M. Speenburgh Business/Southside High School Replacement/Lucy Cesari September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Business Business and Marketing, Initial $38,940, Step 1 B+10 BS, SUNY Cortland, Major: Sport Management, Substitute Teacher, Niagara Falls (NY) City School District; Student Teacher, Fairfax County (NY) Public Schools Part-Time Teacher; West Virginia (WV) Business College (5 months) Holly D. Stekl Science/Broadway Middle School Replacement/Sheena Scouten September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Science Biology 7-12, Initial Pending; General Science 7-12 Extension, Initial Extension Annotation Pending $39,940, Step 1 B+25 79 8/19/09 Background : Experience: Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : Experience: Name: Assignment Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background : BS, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Major: Environmental Biology; Student Teacher, Waterloo (NY) Central School District; Student Teacher, Watkins Glen (NY) Central School District Substitute Teacher, South Seneca (NY) Central School District (2 years) Kelly R. Stuart Library Media Specialist/Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School Replacement/Ann Freeman September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Elementary Early Childhood Education Birth – Grade 2, Initial; Childhood Education Grades 1-6, Initial $41,490, Step 1 B+35+M MS, Elmira College, Major: General Education; BS, SUNY Fredonia, Major: Accounting; Student Teacher, Parochial School System Substitute Teacher, Horseheads (NY) Central School District (1.5 years) Sara E. Weigle-Garove Elementary/Broadway Elementary School Replacement/Nancy Marks September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Elementary Early Childhood Education Birth – Grade 2, Initial; Childhood Education Grades 1-6, Initial $39,190, Step 1 B+15 BS, Elmira College, Major: Psychology; Student Teacher, Elmira Heights (NY) Central School District Substitute Teacher, Elmira (NY) City School District (6 months) Steven A. Winston Foreign Language/Elmira Free Academy Replacement/Christos Argyroiu September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Foreign Language Spanish 7-12, Initial $45,830, Step 10 B+30+M MA, Ithaca College, Major: Adolescent Education–Spanish; BA, Ithaca College, Major: Spanish; Student Teacher, Ithaca (NY) City School District 80 8/19/09 Experience: Recent graduate, first teaching position Non-Instructional Competitive Probatonary to Permanent Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Salary: Katie M. Jones Clerk Typist/Administration Building Relacement/Nancy Correll August 20, 2009 $16,799 prorated Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Salary: Diann E. Friant Thirty-Five Hour Clerk/Broadway Middle School Replacement/Beverly Johnson September 8, 2009 $10,878, Step 2 Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Salary: Laurie J. Lathrop Licensed Practical Nurse/Booth Education Center/George M. Diven Elementary School Newly Created September 8, 2009 $15,697, Step 3 Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Salary: Peter Lotocky Head Custodian/Hendy Avenue Elementary School Replacement/Fred Waterholter August 3, 2009 $36,149 prorated TRANSFERS Instructional Name: Assignment 2008-2009 2009-2010 Laura M. Agan Music Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School/Hendy Avenue Elementary School Hendy Avenue Elementary School 81 8/19/09 Name: Assignment 2008-2009 2009-2010 Robert G. Arciolla Physical Education Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School/George M. Diven Elementary School George M. Diven Elementary School Name: Assignment 2008-2009 2009-2010 Kristina V. Bush Elementary Hendy Avenue Elementary School Riverside Elementary School Name: Assignment 2008-2009 2009-2010 Colleen M. Emerick-Danulik Special Education Broadway Middle School Riverside Elementary School Name: Assignment 2008-2009 2009-2010 Katrina F. Keefe Elementary Parley Coburn Elementary School Hendy Avenue Elementary School Name: Assignment 2008-2009 2009-2010 Sheena M. Scouten Science Broadway Middle School Ernie Davis Middle School Assignment: 2008-2009 2009-2010 Diana L. Wheeler Teaching Assistant Ernie Davis Middle School Elmira Free Academy ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE SUBSTITUTE LIST Additions Non-Instructional Teacher Aides Michelle VanNess Lifeguard Victoria L. Kent 82 8/19/09 Deletions Substitute Teachers Nancy L. Kennison Kristen M. Webster Sarah E. Weigle-Grove LPN Laurie J. Lathrop ADDENDUM RESIGNATIONS Instructional Name: Assignment: Effective Date: Tiffany M. Morgan Mathematics/Southside High School August 31, 2009 Name: Assignment Effective Date: Jennifer M. Sylor School Counselor/Pine City Elementary September 30, 2009 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Instructional Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: Kathryn A. Smith Elementary/Ernie Davis Middle School Family Medical Leave September 8, 2009 – To Be Determined Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: Nathan D. Smith Technology/Southside High School Family Medical Leave September 8, 2009 through September 27, 2009 ESTABLISHMENT OF POSITIONS INSTRUCTIONAL Position: Location: Justification: Effective Date: Budget: Language Development Specialist (1.0) Booth Education Center/District Wide Newly Created September 1, 2009 Federal (ARRA) Position: Instructional Support Teacher (1.0) 83 8/19/09 Location: Justification: Effective Date: Budget: Booth Education Center/District Wide Newly Created September 1, 2009 Federal (ARRA) Position: Location: Justification: Effective Date: Budget: Classroom Teachers (1.0) Pine City Elementary School Increased Student Enrollment September 1, 2009 Federal (ARRA) NON-INSTRUCTIONAL Position: Location: Justification: Effective Date: Budget: 25-Hour Teacher Aide Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School Realignment of Duties September 8, 2009 General APPOINTMENTS Instructional Probationary Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Amber J. Murphy Mathematics/Broadway Middle School Replacement/Craig Heath September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Mathematics Mathematics 7-12, Initial $38,440, Step 1 B BS, SUNY Cortland , Major: Adolescent Education/Math; Student Teacher, Homer (NY) Central School District; Student Teacher, Groton (NY) Central School District; Recent graduate, first teaching position Tonia L. Prutsman Elementary/George M. Diven Elementary School Replacement/Nancy McGinnis September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Elementary Pre Kindergarten, Kindergarten and Grades 1-6, Permanent 84 8/19/09 Salary: Background: Experience: Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: $42,107, Step 3 B+30+M MS, Walden University, Major: Elementary Reading and Literacy; BS, Mansfield University, Major: Elementary Education; Student Teacher, Corning-Painted Post (NY) Central School District Long Term Substitute Teacher, Corning-Painted Post (NY) Central School District (3 years) Joelle M. Silliman .5 Social Studies/Broadway Middle School Replacement/Laurie Marchesani (ETA release time) September 1, 2009 Social Studies Social Studies 7-12, Initial $19,220, Step 1 B BA, Elmira College, Major: Adolescent Education: Social Studies History; Student Teacher, Elmira (NY) City School District; Student Teacher, Horseheads (NY) Central School District Substitute Teacher, Horseheads (NY) Central School District (2 years) Kristine M. Webster Elementary/Parley Coburn Elementary School Replacement/Jennifer Dominick September 1, 2009 September 1, 2012 Elementary Childhood Education, Grades 1-6, initial $41,490, Step 1 B+35+M ME, Mansfield University, Major: Elementary Education; BA, Niagara University, Major: Childhood Education 1-6; Student Teacher, Niagara Falls (NY) City School District Recent graduate, first teaching position 85 8/19/09 TENURE RECOMMENDATION Administrative Richard E. Dobson Pertinent Information All requirements for tenure including observations and annual evaluations have been completed. Mr. Dobson has demonstrated a distinguished level of effective Instructional Leadership; Organization and Staff Management; Communication and Community Relations; Budget and Facility Management; Delivery of Student Support Services; and Comprehensive Planning. Evaluation & Analysis All requirements for tenure including observations and annual evaluations have been completed. Mr. Dobson has demonstrated a distinguished level of effective Instructional Leadership; Organization and Staff Management; Communication and Community Relations; Budget and Facility Management; Delivery of Student Support Services; and Comprehensive Planning. Recommendation It is recommended that the Board approve tenure for Richard E. Dobson effective December 4, 2009. Pertinent Information: Payment will be made in accordance with the District/Elmira Teachers Association Agreement. STIPENDS-NON ATHLETIC Department Chairperson District-Wide Art Chairperson JoAnne H. Smith Year 3 District-Wide Library Media Specialist Chairperson Annelise K. O’Hara Year 3 $ 6,047 District-Wide Music (Instrumental) Chairperson Dennis R. Chapdelaine Year 1 $ 4,997 District-Wide Music (Vocal) Chairperson Jessica A. Ossiboff Year 1 $ 4,997 86 $ 6,047 8/19/09 District-Wide Speech Chairperson Linda C. Hart Year 3 $ 6,047 2009-2010 EVENING HIGH SCHOOL PROGRAM APPOINTMENTS Administrative Name: Assignment: Salary: Effective Date: R. Thomas Boyanowski Principal (.5) $6,500 September 1,2009 Name: Assignment: Salary: Effective Date: Timothy T. Hassen Principal (.5) $6,500 September 1, 2009 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson ADDITIONALAPPOINT MENT TO PERSONNEL PACKET Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board approve the following resolution: RESOLVED that The Law Firm of Frank W. Miller is hereby retained as Special Counsel to the District at the Firm’s customary rates in a total amount not to exceed $5000; and that the Board President is hereby authorized and directed to take all steps necessary to effectuate this resolution. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lax, Lattin, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson ADJOURNMENT Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the meeting be adjourned. (9:20 p.m.) 87