9/16/09 ELMIRA CITY SCHOOL DISTRICT ELMIRA, NEW YORK REGULAR MEETING OF THE BOARD OF EDUCATION EFA Community Room 933 Hoffman Street Elmira, NY 14905 September 16, 2009 6:00 pm Executive Session 7:00 pm Meeting MEETING CALLED TO ORDER President Larry McGovern, Jr. called the Regular Meeting of the Board of Education to order at 6:02 p.m. and opened with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. ATTENDANCE Present: Lynn Grottenthaler, Dan Hurley, Dianna Jackson (left executive session 6:18 p.m. returned 6:34 p.m., left meeting at 7:08 p.m. returned at 7:12 p.m., left meeting 8:45 p.m.), Sara Lattin, Ted Lax, Colleen McCall (arr. 6:50 p.m.), Larry McGovern, Jr., Rodney Strange, Mary Tucker Student Representatives: Alternative High School Student Representative, Fred Beard: Elmira Free Academy Student Representative, Abbey Proudfoot; Southside High School Student Representative, Samantha Potter Absent: Christine Mecke Others: Joseph Hochreiter, Greg Kern, Diane Spotts, Attoney Conrad Wolan APPROVAL OF AGENDA Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board approve the agenda with the following changes: Add under New Business as item “I2”, discussion and resolution posting board attendance on district website. Add as Consent Item “J8”, Approval of Lease of Warehouse Space from Mahar Associates. Add Personnel addendum to item “L”. Add to Consent Item “J6”, Approval of Committee on Special Education (CSE) Recommendations adding an additional student under BOCES. Delete Consent Item “J4a”, EOP New Day ProgramBeecher Elementary School from the agenda. 122 9/16/09 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: McCall EXECUTIVE SESSION Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board move into Executive Session for information relating to current or future investigation of a criminal offense that would imperil effective law enforcement if disclosed, the employment history of a particular person or corporation and privileged consultation with legal counsel; also included for motion Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board appoint Ms. Grottenthaler as Clerk Pro Tem in the absence of the Clerk. (6:08 p.m.) Invited into Executive Session were Attorney Conrad Wolan, Mr. Hochreiter, Deputy Chief Michael Robertson and Detective Sergeant Matt Sweet. Mrs. Jackson asked the Board President if there would be discussion regarding the Deputy Director of Human Resources; Mr. McGovern stated there would not be. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: McCall Janet M. Mustico Board Clerk RETURN TO OPEN SESSION Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board return to Open Session. (6:57 p.m.) Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: McCall Lynn Grottenthaler Clerk Pro Tem 123 9/16/09 Board Member Colleen McCall arrived at 6:50 p.m. into Executive Session. Board Member Dianna Jackson left Executive Session and building at 6:18 p.m., returned at 6:34 p.m. Mrs. Jackson left the building again at 7:08 p.m. and returned at 7:12 p.m. RECONVENED The meeting reconvened at 7:02 p.m. VISITORS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD Kevin Lauper, concerned citizen, addressed his concerns with the Board regarding negative columns in the paper and asked the Board to hold a public vote to impeach Mrs. Dianna Jackson. CELEBRATIONS Ernie Davis Middle School Student Mr. Hochreiter presented a gift and certificate to Jacob Curkendall, EDMS student for saving his younger brother’s life by administering CPR when he fell down 32 steps and stopped breath. Deb Watkins, District CPR Instructor and Dan Yager, Ernie Davis Middle School (EDMS) Health Teacher were also given certificated and recognized for supporting the curriculum and by teaching Jacob CPR. Grant Writers Mr. Hochreiter recognized the following grant writers with certificates for their commitment and dedication in writing grants for the district. Jean Barber Elizabeth Biroscak Diane Habeck Jason Harmon Jennifer Mieczynski Meachele Manchester and Marie Duchy were not able to attend the meeting. Jason Harmon spoke about his part in writing the Learning Center Grant. He stated that the vision of the BASE Camp II program is to propel students into the future with the belief that they have the potential to reach high levels of personal achievement. BASE Camp II will support a continuum of learning experiences, currently not available, it will also enable students to explore talents and interests and expose them to opportunities they may not be award of. Activities will immerse students in project based experiences that connect classroom learning to real-world applications; with an emphasis on Science, Technology, Engineering and Math. 124 9/16/09 BOARD OF EDUCATION REPORTS Associations Representatives ESSAC member, Joyce Carr, reported that ESSAC had a great start of the school year; they were enthusiastic about their goals and initiatives for the upcoming school year. ETA President, Laurie Marchesani, reported that during the summer many ETA members attended conferences, workshops and classes and participated in Leadership Week. She went on to say that many ETA members participated in handing out bags of school supplies or helped with the Child I.D. program at the Chemung County Fairgrounds on August 22nd. She also informed the Board that the ETA website is up and running and the web address is www.elmirateachers.org. There was no report from CMCW. There was no report from ISEA. There was no report from CWA. Student Representatives Elmira Free Academy Student Representative, Abbey Proudfoot, spoke about the scheduling at EFA that changes slightly from last year and feels it’s much better. She also spoke about how unhappy the students are with the school lunches and what they are able to buy. Southside Student Representative, Samatha Potter, spoke about the construction that is going on at her school. She informed the Board that the new track will be in by Friday and spoke about the advisement period at SHS. Alternative High School Student Representative, Fred Beard, thanked the Grant Writers and the Grant Office for all their work. He also spoke about the school lunch issue with only being able to buy 1 milk, 1 fruit, 1 vegetable and not being able to get a fruit drink if you buy fruit. He enjoyed the event that took place at the Clemens Center on September 8th. He did tell Mr. Hochreiter that he should recognize that the district as having three middle schools and three high schools. Mr. McGovern stated that Mr. Hochreiter will look into the school lunch issue. Mary Tucker Mrs. Tucker reported that she attended the Health Committee meeting where that discussed HIPA changes and reported that the committee was excited about the wellness program. 125 9/16/09 Equity Committee Mrs. Jackson reported that the equity committee had two planning meetings in September and three people attended each meeting. The main points that were discussed were: To continue requesting that the district do diversity training for the whole district starting with the Board of Education. The three agencies McCormic Management follow-up training, NAACP local coordinator and Confluency Training do the training. The next Equity Committee meeting will be October 6, 2009 and the members of the Board are invited to attend. She went on to say that lists of all the Equity committee public meetings were given to each board member on Aug. 5, 2009. She stated that she has received e-mails with questions about what the equity committee does, its goals, and its purpose. Mrs. Jackson asked for a follow up on Ernie Davis students who were unable to play football because they were not allowed to attend summer school. Arts Subcommittee Mrs. McCall reported that she felt Booth school was welcoming and the CPCR parent resource center was very bright and full of windows. She attended the first EFA home football game and signed up to participate in the Southside High School Book Club. She reported that the Arts committee will focus on creating opportunities for students to show their talents. Buildings & Grounds Mr. Kern reported that everything is moving along, buildings are all opened, and the concrete at Southside High School has been poured for the addition. Learning & Teaching Committee Ms. Grottenthaler invited Derek Almy, Principal, Ernie Davis Middle School and Brian LaBaron, Principal, Broadway Middle School to speak abut transitioning elementary students into the middle school. Each school hosted an Open House and an orientation so students could visit the middle schools to meet counselors, staff and familiarize themselves with the buildings. Mr. LaBaron stated that BMS held early CSE meetings for Special Education students so they could better understand what their needs were. Mr. Almy and Mr. LaBaron both have an open door policy for parents to better help their child transition to middle school. Audit Committee Mr. Strange reported that the next meeting of the Audit Committee will be o September 25th. This meeting will only be for executive session committee members so that they can get the 126 9/16/09 forensic audit report. They will also schedule an exit meeting for the internal auditors and a meeting with the board and Forensic Auditors. Community Relations Committee Ms. Lattin reported that she is planning activities. Policy Committee Dr. Lax reported that the committee has gone through the bulk of the policies and are about to begin regulations which will take awhile to go through. He stated that he attended the unique opening day event at the Clemens Center on September 8th. He thanked Mr. Hochreiter and stated that it set the tone in the community for the direction the district is going in. He also informed the Board of the free dental clinic which will be held at BOCES building 12 for Pre-K, kindergarten, second, fourth, seventh and tenth grade students who are not covered by insurance. Area dentist will volunteer their time to provide free dental exams to students who don’t have dental insurance. Exams will be given on a first come, first served basis; this event will be held on October 6, 14 and 22 from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Larry McGovern Mr. McGovern reported that the staff will see a more visible Board. The first Board visit will be Tuesday, September 22n at Beecher School. He also thanked everyone for the event at the Clemens Center the first day of school. SUPERINTENDENT’S REPORT Report on First Week of School Mr. Hochreiter spoke about the event held at the Clemens Center on September 8th where staff member in the district were bused to the Clemens Center from their schools. Over 100 community members along with Eric Massa were also invited to participate in the opening day festivities. He went on to report that students from the district showcased their talents. A slide show was shown of the district accomplishments. The focus of this event was show the community the direction that the School district is moving in. Mr. Hochreiter received many positive comments from staff and community members. 2009 Instructional Leadership Week Presentations Mr. Hochreiter spoke about Leadership Week. He began by saving that key staff members were invited from each of the 13 schools in the district. They developed a plan as to where they would like to see what direction that would like to see their school move in for the next year. What they will do differently to reach their goals and who will lead their initiatives. 127 9/16/09 Derek Almy, Principal of Ernie Davis Middle School and his staff presented to the Board their goals and initiatives. The following individuals were introduced to the Board: Brenda Baker Christin Bresett Tom Morrell Maria Pluchino Dave Stonitsch Holly Strickland Amy Tompkins Giner Woolever Michele Wright The staff spoke about family engagement and six types of parental involvement, which are: 1. Parenting 2. Communicating 3. volunteering 4. Learning At Home 5. Decision Making 6. Collaborating with the Community They went on to report that beginning in September 2008, all EDMS faculty members documented all parent/guardian contacts as evidenced by team/teacher contact logs. By the end of the 0809 school year EDMS will see a 5% increase in parent attendance at CIM/Rtl meetings and parent conferences. This increased from 46% to 78%. Over 7,000 parent contacts were made in the 2008/09 school year. They went on to talk about the different activities they implemented at EDMS such as: academic excellence awards, suicide prevention walk, family game night, family and consumer science where parents cooked with their children. The Orange Team had an Egyptian Day, the Green Team had Breakfast at Applebee’s, the Gold Team had a coffee house, the Silver Team took a trip to the SPCA, the Blue Team had a Thanksgiving Dinner and they held a girls’ soccer celebration. They ended their presentation by going over their next steps. OLD BUSINESS May 1, 2010 Superintendent’s Conference Day. Mr. Hochreiter explained to the Board the change in the Superintendent’s Conference Day from March 22nd. To may 3rd. This change was made by the New York State Education department. He discussed with the Board the problems with 128 9/16/09 changing the date. The main concern is that students will not have enough time to study for state tests coming back from Spring Break. There was a discussion to move the Superintendent’s Conference Day to May 10th which about 70% of the administrators are in favor of but the majority of other districts are still going to have May 3rd at the conference day. The Board would like to table this discussion until the October meeting. NEW BUSINESS New York State School Boards Association (NYSSBA) ResolutionVoting Delegate Mrs. Jackson moved, seconded by Mrs. Lattin that the Board appoint Colleen McCall as voting delegate and Mary Tucker as alternate voting delegate for proposed resolutions at the annual business meeting on October 17, 2009. Mr. McGovern asked each board member to review the booklet and get back to him with any questions or concerns on resolutions they may have. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None Post attendance of Board members on website Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Hurley approve the following resolution: “The members of the Elmira City School Board wish for the community to know that we take our responsibilities as School Board members very seriously. To that end, it is hereby resolved that we will regularly post on the District website the attendance record for full board meetings of each Board of Education member, the dates of such postings to be begin with the first meeting of this, current term, 1 July 2009. This posting shall include the dates of meetings attended, the dates of meetings missed, and notations as to late arrivals and early departures. We hope that by making our attendance conspicuous the community will be better able to see our commitment to our elected offices.” Mrs. Tucker stated that she would like to have a reason put next to the date that board members are not in attendance. There was a discussion that that is confidential. 129 9/16/09 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None CONSENT ITEMS Minutes Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mrs. Jackson that the Board approve the minutes of the August 19, 2009, Regular Meeting of the Board of Education. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None Grants NYSED-VESID-IDEA Section 611 & 619 Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board accept the grants from the New York State Education Department Office of Vocational and Educational Services for Individuals with Disabilities (VESID) for IDEA Section 611 in the amount of $1,917,151 and IDEA Section 619 in the amount of $75,787; approve the use of the funds to make purchases as indicated; and authorize the Superintendent and President to execute all documents necessary to effectuate this resolution. Mrs. Jackson asked Mr. Hochreiter what VESID does for the District. Mr. Hochreiter stated that he will get back to Mrs. Jackson with that information. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None NYSED-Carl D. Perkins Career & Technical Mr. Strange moved, seconded by Mrs. Lattin that the Board accept the grant from the New York State Education Department Office of Curriculum and Instructional Support in the amount of $91,329; approve the use of the funds to make purchases as indicated; and authorize the Superintendent and President to execute all documents necessary to effectuate this resolution. 130 9/16/09 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None NYSED-Extended School Day/School Violence Program-EDMS & BMS Mrs. Lattin moved, seconded by Dr. Lax that the Board accept the grant from the New York State Education Department’s Extended School Day/School Violence Prevention Program in the amount of $116,909 for the Middle School Extended School Day Program; approve the use of the funds to make purchases as indicated; and authorize the Superintendent and President to execute all documents necessary to effectuate this resolution. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None Acceptance of Grant from US Lacrosse-Modified Lacrosse Program Equipment Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mrs. Lattin that the Board approve the following Consent Items, deleting Consent Item 4a –EOP New Day Program from the agenda. Approve an equipment grant agreement with US Lacrosse for the provision of lacrosse equipment to the District, which agreement shall be substantially in the form attached hereto, and that the Board authorize and direct each of the Superintendent and President to execute all such documents and take all such further actions as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate this resolution. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None CONTRACTS St. Joseph’s Hospital-O/TP/T Contract Approve a contract with St. Joseph’s Hospital, in an amount not to exceed three hundred sixty thousand dollars ($360,000.00) for the provision of physical therapy and occupational therapy services for the 2009-2010 school year, which contract shall be substantially in the form attached hereto, and that the Board authorize and direct each of the Superintendent and President to execute all such documents and take all such further actions as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate this resolution. 131 9/16/09 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None Approval of 2009-10 tax roll and issue of the tax warrant Approve the resolution to adopt the 2009-10 tax roll and issue the tax warrant. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None Committee on Special Education (CSE) Recommendations Approve the placement of students classified by the District Committee on Special Education (CSE) Teams. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None Donations Accept the gifts A VCR, a microwave and a television which Chris Mecke, Director of Pupil Personnel Services has donated to the Parent Resource Center. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None Approval of Lease of warehouse space from Mahar Associates, LLC Approve the District’s leasing of warehouse space from Mahar Associates, LLC upon the terms and conditions set forth in the letter of intent and upon such other terms and conditions as the Administration, with the advice of the District’s legal counsel, may deem necessary or appropriate to provide the District with space necessary to facilitate the storage of surplus items owned by the District pending their sale or disposal, and that the Board authorize and direct each of the Superintendent and President to execute all such documents and take all such further actions as may be necessary or appropriate to effectuate this resolution. 132 9/16/09 Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None VISITORS WISHING TO ADDRESS THE BOARD There were no visitors wishing to address the Board. AMENDMENT TO THE AGENDA Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Ms. Grottenthaler that the Board amend the agenda and add the item that took place in Executive Session to the agenda. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Jackson, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: None Waive Confidentiality of Executive Session of September 16, 2009 Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the Board approve the following resolution: Resolved that the Board hereby waives the confidentiality of the Executive Session of September 16, 2009 to the extent of certain matters discussed with and information transmitted to representatives of the City of Elmira Police Department concerning an active investigation. Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: Jackson Absent: None Mrs. Jackson asked to have discussion on this item. Mr. McGovern stated that the resolution was moved and seconded, there was a discussion and then the item was voted on. He explained that the discussion was over and they moved onto voting for the Personnel packet and addendum. Mrs. Jackson became very irritated and stated, “See yous in court”, “You guys want to play this, we’ll go all the way to the Supreme Court”, You cannot deny my right to make a motion”. Mr. Strange called “Point of Order” to carry on the business of the Board because Mrs. Jackson was interrupting the meeting 133 9/16/09 process. PERSONNEL Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mrs. McCall that the Board approve the Personnel packet and addendum. RESIGNATION Non-Instructional Name: Assignment: Effective Date: Rebekah L. Kellogg 25 Hour Teacher Aide/Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School September 19, 2009 LEAVES OF ABSENCE Instructional Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: Jenny R. Burns Elementary/Riverside Elementary School Family Medical Leave November 21, 2009 – To be Determined Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: Constance M. Young School Counselor/Elmira Free Academy High School Family Medical Leave September 8, 2009 – To Be Determined Non-Instructional Name: Assignment: Reason: Tentative Date: James T. Hollenbeck Assistant Groundskeeper/Maintenance Family Medical Leave August 24, 2009 through September 24, 2009 * EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS The following appointments which are marked as *Emergency Appointment are made as emergency conditional appointments which are valid for twenty (20) business days from date of effective appointment or until a conditional clearance is obtained from the State Education Department (SED), whichever occurs first. The following emergency conditional appointments are made to the positions indicated and the Board hereby determines the following: 1. The District has been unable to fill the vacancy despite good faith efforts which would have allowed sufficient time for SED clearance or conditional clearance. 2. There is no other qualified person available to fill the vacancy temporarily. The positions need to be filled to maintain services, which the District is legally required to provide, or services which are necessary to protect the health, education or safety of students and staff. 134 9/16/09 APPOINTMENT Instructional Probationary *Emergency Appointment Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: Heath E. Kennedy Music/Southside High School Replacement/Lauren Janosco September 21, 2009 contingent upon satisfactorily completing the hiring process and passing a drug screening September 21, 2012 Music Music , Professional $42,592 Step 5 B+35+M, prorated MS, Mansfield University, Major: Music Education BS, SUNY Oswego Major: Music Teacher, Gwinnett (GA) County Public Schools (3 years); Teacher, Ithaca (NY) City School District (1 year); Teacher, BolivarRichburg (NY) Central School District (1 year); Substitute Teacher, Elmira (NY) City School District (3 years) TRANSFERS Name: Assignment: 2008-2009 2009-2010 Beth A. Arnold Social Worker Ernie Davis Middle School Broadway Middle School Name: Assignment: 2008-2009 2009-2010 Michael E. Kone Special Education Hendy Avenue Elementary School Name: Assignment: 2008-2009 2009-2010 Michele D. Kotch Social Worker Broadway Elementary School/Broadway Middle School Name: Assignment: 2008-2009 2009-2010 Wenona M. Liguori Social Worker Riverside Elementary School Riverside Elementary School/Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School Broadway Elementary School/Fassett Elementary School 135 9/16/09 Name: Assignment: 2008-2009 2009-2010 Shannon C. VanDewark Special Education Ernie Davis Middle School Elmira Free Academy ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE SUBSTITUTE LIST Instructional Additions Substitute Teacher Kattie E. Hadley-Knowles Jami L. Lacerte Idella M. Robinson Eric J. Schmidt Tutor Maureen M. Smith Non-Instructional RN Molly A. McGinley-Hilliard Food Service Helper Mary R. Gorst Deletions Instructional Janet M. Trosino Lisa G. Weidman STIPENDS Athletic Pertinent Information: Payment will be made in accordance with the District/Elmira Teachers Association Agreement. STIPENDS-NON 136 9/16/09 ATHLETIC Class 5 Assistant Marching Band Director Kevin F. Bill EFA Year 1 $1,730.00 Grade 9 Advisor Lisa M. Murdie Jennifer L. Mathews SHS SHS Year 1 Year 1 $865.00 (1/2) $865.00 (1/2) SHS SHS Year 1 Year 1 $1,249.50 (1/2) $1,249.50 (1/2) Class 4 Literacy Magazine Marnie O. Malone Gina M. Beirne ADDENDUM * EMERGENCY APPOINTMENTS The following appointments which are marked as *Emergency Appointment are made as emergency conditional appointments which are valid for twenty (20) business days from date of effective appointment or until a conditional clearance is obtained from the State Education Department (SED), whichever occurs first. The following emergency conditional appointments are made to the positions indicated and the Board hereby determines the following: 3. The District has been unable to fill the vacancy despite good faith efforts which would have allowed sufficient time for SED clearance or conditional clearance. 4. There is no other qualified person available to fill the vacancy temporarily. The positions need to be filled to maintain services, which the District is legally required to provide, or services which are necessary to protect the health, education or safety of students and staff. APPOINTMENTS Instructional Probationary Assignment: Justification: Arthur J. Malorzo Teaching Assistant/Ernie Davis Middle School Replacement/Diana Wheeler 137 9/16/09 Effective Date: Tenure Date: Tenure Area: Certification: Salary: Background: Experience: September 21, 2009 September 21, 2012 Teaching Assistant Physical Education, Initial, Health Education, Initial $21,967, Step 1 ParaProfessional, prorated MS, Ithaca College Major: Health Education BS, SUNY Brockport, Major: Physical Education Substitute Teacher, Elmira (NY) City School District (2.5 years) Non-Instructional Probationary Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Salary: Molly A. McGinley-Hilliard Registered Nurse/Southside High School Replacement/Joan Gensel September 18, 2009 $24,989, Step 5 prorated Name: Assignment: Justification: Effective Date: Salary: Ingeborg M. Nevans 20 Hour Teacher Aide/Thomas K. Beecher Elementary School Replacement/Mikki Farrand September 18, 2009 $6,391, Step 5 prorated ADDITIONS/DELETIONS TO THE SUBSTITUTE LIST Non-Instructional Additions Amendment to September 16, 2009 Board Packet page 5 RN Molly A. McGinley-Hilliard Food Service Helper Timothy B. Frizzell Rebecca A. Hoffman Instructional Deletions 138 9/16/09 Edward J. Cloke Arthur J. Malorza Charlotte G. Wirth Athletic STIPEND Pertinent Information: Payment will be made in accordance with the District/Elmira Teachers Association Agreement. SENIOR HIGH FALL RESIGNATION Cross Country Assistant Elmira Free Academy Robert J. Kurcoba Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson ADJOURNMENT Dr. Lax moved, seconded by Mr. Strange that the meeting be adjourned. (8:55 p.m.) Motion Carried: Yes: Grottenthaler, Hurley, Lattin, Lax, McCall, McGovern, Strange, Tucker No: None Absent: Jackson 139