Romeo Diary Entry (Tuesday)

Romeo & Juliet
Homework: Romeo Diary Entry (Tuesday)
Act 3, Scene 5
Name: ______________________________________________________________________________ Due Date: Tuesday, May 29th
DIRECTIONS: Your task is to write Romeo’s diary entry after Romeo has left Juliet on Tuesday morning. This
diary entry should describe everything that has happened to Romeo on this day. Try to include feelings and find
unusual and imaginative ways of saying things! Try using similes, metaphors, puns, oxymorons, and
personification to enhance your writing. You will receive an extra point for each literary device you use in
your diary entry. (Be sure to circle each literary device you use within your letter to ensure you get extra credit.)
Make sure you write about:
the reason you saw the Friar and why he agreed.
why you refused to fight Tybalt.
how Mercutio was killed .
how you took revenge against Tybalt.
your banishment from Verona.
your feelings about leaving Juliet.
the Friar’s plan and how you feel about it.
Here are phrases you might include in your entry.
Oh I am Fortune’s fool!
Today’s been the happiest and saddest day of my life!
When Tybalt challenged me to a duel…
Tybalt took the life of my friend, so…
And now I’m banished from Verona!
When I think of live without Juliet…
 The Friar thinks it best that…