Hughes, Fall 2013 SPED 450 (Section EC) Assignment # 1: Book List Book 1. A.D.D. Not B.A.D 2. A Girl Named Helen Keller (Hello Reader!, Level 3) 3. Alex Is My Friend 4. All Kinds of Friends, Even Green! 5. Apartment 3 6. All About My Brother: An Eight-Year-Old Sister's Introduction to Her Brother Who Has Autism 7. Andy and His Yellow Frisbee 8. Andy Opens Wide 9. Arnie and the New Kid 10. A Wheel Life Lesson 11. A Smile from Andy 12. A Special Friend 13. A Very Special Critter 14. A Very Special Sister 15. Be Good to Eddie Lee 16. Ben, King of the River 17. Best Friends Author, Illustrator Audrey Penn Monica Wyrick (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Margo Lundell Irene Trivas (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Marisabina Russo Ages 4-8 Ellen B. Senisi Ages 4-8 Ezra Jack Keats Ages 4-8 Sarah Peralto Ages 4-8 Mary Thompson Ages 4-8 Nan Holcomb Dot Yoder (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Nancy Carlson Ages 3-5 Noel Gyro Potter Joseph Cannon (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Nan Holcomb Dot Yoder (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Liz Mills Ages 3-5 Gina Mayer, Mercer Mayer Ages 3-6 Dorothy Hoffman Levi Ethel Gold (Illustrator) Preschool Virginia Fleming Ages 4-8 David Gifaldi Layne Johnson (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Sandi Hill Michael Jarrett (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Hughes, Fall 2013 18. Best Friend on Wheels 19. Be Quiet, Marina! 20. Big Brother Dustin 21. Brian’s Bird 22. Cakes & Miracles 23. Can You Hear a Rainbow? : The Story of a Deaf Boy Named Chris (Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago Learning Book) 24. Charlie's Challenge 25. Clifford Visits the Hospital 26. Cookie 27. Cosmo Gets an Ear 28. Dad and Me in the Morning 29. Dancing with Katya 30. Deafness: A First Book 31. Dear Santa, Please Come to the 19th Floor 32. Dina the Deaf Dinosaur 33. Don't Call Me Special: A First Look at Disability 34. Dustin’s Big Day at School 35. Eddie Enough! Debra Shirley Judy Stead (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Kirsten Debear Laura Dwight (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Alden R. Carter Dan Young & Carol Carter (Illustrators) Ages 3-6 Patricia A. Davis Ages 4-8 Barbara Diamond Goldin Jaime Zollars (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Jamee Riggio Heelan Nicola Simmonds (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Linda Gladden Ann Root (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Norman Bridwell Linda Kneeland Ages 4-8 Gary Clemente & Eugene Yelchin (Authors) Pat Lakin Robert C. Steele (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Dori Chaconas Constance R. Bergum (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Jane Hyman Yin Chris K. Soentpiet (Illustrator) Ages 6-8 Carole Addabbo Valentine (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Pat Thomas Lesley Harker (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Alden R. Carter Carol S. Carter (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Debbie Zimmett Charlotte Murray Fremaux (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Hughes, Fall 2013 36. Elana's Ears, or How I Became the Best Big Sister in the World 37. Eukee: The Jumpy Jumpy Elephant 38. Even Little Kids Get Diabetes (An Albert Whitman Prairie Book) 39. Extraordinary Friends (Let’s Talk About it) 40. Fair and Square 41. Desplumado (Spina Bifida)/Featherless 42. Fluffy 43. Friends at School 44. Goose's Story 45. Harry and Willy and Carrot Head 46. Helen Keller: Courage in the Dark (Step into Reading, Step 3, paper) 47. Helping Sophia 48. Here Comes Kate! 49. Hooray for Harold, Dealing With Hearing Loss (Dr. Wellbook, 9) 50. How It Feels to Live With a Physical Disability 51. How Willy Got His Wheels 52. Ian’s Walk: A Story about Autism 53. Imagine Me on a Sit-Ski Gloria Roth Lowell Karen Stormer Brooks (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Clifford L. Corman & M. D. Corman Richard Dimatteo (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Connie White Pirner Nadine Bernard Westcott (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Fred Rogers Jim Judkin (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Nan Holcomb Dot Yoder (Illustrator) Juan Herrera Ernesto Cuevas, Jr. (Illustrator) Ages 6-8 Danielle Johnson (Author & Illlustrator) Ages 4-6 Rochelle Bunnett Matt Brown (Illustrator) Ages 4-6 Cari Best Ages 4-8 Judith Caseley Ages 5-8 Johanna Hurwitz Neverne Covington (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Anastasia Suen Jeff Ebbeler (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Judy Carlson Tim Peters Ages 4-8 Jill Krementz Ages 4-8 Deborah Turner & Diana Mohler Rhonda McHugh (Illustrator) Ages 3-6 Laurie Lears Karen Ritz Ages 4-8 George Moran Nadine Bernard Wescott (Illustrator) Ages 7-10 Hughes, Fall 2013 54. I'm Tougher Than Asthma! 55. It’s OK to be Different 56. I wish I could fly like a bird 57. Jake's New Friend 58. Jennifer Jean, the Cross-Eyed 59. Queen 60. Joey and Sam: "A Heartwarming Storybook About Autism, a Family, and a Brother's Love" 61. Just a Little Different (Rookie Readers. Level C) 62. Just Because 63. Just Kids: Visiting a Class for Children With Special Needs 64. Just Like Everybody Else 65. Just Like You 66. Jungle School 67. Kami and the Yaks 68. Keep Your Ear on the Ball 69. Knots on A Counting Rope 70. Let's Talk About Needing Extra Help in School (The Let's Talk Library) Siri M. Carter & Alden R. Carter Dan Young (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Todd Parr Preschool Katherine Denison & Richard L. Walley Tanya Weinberger (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Crystal Bowman Karen Maizel (Illustrator) Ages 4-6 Phyllis Reynolds Naylor, Karen Ritz & Zulma Davila (Authors) Ages 5-8 Illana Katz & Edward Ritvo Franz Borowitz (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Bonnie Dobkin Keith Neely, Clovis Martin (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Rebecca Elliott Jacqueline Wilson Ages 5-8 Ellen B. Senisi Ages 4-8 Jim Pierson & Joni Eareckson Tada Kathy Parks (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Sarah Albee Tom Brannon (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Elizabeth Laird & Roz Davison David Sim (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Andrea Stryer Bert Dodson (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Genevieve Petrillo Lea Lyon (Illustrator) Ages 6-9 Bill Martin Jr. & John Archambault Ted Rand (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Susan Kent Ages 4-8 Hughes, Fall 2013 71. Let’s Talk About It: Extraordinary Friends 72. Listen for the Bus: David's Story 73. Little Rainman 74. Looking After Louis 75. Looking Out for Sarah 76. Lucy's Picture 77. Mandy 78. Max's Fun Day 79. Max Learns Sign Language 80. Me, Hailey 81. Moses Goes to the Circus 82. Moses Goes to a Concert 83. Moses Goes to School 84. Moses Sees a Play 85. Mountains to Climb 86. Mi Hermano Tiene Autisimo/My Brother is Autistic 87. My Brother Charlie 88. My Brother Matthew Fred Rogers Jim Judkis (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Patricia McMahon John Godt (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Karen Simmons & Karen L. Simmons, R. Wayne Gilpin (Authors) Ages 4-8 Lesley Ely Polly Dunbar (Illustrator) Ages 2-8 Glenna Lang (Author & Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Nicola Moon & Alex Ayliffe (Authors) Ages 4-8 Barbara D. Booth Jim LaMarche (Illustrator) Ages 3-8 Adria F. Klein Mernie Gallagher-Cole (Illustrator) Ages 3-5 Adria F. Klein Mernie Gallagher-Cole (Illustrator) Ages 3-5 Sheri Plucker Todd Fargo (Illustrator) Isaac Milllman Ages 4-8 Isaac Milllman Ages 4-8 Isaac Millman Ages 4-8 Isaac Millman Ages 4-8 Richard M. Wainwright Jack Crompton (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Jennifer Moore-Mallinos Marta Fabrega (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Holly Robinson Peete & Ryan Elizabeth Peete Shane W. Evans (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Mary Thompson (Author & Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Hughes, Fall 2013 89. My Brother Sammy 90. My Buddy 91. My Friend Has ADHD 92. My Friend Has Autism 93. My Friend Has Down's Syndrome 94. My Friend Has Dyslexia 95. My Friend Has Down Syndrome 96. My Friend Isabelle 97. My Pal, Victor / Mi Amigo, Victor 98. My Sister, Alicia May 99. My Sister Is Special 100. Naomi Knows It's Springtime 101. Nice Wheels 102. Oliver’s High Five 103. Our Brother Has Down's Syndrome 104. Patrick and Emma Lou Becky Edwards Ages 4-8 Audrey Osofsky Ted Rand (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Amanda Tourville Kristin Sorra (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Amanda Tourville Kristin Sorra (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Jennifer Moore-Mallinois Marta Fabrega (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Amanda Tourville Kristin Sorra (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Amanda Tourville Kristin Sorra (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Eliza Woloson Bryan Gough (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Diane Bertrand Robert L. Sweetland (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Nancy Tupper Ling Shennen Bersani (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Larry Jansen Robert Pepper (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Virginia L. Kroll Jill Kastner (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Gwendolyn Hooks Renee Andriani (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Beverly Swerdlow Brown Margot J. Ott (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Shelley Cairo & Jasmine Cairo Irene McNeil (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Nan Holcomb Dot Yoder (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Hughes, Fall 2013 105. Peg 106. Peter and Friends at Camp 107. Pigeon and Pigeonette 108. Playing by the Rules 109. Puppies for Sale 110. Rainbow Joe and Me 111. Rolling Along: The Story of Taylor and his Wheelchair 112. Rolling Along with Goldilocks and the Three Bears 113. Rufus Comes Home 114. Russ and the Almost Perfect Day (A Day With Russ) 115. Russ and the Apple Tree Surprise 116. Sarah's Sleepover 117. Sarah’s Surprise 118. Seal Surfer 119. See the Ocean 120. Seeing Things My Way Maddie Stewart Ages 3-5 Rosanna Scott Todd Fargo (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Dirk Derom Sarah Verroken (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Dena Fox Luchsinger Julie Olson (Illustrator) Ages 5-9 Dan Clark Jerry Dillingham (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Maria Diaz Strom Ages 5-8 Jamee Riggio Heelan Nicola Simmond (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Cindy Meyers Carol Morgan (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Kim Gosselin Terry Ravanelli (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Janet Elizabeth Rickert Pete McGahan (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Janet Elizabeth Rickert Pete McGahan (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Bobbie Rodriguez Mark Graham (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Nan Holcomb Dot Yoder (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Michael Foreman Ages 5-8 Estelle Condra Linda Crockett-Blassingame (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Alden R. Carter Carol S. Carter (Illustrator) Ages 6-9 Hughes, Fall 2013 121. Shelley, the Hyperactive Turtle 122. Silent Lotus 123. Since We’re Friends: An Autism Picture Book 124. Snow 125. Some Kids Are Blind (Understanding Differences) 126. Some Kids Use Wheelchairs (Understanding Differences) 127. Some Kids Wear Leg Braces (Understanding Differences) 128. Someone Special, Just Like You 129. Sosu’s Call 130. Sparky's Excellent Misadventures: My A.D.D. Journal 131. Special People, Special Ways 132. Susan Laughs 133. Taking Asthma to School (Special Kids in Schools Series, No 2) 134. Taking Diabetes to School (Special Kids in Schools Series, No 1) 135. Taking Seizure Disorders to School: A Story About Epilepsy ("Special Kids in School" Series, No. 3) 136. Talking About Disability 137. Thank You, Mr. Falker Deborah M. Moss, Carol Schwartz (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Jeanne Lee Ages 6-9 Celeste Shally David Harrington (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Catherine Farnes Ages 4-8 Lola M. Schaefer Gail Saunders-Smith (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Lola M. Schaefer Gail Saunders-Smith (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Lola M. Schaefer Gail Saunders-Smith (Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Tricia Brown & Effie Lee Morris Fran Ortiz (Illustrator) All Ages Meshack Asare Ages 5-8 Phyllis Carpenter & Marti Ford Peter Horjus (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Arlene Maguire Sheila Bailey (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Jeanne Willis & Tony Ross (Authors) Ages 4-8 Kim Gosselin Moss Freedman (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Kim Gosselin Moss Freedman (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Kim Gosselin Moss Freedman (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Jillian Powell Ages 5-8 Patricia Polacco Ages 6-9 Hughes, Fall 2013 138. The Best Worst Brother 139. The Deaf Musicians 140. The Garden Wall 141. The Hickory Chair 142. The Honeywood Street Fair 143. The Lion Who Had Asthma 144. The Little Baby Snoogle-Fleejer 145. The Little Lame Prince 146. The Making of My Special Hand 147. The Night Search 148. The Secret Code (Rookie Readers. Level C) 149. The Special Raccoon: Helping a child learn about handicaps and love 150. Understanding Sam & Asperger Syndrome 151. Unlikely Friends: A Story of Second Chances (Touched by an Angel) 152. Waiting for Benjamin 153. Way to Go, Alex! 154. We’ll Paint the Octopus Red Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen Charlotte Murray Fremaux (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Pete Seeger & Paul Dubois Jacobs R. Gregory Christie (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Phyllis Limbacher Tildes (Author & Illustrator) Ages 5-8 Lisa R. Fraustino Benny Andrews (Illustrator) Ages 6-9 Catherine Lukas Barry Goldberg (Illustrator) Jonathan London, Nadine Bernard Westcott (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Jimmy Carter Amy Carter (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Rosemary Wells & Dinah Maria Mulock Craik (Authors) Ages 4-8 Jamee Riggio Heelan & Nicola Simmonds (Authors) Ages 4-8 Kate Chamberlin Dot Yoder (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Dana Meachen Rau Bari Weissman (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Kim Carlisle Ages 4-8 Clarabelle Niekerk & Liezl Venter (Authors) Ages 4-8 Monica Hall, Kevin Burke, Kathleen McGree-An Ages 4-8 Alexandra Jessup Altman Susan Keeter (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Robin Pulver Elizabeth Wolf (Illustrator) Ages 6-9 Stephanie Stuve-Bodeen & S.A. Bodeen Pam Devito (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Hughes, Fall 2013 155. What Do You Mean I Have a Learning Disability? 156. What’s Wrong with Timmy? 157. Why, Dainty Dinosaur? 158. You've Got a Friend 159. Zoey and the Zones: A Story for Children with Asthma 160. Zooallergy: A Fun Story About Allergy and Asthma Triggers 161. Zoom! Kathleen M. Dwyer Barbara Beirne (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Maria Shriver Sandra Speidel (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Babs Bell Hajdusiewicz Diana Noro (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Joni Eareckson Tada Jeff Meyer (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Shawn R. McCormick & Ginny Trevino Nathan Schmidt (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Kim Gosselin Terry Ravanelli (Illustrator) Ages 4-8 Robert Munsch Michael Martchenko (Illustrator) Ages 4-8