6th Grade Science Unit 2: Matter, Elements, Compounds, and Reactions Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 LPSS Science Teacher Leader Cadre Allison Bloomer – Youngsville Sarah Boudreaux – Milton Pam Deshotel – LJ Alleman Debra Milligan – Acadian Terry Turner – Paul Breaux Bridget Trahan – LPSS Science Lead Teacher Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6TH Science: Unit 2: Matter, Elements, Compounds, and Reactions Time Frame: September 16 – November 22 (9 ½ Weeks) Unit Description and Student Understandings: Matter and its states/phases are reviewed and chemical and physical properties are explored. This unit also introduces the concept of density and illustrates how density can be used as an example of a physical property. Students will develop and strengthen their ability to identify and discriminate between physical and chemical properties of matter. Developing the student’s ability to measure matter correctly is also a necessity when building science concepts. Students will develop an understanding of the relationship between mass, volume, and density. This unit is designed to incorporate tasks that will introduce the student to the basics of chemical reactions and atomic structure. An understanding of the structure of the atom, properties of the atom, and various ways that elements react are the foci of this unit. The periodic table should be introduced, and students should learn the basis for placement of an element on the chart, as well as the information about the element that is included on this reference tool. Students should be able to identify an element’s atomic mass and know the relationship of atomic number to the number of protons and electrons. Students should recognize that some solutions are better conductors of electricity. Guiding Questions: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Can students explain the difference between mass and weight. Can students determine the volume of regular-shaped and irregular-shaped objects? Can students explain the difference between mass and density? Can students determine the density of a liquid and a solid? Can students differentiate a physical property from a chemical property? Can students identify the chemical or physical changes associated with the reactions they observed in their investigations? Can students model atomic structure in chemical reactions? Can students explain the difference between ionic and covalent bonding? Can students explain how an element’s mass is determined from the periodic table? Can students describe how the mass of products in a chemical reaction compare with the mass of the reactants in that reaction? Can students recognize and identify the factors that determine the rate of a chemical reaction? Key Concepts: Illustrate the placement of atoms indifferent states of matter Describe the movement of atoms in solid, liquid, and gaseous states Recognize or describe that all matter is made up of constantly moving particles and the state of matter depends on the energy and motion of the particles Make comparisons about the temperature at which water changes phases (freezing point, melting point, boiling point) Find the mass and volume of regular and irregular objects Explain the difference between mass and weight Calculate the volume, mass, and density of similarly sized objects Determine that liquids have different densities Determine the difference between physical and chemical properties Identify physical and chemical properties of substances Compare physical properties of materials (density, freezing or boiling point, solubility, malleability, conductivity, magnetism) Determine physical and chemical changes Identify elements and compounds from a variety of sources Differentiate between protons, neutrons, electrons, ions, and molecules 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6TH Science: Unit 2: Matter, Elements, Compounds, and Reactions Time Frame: September 16 – November 22 (9 ½ Weeks) Identify atomic mass of a given element Relate valence electrons to bonding and types of chemical bonds. Identify accurate bond illustrations. Use the periodic table to classify or identify properties of individual or group of elements Describe the properties of reactants Describe the properties of chemical reactions Identify the reactants, products, and indications (energy changes, formation of new substance) of chemical reactions and that the mass of reactants and products are the same in a given chemical reaction Identify exothermic and endothermic reactions Identify how particle size of the same reactant, temperature, and agitation affects the rate of chemical reactions Vocabulary List: Solid, Liquid, Gas, Bose-Einstein Condensate, Plasma Kinetic Theory of Matter Phase transition, Melting, Freezing, Evaporation, Boiling, Condensation, Sublimation Qualitative, Quantitative, Law of Conservation of Mass, Mass, Volume, Weight, Meniscus Volume, Density, Displacement Physical properties, chemical properties, Heterogeneous, Homogeneous, Mixture, Pure Substance, Solute, Solution, Solvent, color, texture, odor, burn, rust Physical Change, Chemical Change, Endothermic and Exothermic Atom, Electrons, Protons, Neutrons, Nucleus, Energy Levels Atomic Mass, Atomic Number, Electron Cloud, Energy Levels, Element, Periodic Table, Group, Family, Valance Electrons, Period, Chemical Bond, Ionic Bond, Covalent Bond, Compounds, Molecules, Ions Chemical Equation, Chemical Formula, Coefficient, Subscript, Endothermic, Exothermic, Compound, Products, Reactants, Chemical Reactions, Rate GLEs CCSS Literacy Standards NGSS Practices Instructional Strategies Probe: Is it Matter Differentiation (Enrichment/Remediation Strategies) Standardized Test Prep on Matter: http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit1/chapt er2/standardized_test_practice.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit2/chapt er4/standardized_test_practice.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit2/chapt er5/standardized_test_practice.html NGSS Practices: PS6 (C) 2 Draw or Model the movement of atoms in 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 3 pgs.118-125, Lesson 5 Chapter 3 pgs.126-133, Lesson 6 Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6TH Science: Unit 2: Matter, Elements, Compounds, and Reactions Time Frame: September 16 – November 22 (9 ½ Weeks) solid, liquid and gaseous states CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,6,9 Act 1: It Does Matter Act 1b: BB Activity PS7 (C) Simulate how atoms and molecules have kinetic energy exhibited by constant motion PS8 (I) Determine the temperatures at which water changes physical phases (e.g., freezing point, melting point, boiling point) CCSS: ELA-Literacy WHST.6-8.2,4,7,8,9,10 Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 3 pgs.118-125, Lesson 5 Chapter 3 pgs.126-133, Lesson 6 Temperature Changes Everything http://www.sciencenetlinks.com/lessons.php?Benchm arkID=4&DocID=167 NGSS Practices: 3 Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 3 pgs. 126-133, Lesson 6 States of Matter and Phases Changes: http://www.stevespanglerscience.com/experiments/03 1 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.3,6 WHST.6-8.2,4,5,6,7,8, 9,10 Act 1c: Phase transition Act 1d: Raft Writing/Brochure Brain Pop: Matter Changing State http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/dl/free/007877846x/164155/00053405. html Interactive Crossword Puzzle: http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/dl/free/007877846x/167119/index.html Dry Ice can be purchased at: B & S Dry Ice Sales 409 West Pinhook Road • Lafayette, LA 70503 (337) 237-7529 PS1 (E) Measure and record the volume and mass of substances in metric system units PS2 (E) Calculate the density of large and small quantities of a variety of substances (e.g., aluminum foil, water, copper, clay, rock) NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,3,4,6,7 WHST.6-8.3,4,9,10 NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,5,6,8 Science Interactive Textbook: This was covered in Unit 1. CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,3,4,6,7 WHST.6-8.3,4,9,10 Act2: Can You Measure Up? (Density Column) Act 3: Volume Vs. Mass Act 4: Density Exploration (Choose one of the following activities) Activity 4b: Different Densities of Liquids 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Strengthen and deepen this GLE with additional activities and student practice. Act 2: Can You Measure Up? (Mass and Volume Column) Act 2b: Finding Volume of an Irregular Object Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 3 pgs. 106-107, Lesson 3 Gummy Bear (Great activity to review all concepts for GLE 1 & 3) http://sciencespot.net/Media/mmaniabearlab.pdf Calculating Density: http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit2/chapt er4/math_practice.html http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit2/chapt er5/math_practice.html Density Labs: http://www.algebralab.com/practice/practice.aspx?fil e=Word_Density.xml Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6TH Science: Unit 2: Matter, Elements, Compounds, and Reactions Time Frame: September 16 – November 22 (9 ½ Weeks) http://www.middleschoolscience.com/dunkinfordensi ty.pdf PS4 (E) Differentiate between the physical and chemical properties of selected substances PS5 (E) Compare physical and chemical changes PS3 (I) Construct models that replicate atomic structure for selected common elements from the periodic table (PS-M-A2) NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 3 pgs. 92-95, Lesson 1 http://www.classtech2000.com/techined/full2b/densit y/density.htm Measuring Matter: http://phschool.com/webcodes10/index.cfm?fuseactio n=home.gotoWebCode&wcprefix=cgd&wcsuffix=10 12 http://www.saskschools.ca/curr_content/science9/che mistry/lesson4.html CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8 WHST.6-8.1,3,10 NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 Activity 5 or 6: Hey Sugar, Identifying Properties with Twizzlers, or Cleaver Kitchen Chemist http://www.edinformatics.com/math_science/p_chem _change.htm Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 3 pgs. 108-112, Lesson 4 http://www.middleschoolscience.com/physicalchemical-change-activity.pdf CCSS: ELA-Literacy WHST.6-8.3,9 Act. 7: Ice Cream in a Bag http://www.saskschools.ca/curr_content/science9/che mistry/lesson8.html CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,4,5 WHST.6-8.1-10 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 United Steaming Clip: Matter and Its Properties: Changes in Matter http://player.discoveryeducation.com/index.cfm?guidAssetId=85B1D 471-15A4-4294-88E243497FD983F4&blnFromSearch=1&productcode=US Video Sheet that corresponds to United Streaming Clip: http://sciencespot.net/Media/UnitedStreaming/PhysChemChg_movie wkst.pdf Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 4 pgs. 145-151, Lesson 1 Chapter 4 pgs. 160-167, Lesson 3 Chapter 4 pgs. 168-177, Lesson 4 Forces 5 Telecast “Elementary Atoms” Activity 1: A is for Atom Adam’s Family Periodic Table Basics Brain Pop: Atomic Model http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/dl/free/0078802482/164155/00044672. html Standardized Test Practice: http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit3/chapt er6/standardized_test_practice.html Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6TH Science: Unit 2: Matter, Elements, Compounds, and Reactions Time Frame: September 16 – November 22 (9 ½ Weeks) PS10 (E) Identify the average atomic masses of given elements using the periodic table (PSM-A7) NGSS Practices: 2 Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 4 pgs. 152-159, Lesson 2 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,7 WHST.6-8.6,10 Activity 2: Cousin Al Activity 3: Bohr Model Bonding Basics Concentration Game: http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit3/chapt er6/interactive_tutor.html# Atomic Basics: http://www.sciencespot.net/Media/AtomicBasics.pdf Periodic Table Basic Review: http://www.sciencespot.net/Media/ptablebasics1.pdf PS5 (E) Compare physical and chemical changes (PSM-A3) NGSS Practices: 1,2,3,4,6,7,8 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,3,4,6,7 WHST.6-8.1,2,9,10 PS9 (I) Describe the properties of reactants and products of chemical reactions observed in the lab (PS-M-A6) PS11 (E) Compare the masses of reactants and products of a chemical reaction. PS40 (C) Identify heat energy gains and losses during exothermic and endothermic chemical reactions (PS-M-C7) 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 Science Interactive Textbook: pgs. Review Chapter 3 pgs. 100-101, 108-112, Lessons 2 & 4 Chapter 5 pgs. 188-194, Lesson 1 Activity 6: Action Reaction Alka-Seltzer Lava Lamp Activity 8: We’ve Got Zip Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 5 pgs. 188-193, Lesson 1 Chapter 5 pgs. 206-207, Lesson 2 http://www.sciencespot.net/Media/ptablebasicscards1 .pdf IS 6: How do I get a reaction out of you? Brain Pop: Property Changes http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/dl/free/007877846x/160350/00044680. html Fireworks Web Quest: http://glencoe.mcgrawhill.com/sites/007877846x/student_view0/unit3/webq uest.html Addressed in LCC Activity 8 Extra Practice: http://www.sciencespot.net/Media/atomicmath.pdf Science Interactive Textbook: Review Chapter 3 pgs. 113, Lesson 4 Chapter 5 pgs. 196-200, Lesson 2 Science Interactive Textbook: Review Chapter 3 pg. 115, Lesson 4 Review Chapter 5 pg. 194, Lesson 1 Chapter 5 pgs. 209-210, Lesson 3 Addressed in LCC Activity 6 http://www.beaconlearningcenter.com/Lessons/1923. htm Lafayette Parish School System 2013-2014 Curriculum Map Grade: 6TH Science: Unit 2: Matter, Elements, Compounds, and Reactions Time Frame: September 16 – November 22 (9 ½ Weeks) PS12 (C) Determine the effect of particle size of the same reactants on the rate of chemical reactions during a lab activity (e.g., powdered vs. solid forms) (PS-M-A8) PS13 (E) Use a variety of resources to identify elements and compounds in common substances (PS-M-A9) NGSS Practices: 2,4,8 CCSS: ELA-Literacy RST.6-8.1,2,4,7 WHST.6-8.1-10 Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 5 pgs. 211, Lesson 3 Addressed in LCC Activity 8 Alka-Seltzer Experiments http://www.alkaseltzer.com/as/student_experiment.ht ml Science Interactive Textbook: Chapter 3 pgs. 96-99. Lesson 2 Chapter 4 pgs. 160-167, Lesson 3 Chapter 4 pgs. 168-177, Lesson 4 http://school.discoveryeducation.com/lessonplans/pro grams/ec_compoundsreactions/ Activity 9: What’s In A Name? LCC-End of Old Unit 3 Common Elements and their Uses UNIT 2 BENCHMARK ASSESSMENT 6th Grade Science 2013-2014 NOVEMBER 22