서울대학교 외교학과 - Yonsei GSIS

The Graduate School of International Studies
Yonsei University
Autumn 2006
Multilateral Approach to North Korean Problems
Jaebum Kim
#201 New Millennium Hall
12:00-15:00 Fridays
#608 New Millennium Hall
Office Hour: 15:00-18:00 Fridays, or by appointment
Jaebum50@hanmail.net / 02-2123-3288, 02-3497-7678, 010-4511-3270
For Whom is the Course?
This course is designed for students who have particular interest in the ways to solve
problems related to North Korea with a view to building durable security environment
in Northeast Asia.
Objectives and Descriptions
The course aims to examine and analyze historical backgrounds, geopolitical setting,
worldview, strategic thinking and idiosyncrasies of North Korea as well as individual
and collective efforts other actors bring about to find solution to various problems
emanating from North Korea.
The course will then move its focus to the in-depth analysis and assessment of
negotiating strategy, tactics, patterns and behavior of North Korea as well as its
traditional and non-traditional threats to regional security such as sponsoring terrorism,
regime failure, starvation and malnutrition, mismanagement of economy and energy,
human rights violations, abduction, drug trafficking, proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction and conventional arms, illicit banking and money laundering, counterfeiting
and smuggling to name a few.
The ultimate objective of the course lies in forecasting the forthcoming evolutions of
North Korea and in developing ideas on how to effectively strengthen international
cooperation and coordination in an effort to cope with North Korea’s moves.
As far as PIC trains students are required to take ‘Introduction to International
Relations’ and/or ‘Introduction to International Security,’ no further prerequisites are set.
Class Management
The whole class will be divided into groups of 4~6 students each, corresponding to their
proximity of interested subjects. Group leaders are to be elected and, then, topics and
schedule for both individual and group presentations are encouraged to be decided as
early as possible.
A survey will be conducted to tailor the classes to best suit expectations and suggestions
of the majority of students. Outside lecturers will be invited to some of the classes, and
outdoor classes will be available as weather permits.
Each class starts at 12:00 noon, brownbag will be shared from 12:50 to 13:20 and the
class ends between 14:50 and 15:00. Our teaching assistant and webmaster, Ms.
Sooyoung Ahn is ready to help you round the clock. Please stay in touch with her at:
sooyahn@gmail.com, 010-4626-7795.
Online Activities
All the students are emphatically encouraged to make the best use of the class website
club.cyworld.com/multilateral to communicate closely among
themselves and the professor by posting useful data and personal messages. Homework
and announcements will also be corresponded on the website and by email.
The students will not be evaluated on the basis of their knowledge, talents or
intelligence but entirely of sincerity to be displayed throughout the semester.
The criteria can be summarized into ‘7 Ps’: preparation, presence, punctuality,
participation, presentation, process and progress, and described as the following:
Class preparation and attendance; 30%
Participation, homework and other contributions; 20%
Group research paper and presentation; 30%
Individual research paper and presentation; 20%
No examinations are planned unless the majority of students want otherwise. However,
preliminary grades will be informed individually in Week 14 and those who are not
satisfied with them may challenge to apply for an examination with simple-answer
Selected publications by the Ministries of Foreign Affairs and Trade, of Unification and
of National Defense, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National Security as well as other
think tanks dedicated to issues related to North Korea
Selected writings in the latest issues of such journals as Arms Control Today, Asian
Affairs, Asian Perspective, Asian Survey, The Atlantic, Australian Journal of
International Affairs, Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, Contemporary Security Policy,
Current History, East Asian Review, The Fletcher Forum of World Affairs, Foreign
Affairs, Foreign Affairs Journal, Foreign Policy, International Affairs, International
Negotiation, International Security, The National Interest, The Nonproliferation Review,
Review of International Studies, Security Dialogue, The Washington Quarterly, World
Policy Journal, etc.
News analyses, columns and contributions in such periodicals as Christian Science
Monitor, International Herald Tribune, Los Angeles Times, New York Times, The Times,
Washington Post, The Economist, Far Eastern Economic Review, Jane’s Defence Weekly,
Newsweek, Time, U.S. News and World Report, Vital Speeches, etc.
Young Whan Kihl and Hong Nack Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime
Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006.
John Feffer, eds. The Future of US--Korean Relations: The imbalance of power,
London: Routledge, 2006.
(supplementary textbooks)
Jasper Becker. Rogue Regime: Kim Jong Il and Looming Threat of North Korea.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005.
Bertil Lintner. Great Leader, Dear Leader: Demystifying North Korea under the Kim
Clan. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2005.
Scott Snyder. Negotiating on the Edge: North Korean Negotiating Behavior.
Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1999.
Chuck Downs. Over the Line: North Korea’s Negotiating Strategy. Washington, DC: the
AEI Press, 1999.
L. Gordon Flake and Scott Snyder, eds. Paved with Good Intentions: the NGO
Experience in North Korea. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999.
Leon V. Sigal. Disarming Strangers: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998.
Useful Websites
Course Schedule
Week 1 (Sep. 1): Introduction
Week 2 (Sep. 8): Anatomy of North Korea
The most successful rogue regime
Desperately dangerous failed state
Paradise of workers and peasants
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
‘Failed States Index’ in Foreign Policy. 2006, pp. 50~58.
Andrew Scobell. Kim Jong Il and North Korea: the Leader and the System. Carlisle,
PA: Strategic Studies Institute, March 2006.
Jasper Becker. Rogue Regime: Kim Jong Il and the Looming Threat of North Korea.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. ix~19.
Carol Medlicott. ‘Symbol and Sovereignty in North Korea’ in SAIS Review. (25:2)
Summer 2005, pp.69~79.
Gavan McCormack. ‘The World’s Most Dangerous Regime’ in Target North Korea:
Pushing North Korea to the Brink of Nuclear Catastrophe. New York, NY: Nation
Books, 2004, pp. 1~14.
David Reese. ‘North Korea: anatomy of a rogue state’ in Marika Vicziany, David
Wright-Neville and Pete Lintini, eds. Regional Security in the Asia Pacific: 9/11 and
After. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2004, pp.248~263.
Young Whan Kihl. ‘Staying Power of the Socialist “Hermit Kingdom” in Kihl and Kim,
eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006,
pp. 3~36.
Alexandre Y. Mansourov. ‘Emergence of the Second Republic: The Kim Regime Adapts
to the Challenges of Modernity’ in Kihl and Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of
Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006, pp. 37~58.
Week 3 (Sep. 15): North Korea’s Weltanschauung and Decision-making Process
‘Strong and Great Nation’
Juche Ideology
Ghost Rule
Magnanimous Politics
Tradition of guerrilla warfare
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
Eric Heginbotham and Christopher P. Twomey. ‘America’s Bismarckian Asia Policy,’ in
Current History. (104:683) Sep. 2005, pp.243~256.
Meredith Jung-en Woo. ‘North Korea in 2005: Maximizing Profit to Save Socialism’ in
Asian Survey. (46:1) 2006, pp. 49~55.
C. Kenneth Quinones. “Kim Jong Il’s ‘Strong and Great Nation’ Campaign and the
DPRK’s Deterrence of the U.S. ‘Imperialist’ Threat’ in Bytes and Bullets: Information
Technology Revolution and National Security on the Korean Peninsula. Honolulu: AsiaPacific Center for Security Studies, 2005, pp.276~298.
Carol Medlicott. ‘Symbol and Sovereignty in North Korea’ in SAIS Review. (25:2)
Summer 2005, pp. 69~79.
Chung-in Moon. ‘Chapter 9: North Korean Foreign Policy in Comparative and
Theoretical Perspective’ in Byung Chul Koh, ed. North Korea and the World:
Explaining Pyongyang’s Foreign Policy. Seoul: Kyungnam University Press, 2004, pp.
Scott Snyder. Negotiating on the Edge: North Korean Negotiating Behavior.
Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1999, pp. 17~96.
Chuck Downs. ‘Understanding North Korea’s Negotiating Strategy’ in Over the Line:
North Korea’s Negotiating Strategy. Washington, DC: the AEI Press, 1999, pp. 1~14.
Dick K. Nanto. ‘North Korea’s Economic Crisis, Reforms, and Policy Implications’ in
Kihl and Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E.
Sharpe, 2006, pp. 118~144.
Week 4 (Sep. 22): North Korea’s Relations with the United States
Lecture by Dr. Bong-guen Jun, Professor, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
Christopher R. Hill. ‘Recent Developments in U.S.-Democratic People’s Republic of
Korea (D.P.R.K) Relations,’ Statement before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee,
Subcommittee on East Asia and Pacific Affairs, July 20, 2006
Donal G. Gross. ‘U.S.-Korea Relations: To Test or Not to Test: Missile Politics’ in
Comparative Connections. Pacific Forum CSIS, Summer 2006.
Charle K. Armstrong. ‘US—North Korean Relations’ in John Feffer, eds. The Future of
US--Korean Relations: The imbalance of power. London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 9~28.
Karin Lee and Adam Miles. ‘North Korea in Capitol Hill’ in John Feffer, eds. The
Future of US--Korean Relations: The imbalance of power. London: Routledge, 2006,
Bruce E. Bechtol, Jr. ‘U.S.-North Korean Relations and the Bush Administration: The
Political-Diplomatic Dimension of the Nuclear Confrontation’ in East Asian Review.
(17:4) Winter 2005, pp.123~143.
Larry A. Niksch. ‘Korea: U.S.-Korean Relations – Issues for Congress,’ CRS Report for
Congress RL33567. July 21, 2006.
Mark E. Manyin, Emma Chanlett-Avery and Helene Marchart. ‘North Korea: A
Chronology of Events October 2002-December 2004,’ CRS Report for Congress
RL32743. Jan. 24, 2005.
Mark E. Manyin. ‘South Korean Politics and Rising “Anti-Americanism”: Implications
for U.S. Policy Toward North Korea,’ CRS Report for Congress RL31906. May 6, 2003.
Robert A. Scalapino. ‘U.S.-DPRK Relations in the Kim Jong Il Era’ in Kihl and Kim,
eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006,
pp 145~160.
Week 5 (Sep. 29): North Korea’s Relations with China
Lecture by Dr. Daewon Ohn, Instructor at Sookmyung Women’s University and Hankuk
University of Foreign Studies
‘Lips and Teeth’
Comrades in arms
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
Simon Elegant. ‘The Worst of Friends’ in Time, July 24, 2006, pp. 36~37.
Scott Snyder. ‘China-Korea Relations: A Quarter of False Starts’ in Comparative
Connections. Pacific Forum CSIS, Summer 2006.
John S. Park. ‘How China Can Bring Sunshine to Korea’ in Far Eastern Economic
Review. June 2006, pp. 29~31.
The International Crisis Group. China and North Korea: Comrades Forever? Nautilus
Institute, Feb. 1, 2006.
Yiwei Wang. ‘China and North Korean Nuclear Issue’ in International Studies.
(42:3&4), July-Dec. 2005, pp. 265~276.
Quansheng Zhao. ‘Moving toward a Co-management Approach: China’s Policy toward
North Korea and Taiwan’ in Asian Perspective. (30:1) 2006, pp. 39~78.
Samuel S. Kim. ‘China’s new role in the US—DPRK nuclear confrontation’ in John
Feffer, eds. The Future of US--Korean Relations: The imbalance of power. London:
Routledge, 2006.
Samuel S. Kim. ‘Sino-North Korean Relations in the Post-Cold War World’ in Kihl and
Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe,
2006, pp. 183~202.
Week 6 (Oct. 6): Autumn Festival Break
Happy holidays!
Week 7 (Oct. 13): North Korea’s Relations with Other Actors
European Union, United Nations, IGOs and NGOs
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
David Kang and Ji-young Lee. ‘Japan-Korea Relations: More Squabbling, Little
Progress’ in Comparative Connections. Pacific Forum CSIS, Summer 2006.
Gavan McCormack and Wada Haruki. ‘Forever stepping back: the strange record of 15
years of negotiation between Japan and North Korea’ in John Feffer, eds. The Future of
US--Korean Relations: The imbalance of power. London: Routledge, 2006, pp. 81~100.
Tim Beal. ‘Multilayered Confrontation in East Asia: North Korea-Japan’ in Asian
Affairs. (XXXVI:III) Nov. 2005, pp.339~360.
David C. Kang. ‘Japan: U.S. Partner or Focused on Abductees?’ in The Washington
Quarterly. (28:4) Autumn 2005, pp.107~117.
Brad Williams. “Japan, North Korea and the ‘War on Terror’” in Marika Vicziany,
David Wright-Neville and Pete Lintini, eds. Regional Security in the Asia Pacific: 9/11
and After. Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar, 2004, pp.248~263.
Bertil Lintner. ‘Chapter 7: The Chyongryun’ in Great Leader, Dear Leader:
Demystifying North Korea under the Kim Clan. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2005, pp.
Mark E. Manyin. ‘Japan-North Korea Relations: Selected Issues,’ CRS Report for
Congress RL32161. Nov. 26, 2003.
Hong Nack Kim. ‘Japanese-North Korean Relations under the Koizumi Government,’ in
Kihl and Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E.
Sharpe, 2006, pp. 161~182.
James Clay Moltz. ‘U.S.-Russian Relations and the North Korean Crisis: A Role for the
Russian Far East?’ in Asian Survey. (XLV:5) Sep./Oct. 2005, pp. 722~735.
Peggy Falkenheim Mayer. ‘Russo-North Korean Relations in the Post-Cold War World,’
in Kihl and Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk, NY:
M.E. Sharpe, 2006, pp. 203~224.
James Clay Moltz. ‘The Renewal of Russian-North Korean Relations’ in The North
Korean Nuclear Program. New York: Routledge, 2000, pp. 197~209.
Michael Schloms. ‘The European NGO Experience in North Korea’ in L. Gordon Flake
and Scott Snyder, eds. Paved with Good Intentions: the NGO Experience in North
Korea. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999, 47~79.
Week 8 (Oct. 20): Nuclear Standoff Phase I
Agreed Framework
KEDO (Korean Peninsula Energy Development Organization)
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
William J. Perry. ‘Review of United States Policy Toward North Korea: Findings and
Recommendations,’ Report of the Office of the North Korea Policy Coordinator. United
States Department of State, Oct. 12, 1999.
Leon V. Sigal. Disarming Strangers: Nuclear Diplomacy with North Korea. Princeton,
NJ: Princeton University Press, 1998. pp. 244~284.
Chuck Downs. ‘Dealing with the Truth’ in Over the Line: North Korea’s Negotiating
Strategy. Washington, DC: the AEI Press, 1999, pp. 253~279.
Scott Snyder. Negotiating on the Edge: North Korean Negotiating Behavior.
Washington, DC: United States Institute of Peace Press, 1999, pp.117~158.
James M. Minnich. The Denuclearization of North Korea: The Agreed Framework and
Alternative Options Analyzed. Bloomington, IN: 1st Books Library, 2002, pp. 71~98.
‘Interview with Hans Blix, Chairman of the WMD Commission’ in The Fletcher Forum
of World Affairs. (30:1) Winter 2006, pp. 81~91.
C. Kenneth Quinones. ‘Reconciling Nuclear Standoff and Economic Shortfalls:
Pyongyang’s Perspective’ in Kihl and Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime
Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006, pp. 75~96.
Week 9 (Oct. 27): Nuclear Standoff Phase II
Lecture by Professor Chung-in Moon, Department of Political Science and International
Relations, Yonsei University
Six-Party Talks and beyond
Beijing Joint Statement, September 19, 2005
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
David Albright and Paul Brennan. ‘The North Korean Plutonium Stock Mid-2006,’
Institute for Science and International Security, June 26, 2006.
Larry A. Nikcsh, ‘North Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Program,’ CRS Report for Congress
RL33590. Aug. 1, 2006
Bong-Geun Jun. ‘North Korean Nuclear Issues: An End in Sight?’ in Arms Control
Today. Jan./Feb. 2006.
Peter Hayes, David von Hippel, Jungmin Kang, Matsujiro Suzuki, Richard Tnter &
Scott Bruce. ‘Grid-locked’ in Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. (62:1) Jan./Feb. 2006, pp.
Andrew O’Neil. ‘Learning to live with Uncertainty: The Strategic Implications of North
Korea’s Nuclear Weapons Capability’ in Contemporary Security Policy. 2005, pp.
Andrew Scobell and Michael R. Chambers. ‘The Fallout of a Nuclear North Korea’ in
Current History. (104:683) Sep. 2005, pp. 243~250.
Sharon A. Squassoni. ‘North Korea’ Nuclear Weapons: How Soon an Arsenal?’ CRS
Report for Congress RL21391. Aug. 1, 2005.
Samuel S. Kim. ‘China’s Conflict Management Approach to the Nuclear Standoff on the
Korean Peninsula’ in Asian Perspective. (30:1), 2006, pp. 5~38.
Week 10 (Nov. 3): Human Rights and Humanitarian Issues
Lecture by Professor Kyung-seo Park, Ambassador-at-Large for Human Rights,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Trade
Political and religious rights
Reunion of separated families
Famine, food shortage, malnutrition, starvation, etc.
Medical needs
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
Bill Powell. ‘Long Walk to Freedom’ in Time. May 1, 2006, pp. 20~25.
‘Situation of human rights in the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea,’ Resolution
adopted by the United Nations General Assembly, March 14, 2006
Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights and Labor. ‘Korea, Democratic Republic of,’
Country Reports on Human Rights Practices – 2005, Mar. 8, 2006.
James D. Saymour. ‘The exodus: North Korea’s out-migration’ in John Feffer, eds. The
Future of US--Korean Relations: The imbalance of power. London: Routledge, 2006.
Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration, U.S. Department of State. ‘The Status of
North Korean Asylum Seekers and U.S. Government Policy Towards Them,’ March 11,
‘North Korean Human Rights Act of 2004’ PL108-333, October 18, 2004
Brendan M. Howe. ‘Strategic Implications of the 2004 U.S. North Korea Human Rights
Act’ in Asian Perspective. (30:1), 2006, pp. 191~219.
Stephan Haggard and Marcus Noland. ‘Hunger and Human Rights: the Politics of
Famine in North Korea,’ U.S. Committee for Human Rights in North Korea, 2006.
Mark E. Manyin. ‘U.S. Assistance to North Korea: Fact Sheet,’ CRS Report for
Congress RS21834. Jan. 31, 2006.
Mark E. Manyin. ‘Foreign Assistance to North Korea,’ CRS Report for Congress
RL31785. May. 26, 2005.
Bertil Lintner. ‘Chapter 8: The Camps and the Refugees’ in Great Leader, Dear Leader:
Demystifying North Korea under the Kim Clan. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2005,
Scott Snyder. ‘Lessons of the NGO Experience in North Korea’ in L. Gordon Flake and
Scott Snyder, eds. Paved with Good Intentions: the NGO Experience in North Korea.
Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999, pp. 111~122.
Week 11 (Nov. 10): Other Weapons of Mass Destruction, Conventional Arms and
Delivery Systems
Military-First Politics
Biochemical Weapons
Special Commandoes
Rockets and Ballistic Missiles
United Nations Security Council Resolution 1695, July 15, 2006
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
Bill Powell. ‘The Kim Conundrum’ in Time. July 17, 2006, pp. 24~27.
Joseph S. Bermudez. ‘North Korea conducts major missile exercise’ in Jane’s Defence
Weekly. Jul. 12, 2006, pp. 5~6.
Jon Kyl. ‘North Korea: Anatomy of a Standoff,’ United States Senate Republican
Committee, July 11, 2006.
Michael Hirsh. ‘Going Ballistic (Sort of): Kim’s missiles are meant to deliver a
message.’ in Newsweek. July 17, 1006, p. 33.
‘Rocket man’ and ‘Kim Jong Il goes ballistic’ in The Economist. July 8, 2006, pp. 1 &
Ralf A. Cossa. ‘DPRK missile launches: multiple tests, multiple failures?’ PacNet No.
32, Pacific Forum CSIS, July 6, 2006.
Steven A. Hildreth. ‘North Korean Ballistic Missile Threat to the United States,’ CRS
Report for Congress RS21473. July 6, 2006.
Anthony H. Coldesman. ‘North Korea’s Missile Tests: Saber Rattling or Rocket’s Red
Glare,’ Center for Strategic and International Studies, July 5, 2006.
Walter C. Clemens, Jr. Negotiating to Control Weapons of Mass Destruction in North
Korea’ in International Negotiation. (10:3) 2005, pp. 453~486.
Andrew J. Coe. ‘North Korea’s New Cash Crop’ in The Washington Quarterly. (28:3)
Summer 2005, pp. 73~84.
Michael Krepon with Michael Katz-Hyman. ‘Space Weapons and Proliferation’ in
Nonproliferation Review. (12:2) July 2005, pp. 323~341.
Geoffrey T. Richardson. ‘The whole world is watching’ in Bulletin of Atomic Scientists.
(62:1) Jan./Feb. 2006, pp. 27~35.
Sharon A. Squassoni. ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction: Trade Between North Korea and
Pakistan,’ CRS Report for Congress RL31900. March 11, 2004.
Chung-in Moon and Hideshi Takesada. ‘North Korea: Institutionalized Military
Intervention’ in Muthiah Alagappa, ed. Coercion and Governance: The Declining Role
of the Military in Asia. Stanford: Stanford University Press, 2001, pp. 357~382.
Joseph S. Bermudez, Jr. ‘Overview’ in The Armed Forces of North Korea. New York:
I.B. Tauris, 2001, pp. 1~19.
Ilpyong J. Kim. ‘Kim Jong Il’s Military-First Politics,’ in Kihl and Kim, eds. North
Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006, pp. 59~74.
Week 12 (Nov. 17): Illicit Activities and Nontraditional Threats
Human trafficking
Drug trafficking
Money laundering
International terrorism
Low intensity war
Psychological warfare
Jasper Becker. ‘Chapter 7: Kim Jong Il—The Terrorist Master’ in Rogue Regime: Kim
Jong Il and the Looming Threat of North Korea. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005,
pp. 146~164.
‘Trafficking in Persons Report 2006: North Korea (Tier 3),’ U.S. Department of State,
June 5, 2006.
Raphael F. Perl. ‘Drug Trafficking and North Korea: Issues for U.S. Policy,’ CRS
Report for Congress RL32167. Dec. 5, 2003.
Raphael F. Perl and Dick K. Nanto. ‘North Korean Counterfeiting of U.S. Currencies,’
CRS Report for Congress RL33324. Mar. 22, 2006.
Bertil Lintner. ‘Chapter 6: The Missions’ in Great Leader, Dear Leader: Demystifying
North Korea under the Kim Clan. Chiang Mai: Silkworm Books, 2005, 131~152.
Dick K. Nanto. ‘North Korea: Chronology of Provocations, 1950-2003,’ CRS Report for
Congress RL30004. Mar. 18, 2003.
Week 13 (Nov. 24): A Comprehensive Package Deal?
Carrots and sticks
Unilateralism, bilateralism vs. multilateralism
CSI (Container Security Initiative)
PSI (Proliferation Security Initiative)
GICNT (Global Initiative to Combat Terrorism)
MD (Missile Defense)
United Nations Command in Korea
Peace regime on and around the Korean peninsula
Is a package deal possible and better off?
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
Ernest Satow. ‘Geneva Conference, 1954’ in A Guide to Diplomatic Practice. London:
Longmans, 1957, pp. 317~320.
John Feffer. ‘Grave threats and grand bargains: The United States and regional order in
North-east Asia’ in John Feffer, eds. The Future of US--Korean Relations: The
imbalance of power. London: Routledge, 2006.
Andrew Newman and Brad Williams. ‘The Proliferation Security Initiative: The AsiaPacific Context’ in Nonproliferation Review. (12:2) July 2005, pp.303~322.
John S. Park. ‘Inside Multilateralism: The Six-Party Talks’ in The Washington Quarterly.
(28:4) Autumn 2005, pp.75~91.
Young Whan Kihl. ‘Bi-Multilateral Approaches to Defusing Nuclear Crisis: Beyond the
Six-Party Talks as Peace Strategy,’ in Kihl and Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of
Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006, pp. 245~267.
Sharon Squassoni. ‘Proliferation Security Initiative (PSI),’ CRS Report for Congress.
RS21881, June 7, 2005.
‘Sanctions against North Korea,’ International Institute for Strategic Studies (12:3), Apr.
Jasper Becker. Rogue Regime: Kim Jong Il and the Looming Threat of North Korea.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2005, pp. 249~274.
Chung-in Moon. ‘Managing Collateral Catastrophe: Rationale and Preconditions for
Economic Support for North Korea’ in Choong-yong Ahn, Nicholas Eberstadt and
Young-sun Lee. A New International Engagement Framework for North Korea?
Contending Perspective. Washington, DC: Korean Economic Institute, 2004, pp.
Dianne E. Rennack. ‘North Korea: Economic Sanctions,’ CRS Report for Congress
RL31696. Jan. 24, 2003.
Ian Bremmer, Choi Sung-hong & Yoriko Kawaguchi. ‘A New Forum for Peace’ in The
National Interest. (No.82) Winter 2005/6, pp.107~111.
Week 14 (Dec. 1): Reunification of Korea
Lecture by Dr, Sukryul Yu, Professor Emeritus, Institute of Foreign Affairs and National
Desirable? feasible? workable? probable?
What kind, in what way and how soon?
North-South Dialogue and Cooperation
Sunshine, moonlight or strong wind
Mt. Geumgang Tourism
Gaesong Industrial Complex
‘Iron Silk Road’
Strategic flexibility
Operational Plans 5026~5028, Conceptual Plan 5029
Wartime operational control
(Choose 2~3 articles of interest.)
‘The Koreas: Sunshine and storms’ in The Economist. July 15th 2006, pp. 26~27.
Aidan Foster-Carter. ‘North Korea-South Korea Relations: The Worm Turns’ in
Comparative Connections. Pacific Forum CSIS, Summer 2006.
Balbina Y. Hwang. ‘Democracy Evolves in South Korea’ in Far Eastern Economic
Review. July/Aug. 2006, pp. 33~36.
Joungwon Alexander Kim and Myungshin Hong. ‘The Koreas, Unification, and the
Great Powers’ in Current History.+ April 2006, pp. 186~190.
Edward M. Graham. ‘Reunification of Korea: Economic Consequences from an
External Point of View’ in International Studies Review. (6:2) Oct. 2005, pp. 21~33.
Scott Snyder. ‘South Korea’s Squeeze Play’ in The Washington Quarterly. (28:4)
Autumn 2005, pp.93~106.
Scott Snyder. “‘Digital Divide’ between North and South Korea: Obstacles and
Incentives for IT Sector Cooperation” in Bytes and Bullets: Information Technology
Revolution and National Security on the Korean Peninsula. Honolulu: Asia-Pacific
Center for Security Studies, 2005, pp.345~367.
Samuel S. Kim. ‘Inter-Korean Relations in Northeast Asian Geopolitics’ in Charles K.
Armstrong, Gilbert Rozman, Samuel S. Kim, and Stephen Kotkin, eds. Korea at the
Center: Dynamics of Regionalism in Northeast Asia. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe, 2006,
pp. 167~182.
Sung-Wook Nam. ‘Current Conditions at Gaesong Industrial Complex and Future
Tasks’ in East Asian Review. (18:2) Summer 2006, pp. 25~42.
John Feffer. ‘Conclusion: The Road to Unification’ in North Korea South Korea: U.S.
Policy at a Time of Crisis. New York: Seven Stories Press, 2003, pp. 152~173.
Norman D. Levin and Yong-Sup Han. ‘Chapter Seven: Conclusions and Implications’ in
Sunshine in Korea: The South Korean Debate over Policies Toward North Korea. Santa
Monica, CA: RAND Center for Asia Pacific Policy, 2002, pp. 131~143.
Chung Oknim. ‘The Role of South Korea’s NGOs: The Political Context’ in L. Gordon
Flake and Scott Snyder, eds. Paved with Good Intentions: the NGO Experience in North
Korea. Westport, CT: Praeger, 1999, pp. 82~110.
Young-Kil Kim. ‘Status of Korean Navy’s Tactical C4ISR Systems Acquisition and
Issues on Interoperability between ROK-US Combined Naval Operations’ in Bytes and
Bullets: Information Technology Revolution and National Security on the Korean
Peninsula. Honolulu: Asia-Pacific Center for Security Studies, 2005, pp. 179~200.
Seongji Woo. ‘North Korea-South Korea Relations in the Kim Jong Il Era’ in Kihl and
Kim, eds. North Korea: The Politics of Regime Survival. Armonk, NY: M.E. Sharpe,
2006, pp. 225~244.
Week 15 (Dec. 8): Autopsy of the DPRK
How longer can North Korea survive?
Soft-landing or sudden crash
Regime Change, Transformation or Evolution
Change in Character or Behavior
Will change of behavior be possible?
CTR (Cooperative Threat Reduction) and G8 Global Partnership
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Week 16 (Dec. 15): Looking Ahead
Cold-war mentality
TRADP (Tumen River Area Development Project)
Roles of the ARF, NEACD, CSCAP, the Shangri-La Dialogue, etc.
Is the Helsinki Process transplantable?
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