Republic of Rwanda Ministry of Education WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY – WDA Empowering people with employable skills and entrepreneurship capacity P. O. BOX 2707 Tel: (+250) 255113365 E-mail: Web site: ICTCH3001-TVET CERTIFICATE I in ICT: COMPUTER HARDWARE/SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE CURRICULUM CURRICULUM February , 2013 1 ACRONYMS CM Complementary Modules CDU Curriculum Development Unit ICTCM Computer Hardware/software maintenance ICT Information Communication Technology PAFP “Programme d’Appui à la Formation Professionnelle” PPE Personal Protective Equipment RTQF Rwanda Technical Qualification Framework TVET Technical and Vocational Education and Training WDA Workforce Development Authority CV Curriculum Vitae IPRC Integrated Polytechnics Regional Centers 2 ACKNOWLEDGMENTS AND LIST OF PARTICIPANTS TO THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE TRAINING PROGRAMME The Workforce Development Authority wishes to thank the following persons who participated in the development of this curriculum: Coordination HABIMANA Théodore, TVET Training Department - WDA MUHIRE Jean Marie Vianney, Curriculum Development Unit - WDA Facilitation TUMAINI MANIMBI, Curriculum Development Unit – WDA MUKANGARAMBE Judith, Curriculum Development Unit - WDA Participation NDUWUMUREMYI Jean Bosco NUR / IT Technician UWAMURERA Agnes Self Employed/Computer Technician KAZINDU Regis KIST / IT Professional IZABAYO Narcisse IPRC South / Trainer UWANYIRIGIRA Jocelyne Computer Technician MURERANGONDO Emelyse Computer Technician HABIMANA Clement Robert IPRC Kigali / Tutor LINDIRO Giscard TUMBA College of Technology / Instructor GATALI Jean Bosco CTSK/ IT Director Technical assistance FILIOT Aline, APEFE-PAFP (Programme d’Appui à la Formation Professionnelle) NGOMA Marie-Pierre, VVOB-PAFP (Programme d’Appui à la Formation Professionnelle) 3 Table of Contents SECTION 1: GENERAL INTRODUCTION ..................................................................................................................................................... 9 CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS ..................................................................................................................................................................... 10 SECTION 2: QUALIFICATION ......................................................................................................................................................................... 12 TVET Certificate I in ICT: COMPUTER HARDWARE/SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE ....................................................................................... 12 PURPOSE ....................................................................................................................................................................................................... 13 RATIONALE OF THE QUALIFICATION .......................................................................................................................................................... 14 ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TO THE QUALIFICATION ..................................................................................................................................... 14 EMPLOYABILITY AND LIFE SKILLS ............................................................................................................................................................... 14 MODULES AND QUALIFICATION RULES ...................................................................................................................................................... 17 SECTION 3: TRAINING PACKAGE .................................................................................................................................................................... 19 COMPETENCES CHART............................................................................................................................................................................. 19 FLOWCHART .................................................................................................................................................................................................. 21 CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS ...................................................................................................................................... 23 Learning unit 1: Understand oneself as part of a team and respect the rules of the workshop ...................................................................... 25 Learning unit 2: Learn about the occupation and the training process .......................................................................................................... 25 Learning unit 3: Reflect upon the teaching and learning methods ................................................................................................................. 26 Assessment Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 27 CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE ...................................................................................................... 27 4 Learning Unit 1: Maintain personal hygiene .................................................................................................................................................. 30 Learning unit 2: Prevent HIV/AIDS and sexual violence. .............................................................................................................................. 31 Learning unit 3: Address unsafe situations on the job. .................................................................................................................................. 31 Learning unit 4: Respond appropriately to emergencies at work. .................................................................................................................. 32 Learning unit 5: Sustain environment ........................................................................................................................................................... 32 Assessment Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 33 CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ..................................................................................................................................................................... 37 Learning Unit 1: Apply computer fundamentals ............................................................................................................................................ 40 Learning Unit 2: Use a word processing package ......................................................................................................................................... 42 Learning Unit 3: Use spreadsheet package .................................................................................................................................................. 44 Learning Unit 4: Use Presentation application .............................................................................................................................................. 47 Learning Unit 5: Use Internet/Intranet (Outlook) ........................................................................................................................................... 49 Assessment Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 51 CM304: BASIC ENGLISH COMMUNICATION ............................................................................................................................................ 53 Learning unit 1 : Demonstrate abilities in oral communication ...................................................................................................................... 54 Learning unit 2 : Demonstrate abilities in written communication ................................................................................................................. 55 Learning unit 3: Select and utilize a range of vocabulary related to professional context .............................................................................. 56 CM305 COMMUNICATION IN THE WORKPLACE ......................................................................................................................................... 57 Learning unit 1: Listen and speak effectively ................................................................................................................................................ 59 Learning unit 2: Cooperate and work as a team member ............................................................................................................................. 60 Learning unit 3: Apply customer care .......................................................................................................................................................... 60 Learning unit 4: Write and submit a report ................................................................................................................................................... 61 Assessment Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 62 ICTCM301 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS .................................................................................................................................................. 64 Learning Unit 1: Prepare Tools, Materials and equipment ............................................................................................................................ 66 5 Learning Unit 2: Realize various electrical circuits ........................................................................................................................................ 67 Learning Unit 3: Perform measuring of Circuits. ........................................................................................................................................... 68 Learning Unit 4: Apply Magnetism ................................................................................................................................................................ 69 Assessment Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 70 ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION .................................................................................................................................. 73 Learning Unit 1 Prepare tools ....................................................................................................................................................................... 75 Learning Unit 2 Install the software............................................................................................................................................................... 76 Assessment Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 76 ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT .................................................................................................................................................. 80 Learning unit 1: Manage storage media....................................................................................................................................................... 82 Learning unit 2: Manage files....................................................................................................................................................................... 82 ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING .......................................................................................................................................................... 84 Learning Unit 1: Prepare workplace, tools and equipment ............................................................................................................................ 86 Learning Unit 2: Assemble/disassemble the computer ................................................................................................................................ 87 Assessment Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 88 ICTCM305 NETWORK COMMUNICATION STANDARDS ............................................................................................................................. 92 Learning unit 1: Apply internetworking basics .............................................................................................................................................. 94 Learning unit 2: Perform IP addressing........................................................................................................................................................ 94 Learning unit 3: Apply Internetworking Operating System (IOS) configuration basics .................................................................................. 95 Assessment Guidelines ................................................................................................................................................................................ 96 ICTCM306 COMPUTER SECURITY ............................................................................................................................................................... 99 Learning Unit 1: Prepare Tools, equipment and workplace ......................................................................................................................... 101 Learning Unit 2: Apply Computer Security .................................................................................................................................................. 101 Learning Unit 3: Test Computer Security .................................................................................................................................................... 103 Assessment Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................. 104 6 ICTCM307 WIRED NETWORK ..................................................................................................................................................................... 107 Learning unit 2: Prepare project proposal .................................................................................................................................................. 110 Learning unit 3: Prepare tools, equipment, & materials .............................................................................................................................. 111 Learning unit 4: Perform network installation ............................................................................................................................................. 112 Learning unit 5: Write report & documentation ........................................................................................................................................... 113 Assessment guidelines ............................................................................................................................................................................... 113 ICTCM308 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE ..................................................................................................................................................... 117 Learning Unit 1: Prepare, tools and equipment ........................................................................................................................................... 119 Learning Unit 2: Upgrade computer system ................................................................................................................................................ 120 Learning Unit 3: Maintain computer performance ....................................................................................................................................... 120 Assessment Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................. 122 ICTCM309 COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTING ........................................................................................................................................... 125 Learning Unit 1: Identify the problem .......................................................................................................................................................... 127 Learning Unit 2: Troubleshoot the computer ............................................................................................................................................... 128 Assessment Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................. 130 ICTCM310 WIRELESS NETWORK ............................................................................................................................................................... 133 Learning unit 1: Plan and Conduct Site survey .......................................................................................................................................... 135 Learning unit 2: configure & manage wireless ........................................................................................................................................... 136 Learning unit 3 : Write report & documentation .......................................................................................................................................... 138 Assessment Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................. 139 CM305 ENTREPRENEURSHIP..................................................................................................................................................................... 142 Learning unit 1: Manage money ................................................................................................................................................................. 144 Learning unit 2: Keep record and budget .................................................................................................................................................... 145 Learning unit 3: Manage a small business ................................................................................................................................................. 145 Learning unit 4: Prepare a business plan for a micro business ................................................................................................................... 146 7 Assessment Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................. 147 ICTCM311 INTERNSHIP ............................................................................................................................................................................... 150 Learning unit 1: Apply for internship / employment ..................................................................................................................................... 152 Learning unit 2: Demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviour and attitudes ............................................................................................ 153 Learning unit 3: Have a good understanding of worker’s and employer’s rights and responsibilities ........................................................... 154 Learning unit 4: Organise and evaluate one’s internship ............................................................................................................................ 155 Learning unit 5: Develop one’s competences on the workplace .................................................................................................................. 155 Assessment Guidelines .............................................................................................................................................................................. 156 8 SECTION 1: GENERAL INTRODUCTION The curriculum presents a coherent and significant set of competences to acquire in order to perform the occupation of an IT TECHNICIAN. The curriculum design approach has taken into account the training needs, the work situation, as well as the goals and the means to implement training. The modules of the curriculum include a description of the expected results at the end of training. They have a direct influence on the choice of the theoretical and practical learning activities. The competences are the targets of training: the acquisition of each is required for certification. The curriculum is the reference to carry out the assessment of learning. Assessment tools of learning are developed on the basis of this document. The curriculum consists of three parts. The first part is of general interest and shows the nature and goals of a program and the key concepts and definitions used in the document. The second part presents the qualification, its level in the qualification framework, its purpose, its rationale and the list of modules it comprises. The third part deals with the training package. It includes the competences chart, the sequencing of module learning, the description of each module and the course structure. The pages describing the modules are the heart of a curriculum. They present the title of the module, the length of training, the amount of credits, the context in which the competence is performed, the prerequisite competences, the learning units and the performance criteria. In each module, a course structure is provided. The course structure describes the learning outcomes (knowledge and skills) and the learning contents related to each learning unit. Also, the learning activities and resources for learning are suggested. 9 CONCEPTS AND DEFINITIONS Assessment: the process of gathering and judging evidence in order to decide whether a person has attained a standard of performance. Competence: A competence is the result of a combination of knowledge and skills. This integration is demonstrated when the learner is able to achieve specific results and performances, understand what he/she does and do it autonomously. Complementary competences: (also known as employability skills or key skills) skills which are not specific to work in a specific occupation or industry, but are important for work, education and life generally, such as communication skills, mathematical skills, organisational skills, computer literacy, interpersonal competence and analytical skills. Core modules: describe the competencies within a competency standard that an industry sector has agreed are essential to be achieved if a person is to be accepted as competent at a particular level. All modules may be core, but in many cases competency at a level will involve core modules plus optional or specialisation modules. Core competencies are normally those central to work in a particular industry. Credit: the acknowledgement that a person has satisfied the requirements of a module. Elective modules: are modules that can be used to complete a qualification and broaden the competencies of the learners. The electives are not part of the qualification and the learner does not have to succeed in the assessment of elective modules in order to progress to the next level. General competences : competences correspond to larger operations that go beyond the tasks, but generally contribute to their implementation. These activities require more fundamental learning and are generally common to several tasks and transferable to many work situations. Generic modules: describe the complementary competences. Internship: an opportunity for a learner to integrate career related experience by participating in planned, supervised work. Learning activities: suggested activities that can be developed during lesson planning and activity preparation. The choice of learning activities must be tailored according to group size, available material resources and communication tools. Learning assumed to be in place: a requirement for the attainment of a specific module or modules prior to commencement of another module. 10 Learning hours: amount of hours required to acquire the competence, including the time allocated to evaluation, which is estimated between 5 and 10% of the total learning time of the competence. Learning outcomes: are statements that indicate what learners will know or be able to do as a result of a learning activity. Learning outcomes are usually expressed as knowledge, skills, or attitudes. Learning unit: any of the basic building blocks of a module which describes the key activities or elements of the work covered by the module. Module: a unit of education or training which corresponds to one competence and can be completed on its own or as part of a qualification. Occupation: the principal business of one’s life. Performance criteria: are descriptions of the quality requirements of the result obtained in labour performance. Specific competences: competences that are directly related to the tasks of the occupation in the workplace context. They refer to concrete, practical, and focused aspects. 11 SECTION 2: QUALIFICATION TITLE OF THE QUALIFICATION: TVET Certificate I in ICT: COMPUTER HARDWARE/SOFTWARE MAINTENANCE LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 120 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: COMPUTER HARDWARE/SOFTWARE ISSUE DATE: FEB, 2013 REVIEW DATE: 12 PURPOSE This qualification provides the skills, knowledge and attitudes for a learner to be competent in a range of routine computer maintenance and network tasks and activities that require the application of a limited range of basic practical skills in a defined context. Work would be undertaken in various IT companies, Public institution, schools where computers and network are being used Learners may work with some autonomy or in a team. The following are competences for graduates after the completion of this qualification: Describe the occupation and the learning process Maintain health and safety, and sustain the environment in the workplace Communicate effectively in the workplace Apply computer Literacy Apply electrical fundamentals Perform software installation Manage Files and storage media Perform computer assembly/disassembly Apply Network communication standards Perform Computer security Perform wired network Perform computer maintenance Perform computer troubleshooting Perform wireless network Create and manage a small business Integrate the workplace 13 RATIONALE OF THE QUALIFICATION The ICT sector is one of the priority sectors in Rwanda, it has a big impact to the development of Rwandans, it gives contribution to all services including Banking system, agricultural, medicine, hospitality, etc it is from this regard that qualified IT technicians are needed to maintain computer operations, other related equipment and provide network services. This qualification prepares individuals to work as computer technicians, help desk, network support technician. This qualification constitutes a basis for further learning in ICT sector in the Networking, Multimedia and Software development trades where there are different levels of progression. Therefore Hardware and software maintenance will be considered as a prerequisite for other trades in ICT. ENTRY REQUIREMENTS TO THE QUALIFICATION The minimum entry requirement to this qualification is to have completed the 9 Year Basic Education. EMPLOYABILITY AND LIFE SKILLS Through the generic modules, individuals with this qualification have acquired the life skills and employability skills that are described in the table below. Personal development - Understand own personal values, strengths and areas of challenge or weakness and are able to effectively use or address them; - develop, implement and evaluate progress toward personal goals; - know own preferred way of learning, take initiative for learning new skills, and know how to monitor own learning progress. Interpersonal communication - communicate and get along well with others, in a variety of settings and for a range of purposes; speak and listen actively and appropriately, one-on- one and in groups; cooperate and work effectively within a group; provide good customer service. 14 Health, hygiene and safety - know the standard health and safety practices and regulations in the workplace; maintain hygiene and personal grooming; identify unsafe situations; respond to emergencies and accidents at work; prevent HIV/AIDS and sexual violence. Environment sustainability - know the environmental regulations in Rwanda; dispose of waste ; recycle waste ; report environmental hazards to appropriate person. Integration of the workplace - know how to apply for and present themselves for employment; - demonstrate good time management and show up for work on time; - demonstrate behaviour and attitudes that are appropriate for the workplace and understand that workplaces have policies and procedures that need to be followed; - take initiative and responsibility for own work and know how to work under and respect supervision; - know the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers and explore ways to exercise rights in the workplace. - understand principles and tools behind personal and family money-management; - understand the importance of saving and reducing expenses; - organize and manage personal and household finances; - create a personal budget and think strategically about their finances; - evaluate their options for earning money and are familiar with ways to establish and maintain personal credit; - be aware of the risks associated with credit. Financial fitness Management of a small business - simulate income-generating activities with the basic cycles of business; plan for income-generating activity expenses and loan repayments; keep basic business financial records; evaluate the risks and opportunities of using credit in income generating contexts; distinguish between money to be used for investment into own income-generating activities, for family expenses, and for savings; - know the different market actors. 15 Computer skills - operate a computer use word processing applications in the production of workplace or personal documents create and use spreadsheets and charts through the use of spreadsheet software design electronic presentations send, receive and manage electronic mail (email), as well as to collaborate online using chat rooms, intranets and instant messaging. 16 MODULES AND QUALIFICATION RULES To achieve the Certificate I in ICT: Computer Hardware/Software Maintenance, 16 modules must be completed (1200 learning hours): - 5 Generic modules 11 Core modules Module No Module title Credit Value Generic modules CM301 Occupation and learning process 2 CM302 Health, safety and environment in the workplace 3 CM303 Computer literacy 3 CM304 Communication in the workplace 3 CM305 Entrepreneurship 3 Core modules ICTCM301 Electrical fundamentals 3 ICTCM302 Computer software installation 8 ICTCM303 File/storage media management 3 ICTCM304 Computer assembling/ disassembling 10 ICTCM305 Network communication standards 6 ICTCM306 Computer security 8 ICTCM307 Wired network 10 17 ICTCM308 Computer maintenance 8 ICTCM309 Computer troubleshooting 11 ICTCM310 Wireless network 9 ICTCM311 Internship 30 18 SECTION 3: TRAINING PACKAGE The training package includes the competences chart, the flowchart, the modules, the course structure, and the assessment guidelines. COMPETENCES CHART The competences chart is a table that presents an overview of the specific competences, the general competences, the work process and the time allocated to each competence. This table provides an overall view of the competences of the training programme and allows to identify the logical sequence of the learning of these competences. The competences chart shows the relationship between general competences and specific competences that are particular to the occupation, as 7well as the key stages of the work process. It shows the links between the elements in the horizontally axis and those vertical axis. The symbol ( ) marks a relationship between a general competence and specific competence. The symbol ( ) indicates a relationship between a specific competence and a step in the process of work. When the symbols are darkened, it indicates that the link is taken into account in the description of the specific competence. The competences chart allows the trainer to consider the complexity of the competences in the organisation of the progress of learning. Therefore, the vertical axis shows the specific competences in the order they should be acquired. This is the starting point of the presentation of the competences in the flowchart presented in the following pages. 19 30 60 30 30 Identify the work Prepare tools and equipment DURATION TRAINING DURATION 30 Apply electrical fundamentals Create and manage a small business 30 Apply computer literacy DURATION Communicate effectively on the workplace 5 Apply safety and hazardous precautions 15 Rearrange the workplace tools and equipment 9 Test work done 2 Execute the work 4 Organize work place 3 Particular competencies Specify requirements NUMBER IT TECHNICIAN NUMBER GENERIC COMPETENCIES Apply Network communication standards PROCESS 210 H 12 Describe the occupation and learning process Perform computer assembly and disassembly Perform computer software installation Perform computer maintenance 10 Apply computer security 1 8 6 20 100 80 80 80 11 Perform computer troubleshooting Perform wired network 14 Perform wireless network 90 Manage file and storage media 30 300 13 7 16 Total Integrate the workplace 110 100 1200 H 20 FLOWCHART The flowchart of sequencing of learning is a schematic representation of the order of acquisition of the competences. It provides an overall planning of the entire training programme and shows the relationship between the modules. This type of planning is to ensure consistency and progression of learning. For each module, the flowchart shows the learning that is already in place, the learning that is to take in parallel or later. The positions defined will have a decisive impact on all subsequent pedagogical choices. The flowchart of the sequence of learning of the modules of the training programme is presented on the following page. 21 No1 Occupation 20H No6 Computer software installation 80H No4 Communication skills 30H No2 Safety at the workplace 30H No3 Computer Literacy 30H No7 File/storage media management 30H No10 Computer security 80H No 13 Computer troubleshooting 110H No8 Computer assembling 100H no11 Wired network 100H No 14 Wireless network 90 H No16 Internship 300H 22 N05 Electrical fundamentals 30H No9 Network Communication Standards 60H No 12 Computer maintenance 80H No15 Entrepreneurship 3OH CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS Competence : Describe the occupation and the learning process RTQF LEVEL: ALL CREDITS: 2 LEARNING HOURS : 20 SECTOR: All SUB-SECTOR: All ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This module is covered first in all qualifications. It allows the learner to get to know the other participants to the training programme and to understand himself/herself as part of a team. Also, the trainee will develop a comprehensive and clear vision of the occupation and the training programme. The module will allow the participant to avoid mistakes of career guidance and confirm or deny his/her choice from the start. The training and learning methods are presented to the learner. This approach encourages greater motivation and, subsequently, a better integration of various learning. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE Not applicable LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA 23 Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the learner will be able to : 1. Understand oneself as part of a team and respect the rules of the workshop 2. Learn about the occupation and the training process 3. Reflect upon the teaching and learning methods 1.1 Know each other. 1.2 Be part of a team and behave accordingly. 1.3 Rules and requirements are agreed upon and known. 2.1 The occupation and the industry sector are understood. 2.2 The training required is known. 2.3 The training organisation is known. 3.1 The active and participatory learning methods are applied. 3.2 The assessment method is understood. 24 COURSE STRUCTURE The course structure describes the learning outcomes for each learning unit. These learning outcomes are the essential skills and knowledge to be acquired. The contents to be covered for each learning outcome are prescriptive. The Learning Activities contain a series of suggestions, usually with several options, that will guide the learner and the trainer. Learning unit 1: Understand oneself as part of a team and respect the rules of the workshop Learning hours: 6 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 1.1 Introduce oneself and get to know one another Introductions Expectations about the training 1.2 Work as a team Working as a team Building trust o Introduction o Game o Presentation of trainees’ expectations o Games o Group discussions 1.3 Setting rules and responsibilities Rules of the classroom Group responsibilities o Brainstorming o Discussions Resources Learning unit 2: Learn about the occupation and the training process Learning hours: 12 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 2.1 Understand the occupation and the industry sector o Group discussion Characteristics of the o Personal research occupation Place of the occupation in the o Visit of a business in the neighbourhood industry sector Working conditions 2.2 Obtain an understanding of the goals of the training programme Content of the training programme (modules) Importance of the initial and continuous training o Presentation by the teacher o Research 2.3 Have a common understanding of the Presentation of the timetable Presentation of the o Visits of the premises of the school. 25 Resources - Pictures of people in working situation - Documents describing the occupation - Documents describing the industry sector - Overview of the training programme - Testimonies of people performing the occupation - School year calendar - Timetable training organisation classrooms and workshops Learning unit 3: Reflect upon the teaching and learning methods Learning hours: 2 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 3.1 Understand the teaching and learning methods Overview of the active and participatory teaching and learning methods o Experience sharing. o Presentation by the trainer 3.2 Understand the assessment methodology Assessment methodology and its purpose o Explanation by the trainer Resources Reference books : 1. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 2. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 26 Assessment Guidelines To pass this module, the student has to complete: 1. Self-assessment form 2. Tree drawing 3. List of 5 goals 4. Skills and qualities assessment 5. Steps to reach goals 6. Learning goals and steps 7. Business visit’s form Elements 1 to 6 are available in the Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual Suggestion for the business visit’s form: 1. What interested you during the visit? 2. What surprised you? 3. What did you like? 4. What are your expectations? 5. What is your opinion on: The working conditions The training duration The economic opportunities motivation CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE Competence : Maintain health and safety, and sustain environment in the workplace 27 RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 3 LEARNING HOURS : 30 SECTOR: All SUB-SECTOR: All ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to respect and apply personal and workplace hygiene. It also covers the personal protective attitudes required in the sector. Moreover, the module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to follow safety and security procedures, identify hazards, assess the associated safety risks and take measures to eliminate or control and minimise the risk. Finally, the learner learns how to participate in environmentally sustainable work practices. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE Not applicable LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the learner will be able to : 1. Maintain personal health and hygiene 1.1 Hygiene of the entire body and dressing code according to the standards are respected. 28 1.2 Clean materials and clothes are used and hygienic practices are respected to ensure that no cross-contamination of other items occurs. 1.3 The proper work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment is worn to perform work. 2. Prevent HIV/AIDS and sexual violence 2.1 Reproductive health is understood. 2.2 Transmission, prevention and treatment of HIV/AIDS and other STI’s are understood. 2.3 Sexual violence is understood and can be avoided. 3. Address unsafe situations on the job 3.1 Appropriate methods are used to identify actual or foreseeable hazards that have the potential to harm the health, safety and security of workers or anyone else in the workplace. 3.2 The work area is free from hazards. 3.3 Control measures are implemented according to individual level of responsibility or appropriate personnel is referred to for permission or further action. 4. Respond appropriately to emergencies at work 4.1 Emergency and potential emergency situations are recognised promptly and required actions are determined or taken within the scope of individual responsibility. 4.2 Appropriately response to emergencies is provided. 4.3 Assistance from colleagues or other authorities is sought promptly and when appropriate. 5. Sustain environment 5.1 National and enterprise environmental regulations are understood. 29 5.2 Procedures to ensure compliance are followed. 5.3 Identify and report workplace environmental hazards to appropriate personnel. COURSE STRUCTURE Learning Unit 1: Maintain personal hygiene Learning hours: 10 Leaning Outcome Content 1.1 Maintain good health Importance of maintaining good health How to maintain good health: - Balance diet - Enough sleep - Periodical medical checkup - Sports Importance of Body Cleanliness Body Cleaning Products and equipment Body cleanliness practices Composition of work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment Proper Maintainance of work clothing o Brainstorming o Group discussion - Flipcharts Markers Flipcharts stand Training room o Brainstorming o Documentary research and group discussion o Individual practice - Water Soaps hand wash Basin Hand towels Equipped wash room work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment How can food handlers contaminate food: Prevention of food contamination: Bandage and cover cuts, burns, sores, and skin infections o Brainstorming o Group discussion 1.2 Maintain hygiene 1.3 Wear work clothing or Personal Protective Equipment 1.4 Prevent food contamination caused by food handlers Learning Activities o Individual practice 30 Resources Learning unit 2: Prevent HIV/AIDS and sexual violence. Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 2.1 Understand reproductive health o Small group discussions o Pair discussion 2.2 Be sensitized to HIV /AIDS 2.3 Be sensitized to sexual violence Puberty and body change Female reproduction Male reproduction Consequences of early pregnancy Definition Transmission Prevention (ABC) Treatment Other STI’s Stigma and VCT Definition of sexual violence Definition of rape Consequences of sexual violence o o o o o o HIV game Questions and answers True or false Group work Demonstration (condom use) Role play (condom negotiation) Resources - Scenarios for HIV game - True and false statements o Story telling o Group discussion o Large group discussion Learning unit 3: Address unsafe situations on the job. Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities Resources 3.1 Identify the primary hazards found in workplaces Types of hazards in the workplace (safety, chemical, biological, other health hazards) o Brainstorming o Group work o Discussion Pictures 3.2 Understand why the situation or substance is hazardous Hazardous situations Dangerous substances 3.3 Identify the best ways to address specific problem Control methods (remove hazard, work policies and procedures, protective o Brainstorming o Discussion Stories and pictures 31 situations equipment) Learning unit 4: Respond appropriately to emergencies at work. Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 4.1 Identify emergencies Definition of emergency Types of emergencies in a workplace Possible responses to emergencies in the workplace o Presentation by the trainer o Experience sharing Safety equipment identification - Fire extinguisher - Fire Horse - Fire Blanket - First aid kit - Fire triangle - Water fire extinguisher Safety equipment usage o Brainstorming on safety equipment o Demonstration on safety equipment usage o Organize safety drills o Compile activities reports 4.2 Handle emergencies 4.3 Manage safety equipment o Disaster Blaster Game o Role play Resources - Disaster Blaster Game board, paper, marker, dice, game cards - Fire extinguisher - Fire Horse - Fire Blanket - First aid kit - Fire triangle - Water fire extinguisher Learning unit 5: Sustain environment Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities Resources 5.1 Understand the importance of environment sustainability Natural process that takes place in the environment Awareness of the interdependence of all species Attitude towards enjoying the benefits of nature without encroaching upon the rights of others. Law determining the modalities of protection, conservation and promotion of Environment in Rwanda. o Brainstorming o Group work o Role play - Reference books - Role play scenario o Group work o Plenary discussion - Environmental regulations 5.2 Identify environmental regulations in Rwanda 32 5.3 Identify types of waste 5.4 Follow procedures to sustain environment Law relating to the prohibition of manufacturing, importation, use and sale of polythene bags in Rwanda Non-hazardous waste Hazardous waste Waste reduction Reuse of waste waste recycling reporting hazards to appropriate person o o o o o o Group work Research Visit of an enterprise Brainstorming Group discussion role play - Reference books Pictures Videos sustain environment manual and procedures Reference books : 1. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 2. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 3. HARE : Prevention of HIV and AIDS in Rwanda through education, Irish Aid and VSO. Assessment Guidelines To pass this module, the student has to complete: The following elements of the portfolio: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Self assessment Writing Space: Putting Safety Tips into Practice Session 2 Writing Space: Dealing with Emergencies Show What You Know Observation Form (filled out by trainer for each team) Habits for Good Health Those documents are found in the Module 5, Safety and Health at work, of the Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project An integration-situation related to his/her future occupation or trade, with a score equal or superior to the passing mark defined (recommended passing mark for this module: 70% or 15/20) 33 SUGGESTIONS OF SITUATIONS: ICT 1. A director of an Enterprise of computer lab would like to protect lab users and is coming to you with pictures of his computer lab, which show various safety and health related problems. Identify the relevant problems that are portrayed by the shown pictures. 2. Write a 1 page set of general instructions related to health (at least 10 instructions), safety (at least 3) and security (at least 2) in a computer lab. Resources: Drawing, pictures or video of a computer lab showing at least 4 safety and health related problems. Paper Pen Criteria Indicators Identification of the safety hazards from the picture (≥3) Problem 1 identified Problem 2 identified Problem 3 identified Problem 4 identified, etc. Health precautions (≥3) Example of health related instructions (other possible answers should be considered by the examiner) Don’t smoke in the lab Maintain cleanliness in the room 34 Safety precautions (≥7) Security precaution (≥1) Provide comfortable furniture for the users: height of the chair should be adjustable so the user can sit with eye level on top of the screen Users should take regular breaks Maintain a conducive environment (temperature between 18 and 24 degrees Celsius, with humidity between 40 per cent and 60 per cent, oxygen, light, calm) in the room Protect users from eye damage (don’t stare directly at the beam of a projector) Example of safety related instructions (other possible answers should be considered by the examiner) Keep emergency exit clear. Keep carbon dioxide fire extinguishers near any ICT equipment. Maintain adequate ventilation as fluids used for cleaning and in some reprographic processes are flammable Eat and drink carefully, be aware of accidental damage caused by spilt liquid Cover and secure power cables Replace damaged plugs Check regularly plugs, leads and other electrical equipment. Avoid cluttered cables Avoid water flooding Protect the equipment from dust Insure the equipments Use mouse pads Protect computers by UPS Example of security related instructions (other possible answers should be considered by the examiner) Use of antivirus Protection of sensitive contents Construction TUBEHONEZA Construction Company has contracted to build a 14m x 15m home house in Gasabo district within five months. The study showed that the house will be near the road and 50 workers, female and male, will be involved. Workers will take lunch on construction site. As one of employees, on 1 page maximum, you are asked to advise the site manager as well as your colleagues on health, safety and security practices so that the work can be accomplished as agreed. You have 40 minutes maximum. For each piece of advice, give precise examples. Resources Papers Pen 35 Criteria Indicators Scoring Security precautions Establish and communicate rules on the workplace =5/5 Provide protective equipment Store equipment, tools and material Fence the site Use protective equipment Safety precautions ≥2/2 Identify hazards Address unsafe situations Health precautions ≥4/6 Provide clean water Have good diet Use clean water Provide waste disposal Use toilet Sensitize to HIV/AIDS prevention Precision Relevant examples of security precautions Relevant examples of safety precautions Relevant examples of health precautions 36 =3/3 CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY Competence : Apply computer skills RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 3 LEARNING HOURS : 30 SECTOR: All SUB-SECTOR: All ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This module describes the skills and knowledge required to operate a computer, to use word processing applications in the production of workplace documents, to create and use spreadsheets and charts through the use of spreadsheet software, to design electronic presentations, and to send, receive and manage electronic mail (email), as well as to collaborate online using chat rooms, intranets and instant messaging. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE Not applicable LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 37 Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1 Apply computer fundamentals 2.Use a current word processing package 3. Use current spreadsheet package 1.1 Identification of Various connectors and ports 1.2 Use of different I/O devices 1.3 Use of Desktop’s elements 1.4 Scanning of Viruses in the computer and Different Storages Devices 2.1 Text formatting 2.2 Table creation and editing 2.3 Text Editing 2.4 Printing 2.5 Saving 2.6 Inserting of header ,Footer and footnotes 3.1 Using of basic excel tasks 3.2 Managing of Sheets in excel workbook 3.3 Formatting of cells and their contents 3.4 Using of functions and perform mathematical operations 3.5 Excel worksheet Printing 38 4.Use current Power Point Presentations 5.Use Internet/Intranet (Outlook) 4.1 Creating a new presentation 4.2 Creating , Inserting a slide 4.3 Inserting of Graphics 4.4 Converting word documents to PowerPoint presentation 4.5 Animation 4.6 Using Different Presentation view 4.7 Printing a presentation 5.1 Defining and explaining a website 5.2 Interacting through instant messaging (Chatting) 5.3 Using search Engines (example Google) 5.4 Creating , Managing favourites using internet explorer 5.5 Browsing the internet using the hyperlinks 5.6 Downloading and Uploading files using internet 39 Learning Unit 1: Apply computer fundamentals Learning hours: 10 Learning outcomes 1.1 Apply Computer basics Contents Computer Definition Types of computers Learning activities o - Laptops o - Desktops - PDA (Personnal Digital assistance) Computer Hardware Memory Definition Role of Memory Features - Capacity - Speed - Non Volativity Open a computer case and Observe different types of memory -Computer Lab Group Discussion on each type of memory -CD, DVDs, Diskettes -Computer Tool Kit -White Board -Markers - Palm tops Resources Types of Memory - ROM (Read only memory) - RAM (Random access memory) 40 - External/Internal memories (Hard disk,diskette,CD,Flash disk,etc) 1.2.Identify Various connectors and ports Connectors and ports definition I/O (Input and Output) Ports and connectors o o 1.3.Use different I/O devices Observe different connectors as well as input and output ports -Computer Lab Exercises on ports identifications -CD, DVDs, Diskettes -Computer Tool Kit - Serial ports - Parallel ports -Different types of Cables, Different types Connectors - USB -White Board - Keyboard, Mouse connectors -Markers - VGA Connectors Peripherals definition Categories I/O devices Input devices (mouse, Keyboard, scanner, CD/DVD-ROM and diskettes drivers, etc) o Types of keyboards - AZERTY - QWERTY -Computer Lab -Computer Tool Kit -CD, DVDs, Diskettes -Printer Output devices (Monitor, Diskette, CD/DVD-ROM Writer, Printer, etc) Practical exercises on connecting the mouse, keyboard. Monitor to the CPU (Central processing unit) 41 -Scanner -White Board 1.4.Use Desktop’s elements 1.5.Scan Viruses in the computer and Different Storages Devices (Flash disk, External Hard disk) Windows and its components: - Desktop - Task bar - Start menu - Minimize, Maximize, Close buttons - My Computer - Antivirus definition Importance of antivirus Functionality Different Types of antivirus Norton Kaspersky Symantec Storages to be scanned Flash disk External hard disk Memory card Computer hard disk o Brainstorming on Desktop’s elements o -Use the desktop, the tasks bar and the start menu o Brainstorming the use of antivirus o o 2.1.Format a text Style,Font,Size,Colour Paragraph Column Tabulation -Computer Lab -Flash disks -External Hard disk Compile activities reports -Cds, DVDs -Antivirus -White Board -Markers Learning hours: 5 Contents -Projector Practical exercises on Scanning viruses Learning Unit 2: Use a word processing package Learning outcomes -Computer Lab Learning activities 42 o Reproduce document already formatted o Various exercises to familiarize with formatting a text. Resources -Computer Lab With Current Word processing Package installed in each computer -Projector -White Board 2.2.Create and edit a table 2.3.Edit document (Text) Paragraph spacing Inserting symbols:Special characters,bullet and numbering Borders and shading,header and footer. Inserting a table Inserting a column Inserting a row Deleting table Deleting row Deleting column Merging cells Splitting cells Drawing a table Table auto format Formula -Markers o Practical exercises on creating, editing and handling a table -Computer Lab With Current Word processing Package installed in each computer -Projector -White Board Search/Find.Replace o Brainstorming Editing text Deleting a range of text o The undo command Perform practical exercises on the various tips (options) Spelling and grammar Synonyms o compile activities reports -Computer Lab With Current Word processing Package installed in each computer -Projector -White Board -Markers 43 2.4.Print document 2.5.Save documents 2.6.Insert Header, Footer and footnotes o Exercises on printing one or more copies of a colored document, in black and white o printing in landscape, portrait -Projector File management - Creation of files - Creation of Folders - File Naming - File Formats o Practical Exercises on creation of files, folders and file Saving -Computer Lab With Current Word processing Package installed in each computer o Compile activities reports -Projector Footnotes Header and Footer - Automatic page numbering - Total number of pages - Automatic date - Automatic automatic author;s name o Exercises on footnotes o Create a document containing several pages -Computer Lab With Current Word processing Package installed in each computer o With elements such as the page number, date automation. o practical exercises. Page setup Print preview Print dialog box Selecting printer name Printer options Printing one or more copies Printing in black/white or color Print page ranges 3.1.Use Some basic excel tasks Contents Learning activities Basic excel tasks - -Printer -Projector Learning hours: 5 Learning Unit 3: Use spreadsheet package Learning outcomes -Computer Lab With Current Word processing Package installed in each computer o Practical exercises on the use of basic excel tasks o Compile activities reports Open 44 Resources -Computer Lab With Current spreadsheet package installed in each computer 3.2.Manage Sheets in excel workbook 3.3.Format cells and their contents - Close - New document - Undo - Save,save as…. - Sheet - Selecting a cell - Validating a cell - Deleting cell contents - Modifying cell contents - Selecting group of cells - Increase and reduce the cell size - Delete row and column - Duplicate cell -Projector Selecting a sheet o Practical exercises Renaming a sheet o On Managing sheets in excel workbook Insert new sheets Moving a sheet in a workbook Deleting a sheet Formatting text and cells - -Computer Lab With Current spreadsheet package installed in each computer -Projector o Choosing font,size,colour 45 Practical exercises in groups and individual homework on formatting -Computer Lab With Current spreadsheet package installed 3.4.Use some functions and perform mathematical operations - Adjusting Cow height - Alignment of cell - Number format - Inserting rows - Merging cells - Creating borders - Patterns Numbers and Mathematical calculations - 3.5. Print an excel worksheet Addition Multiplication Division Subtraction AutoSum Absolute and relative Reference Function Average Minimum Maximum Page setup Print preview Print dialogue box Print options Print one or more copies Print in black/white or color Print page ranges Printing a selection 46 cells in each computer o Compile activities reports -Projector o Practical exercises in groups and individual homework on formatting cells -Computer Lab With Current spreadsheet package installed in each computer o Compile activities reports o Print one or more copies of a worksheet o Print colour or white and black worksheet o practical exercises (individual and in group) o print horizontally/vertically -Projector -Computer Lab With Current spreadsheet package installed in each computer -Projector -Printer Learning Unit 4: Use Presentation application Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes 4.1.Launch Ms Power point 4.2.Create a new presentation 4.3.Create, Insert a slide Learning outcomes Power point Definition Role Power point environment - Title Bar - Menu Bar - Toolbars - Formatting tool bar - Title - Sub title Creating new presentation Blank presentation Design template Auto content wizards Creating a slide Inserting a slide Modifying a slide Learning outcomes o Using a power point presentation with slide show,get feedback from learners on the area of application of Ms power point o Launch powerpoint and observe the screen individual exercises. o Create presentation using the various methods o practical exercises (individual and in groups) o Exercises on creating, inserting and modifying a slide Learning outcomes -Computer Lab With Current presentation Software installed in each computer -Projector -Computer Lab With Current presentation Software installed in each computer -Projector -Computer Lab With Current presentation Software installed in each computer -Projector 47 4.4.Insert Graphics o Graphics:Clip art,Word Art,Library Images,Inserting image from file Exercises on inserting images in the slides -Computer Lab With Current presentation Software installed in each computer -Projector 4.5.Convert word documents to PowerPoint presentation Copy, Cut, Move Process of conversion o Practical exercises on File transformation -Computer Lab With Current presentation Software installed in each computer -Projector 4.6.Animate a presentation 4.7.Use Different Presentation view 4.8 Print a presentation Animation Custom animation -Computer Lab With Current presentation Software installed in each computer Slide transition -Projector Normal View Slide Sorter view o Familiarize with animation of a presentation o Switch between the views to improve the presentation -Computer Lab With Current presentation Software installed in each computer Slide show o Group discussion and brainstorming -Projector Printing a presentation o Print preview -Computer Lab With Current presentation Software installed in each computer Printing a copy or multiple copies Exercises on printing in black and white or in colour, printing one or more copies of a presentation Printing one slide on a page Printing more slides on a page 48 -Projector Learning hours: 5 Learning Unit 5: Use Internet/Intranet (Outlook) Learning outcomes 5.1. Define and explain a website Contents Learning activities o Introduction Visit web sites and browse different pages. -Internet Connection o Group discussion based on observation -projector o Group Discussion on Interacting through instant messaging -Internet Connection World wide web Web page Web site 5.2.Interact through instant messaging (Chatting) Definition Steps to create a chat account Chatting options Instant messaging with or no web cam Calling Resources -Computer Lab -Computer Lab -projector o Exercises on chatting in groups o -Compile activities reports o Perform practical -Internet Connection exercises on the use -Computer Lab of search engines Sending files 5.3.Use search Engines (example Google) Search engines - Definition - Role - Some Types of search -projector 49 engine 5.4.Create, Manage favorites using internet explorer 5.5.Browse the internet using the hyperlinks 5.6.Download and Upload files using internet o Favorites - Create Favorites - Rename, Move Favorites o Web Browser - Browser buttons - Address bar - Status bar - Scroll bar - Home page - Front/Back arrows - Refresh button - Start page o Downloading File attachment 50 Practical exercises on creating, moving and renaming favorites -Internet Connection Open a web using the address bar -Internet Connection o Browse different web pages o practical exercises On Browsing internet using hyperlink Practical exercises on downloading and uploading files using internet -Computer Lab -projector -Computer Lab -projector -Internet Connection -Computer Lab -projector Assessment Guidelines To pass this module, the student has to complete: 1) The logbook, with a minimum score of 15/20 Logbook Passing mark The student knows how to connect and disconnect I/O 2/2 The student knows how to use input and output devices (keyboard, mouse, projector, printer, scanner) 3/4 The student knows how to use word processor (text formatting, editing, saving, table creation) 2/4 The student knows how to use spreadsheet (managing sheets, formatting cells, using functions for mathematical operations) 2/3 The student knows how to use power point presentation (creating slides, converting word document to power point presentation, inserting graphics, animation, and presentation) 1/2 The student knows how to use the Internet 5/5 Knows how to browse using hyperlinks Has an email address Knows how to download and upload documents Has an instant messaging account (skype, gchat, yahoo messenger, msn messenger, facebook chat etc.) Can search for WDA’s website on a search engine 2) An integrated situation, with a minimum score of 8/10 51 Date Signature of the trainer Suggested situation: You have learned from a friend that the Workforce Development Authority (WDA) has advertised a job position of an IT Manager on its website, and that all applications and cover letter will be sent through email. Make a search to find out about the mission of WDA and CV templates which could help you to develop your own. Write your CV and email it to your trainer’s email. Instructions: The student will need a computer with internet connection. The teacher will provide his/her own email address to be able to assess the work of the student. Criteria Indicator Mark Student knows computer basics Can write a CV in word processor (≥1/2) 3/5 Can format the text (≥1/2) Can save a CV (1) Student knows how to use Internet Can use a search engine to look for information (on WDA and CV templates in the case above) (2) Can open his email account in browser or in outlook (1) Can upload a CV and send it to the specified email address (2) 52 5/5 CM304: BASIC ENGLISH COMMUNICATION Competence : Communicate in basic English RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 3 LEARNING HOURS : 30 SECTOR: All SUB-SECTOR: All ISSUE DATE: REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This module describes the skills and knowledge required to use English language in predictable routine communication in tourism and hospitality workplaces. It covers the speaking and listening, reading and writing skills required to conduct some routine and non-routinetasks and provide accurate information and instructions; in order to fulfil common customer requests relevant to workplace in appropriate manner. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE Not applicable LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. Element of competence Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 53 1. 1.Demonstrate abilities in oral 1.1. communication 1.2. 1.3. 1.4. 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.6 2. 2. Demonstrate abilities written communication in 2.1. 2.1 2.2. 2.3. 2.2 2.3 3. 3. Select and utilize a range of 3.1. vocabulary related to 3.2. professional context 3.3. 3.1 3.2 3.3 Clear pronunciation of words while communicating with customers and colleagues and authorities Provision of relevant responses/feedback to the requests Fluent expressions while speaking to customers or colleagues and authorities Proper formulation of coherent ideas while talking Appropriate utilization of relevant words and expressions while making argumentation Use of appropriate words/expressions while giving and/or receiving instructions Appropriate utilization of relevant words while elaborating and filling in of some administrative documents while using appropriately punctuation marks and spelling.(memos, handover reports, requisition forms, inventory forms, receipts and minutes) Appropriate utilization of relevant words while elaborating specifications of some technical documents Appropriate utilization of relevant words while preparing some business documents such as proposals, technical reports and submissions Adequate identification of need and assistance from others with appropriate language skills in order to better communicate. Relevant provision of information regarding products and services of his/her organization to customers Seek of relevant clarification from customers and colleagues when required, using simple terms. COURSE STRUCTURE The course structure describes the learning outcomes for each learning unit. These learning outcomes are the essential skills and knowledge to be acquired. The contents to be covered for each learning outcome are prescriptive. The Learning Activities contain a series of suggestions, usually with several options, that will guide the learner and the trainer. Learning unit 1 : Demonstrate abilities in oral communication Learning hours : 10 54 Learning outcomes Content 1.1 Speak correctly while Phonetics and phonology conveying ideas 1.2 Provide responses to client requests or inquiries 1.3 Speak fluently 1.4 Make a successful argumentation Use of question =words and expressing different circumstances (cause, result, opposition, manner and goal) related to the occupation Tips for good presentation Debate techniques Learning activities o Story telling o Dialogues o Role Play o Demonstrations o Writing Practice Role Play Dialogues Demonstration Practice Exercises o Dialogues o Role Play o Demonstrations o o o o Techniques of oral communication Linking or transition words Resources - Short stories - Videos - Recordings - Role Play Scenarios - Reference Books o o o Reference Books Videos Role play scenarios o o o o Videos Recordings Role Play Scenarios Reference Books o o o o Brainstorming Discussion Demonstrations Practice Exercises on argumentation o Role play - Videos Recordings Role Play Scenarios Reference Books Learning activities Resources Learning unit 2 : Demonstrate abilities in written communication Learning hours : 10 Learning outcomes Content 55 2.1 Use writing techniques 2.2 Use appropriate words in writing administrative and business documents Writing compositions while respecting punctuation and spelling Types of texts Narrative Explicative Argumentative Descriptive Punctuations and Spelling (dictation ) o - Reference books Recordings - Recordings Different forms related to the occupation Reference Books o English words used in business and administration documents Memos Handover report Letters Inventory and Minutes Drafting business and administration documents o Filling in various forms related to the occupation o - Learning unit 3: Select and utilize a range of vocabulary related to professional context Learning hours: 10 Learning outcomes Content 3.1 Use appropriate Polite requests’ expressions using modal words while seeking for auxiliaries assistance Other appropriate expressions while seeking for assistance Do’s and Don’ts expressions/words 3.2 Provide information regarding the services or products Specific terms regarding products and services provided by the enterprise Tips on providing information 56 Learning activities o Practical exercises on debating and group discussion o Role play o Dialogue o Demonstration o Practical exercises o Role play Resources - Reference books - Recordings - Role play scenarios - Dialogues - Recordings Videos Reference Books CM305 COMMUNICATION IN THE WORKPLACE Competence : Communicate effectively in the workplace RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 3 LEARNING HOURS : 30 SECTOR: All SUB-SECTOR: All ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This module describes the skills and knowledge required to communicate and get along well with others, in a variety of settings and for a range of purposes. The module will allow the participant to speak and listen actively and appropriately, one-on-one and in groups, to cooperate and work effectively within a group, to lead a team, to provide good customer service and write simple reports. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE Not applicable LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 57 Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1. Listen and speak effectively 2. Cooperate and work as a team member 3. Apply customer care 4. Write and submit a report 1.1 Strategies for effective listening are applied. 1.2 Instructions are adequately interpreted and followed. 1.3 Clear and accurate information and instructions are provided to colleagues. 2.1 Team objectives are reached through effective cooperation. 2.2 Diversity of team members is respected. 2.3 Lead a team efficiently 2.4 Demonstrate problem solving and decision making skills 3.1 Importance and principles of good customer service are understood. 3.2 Quality service is provided. 3.3 Clear verbal information is provided to customers face to face or on the telephone. 3.4 Conflicts with customers are handled politely and adequately. 4.1 A handover report containing any relevant information on complete and incomplete work is written 58 4.2 Reports are handed over to both colleague and supervisor. COURSE STRUCTURE The course structure describes the learning outcomes for each learning unit. These learning outcomes are the essential skills and knowledge to be acquired. The contents to be covered for each learning outcome are prescriptive. The Learning Activities contain a series of suggestions, usually with several options, that will guide the learner and the trainer. Learning unit 1: Listen and speak effectively Learning hours: 6 Learning outcomes Contents 1.1 Apply effective listen skills & strategies Effective listening skills & strategies Assess one’s listening skills Model good listening skills o o o o 1.2 Give and receive instructions Importance of giving clear, concise instructions Formulation of instructions Strategies to ask questions for clarification Importance of non-verbal communication Impacts of non-verbal communication on how we give information and how we listen. o individual work o group discussion Effective speaking skills and strategies o small group work o practice presentations o large group discussion 1.3 Identify non-verbal communication signs and the impact on people’s perceptions 1.4 Demonstrate effective speaking skills Learning activities Role play Observing role play Feedback from observers discussion Resources - Role play scenarios - List of effective listening skills & strategies - Effective Listening Observation Form o pair work o large group discussion 59 - List of Effective Speaking Skills & Strategies - Speaking Scenarios for group work - Effective Speaking Observation Form Learning unit 2: Cooperate and work as a team member Learning hours: 8 Learning outcomes Contents 2.1 Identify the different personalities Different personalities and approaches that individuals bring to a group 2.2 Handle different personalities in a group Strategies on how to handle different personalities in a group 2.3 Cooperate with others to reach the same objective Characteristics of an effective and cooperative team member o o o o Large group activity Large group discussion Individual reflection/journal writing Pair work 2.4 Lead a team efficiently Qualities of an effective leader Different leadership styles Appropriate leadership style in a given context Strategies to lead a team efficiently challenges and dynamics amongst people during the problem solving process steps of problem solving to work and community related problems Communication as a tool for problem solving o o o o large group discussion small group work role plays small group activity - Role play scenarios o o o o o Large group activity pair sharing small group work large group discussion Task leadership competition - Scenarios for problem solving activity 2.5 Demonstrate problem solving and decision making skills Learning activities o Self-assessment o large group activity (inner/outer circles) o Discussion Resources - Working in Groups Self Assessment - Cooperating with Others Roles - Elements of an Effective & Cooperative Team Member Learning unit 3: Apply customer care Learning hours: 10 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 60 Resources 3.1 Understand the importance of good customer care 3.2 Provide exceptional quality service Definition of customer service Levels of customer service Customer care principles Importance of customer care Basic customer needs Service to meet basic customer needs Definition of customer’s perception Meeting and exceeding expectations Getting feedback on the provided service Telephone tips Recording a telephone message 3.3 Communicate effectively with customers by telephone and face to face 3.4 Handle conflict with difficult customers Definition of conflict, conflict resolution/management Steps of conflict management with difficult customers o Experience sharing o Brainstorming Presentation by trainer o individual reflection o large group discussion o role play o large group discussion o skit o pair role plays o o o o - Role Play scenarios for Communicating with Customers individual reflection Brainstorming large group discussion role play Learning unit 4: Write and submit a report Learning hours: 6 Learning outcomes Contents 4.1 Identify types of reports required Types of report used in the workplace 4.2 Produce the relevant report Different sections of a report Report writing tips 4.3 Hand the report to the Transmission route Transmission slip Learning activities Resources o o o o o o o o Documentation research Brainstorming Group discussion Presentation Observation Presentation Individual practice Reference books o o Observation Presentation Templates of routing slips 61 Different types of reports Different types of reports o appropriate persons Individual practice Reference books : 3. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 4. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. Assessment Guidelines To pass this module, the student has to: 1. Complete the porftolio, which includes: Self-assessment form Effective Listening Observation Form Effective Speaking Observation Form Session 1 Writing Space: listening and speaking strengths, weaknesses, ways to improve Working in Groups Self Assessment Session 2 Writing Space : ways to improve cooperating and working in a group 2. DEMONSTRATE COMMUNICATION SKILLS IN A SITUATION related to his/her future occupation or trade, AND OBTAIN a score equal or superior to the passing mark defined (recommended passing mark for this module: 70% or 15/20) SUGGESTED SITUATION (HOSPITALITY) You are a chef de cuisine at Beausejour hotel, and you received an order of spaghetti a la Napolitaine for 4 people from customers who are in a hurry. You oversees three people: the person in charge of the mise en place, the the cook and the dish washer. As the chef, you give instructions to your team to prepare the food and supervise the work. The order should be ready within 30min. Criteria Indicators 62 Relevance Time is respected The required covers are communicated The required order is communicated (type of meals/order are specified) Quality of process The information is received and well understood by the candidate Responsibilities are assigned The clarifications are given according to staff’ learning style (reading, speaking, listening, doing) The follow up is well done (e.g. identification of the problem, activity tracking) The problem is solved Quality of information The information is given precisely The information is short and clear The technical terms are used accordingly The information is given directly The information is given timely/immediately 63 ICTCM301 ELECTRICAL FUNDAMENTALS Competence : Apply electrical fundamentals RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 3 LEARNING HOURS : 30 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer Hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This core module describes the skills and knowledge required to realise various electrical circuits as well as to perform different circuit measurements. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE 64 LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1. Prepare tools, Materials and equipment. 1.1. Respect of Hygiene standards Understanding of graphic language techniques. 2. Realize various electrical circuits 3. Perform measuring of Circuits. 4. Apply Magnetism 1.2. Respect of Safety precautions 1.3. Appropriate Choice of tools and equipment 2.1. Realizing of Simple circuit 2.2. Realizing of Series circuits 2.3. Realizing of Parallel circuits 2.4. Realizing of Serie-Parallel circuits . 3.1. Connection of different testing instruments. 3.2. Reading and interpretation of testing instruments Results. 4.1. Demonstration and interpretation of magnetism principle through natural magnet 4.2. Demonstration and interpretation of Electro magnetic induction. 4.3. Demonstration and interpretation Direction of electromotive force 65 4.4. Demonstration and interpretation of generator Principle through magnetic elements. COURSE STRUCTURE Learning Unit 1: Prepare Tools, Materials and equipment Learning hours: 8 Learning outcomes 1.1.Apply of Hygiene standards Content Learning activities Importance of Hygiene o A Trainer will Brainstorm on hygiene standards in general. o Demonstration will be used by a trainer. o Learners will perform practical exercises on hygiene practices. o Brainstorming on tools and equipment o Trainer will demonstrate on application of various tools and equipment o Learners will practice Cleaning products/materials Liquid soap Powder soap Brushes Fuel Cotton rags 1.2.Select tools, equipment, materials and facilities Types of tools, equipements and Materials. Lamp Tester Wires Plastic hammer 66 Resources - Wash rooms - Workshop hygiene standards books - Battery Multimeters Books Screw drivers Pliers Lamp Tester Wires Internet Battery tester on tools and equipment usage. Multimeters Screw drivers o Pliers Cable clips Lamps Sockets Switch Fuses Panel Seal tap Connectors Capuchot Circuit breaker Learning hours: 10 Learning Unit 2: Realize various electrical circuits Learning outcomes 2.1.Realize simple circuits Content Learning activities o Identification wires 2.2.Realize Series circuits Colors 2.3.Realize parallel circuits Section 2.4.Realize Series-parallel circuits Types o o o light 67 Resources A Trainer will Brainstorm on electrical circuit - Battery for DC - Alternative current Demonstration will be used by a trainer. - Books - Internet - Switches Learners will perform practical exercises on o electrical circuit. - Sockets o Trainer will demonstrate on application of various of electrical circuit - Wires o Learners will practice on instillation different circuits. Rigid Materials o Copper o Silver o Aluminum Types of switches Identification of different sockets Types lamps Bulbs Tubes Installation of circuits: Simple Series Parallel Series-parallel Installation of Circuit Breakers and fuses Learning Unit 3: Perform measuring of Circuits. Learning hours: 7 Learning outcomes 3.1. Identify deferent electrical instruments 3.2. Perform various connections of electrical Content Learning activities o Identification of electrical instruments Ohmmeter 68 A Trainer will Brainstorm on electrical instruments. Resources - Books - Internet instruments Ammeter 3.3. Read and interpret data from electrical instruments Voltmeter Wattmeter o Demonstration will be used by a trainer. o Learners will perform practical exercises on electrical instruments. Different Connections of electrical instruments Range Selection o Trainer will demonstrate on application of various of electrical instruments. o Learners will practice on installation different instruments. Series Parallel Data interpretation - Ohmmeter - Ammeter - Voltmeter - Wattmeter - Wires Learning Unit 4: Apply Magnetism Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes 4.1.Identify different magnets Content Learning activities o Types of magnets Natural Artificial o Electro-magnet Applications of magnetism Principle of magnetism 69 Resources A Trainer will Brainstorm on magnetism - Books - Internet Demonstration will be used by a trainer. - Magnet - Battery - Wires o Learners will perform practical exercises on magnetism. o Trainer will Magnetic Field Magnetic Flux demonstrate on application of various of magnetism o Learners will practice on magnetic field and magnetic flux. Assessment Guidelines Task: Mr.ELIPHAZ the trainer at ETO KIBUNGO assigned Adeline the trainee in auto-electricity option, to realize on the panel three Electrical circuit (Series circuit, Parallel circuit and series- parallel circuit). He requested her to use 5 lamps, in each circuit within 3 hours. Tasks and resources Tasks Tools, Materials and Equipment Realize series circuit Realize parallel circuit Realize series-parallel circuit Multimeters, Lamp tester, Hammer, cable clips, wire, switch, Fuses, panel, seal tap, connectors, capuchot, pliers, screw drivers, Battery. Multimeters, Lamp tester, Hammer,cable clips, wire, switch, Fuses, panel, seal tap, connectors, capuchot, pliers, screw drivers, Battery. 70 Multimeters, Lamp tester, Hammer, cable clips, wire, switch, Fuses, panel, seal tap, connectors, capuchot, pliers, screw drivers, Battery. Tasks Indicators Quality of process (E) 1. Quality of product(E) Relevance (E) Safety and Security (NE) Panel is well prepared (tolerable) Passing line per criteria 1 3/5 2. Materials, Tools, Equipment are properly selected.(tolerable) 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 3. Schematic diagram is well done. 1 4. Wiring and connection are well done. 1 5. Circuit is tested properly. 1 1. Circuit lamps are lighting properly 1 3/3 2. Circuit is protected correctly 1 All indicators are compulsory. 3. Installation Aesthetics is obtained. 1 1. Circuit is well insulated. 1 3/3 2. Time is respected. 1 All indicators are compulsory. 3. Installation standards are respected. 1 1. Personal protective equipment is respected. (Goggles, gloves, overall, workshop boots.) (tolerable) 1 1/3 2. Cleaning tools and Equipment is well done. 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 3. Working environment is prepared properly (Cleanliness, Fire extinguisher, and ventilation, first aid kit). (tolerable) Global Passing Line. 1 Criteria Tasks Score per indicator Quality of the process Relevance 71 10/14 (71%) Quality of product Decision Realize serie circuit 0-1 0-1 0-1 Success/failure Realize parallel circuit 0-1 0-1 0-1 Success/failure Realize mixt circuit 0-1 0-1 0-1 Success/failure Result 0-3 0-3 0-3 Total score Success Success/failure Success/failure Success/failure Success/failure Comments Description: 0 = no command 1 = partial command 2 = minimal command 3 = maximal command Essential criteria means that it is compulsory None essential criteria means that it is optional Quality of process, Quality of product; relevance are essentials (E) criteria Safety and security is none essential criteria Passing line: 81 % and above but all none tolerated indicators are compulsory learners have to succeed in order to succeed the criteria. Success of the criteria: 2/3. The Criteria must be assessed through 3 tasks in order to succeed; the learner should succeed in at least 2 tasks among the three. Success of the module/competence: all of the 3 essential criteria should be successful. 72 ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION Competence : Perform Computer Software Installation RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 8 LEARNING HOURS : 80 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This core module describes the skills and knowledge required to computer software installation, installation of Operating system and installation of application software and customizing the software to keep proper working of the computer LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 73 Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1 Prepare tools 2 Install the software 1.1 Identification of software compatibility 1.2 Selection of software media 2.1 Starting of software installation process 2.2 Customizing of the software 2.3 Finalizing of software installation process 2.4 Running of installed software 2.5 Testing of the performance 2.6 Checking features 2.7 Rearrangement of tools and equipment 74 Learning Unit 1 Prepare tools Learning Hours: 40 Learning outcomes 1.1 Identify software compatibility 1.2 Identify OS 1.3 Select media Contents Learning activities - System requirements disk space memory capacity processor System type - Types of Operating system windows OS Linux Mac OS Novel netware - software media DVD/CD flopy disk flash disk external harddisk network 75 Brainstorming Demonstration of tools Group discussion Individual practices Resources Tools and equipment Manuals Internet Workshop Books IT Toolkit Protective equipment Learning Hours: 40 Learning Unit 2 Install the software Learning outcomes 2.1 Install OS 2.2 Install application software 2.3 Test the software Contents Learning activities Installation process Media selection boot Start setup Follow the instructions Customization Finalise the installation Testing the software Running of installed software Testing of the performance checking features rearrangement of tools and equipment Brainstorming Demonstration Research Resources Books Internet Projector software Assessment Guidelines Gasabo District headquarter requests Alpha-Soft Company ltd. to install operating system on 3 different computers where 1 computer has to be installed with Windows Xp, the second computer with Win 7 and the last one with Windows Vista. That company sends you as technician to install those computers in 2 hours each. Notice: - Each computer should have two partitions and be installed with Ms office 2007, Adobe Reader, Mozilla Firefox and Vlc. 76 TASKS Tasks Install Windows 7 Tools Install Windows Xp Install Windows Vista - Operating System Windows xp, Vista and Windows 7 setup - Application software: Ms Office, Adobe Reader, Mozilla Firefox and VLC. Criteria Quality of product (E) Indicators Type Passing line per criteria 1. Tools are well selected 1 2. Boot priority is well selected 1 3.Setup is started 1 4. Instructions of installation are well followed 1 5. Customisation is well done 1 6. Final instructions of installation are well followed (Tolerable) 1 1. The operating System is running properly 1 3/3 2. The Application software are running properly 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 3. Drivers are working correctly 1 77 5/6 All indicators are compulsory Relevance (E) 1. Appropriate tools are well used 1 2/3 2. Time is respected (Tolerable) 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 3. Customer needs are met 1 Global passing line Criteria 10/12 = 83 % Quality of the process Relevance Quality of product Task N0 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Task N0 2 0-1 0-1 0-1 Task N0 3 0-1 0-1 0-1 Passing line per criterion 2/3 2/3 2/3 Comments Success/ failure Success/ failure Success/ failure Tasks Result 78 Decision Description: 0 = no command 1 = partial command 2 = minimal command 3 = maximal command Essential criteria means that it is compulsory None essential criteria means that it is optional All criteria are essentials: Quality of process, Quality of product; relevance. Success of the criteria: 2/3: the Criteria must be assessed through 3 tasks in order to succeed; the learner should succeed in at least two tasks among the three. Success of the module/competence: all of the 3 essential criteria should be successful. 79 ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT Competence : Manage files/storage media RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 3 LEARNING HOURS : 30 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This is a core module which describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to manage storage media and files. LEARNING ASSUMED TO IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 80 Learning unit 1.Manage storage media 2.Manage file performance Criteria 1.1 Differentiate file systems 1.2 Identification of storage media 1.3 Storage capacity management 2.1 Deal with folders and files 2.2 Creation of files using extensions 2.3 Files compression and security 81 Learning unit 1: Manage storage media Learning hours: 15 Learning outcomes 1. Differentiate file systems 2. Identify of storage media Contents File allocation table ( FAT) Learning activities Resources o - Types of storage media Optical media Magnetic media Flash media File access types: 3. Manage storage capacity Sequential access Random access Memory capacity measurement Learning hours: 15 Learning unit 2: Manage files Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 82 Resources Creation of a folder 1. Deal with folders and files Duplication of files/ folders Move folders/files 2. Create files 3. Perform files/folders compression and security File naming rules File extensions Compression methods encryption /decryption methods file access control 83 ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING Competence : Perform Computer Assembling RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 10 LEARNING HOURS : 100 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This core module describes the skills and knowledge required to the computer assembling and disassembling, internal components of the computer, and connecting peripherals. Each computer technician must learn this module which helpful also in computer maintenance and troubleshooting. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 84 Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1. Prepare workplace , tools and equipments 2. Assemble/disassemble the computer 1.1 Arrange the workplace 1.2 Identification of H/W tools 1.3 Identification of equipments 1.4 Applying of security and safety precautions 2.1 Choice of compatible components 2.2 Verification of connection 2.3 Identification of disassembling steps 2.4 Connection and fixing of components 2.5 Disassembling of components 2.6 Powering the system 2.7 Starting the computer(BIOS) 2.8 Cleaning tools and equipments 2.9 Rearrangements of tools 85 Learning Unit 1: Prepare workplace, tools and equipment Learning hours: 40 Learning outcomes 1.1 Identify tools 1.2 Identify equipment 1.3 arrange the workplace Contents Learning activities Types of hardware tools screw drivers pliers multimeter tweezers Types of equipments antistatic Wrist strap antistatic mat identification of threats -Short circuits -Overvoltage -Electrical fluctuations -Static discharge 86 Resources Brainstorming Demonstration of tools and equipment Tools and equipments Manuals Internet Group discussion Individual practices Workshop Books IT Toolkit Protective equipment Learning hours: 80 Learning Unit 2: Assemble/disassemble the computer Learning outcomes 2.1.Choose compatible components 2.2.Assemble the computer 2.3.Disassemble the computer Contents Learning activities Computer components Computer case Power supply Motherboard Microprocessor Cooling system RAM HDD FDD DVD/CD Drive CMOS battery data buses power cables expansion slots NIC VGA Brainstorming Demonstration Group work Personal practical exercises Resources Steps to assemble the computer Preparing the computer case Inserting power supply fixing CPU, coolling system and RAM to the motherboard Inserting motherboard into the case fixing cards to the motherboard Fixing drives Connecting data and power cables Closing the computer Testing Steps to disassemble the computer Disconnecting the computer from 87 Computer lab Projector Simulators IT toolkit Consumable materials Internet the power source Opening the computer case Removing adapter cards Removing drives Removing memory modules Removing motherboard Removing power supply Assessment Guidelines You are a computer technician at Gorilla Computer Network LTD, and it has imported desktop computer components from Dubai of the following models (HP, DELL and MERCURY). You are requested to assemble one computer per model in one hour each. TASKS Tasks Tools & equipment HP Computer DELL Computer - Computer components - Screw driver - Pliers - Tweezers - Antistatic Wrist strap - Antistatic mat 88 Mercury Computer - Protective equipment Criteria Quality of process(E) Quality of product (E) Indicators Type 1. Workplace, tools and equipments are prepared 1 2. Compatible components are chosen 1 3. power supply is inserted in the case 1 4. CPU ,Cooling system and RAM are fixed to the motherboard 1 5. Motherboard is inserted into the case 1 6. Cards are fixed to the motherboard 1 7. Drives are fixed 1 8. Data and power cables are connected 1 Passing line per criteria 9/9 All indicators are compulsory 9. Computer is closed 1 1. All components are well fixed 1 3/3 2. All cables are well fixed 1 All indicators are compulsory. 3. Bios settings are well configured 1 89 Relevance (E) Safety and Security(E) 1. Appropriate tools are well used 1 2/3 2. Time is respected (Tolerable) 1 None tolerated compulsory. 3. Computer components are well handled 1 1. PPE ( overcoat, gloves and Antistatic Wrist strap ) is used (Tolerable) 1 2. Antistatic mat is used (Tolerable) 1 3. Power checking (voltage) is performed 1 Global passing line 1/3 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 15/18 = 83 % 90 indicators are Criteria Quality of the process Relevance Quality of product Task N0 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Task N0 2 0-1 0-1 0-1 Task N0 3 0-1 0-1 0-1 Passing line per criterion 2/3 2/3 2/3 Comments Success/ failure Success/ failure Success/ failure Decision Tasks Result Description: 0 = no command 1 = partial command 2 = minimal command 3 = maximal command Essential criteria means that it is compulsory None essential criteria means that it is optional All criteria are essentials: Quality of process, Quality of product; relevance. Success of the criteria: 2/3: the Criteria must be assessed through 3 tasks in order to succeed; the learner should succeed in at least two tasks among the three. Success of the module/competence: all of the 3 essential criteria should be successful. 91 ICTCM305 NETWORK COMMUNICATION STANDARDS Competence : Apply network communication standards RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 6 LEARNING HOURS : 60 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This is a core module which describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to apply network communication standards. LEARNING ASSUMED TO IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 92 Learning unit 1. Apply internetworking basics 2. Perform IP addressing 3. Apply configuration basics 4. Apply IP v6 Performance Criteria 1.1 Application of OSI Model 1.2 Ethernet cabling 1.3 Data encapsulation 1.4 Identification of Data communication channels 2.1 Application of IP terminologies 2.2 Identification of network addressing 2.3 Subnetting and VLSM (TRANSFER TO the content of …) 3.1 Utilization of Command line interface 3.2 Application of router and switch administrative configuration 4.1 Migration from IPv4 to IPv6 4.2 Addressing and expression 93 Course structure Learning unit 1: Apply internetworking basics Learning outcomes 1.1 Apply the OSI and TCP/IP Model Contents Internetworking Basics Internetworking Models 1.2 Perform Ethernet cabling 1.3 Describe Data encapsulation 1.4 Identify Data communication channels The OSI& TCP/IP Reference Models Data Encapsulation Planning and cabling Networking Learning hours : 10 Learning activities Brainstorming on different type communication in real life Exercises on different internetworking models Documentary research Demonstration in real life on Models of communications Exercises on cabling Ethernet Networking Learning unit 2: Perform IP addressing Learning outcomes 2.1 Apply IP terminologies (IPv4) Books Internet Handout notes Computer Hammer Simulators ( packet tracer) Drilling machine Tool box Connectors Network devices Learning hours : 30 Contents Comparison of TCP/IP and the OSI Model Implementation of an IP addressing schema and IP Services Class C Learning activities Brainstorming on different type of communication Exercises on default IP addressing Exercises on Subnetting and VLSM Class B Practical exercise on NIC configuration using IP address Class A Resources Documentary research Private and public IP addresses 94 Resources Books Internet Handout notes Simulators ( packet tracer) Switches Computer Network cable Implementation of Subnetting Class C Class B Class A Variable Length Subnet Masks (VLSMs) Summarization Troubleshooting IP Addressing Learning unit 3: Apply Internetworking Operating System (IOS) configuration basics Learning outcomes 3.1 Use Command line interface Contents The IOS User Interface Command-Line Interface (CLI) 3.2 Apply basics router and switch administrative configuration Router and Switch Administrative Configurations Router Interfaces Learning activities Brainstorming on different type communication Exercises on CLI Exercises on basic configuration of router Apply IP to the router interfaces Documentary research Viewing, Saving, and Erasing Configurations Cisco Security Device Manager (SDM) 95 Learning hours : 20 Resources Books Internet Handout notes Simulators ( packet tracer) Switches Computer Network cable Console cable Learning unit 4 : Apply IP v6 Learning outcomes 4.1 Migrate from IPv4 to IPv6 Contents Describe the technological requirements for running IPv6 in conjunction with IPv4 (including: protocols, dual stack, tunneling) Learning hours : 10 Learning activities Exercises on IP addressing Apply IP to the machines Documentary research IPv6 Addressing and Expressions 4.2 Perform IP Addressing and expression IPv6 Routing Protocols Configuring IPv6 on Our Internetwork Resources Books Internet connection Handout notes Simulators ( packet tracer) Switches Computer Network cable Console cable Assessment Guidelines Integrated situation The BRD main branch is planning to organize its network, normally BRD has 7 departments with respective users: Administration: 10 users; finance: 20; teller services: 30; IT: 25; HR: 15; Audit: 5; Marketing: 13; as network Administrator you are required to do the VLSM and prepare the network addressing schema that clearly. And the network address to be used is Also the same bank will have two branches; one will be established in HUYE and another in MUSANZE; you should also do the same thing as you did on the main branch; HUYE : admin : 5 users; teller services : 12 users; ICT : 5 users; finance :7 users with the MUSANZE : admin : 4 users; teller services : 13 users; ICT : 7 users; finance :6 users with the This task is required to be done within 2 hours. 96 TASKS AND RESOURCES Tasks Task No1: Perform VLSM and prepare the network addressing schema of Main Branch Computer Simulator (Packet Tracer) Task No2: Perform VLSM and prepare the network addressing schema of HUYE Branch Task No3: Perform VLSM and prepare the network addressing schema of MUSANZE Branch Computer Simulator (Packet Tracer) Computer Simulator (Packet Tracer) Tools & Equipment Criteria Quality of process(E) Indicators Marks 1. The sites are well studied and a plan document is well prepared (Tolerable) 2. The logical network plan is designed (Tolerable) 3. Configurations are well applied (Interfaces) Quality of product(E) Relevance(E) Passing line per criteria 1 1 2/4 1 4. N/W Documents are well prepared 1 1. The network is well structured (the correct number of subnets). 1 2. All hosts of the Network are reachable 1 3. IP Addressing is well applied (Identification of network addressing, Subnetting &VLSM) 1. The given IP address is used 2. The network addressing schema is established 3. Time is respected 3/3 1 1 1 3/3 1 Global passing line 8/10 = 80 % 97 SCORING Quality of the process (E) Relevance ( E ) Quality of product ( E ) 1. Task NO 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 2. Task NO 2 0-1 0-1 0-1 3. 0-1 0-1 0-1 Result 3/3 3/3 3/3 Comments Success= 2/3 Success=2/3 Success=2/3 Decision Criteria Tasks Task NO 3 Success Description: Passing line: 80% and above but all none tolerated indicators are compulsory thus learners have to succeed in order to succeed the criteria. Success of the criteria: 2/3= The Criteria must be accessed through 3 tasks. In order to succeed the learner should succeed in at least 2 tasks Success of the module/competence: all of the 3 criteria should be successful 98 ICTCM306 COMPUTER SECURITY Competence : Apply Computer Security RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 8 LEARNING HOURS : 80 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This is a core module which describes the security of computers and networks which includes protection of information and Property from theft, corruption and natural disaster, while allowing the information to be accessible and productive to its intended users. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM305 NETWORK COMMUNICATION STANDARDS LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 99 Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1 Prepare Tools, equipment 2.Apply Computer Security 3.Test Computer Security and workplace 1.1 Identification of tools and equipments 1.2 Verification of physical Security 2.1 Determination of Computer Security 2.2 Identification of computer threats 2.3 Installation of Security software 2.4 Configuration of firewall 2.5 Updating Computer Security S/W 2.6 Protection of Data 2.7 Data Backup 2.8 Managing User accounts 3.1 Running of security tools 3.2 Verification of hardware security devices 100 Learning Unit 1: Prepare Tools, equipment and workplace Learning outcomes Contents 1.1 Identify tools and equipment Types of security tools: - Computer soft security kit: Ant-virus Ant-spy ware Adware protector 1.2 Verify physical security Learning hours :20 Learning activities - Hardware security devices: Physical firewall Security keyhole cable Padlocks Security agent Brainstorming Demonstration of computer software security kit - Practical exercises - Group discussions Learning Unit 2: Apply Computer Security Learning outcomes Learning activities Types of security threats: Software Computer soft security kit Internet Security Books Firewall Resources Antivirus Computer software security kit Internet Security Books firewall -Brainstorming -Computer software security threats: 2.2 Identify computer threats Learning hours : 40 Contents 2.1 Determine the Computer Security Resources Viruses Worms Trojan Horses Hardware security threats Physical computer theft Computer component distraction Fire Natural disaster -Demonstration on security software hardware installation -Practical exercises on security software hardware configuration 101 2.3 Install Security software system specification Microprocessor RAM HDD System type -Practical exercises on configuration antivirus Computer soft security kit Internet Security Books Firewall 2.4 Configure the firewall security software Configuration startup of software installation software setup Customization software installation Finalizing Testing software 2.5 Update Computer Security S/W Checking of software version: Checking of software properties Running software updates security software Customization installation Finalizing Demonstration on S/W updates Practical exercises on updating S/W Individual practical exercises Software Computer soft security kit Internet Security Books Identification and analyzing of data location Names Size Data type path (source & destination) Demonstration on data backup Practical exercises on data backup Group discussions Individual practical exercises Backup S/W Computer soft security kit Internet Security Books Backup media 2.7Backup Data Protect Data Data backup Backup media Data encryption Data transfer 2.8 Manage User accounts Types of users accounts Limited/standard user accounts Administrator/privilege user accounts Setting of user passwords Creation of user groups Demonstration on user accounts managements and password setting Practical exercises on user accounts managements and password setting Individual practical exercises on user accounts managements and password Computer 2.6 Protect Data 102 setting Learning Unit 3: Test Computer Security Learning outcomes 3.1 Test Computer Security Learning hours : 30 Contents Running of security tools Ant-virus Ant-spyware Adware protector Verification of hardware security devices Physical firewall Security keyhole cable Padlocks 103 Learning activities Resources Brainstorming Demonstration on how to test Practical exercises on computer security verification Security Software Computer soft security kit Internet Security Books Assessment Guidelines IPRC/Kigali requested you as a computer technician to set the security of three different computers in one hour each. The 1 st computer is used by student, 2nd one is used by Accountant and the 3rd is used by Head of ICT department. TASKS Tasks Set a computer Security Set a computer Security Set a computer Security Used By an accountant Used By Head of ICT department Used by a student Instructions D VD/ CD driver are disabled Account limited Tools and Equipment - No Internet connection Account limited Data protection Data backup - Access to administrator password Account limited Data protection Data backup Computers Security software Security device (lock) Criteria Indicators Quality of process (E) 1. .Tools are prepared Marks Passing line per criteria 1 4/6 None tolerated indicators are compulsory 2. Physical security is assured (cable lock, cable tie) (Tolerable) 1 3. Different user accounts are created 1 104 Quality of product(E) Relevance(E) 4. Security software are installed and updated 1 5. Protection software is installed (folder lock) (Tolerable) 1 6. Computer security is tested 1 7. Information about physical security of the computer is provided (Tolerable) 1 2/3 8. Security software are working well 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 9. User accounts are well managed and secured (privileges, limitations and password) 1 10. Appropriate tools are used 1 2/3 11. Instructions are followed 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 12. Time is respected (Tolerable) 1 Global passing line 8/12 = 67 % 105 Criteria Quality of the process Relevance Quality of product Task N0 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Task N0 2 0-1 0-1 0-1 Task N0 3 0-1 0-1 0-1 Passing line per criterion 2/3 2/3 2/3 Comments Success/ failure Success/ failure Success/ failure Decision Tasks Result Description: 0 = no command 1 = partial command 2 = minimal command 3 = maximal command Essential criteria means that it is compulsory None essential criteria means that it is optional All criteria are essentials: Quality of process, Quality of product; relevance. Success of the criteria: 2/3: the Criteria must be assessed through 3 tasks in order to succeed; the learner should succeed in at least two tasks among the three. Success of the module/competence: all of the 3 essential criteria should be successful. 106 ICTCM307 WIRED NETWORK Competence : Set up wired network RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 10 LEARNING HOURS : 100 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This is a core module which describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required to set up wired network LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM305 NETWORK COMMUNICATION STANDARDS ICTCM306 COMPUTER SECURITY LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 107 Learning unit 1. Identify the work 2. Prepare project proposal 3. Prepare tools, equipment, & materials 4. Perform network installation 5. Write report & documentation Performance Criteria 1.1 Obtaining of facility diagram 1.2 Visual inspection of facilities 1.3 Identification of user areas 1.4 Designing of physical N/W layout 2.1 Identification of equipment specifications 2.2 Estimation of duration 2.3 Estimation of labor 2.4 Estimation of cost 3.1 Application of stock procedures 3.2 Choice of tools 3.3 Choice of equipment 3.4 Selection of materials 4.1 Fixing of trunks 4.2 Laying and termination of cables 4.3 Labeling 4.4 Mounting of network devices 5.1 Mapping (schema) of networ 5.2 Specification of equipment used(UTP, STP, FIBER OPTIC, CISCO BANDLE, Coaxial) 108 Learning unit 1 : Identify the work Learning outcomes 1.1. Perform site survey 1.2 Interpret facility diagram 1.3. Identify user areas 1.4. Design N/W layout Learning hours : 30 Contents Learning activities Brainstorming Facility diagram: Technical drawing applied in networking Network symbols Electrical symbols Electronic symbols Construction symbols Safety and security symbols Description of network topology Physical Logical Types of network media Cables Wireless Fiber optics Connectors Outlet sockets Types of network Devices Switches Access point Router Hub Bridges Repeater Firewall Antenna Modem Printer Group discussion on wired network Demonstration of network devices Exercises on network designing Documentary research 109 Resources Internet Books Switches Access point Router Hub Bridges Repeater Cables Connectors Outlet sockets Computer Projector Firewall Antenna Modem Tool kit Printer Learning unit 2: Prepare project proposal Learning outcomes 2.1. Identify equipment specifications Contents Learning hours : 20 Learning activities Types of network equipment (cfr to design network layout) Demonstration of network devices Description of different types of network devices Documentary research Resources Books Internet connection Handout notes (cfr to design network layout) Books Internet Hand book notes BQs samples Books Internet Hand book notes Group discussion on devices 2.2.Estimate duration Market study Proforma invoices BQs (Bills of Quantities) Group discussion on devices and costs Comparison of prices on the same devices Brainstorming on labor estimation Documentary research Decision making 2.3. Estimate labor Determination of spares parts Determination of unit prices Determination of Material specifications Group discussion on devices and costs Documentary research Brainstorming on labor estimation Determination of tasks 2.4. Estimate cost Determination of miscellaneous and labor cost 110 Learning unit 3: Prepare tools, equipment, & materials Learning outcomes 3.1. Apply stock procedures 3.2.Choose tools 3.3.Choose equipment 3.4.Select materials Contents Types tools, equipment and materials Screw drivers Screws Cutters Pliers Metal cutter Drilling machine Punching tools Crimping tools Cable tester Soldering ion Trucks Lather Cable tiers Hummer Punch panel I/O outlet Learning hours : 10 Learning activities Group discussion on tools, equipment and materials Brainstorming on tools, equipment and materials Exercises on tools, equipment and materials Demonstration of tools, equipment and materials Documentary research 111 Resources Books Internet connection Handout notes Screw drivers Screws Cutters Pliers Metal cutter Drilling machine Punching tools Crimping tools Cable tester Soldering ion Trucks Lather Cable tiers Hummer Punch panel I/O outlet Laptop Tool kit Learning hours : 30 Learning unit 4: Perform network installation Learning outcomes 4.1. Fix trunks Contents Choice of trunks Choice of cables Choice of connectors Choice of network devices End to end identification Fixing trunks and laying cables Termination of cables Mounting network devices Learning activities Group discussion on labeling Brainstorming on laying of cables Exercises on Termination of cables Documentary research Demonstration on Termination of cable 4.2. Lay and terminate cables 4.3. Label 4.4. Mount network devices 112 Resources Books Internet connection Handout notes Cables Network devices(cfr to design network layout) Connectors Laptop Tablet Metal cutter Drilling machine Punching tools Crimping tools Cable tester Soldering ion Trunks Lather Cable tiers Hummer Punch panel I/O outlet Laptop Tool ki Learning unit 5: Write report & documentation Learning outcomes Learning hours : 10 Contents 5.1. Draw network schema Learning activities Resources Documentary research on drawing tools Exercises on drawing network schema and topology Network schema Topology drawing List of equipment used 5.2. Specify equipment used in report Books Internet connection Handout notes Drawing software Computer Assessment guidelines Integrates Situation BK want to set up a wired LAN in GAHANGA branch, in 3 different offices: Branch manager office, Credit officer office and Accountant office. You as a network administrator in HIGH-TECH, you are requested to setup those wired networks to support three hosts in each office. These works are requested within 3 hours each. TASKS AND RESOURCES Tasks Tools & Equipment Set up a wired network in Branch Set up a wired network in Credit Manager office officer office Switches Cables Connectors Outlet sockets Computer Switches Cables Connectors Outlet sockets Computer Tool kit 113 Set up a wired network in Accountant office Switches Cables Connectors Outlet sockets Computer Tool kit Criteria Quality of process(E) Quality of Tool kit Screw drivers Screws Cutters Pliers Metal cutter Drilling machine Punching tools Crimping tools Cable tester Trucks Lather Cable tiers Hummer Punch panel Screw drivers Screws Cutters Pliers Metal cutter Drilling machine Punching tools Crimping tools Cable tester Trucks Lather Cable tiers Hummer Punch panel Indicators Mark Screw drivers Screws Cutters Pliers Metal cutter Drilling machine Crimping tools Cable tester Punching tools Trucks Lather Cable tiers Hummer Punch panel Passing line per criteria 1 6/8 2. Tools and materials are selected 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 3. Trunking is well done (Tolerable) 1 4. Cabling is well laid 1 5. Cables are well terminated (Patching and crimping) 1 6. Network devices are mounted 1 7. Labeling is well done (Tolerable) 1 8. Connecting is well done 1 1. Connectivity is available (hosts are reachable) 1 1. The N/W is well planned estimation) (Site visit, costing, time 114 2/3 product(E) Relevance(E) Safety and security(E) 2. Transfer rate is acceptable (standards) 1 3. The network is scalable(reserved ports) (Tolerable) 1 1. 3 hosts can be supported 1 2. Deadline is met 1 3. The required network is respected(wired network) 1 1. PPE is used( helmet, goggles, gloves, overall) 1 2. Network devices are physical secured area) 1 (Rack, lockable 3. UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) is used. (Tolerable) Global Passing line 3/3 2/3 1 13/17 = 76 % 115 SCORING Quality of the process (E) Relevance Quality of product (E) Safety 1. Task NO 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 2. Task NO 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 3. 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Result 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 Comments Success= 2/3 Success=2/3 Success=2/3 Success=2/3 Criteria (E) Decision (E) Tasks Task NO 1 Success Description: Passing line: 76% and above but all none tolerated indicators are compulsory thus learners have to succeed in order to succeed the criteria. Success of the criteria: 2/3. The Criteria must be accessed through 3 tasks. In order to succeed the learner should succeed in at least 2 tasks Success of the module/competence: all of the 4 criteria should be successful. 116 ICTCM308 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE Competence : Perform Computer Maintenance RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 8 LEARNING HOURS : 80 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This core module is about computer maintenance, it also includes performing routine actions which keep the device in working order and the trainee will develop a comprehensive and clear vision of computer maintenance and the training program. The training and learning methods are presented to the trainee. This approach encourages greater motivation and, subsequently, a better integration of various learning. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM305 NETWORK COMMUNICATION STANDARDS ICTCM306 COMPUTER SECURITY ICTCM307 WIRED NETWORK 117 LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. Learning unit By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : Performance criteria 1. Prepare, tools and equipment 1.1 Identification of tools and equipment 1.2 Testing of tools and equipment 1.3 Well arrangement of the workplace 2.1 Checking of Hardware specifications 2.2 Checking of Software specifications 2.3 Fixing of component 2.4 Upgrading of software 2.5 Migration of system 3.1 Disk defragmentation 3.2 Disk clean up 3.3 Check disk 3.4 Cleaning of the computer 2. Upgrade computer system 3. Maintain computer performance 118 3.5 Updating of O S 3.6 File management 3.7 Computer performance test Learning Unit 1: Prepare, tools and equipment Learning outcomes 1.1 identify tools and equipment Contents - 1.2 Test the tools and equipment - 1.3 arrange the workplace Types of maintenance tools Computer Tool kit Software Maintenance tools Registry cleaner tool File system cleaner C cleaner S/W Removal tools Learning hours: 15 Learning activities Resources - Brainstorming - Software - Group work - Books - Demonstrate - Test the tools - internet - Arrange and clean the tools Software Maintenance tools Registry cleaner tool File system cleaner C cleaner S/W Removal tools Types of maintenance equipments Blowers Can of compressed air (Vacuum cleaner ) Testing tools and equipments Multimeter Arrangement of workplace Conducive workplace 119 Air conditioned Proper computer environment Arrangement of tools and equipment Learning Unit 2: Upgrade computer system Learning outcomes 2.1 Check the Hardware and software specifications 2.2 Fix component Contents System components: Microprocessor RAM HDD Motherboard Expansion slots Techniques to fix hardware components Learning hours: 40 Learning activities Resources - Demonstration - Software - Practical exercises - Books - Internet - Research on system specification - Computer Lab - Computer toolkit 2.3 Upgrade, Update and migrate software Software: - OS - Application S/W Software: - OS - Application S/W - Brainstorming Learning Unit 3: Maintain computer performance Learning outcomes Contents 3.1 Clean the computer Using computer appropriate : - ESD Tools antistatic wrist strap, mat - Hand Tools screwdrivers, needlenose pliers Learning hours: 35 Learning activities Resources - Brainstorming - Software - Demonstration - Computer toolkit - Practical exercises - Cleaning tools 120 -Cleaning Tools soft cloth, compressed air can -Diagnostic Tools Multimeter , loopback - Group discussions adapter 3.2 Use software maintenance tools Disk management tools - Fdisk - Format - Scandisk or Chkdsk - Defrag - Disk Cleanup - System File Checker (SFC) 121 - Multimeter Assessment Guidelines A customer brings three computers (Dell dv 2400, Compaq 5900 and Mini Laptop Acer NT450) to Computer Network Company for maintenance. As a computer technician you are asked to service them in 3 hours each. TASKS Tasks Service Service Service (Desktop Dell dv 2400) (Desktop Compaq 5900) (mini Laptop Acer NT450) Tools and Equipment Criteria Quality of process(E) Computer Tool kit Software Maintenance tools Register cleaner tool File System cleaner C cleaner S/W Removal tools Blowers Computer Tool kit Software Maintenance tools Register cleaner tool File System cleaner C cleaner S/W Removal tools Blowers Indicators Type Observation Computer Tool kit Software Maintenance tools Register cleaner tool File System cleaner C cleaner S/W Removal tools Blowers External CD -Drive Passing line per criteria 1. Work place is prepared (Tolerable) 1 6/7 or 7/7 2.Tools, equipment and chemicals are prepared 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory 3. Hardware and software specifications are well checked 1 4. The computer case is properly opened 1 122 (Tolerable or Compulsory according to the case / situation) Quality of product(E) Relevance(E) Safety and Security 5. All the components are well blown/ cleaned 1 6. Computer’ components are fixed or re-fixed 1 7. Computer final test is done 1 1. Computer is well performing (speed) 1 3/3 2. Software are updated/upgraded (antivirus, OS, other application software such as Ms office, Adobe, …) 1 All indicators are compulsory. 3. All computer components (CD driver, Floppy, mouse, keyboard) are perfectly working 1 1. Appropriate tools, equipment and chemicals(for cleaning) are used (Tolerable) 1 2/3 2. Appropriate techniques are used (while removing components, handling equipment and tools- clockwise or anti-clockwise- ) 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 3. Time is respected 1 1. The computer is unplugged while opening and cleaning 1 2/3 2. Power checking (voltage) is performed 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 3. PPE (personal protective equipment) is used (overcoat, dust mask, ESD tools) (Tolerable) 1 Global passing line 123 13/16 = 81 % or 14/16 = 88% Criteria Quality of the process Relevance Quality of product Task N0 1 1 0 0 Task N0 2 0 1 1 Task N0 3 1 1 1 Passing line per criterion 2/3 2/3 2/3 Comments Success/ failure Success/ failure Success/ failure Decision Tasks Result success Description: 0 = no command 1 = partial command 2 = minimal command 3 = maximal command Essential criteria means that it is compulsory None essential criteria means that it is optional All criteria are essentials: Quality of process, Quality of product; relevance. Success of the criteria: 2/3: the Criteria must be assessed through 3 tasks in order to succeed; the learner should succeed in at least two tasks among the three. Success of the module/competence: all of the 3 essential criteria should be successful. 124 ICTCM309 COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTING Competence : Perform Computer Troubleshooting RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 11 LEARNING HOURS : 110 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: Computer hardware ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This core module describes the PC Troubleshooting and Repair Training of hardware, software and tools. The Students who successfully complete the course are equipped with an impressive high level of hands-on performance skills, and they are ready for the skills and abilities: Thorough knowledge of PC computer systems and each system component, Comprehensive understanding of computer technology and concepts, ability to assemble and test state of computer hardware, including extensive hands-on experience with software and hardware, marketable skills of diagnosing, troubleshooting, and repairing computer problems. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM305 NETWORK COMMUNICATION STANDARDS ICTCM306 COMPUTER SECURITY ICTCM307 WIRED NETWORK ICTCM308 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 125 LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. Learning units By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1. Identify the problem 2. Troubleshoot the computer 3 Rearrange the workplace, tools and equipment Performance criteria 1.1 collection of data from the customer 1.2 Computer diagnosis 1.3 Preparation of tools and equipment 2.1 Data backup 2.2 Data recovery 2.3 H/W and S/W repairing 2.4 Fixing of Threats 2.5 Reinstallation of computer software 2.6 Testing the computer 2.7 Documentation of the process used 2.8 Presentation of the work done 3.1 Cleaning tools and equipment 3.2 Rearrangements of tools 126 Learning Unit 1: Identify the problem Learning outcomes Contents 1.1.Diagnose the computer Identification of troubleshooting process: 1.2.Identify troubleshooting tools Learning hours: 60 Learning activities purpose of data protection Gathering data from the customer. Verifying the obvious issues. Trying quick solutions first. Gathering data from the computer. Evaluating the problem and implementing the solution. Closing with the customer. Identification of hardware tools: - Computer toolkit Multimeter Identification of software tools: - ERD commander Spotmau Easeus Easy recovery Get data recovery 127 Brainstorming Role play on troubleshooting process Group discussion on troubleshooting process Personal practical exercise about troubleshooting Resources Books Internet Computer tool kit Multimeter Troubleshooting S/W tools Computer Lab Whiteboard Marker Learning hours: 60 Learning Unit 2: Troubleshoot the computer Learning outcomes Contents 2.1 Make data backup and recovery Types of backup: - Normal/full backups - Copy backups - Differential backups - Incremental backups - Daily backups Common backup devices - Tape drives - Digital audio tape (DAT) drives - Auto-loader tape systems - Magnetic optical drives - Tape jukeboxes - Removable disks - Disk drives data recovery software: - ERD commander - Spotmau - Easeus - Easy recovery Get data recovery Repairing of S/W: 2.2 Repair Computer S/W - Learning activities OS Application S/W 128 o Explain in details the principles and effects of friction and the law governing it. o Guide the students to solve problems relating to friction. Resources - Recommended textbooks, Chalkboard, Duster, Chalk, Lecture notes. 2.3 Replace computer H/W computer components: - RAM - HDD - FDD - PROCESSOR - POWER SUPPLY - DATA BUS external cables- VGA - DVI - POWER CABLE I/O devices - Mouse - Keyboard - Monitor 2.4 Finalize troubleshooting process Documentation of the work done Presentation the work to the customer 129 Assessment Guidelines Kigali Repairing Company LTD received three computers (HP, DELL and Toshiba) from customers which are not functioning. They requested you as computer technician to troubleshoot and repair them within 9 hours maximum. TASKS Tasks Troubleshoot HP Computer Tools & equipment Troubleshoot DELL Computer Troubleshoot Toshiba Computer - Software tools - Computer components - Computer toolkit - Software tools: - Data recovery software - Troubleshooting software - Multimeter - Screw driver Criteria Quality of process(E) Indicators Type 1. Workplace is prepared 1 2. Diagnosis is done 1 3. Backup is done 1 4. Operating System is repaired 1 5. Application software is repaired 1 130 Passing line per criteria 4/6 All indicators are compulsory Quality of product (E) Relevance (E) Safety and Security(E) 6. Work done is documented (Tolerable) 1 7. Hardware is working properly 1 3/3 8. OS and Application software are working well 1 All indicators are compulsory. 9. All data are restored 1 1. Appropriate tools are well used 1 2/3 2. Time is respected (Tolerable) 1 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. 3. Customer needs are met 1 1. PPE ( overcoat, gloves and Antistatic Wrist strap ) is used (Tolerable) 1 2. Power checking (voltage) is performed (Tolerable) 1 3. The computer is unplugged while opening 1 Global passing line Criteria 11/15 = 73 % Quality of the process Relevance Quality of product Task N0 1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Task N0 2 0-1 0-1 0-1 Task N0 3 0-1 0-1 0-1 Passing line per criterion 2/3 2/3 2/3 Comments Success/ failure Success/ failure Success/ failure Tasks 1/3 None tolerated indicators are compulsory. Result 131 Decision Description: 0 = no command 1 = partial command 2 = minimal command 3 = maximal command Essential criteria means that it is compulsory None essential criteria means that it is optional All criteria are essentials: Quality of process, Quality of product; relevance. Success of the criteria: 2/3: the Criteria must be assessed through 3 tasks in order to succeed; the learner should succeed in at least two tasks among the three. Success of the module/competence: all of the 3 essential criteria should be successful. 132 ICTCM310 WIRELESS NETWORK Competence : Set up wireless network RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 9 LEARNING HOURS : 90 SECTOR: ICT SUB-SECTOR: ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This is a core module which describes the performance outcomes, skills and knowledge required toSet up wireless network indoor LEARNING ASSUMED TO IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM305 NETWORK COMMUNICATION STANDARDS ICTCM306 COMPUTER SECURITY ICTCM307 WIRED NETWORK ICTCM308 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE ICTCM309 COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTING LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. 133 Learning unit 1. Plan and Conduct Site survey Performance Criteria 1.1 Analysis of facilities and existing WIFI &WIRED network 1.2 Identification of Bandwidth and roaming requirements 1.3 Identification of Security requirements 1.4 Identification of Building blueprint 1.5 Planning of the facility to be affected by WIFI 2. Configure and manage 2.1 Implementation of SOHO wireless 2.2 Implementation of Enterprise 2.3 Application of security to the technology applied 2.4 Application of wireless enterprise and residential gateway 3. Write report and documentation 3.1 Report on business purpose and requirements 3.2 Report on applied methodology 3.3 Report on Hardware placement and configuration information 3.4 Report on coverage area of WIFI 134 Learning unit 1: Plan and Conduct Site survey Learning outcomes 1.1.Identify Bandwidth and roaming requirements Contents Introduction to RF Learning hours : 35 Learning activities Group discussion Brainstorming Internet radio frequency Exercises Handout notes principles of antennas Demonstration wireless router wireless repeater Wireless Access Point RF in perspective USB Wireless Adapter Different types of wireless devices Wireless PCI Adapter Wireless PCMCIA Card Antennas Computer Console cable RF fundamental: radio frequency mathematics 1.2.Identify Security requirements 1.3.Identify Building blueprint spread spectrum Documentary Research wireless router wireless repeater Wireless Access Point 1.4.Plan facility to be affected by WIFI Resources Books USB Wireless Adapter Wireless PCI Adapter -. Wireless PCMCIA Card 135 1.5.Apply Site survey equipment Application of wireless: network extension building to building 1.6.Gather RF information and standard last mile data delivery mobility, SOHO key terms access role 1.7.Differentiate infrastructure devices Learning unit 2: configure & manage wireless Learning outcomes 2.1Implement SOHO wireless Contents Types of Infrastructure devices: Learning hours : 35 Learning activities Group discussion access point Brainstorming wireless bridges Exercises Wireless LAN client Demonstration wireless residential & enterprise gateways Documentary Research 136 Resources Books Internet Handout notes Wireless Access Point USB Wireless Adapter Wireless PCI Adapter Wireless PCMCIA Card Antennas Computer Console cable 2.2Implement Enterprise Classification of 802.1xn n/w architecture locating wireless LAN authentication and association services Application of MAC & physical layers 2.3Perform security to the technology applied wireless LAN communicate Interframe spacing Request to send/clear to send (RTS/CTS) Application of Security: wired equivalent privacy 2.4Apply wireless enterprise and residential gateway attacks on wireless LAN’s emerging security policy security policy Security recommendation 137 wireless router wireless repeater computers Learning hours : 10 Learning unit 3 : Write report & documentation Learning outcomes 3.1Write report on business purpose and requirements Contents Measurement study setup Learning activities Exercises Documentary research results WiFi overview 3.2Write report on applied methodology challenge system task Location privacy 3.3Write report on Hardware placement and configuration information threat model Geographical position channel condition Evaluation 3.4 Write report on coverage area of WiFi devices performance 138 Resources Assessment Guidelines Integrated Situation BK wants to set up a secured wireless N /W in its branches. As a network administrator in HIGH-TECH, you are requested to perform that task for the following branches: REMERA, KIMIRONKO and KICUKIRO. Each branch has to be implemented in 3 hours. TASKS AND RESOURCES Tasks Set up a wireless network in BK Remera branch Tools & Equipment Criteria Quality of process(E) Wireless Router Wireless access point Wireless cards Computer Console cables Network toolkit Ladder Set up a wireless network in BK Kimironko branch Set up a wireless network in BK Kicukiro branch Wireless Router Wireless access point Wireless cards Computer Console cables Network toolkit Ladder Indicators 1. The N/W is well planned Wireless Router Wireless access point Wireless cards Computer Console cables Network toolkit Ladder Marks (Site visit, costing, time estimation ,N/W design) 1 2. Tools and materials are well selected 1 3. Required configuration are well done 1 4. Authentication is well implemented 1 139 Passing line per criteria 6/7 Quality of product(E) Relevance(E) Safety and security(E) 5. Wireless devices are well mounted 1 6. Report and documentation are well done 1 7. Testing is well done (Tolerable) 1 1. Connectivity is available (hosts are reachable) 1 2. Transfer rate is acceptable (standards) 1 3. Signal strength is excellent to every host in coverage area (Tolerable) 1 1. 1 Every host in the branch can access the N/W through wireless. 2. Deadline is met 1 3. The required network is respected ( secured wireless network) 1 1. PPE is used( helmet, goggles, gloves, overall) (Tolerable) 1 2. Network devices are physical secured 1 (Rack, lockable area) 3. UPS (Uninterrupted Power Supply) is used. 2/3 3/3 2/3 1 Global Passing Line 13/16 = 80 % SCORING Criteria Quality of the process (E) Relevance ( E ) Quality of product ( E ) Safety ( E ) 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Tasks 1. Task No1 140 Decision 2. Task No2 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 3. Task No3 0-1 0-1 0-1 0-1 Result 3/3 3/3 3/3 3/3 Comments Success= 2/3 Success= 2/3 Success= 2/3 Success=2/3 Success Description: Passing line: 80% and above but all non-tolerated indicators are compulsory thus learners have to succeed in order to pass the criteria. Success of the criteria: 2/3= The Criterion must be assessed through 3 tasks, in order to succeed it the learner should succeed at least in 2 tasks. Success of the module/competence: all of the essential (4) criteria should be successful. 141 CM305 ENTREPRENEURSHIP Competence : Create and manage a small business RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 3 LEARNING HOURS : 30 SECTOR: All SUB-SECTOR: All ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This module describes the skills and knowledge required to prepare a business plan for a small business and operate a small business. At the end of this module, the participants understand the principles and tools behind personal and family money-management. They are able to understand the importance of saving and reducing expenses. They are able to organize and manage personal and household finances. They can create a personal budget and think strategically about their finances. They can evaluate their options for earning money and are familiar with ways to establish and maintain personal credit. They are aware of the risks associated with credit. The participants simulate income-generating activities after which they are familiar with the basic cycles of business. They can plan for income-generating activity expenses and loan repayments. They can keep basic business financial records. They are able to evaluate the risks and opportunities of using credit in income generating contexts. They are able to distinguish between money to be used for investment into their income-generating activities, for their family expenses, and for savings. They learn about different market actors. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE Not applicable 142 LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1. Manage money 2. Keep record and budget 3. Manage a small business 4. Prepare a business plan for a micro business 1.1 Personal financial needs in different life situations are identified. 1.2 The required amount of money for different needs is acquired. 1.3 Money is managed effectively and waste of money is avoided. 1.4 Money is saved in the appropriate manner and within appropriate institution. 1.5 Debts are managed effectively. 2.1 Basic record-keeping is performed adequately. 2.2 A financial plan over a defined period of time is developed. 3.1 The basic business cycle is understood. 3.2 Credit risks and unexpected costs are dealt with appropriately. 3.3 Record-keeping is done on time and adequately. 4.1 The objectives of the small business are realistic, clearly stated and measurable. 143 4.2 The business plan template is filled in appropriately. 4.3 The simulated small business has brought benefits. Learning unit 1: Manage money Learning hours: 10 Learning outcomes 1.1 Analyse financial needs Contents Identify things they need money for Identify how the things they need money for change as their life situations change Learning activities Resources o small group discussion o brainstorming o large group discussion 1.2 Access money Plan how to get money Ways to access money (borrowing, saving and working to earn money) o o o o o small group discussion brainstorming prioritizing role-play large group discussion - Role play scenarios 1.3 Manage money effectively Good ways to manage money Ways that they waste money Ways to cut costs through reducing, recycling, repairing, and reusing Definition of the concept of saving Recognize that not only rich people can save Reasons for saving (unexpected events and specific needs) Savings goals Saving possibilities and institutions o exercise o role-play o large group discussion - Role play scenarios 1.4 Save money o o o o o Brainstorming large group discussion role-play individual goal setting guest speakers 144 1.5 Manage debts Definition of the concept of debt Risks of getting into debt Strategies to avoid debt Strategies to get out of debt o large group discussion o group work o prioritizing - Role play scenarios Learning unit 2: Keep record and budget Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 2.1 Keep basic personal financial records Income Expenses Balance calculations o group work o case study 2.2 Perform basic budgeting Definition of budget Definition of the concept of budgeting Principle of budgeting o group work o case study o individual work 2.3 Develop a financial strategic plan structure of a financial plan o Brainstorming o large group discussion o individual work Resources - Financial fitness plan Learning unit 3: Manage a small business Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes Contents 3.1 Understand the business cycle Basic cycle of business: buying, adding value, selling for profit Allocation of income between the business, personal expenses and savings Importance of maintaining positive cash flow List of possible unexpected expenses or financial events Plan for, and deal with, unexpected financial events 3.2 Deal with unexpected costs Learning activities Resources o simulation game o large group discussion - Entrepreneurs’ profiles - Entrepreneur’s Cycle Chart o simulation game o large group discussion - Life cards for simulation game 145 3.3 Identify the risks of credits 3.4 Fill in a record-keeping sheet Risks and potential benefits of selling to customers on credit Financial risks involved with extending credit to friends and family members Value of keeping records Sections of a record-keeping sheet o simulation game o large group discussion - Life cards for simulation game o simulation game, o large group discussion - Record-keeping template Learning unit 4: Prepare a business plan for a micro business Learning hours: 10 Learning outcomes Contents 4.1 Understand the value of a business plan 4.2 Identify the profit to achieve Value of a business plan Flexibility of a business plan Importance of realistic goals Sections of a business plan Learning activities o simulation game o large group discussion Resources - Entrepreneur’s Cycle Chart - Record-keeping template - Business plan template 4.3 Prepare a business plan 4.4 Operate a business according to the plan Reference books : 1. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 2. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 146 Assessment Guidelines To pass this module, the student has to complete: 1. The portfolio, including: 1. Self assessment 2. What I Need Money For 3. Different Stages of Life 4. Ways to Get Money 5. Ways We Waste Money 6. My Plan to Cut Cost 7. Saving 8. My Savings Goals 9. Where I Can Save 10. Things I Could Owe Money For 11. Avoiding Debt 12. Getting Out of Debt Strategies 13. Basic Record Keeping 14. Basic Budgeting 15. My Personal Budget 16. Differences between Types of Institutions 17. My Personal Financial Fitness Plan 147 18. Cycle of Business (sales, shopping, bank loan, opportunities if business ran out of money) 19. Planning for unexpected Events 20. Selling on credit 21. Financial Record Keeping 22. Business planning 23 Connecting simulation to other learning Those documents are found in the modules 7 and 8 of the Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project 2. An entrepreneurship project or a simulation of entrepreneurship project, with a passing mark of 90% Suggestion of project or project simulation for Carpentry: Jabo is a graduate of Carpentry and a resident of Kinyamakara Sector, he incidentally gets a job in Nyamagabe Centre. He takes two hours journey walk from his residence to the work place, when he hires a motor cycle it costs him at least 1000 Frw and his daily income is 3000 frw. Because of his desire to save, he decides to walk daily and save 2000 frw where he does it for 12 months. This seems so ridiculous among his colleagues but he sticks to his goal and he therefore develops a business idea of creating and managing his own employment at his area which will both develop him and the local community. As a entrepreneurship expert, help Jabo to generate his business idea, make his business plan, create and manage his business initiative. Duration: 1 month Resources Papers Pen Calculator Business plan form 148 Criteria Indicators Scoring Business idea Inspiration to make his own business 4/4 Setting personal goals to save 2000frw per day Market analysis-his home place Determining a time frame Business Plan Written document (the business plan form is filled adequately) 2/2 The business is profitable Financial Management Record keeping: the files and all necessary documents (store sheets, reception notices, invoices) are available 4/4 Expected income and expenditure plans are available The source of income is identified Unexpected costs are considered Business management /execution /implementation Quality products 3/4 Good dealing with customers Good marketing strategies Insurance Cover Total 13/14 Passing line Percentage 93% 149 ICTCM311 INTERNSHIP Competence : Integrate the workplace RTQF LEVEL: 3 CREDITS: 30 LEARNING HOURS : 300 SECTOR: Construction SUB-SECTOR: Welding ISSUE DATE: February 2013 REVIEW DATE: PURPOSE STATEMENT This module describes the skills, knowledge and attitudes required to integrate the workplace for an internship or employment. At the end of this module, participants know how to apply for and present themselves for employment. They demonstrate good time management and show up for work on time. They demonstrate behavior and attitudes that are appropriate for the workplace and understand that workplaces have policies and procedures that need to be followed. They take initiative and responsibility for their own work and know how to work under and respect supervision. Participants are familiar with the rights and responsibilities of workers and employers and have explored ways to exercise rights in the workplace. LEARNING ASSUMED TO BE IN PLACE CM301 OCCUPATION AND LEARNING PROCESS CM302 HEALTH, SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENT IN THE WORKPLACE CM303 COMPUTER LITERACY ICTCM301 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM302 COMPUTER SOFTWARE INSTALLATION ICTCM303 FILE/STORAGE MANAGEMENT ICTCM304 COMPUTER ASSEMBLING ICTCM305 NETWORK COMMUNICATION STANDARDS ICTCM306 COMPUTER SECURITY ICTCM307 WIRED NETWORK ICTCM308 COMPUTER MAINTENANCE 150 ICTCM309 COMPUTER TROUBLESHOOTING ICTCM310 WIRELESS NETWORK LEARNING UNITS AND PERFORMANCE CRITERIA Learning units describe the essential outcomes of a competence. Performance criteria describe the required performance needed to demonstrate achievement of the learning unit. Learning unit Performance criteria By the end of the module, the trainee will be able to : 1. Apply for internship / employment 2. Demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviour and attitudes 3. Have a good understanding of worker’s and employer’s rights and responsibilities 1.1 Appropriate resources in the community or nationwide are used to find employment information. 1.2 A basic CV that is accurate and neat is written. 1.3 Application letters that target specific jobs or types of jobs are written. 1.4 Effective interviewing skills are demonstrated. 2.1 Appropriate workplace habits and attitudes are observed. 2.2 Strategies to manage time effectively are implemented. 2.3 Personal and work lives are managed efficiently. 3.1 Worker’s and employer’s obligations according to the Rwandan Labour code are understood. 151 4. Organise and evaluate one’s internship 5. Develop one’s competences on the workplace 3.2 The worker’s responsibilities are performed on the workplace. 3.3 Exercise rights on the workplace. 4.1 The internship agreement is concluded with the enterprise. 4.2 The internship report contains all the required elements as well as one’s own findings and experience. 4.3 Active participation in the assessment of one’s internship. 5.1 The tasks assigned according the agreement with the enterprise are performed adequately. 5.2 Positive response and active participation in meetings with the “maître de stage” 5.3 Adequate work behaviour and attitudes are demonstrated Learning unit 1: Apply for internship / employment Learning hours: 8 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities Resources 1.1 Identify and use resources to find a job Resources to find employment in the community and at national level Identify contact persons o o o o - Job announcements and information: newspaper advertisements; information from recruitment agencies, youth organizations such as YES Rwanda and government agencies such as the RDB, WDA; sample advertisements posted on business walls or bulletin boards, internet websites, small group work panel discussion large group discussion speakers 152 through cooperatives… 1.2 Write a Curriculum Vitae (CV) and an application letter o large group discussion Differences between a CV and o individual work an application letter o pair work Types of application letters Elements of a well written CV Elements of an application letter - Sample cvs and application letters - Format of an application letter 1.3 Take part in an interview Main parts of an interview Interviewing tips : what to do before, during and after the interview Typical questions asked during an interview Q - Interview observation tool o small group work o interview role plays o large group discussion Learning unit 2: Demonstrate appropriate workplace behaviour and attitudes Learning hours: 5 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities 2.1 Identify appropriate workplace behaviours and attitudes Appropriate workplace behaviours and attitudes (dress code, time management, respect, honesty, integrity, work as a team member) Work habits (cooperation, initiative, courtesy, constructive criticism, supervision, accuracy, pace of work, time usage, adaptability, personal appearance, attendance, punctuality) Importance of task planning and managing time Strategies to better manage time o small group work o large group discussion o brainstorming Common situations that make it challenging to balance work & o large group discussion o individual work 2.2 Manage time 2.3 Balance work and o o o o Resources - Workplace behaviour scenarios - Work habits inventory large group discussion small group activity (tower building) reflection pair sharing 153 - Scenarios : “Did S/he Do the Right Thing?” personal life personal life Tips to manage personal and work lives o self assessment o pair sharing Learning unit 3: Have a good understanding of worker’s and employer’s rights and responsibilities Learning hours: 8 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities Resources 3.1 Be familiar with the universal human rights Definition of “right” and “human right” Universal Declaration of Human Rights Definition of “responsibility” Relationship between rights and responsibilities o small group work o large group discussion Universal Declaration of Human Rights – plain language version ‘Rights’ (what you can expect your employer to provide) ‘responsibilities’ (what your employer can expect that you will do) Legal obligations of employers Legal obligations of workers o large group discussion o small group work o skits - Worksheet on Rights and Responsibilities at Work. o o o o Possible solutions or responses in case the Labour Code is broken o small group work o scenario analysis o large group discussion - Statements and Answers for Agree/Disagree Game on Rwandan Labour Law - Articles 47 and 48 of the Labour Code - Labour Code Scenarios - Labour Code Excerpts 3.2 Explore one’s personal rights and responsibilities 3.3 Identify one’s rights and responsibilities at work 3.4 Become familiar with some of the provisions of the Rwandan Labour Law 3.5 React appropriately when the Labour Code is broken o individual work o pair share o large group brainstorming and discussion large group activity discussion small group work observation 154 Learning unit 4: Organise and evaluate one’s internship Learning hours: 9 Learning outcomes Contents Learning activities Resources 4.1 Conclude an internship agreement Definition of the concept “internship” Objectives of the internship Presentation of internship agreement Presentation of the logbook Tips to fill in the logbook o Brainstorming o Group discussion o Presentation by the trainer - Sample internship agreement o Presentation by the trainer - Logbook 4.3 Write and present the report of the internship Contents of the internship report Presentation techniques o Group discussion o Role play - Sample internship report 4.4 Participate actively to the assessment of one’s internship Internship assessment and selfassessment guidelines o Group discussion o Presentation by the trainer 4.2 Outline one’s findings and experience Learning unit 5: Develop one’s competences on the workplace Learning hours: 270 Reference books : 1. Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 2. Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. 155 Assessment Guidelines In order to pass this module, the student must complete and submit to the trainer: The portfolio, including: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Interview Observation Tool Work habits inventory CV and Application letter writing Rights & Responsibilities Drawing Worksheet on Rights and Responsibilities at Work Rights & Responsibilities Statements Observation form for demonstration Using Rwandan Labor Law Those documents are found in Work Readiness Training Programme – Trainer’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project, modules 3 and 6. And complete (or have the relevant person to complete) and submit to the school and company: 9. Industry Attachment Company logbook 10. Industry Attachment Director/liaison officer logbook, including the Overall Assessment by Company Supervisor with a minimal C grade 11. Industry Attachment Student’s logbook, including a 90% attendance score Documents 1 to 3 are found in the module 3; Work habits and conducts, of Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. Documents 4 to 8 are found in the module 6, Rights and responsibility of employers and employees, of Work Readiness Training Programme – Participant’s Manual, Akazi Kanoze – Youth Livelihoods Project. Documents 9 to 11 are the WDA’s/JICA TVET Industrial attachment program (IAP) set of documents. 156 157