OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College 17 March 2011 Teacher of Mathematics Thank you for your interest in a teaching position at Ossett Academy. Please find enclosed the Academy Application Pack. If you have any queries please do not hesitate to contact the school on 01924 232820 or email recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk. Yours sincerely Julie Hazell Julie Hazell HR Administrator Ossett Academy & Sixth Form College Storrs Hill Road Wakefield WF5 0DG ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College APPLICATION PACK TEACHER OF MATHEMATICS Contents Information for applicants Key Information Aims of the Academy Summary of the OFSTED Report Performance Information Child Protection Policy Verification and Checking Procedures Job Description Department Information ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS Thank you for requesting details about this post. The following paragraphs provide some background and contextual information about our Academy. We offer a caring environment that promotes responsibility in young people and we are committed to making education an enjoyable, rewarding and stimulating experience. At the heart of our work is the desire to develop all members of our community by creating a supportive learning ethos for students, teachers and associate staff. We expect, and achieve, high standards of in both curricular and co-curricular activities and we always demand high standards of discipline. We also expect a thoroughly professional approach from all our staff. We have an excellent blend of experienced and younger teachers at the Academy and we are keen to promote their on-going professional development and learning. We have a dedicated Professional Learning Centre. The school was founded in 1735 as a boys’ school and moved to the present site as a coeducational grammar school in 1906. The school gained comprehensive status in 1969. The buildings are very varied, the original Victorian house is at the centre of the site and other buildings date from various decades with the most recent block being built in the late 90’s. A new £2.5 million Sixth Form Centre opened in September 2005. The old Victorian house is now used for administrative purposes and departments are in suites throughout the various additions to the building. The school has some excellent specialist accommodation for ICT, Maths, Drama, MFL, Technology and all science labs have recently been refurbished. We also have a Swimming Pool and a Sports Hall. Ossett is a truly comprehensive school. The intake has a very broad socio-economic mix and includes children with real special needs alongside the academic ‘high-flyers’. Well over 70% of our students pursue their education beyond 16. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College INFORMATION FOR APPLICANTS (contd.) The school is massively oversubscribed and continues to grow. Our current population is more than 1800 with over 400 of these students in the sixth form. We have over 200 staff. It is a group 8 school. Many schools refer to themselves as being in an ‘exciting phase’ of development. In our case we really are with a growing roll, new buildings, a vibrant Student Voice and some excellent support from parents, this is exemplified by an active Parents Forum. We achieved the Investors in People award in March 2004. We are also a recently formed ‘convertor’ academy and our family of schools work in close partnership as part of Education Ossett Community Trust (EOCT) which includes primary schools and Highfield Special School. We have the Investors in People award. We also are amongst the first state comprehensive schools in eth country to obtain a second specialism (sport). The participation rate in co-curricular activities is excellent and we have great strengths in Sport and The Arts. The Academy has received a wide range of accreditation in recent years. There is a very positive ethos in the school and a culture of optimism throughout out wider community. Ossett has a rich history and we attempt to preserve some worthy traditions at the same time as creating an Academy with a modern outlook. We are committed to working in partnership with directors, governors and parents. Ossett offers an excellent environment for a person wishing to have their professionalism recognised, challenged and developed. If you have a passion for education, and a genuine interest in the development of young people, we would love to hear from you. Ossett Academy is now part of the newly formed ‘Education Ossett Community Trust’ and works closely in partnership with Highfields School and other schools within the Pyramid. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College KEY INFORMATION The Senior Leadership Group: Martin Beedle Joanna Crewe Katie Hayter Tracy Jackson Lynne Lockwood Matthew Partington Martin Shevill Michaela Sill Dimitris Spiliotis Neil Stott Justine Tipler Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Principal Associate Principal Vice Principal Principal Assistant Principal Assistant Assistant Assistant Professional Learning Teaching & Learning Teaching & Learning Finance & Environment Curriculum & Learning Student Voice / KS4 Strategic Development Professional Learning Director of Specialism New Technologies Inclusion / KS3 Director of Sixth Form Chair of Governors & Directors: David Drake JP Number on roll: 1810 (including 440 in the Sixth Form) Admission limit: 270 (this is always exceeded) Annual Expenditure 2008/2009: £9 million Free School Meals Band: 7% There are five main feeder schools (Primary and Junior) and three further infant schools in our pyramid. Attendance: 94% Last inspection: January 2007 Performance data at all key stages places us as a nationally. Our value added data is particularly strong. The Academy has been a specialist Technology College since 1995 and obtained a second specialism, Sport in 2006. The Academy is one of the top performing Technology Colleges in the country. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College KEY INFORMATION (contd.) National Leader in Education/ National Support School The school was awarded Investors in People Status in January 2011 (Third time) We have strong links with local universities for initial Teacher Training The School was awarded the Healthy Schools award in February 2006 TDA Partnership Development lead School for ITT GTC Teacher Learning Academy Hub School The Academy is an “early adopter” school for workforce remodelling ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College AIMS OF THE SCHOOL: To be a dynamic learning community that promotes enjoyment, opportunities and friendship. To promote excellence by inspiring students to realise their full potential, achieve high standards and have the courage to accept new challenges. To maintain a safe, caring and healthy environment for all which creates hopes, dreams and aspirations. To develop life-long learners with the skills and determination to succeed in an ever changing technological world. To develop self-awareness and tolerance towards others with different cultures and beliefs. To create responsible members of a local, national and international community who promote equality and respect and understand the value of our environment and its future. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College SUMMARY OF THE OFSTED INSPECTION REPORT – JANUARY 2007 Overall effectiveness of the school: Grade 1 – Outstanding Effectiveness and efficiency of the Sixth Form: Grade 1 – Outstanding Achievement and standards: Grade 2 – Good Personal Development and well-being: Grade 1 – Outstanding Teaching and Learning: Grade 2 – Good Curriculum and other activities: Grade 1 – Outstanding Care, guidance and support: Grade 1 – Outstanding Leadership and management: Grade 1 - Outstanding “I am extremely grateful that we live in the catchment area of this school” (Parent) “This is an excellent school with a strong sense of discipline.” (Parent) “This is a school worth getting out of bed for.” (Student) “We are all here to learn!” (Student) “Students feel very safe and extremely well cared for, achieving well with obvious pride and enjoyment in their work!” “Relationships are excellent and are underpinned by mutual trust and respect; resulting in highly motivated students and an atmosphere that is conducive to high quality learning.” “The visionary leadership of the Headteacher, in conjunction with the strength of other managers, relentlessly strives to improve the school.” “The good quality of teaching and learning and a stimulating curriculum with superb enrichment activities enables students to achieve well in all subjects.” “The leadership and management of the Sixth Form are outstanding.” “Good progress is largely a result of consistently good teaching, but students’ own enthusiastic attitude to learning is also an important factor.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College SUMMARY OF THE OFSTED INSPECTION REPORT – JANUARY 2007 (contd.) “The previous inspection report identified this as a school where it is ‘cool to learn’ and this remains the case.” “There are various councils where students take responsibility and make their views known!” “Students learn well because teaching is consistently good and often outstanding.” “Relationships between teachers and students are excellent and this is reflected in the way in which students work exclusively hard and behave brilliantly.” “The school offers a superb menu of extra-curricular activities.” “Parents appreciate the care that teachers and other members of staff provide for students.” “The Headteacher, Senior Leaders and Governors are totally committed to getting the best deal for the students. They are highly self-critical and are not complacent about the work of the school or about the ways in which they want to further improve it. Middle Managers are strong and play an important role in determining a way forward.” “The Headteacher has very high expectations and a clear vision for the school; this is shared and respected by staff, parents and students.” “There has been a raft of initiatives since the previous inspection and things have improved greatly.” “Professional development is seen as a crucial tool in improving the way teachers teach and managers manage. The result is a workforce that strives to better itself.” “Governors understand how well the school is doing and what needs improving and this is a shared approach that creates the outstanding capacity to improve.” ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College 2010 GSCE Exam Results 5 A* - C including English and Mathematics 63% 5 A* - C not including English and Mathematics over 95% ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College CHILD PROTECTION POLICY Mission Statement: Every child in Ossett School is precious and must be protected from any form of harm. POLICY AIMS To encourage vigilance in teachers and other adults in school, so that child neglect or abuse can be recognised To ensure sensitive and appropriate treatment of young people disclosing information about abuse or neglect To ensure clear procedures are in place for staff to follow, when they suspect that a student is being neglected or abused To ensure that students involved in work related or off-site experience are not put at risk To ensure that appropriate contacts are made with the investigative agencies outside school TEACHER RESPONSIBLE – Mr N Stott is the named person for Child Protection issues. The policy runs with co-operation between School and Social Care Direct. CURRENT POLICY Child abuse means harming a child - this can be mentally, physically, sexually or by neglect. As teachers or associate staff it is our responsibility to be vigilant in observing young people and if we suspect that abuse is taking place, to pass on such suspicions to the investigative agencies (i.e. Social Services and Police). Schools are not investigative agencies and undue questioning of a child may cause unnecessary suffering and may undermine the actions of Social Care Direct and the Police. However, all school staff need to be vigilant and if any suspicions arise they need to take appropriate action. Observation There are many symptoms of abuse which teachers, particularly Form Tutors and other staff, are in a good position to notice. These are some of them, but this is by no means an exhaustive list: Bruises, lacerations, burns - these may indicate physical abuse. Inadequate clothing, poor growth, hunger, failure to flourish may be signs of physical neglect. Excessive dependence, or attention seeking, may be signs of emotional neglect. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College Substantial behavioural changes, precocity, or withdrawal, may be signs of sexual abuse. Changes in patterns of attendance Action of Staff on becoming suspicious Ask simple questions of the students to see if there is an innocent explanation of injury. These tactful questions may dispel concern, but be aware that abused children do sometimes cover up their problems. If you are still suspicious, or prefer not to mention it to the student, pass on the information to Learning Leaders/designated person. If a student decides to disclose a problem to you, you must tell them that you cannot keep it secret. Once the initial disclosure has been made, do not discuss the matter further, reassure the child and then bring him/her to the named person or the Learning Leader. The school should not investigate further, having ascertained that there is reasonable suspicion that abuse is taking place. Learning Leader/Pastoral Officer Learning Leader responsibilities: Pass on any information about suspected abuse to designated teacher or, in the absence of a designated teacher, to the Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher, as soon as it is known and before information is passed on to Social Care Direct. Pass on to the Designated Person information given to them by police or social care direct regarding any student being investigated by these agencies. Inform the Designated Person of what has been said when requests for information are made by Social Care Direct/Police. Written records of such contacts should be kept. Attend Child Protection Conferences, as appropriate, and keep records. Alert Designated Person if a student who is subject to a Child Protection Plan is absent without apparent reason or leaves school, so that action can be taken to pass information to other school/agencies. The Designated Person This is the person designated by the school to be responsible for child protection matters within the School. In the absence of the Designated Person, Headteacher or Deputy Headteacher should assume responsibilities. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College Designated Person’s Responsibilities: Informing staff of child abuse procedures Ensuring that procedures are clear and up to date To liaise with the ‘Next Steps’ team to ensure work related and off-site provision is safe and appropriate Liaison with staff and Learning Leaders when suspicions about abuse are aroused Reporting suspicion of abuse to Social Care Direct and reporting to a Local Authority Designated Officer action taken and keeping a copy of this report Discussing problems which arise with Social Care Direct, prior to referral Keeping confidential records of students who are subject to a Child Protection Plan Reporting to Social Care Direct if children on the Register leave suddenly, so that they can be traced Ensuring that the appropriate member of staff will attend Case Conferences and submitting written reports as requested by Social Care Direct Community Team Manager Care of Referred Students When a referral to Social Care Direct has been made on grounds of Child Protection or Children and Families at Risk, the designated person should continue to deal with the student until Social Services involvement is ended. The designated person should liaise with Learning Leaders/Pastoral Officers about the issues, keeping him/her fully informed. Learning Leaders/Pastoral Officers to continue to have normal contact with the referred student on discipline, attendance etc., but the designated person to keep an overview of the situation. Training All Learning Leaders are aware of Child Protection issues and can be approached by Form Tutors. All ITT and NQT colleagues will receive training as part of their induction during the first six weeks of term. New staff should undergo basic Child Protection Training as part of their Induction. All staff will also have access to online Child Protection training provided by Wakefield District Safeguarding Children board. Basic Child Protection training will take place at least every 3 years. The designated person will obtain access to resources and attend relevant or refresher courses at least every two years. POLICY REVIEW AND DEVELOPMENT Review is by discussion at the time of any incident and by an annual meeting of Learning Leaders and the designated person. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College WORK RELATED LEARNING Every effort will be taken to safeguard students when taking part in placements away from school. Students will not be allocated work placements where they are working with one person, with exception of a close family member. Students will not be permitted to be carried by vehicle alone whilst on work related learning. Students will not be permitted to undertake work related learning with a residential element. POLICY MONITORING The policy is to be monitored annually. Discussion regarding policy for all schools to be brought to Wakefield District Safeguarding Children Board meetings. CHILD PROTECTION VERIFICATION AND CHECKING PROCEDURES The School has rigorous vetting procedures in order to safeguard children’s well-being and to ensure the voracity of information relating to the candidate. All people employed to work at or by the School will be subject to an enhanced CRB check prior to starting employment. For the successful candidates, the recruitment panel will: Check that there are no unexplained gaps in employment. investigated Check original copies of qualifications (at interview) Check proof of identity documents (passports etc at interview) Ensure the CRB check is put in motion Ensure that (2) references are appropriately headed and signed. Where not, these will be investigated If there are, these will be ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College The HR Manager will: Issue the Statement of Main Terms at the Headteacher’s or Chair’s instruction Arrange for the CRB check to be completed Verify QTS through the GTC, if applicable References: To ensure voracity, testimonials will not normally be accepted, nor will references provided by the candidate. Time constraints may dictate acceptance of references by fax or email. However, a signed original must confirm such references. Appointments will only be made subject to satisfactory receipt of such original paper copies of reference. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College Ossett Academy and Sixth Form College is committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of students and expects all staff to share this commitment. POST TITLE: SUBJECT TEACHER REPORTING TO: CURRICULUM TEAM LEADER / CURRICULUM CO-ORDINATOR DS Leaders will be responsible for monitoring the effectiveness of the intervention strategies and the behaviour, uniform and attendance of students within individual communities. GRADE: MPS LOCATION: OSSETT ACADEMY OVERALL PURPOSE OF THE POST: To deliver the national curriculum in your specialist subject(s) across the age and ability range and contribute to the curriculum and professional development of the school. To uphold and promote the schools’ child protection and safeguarding policies and procedures and ensure they are adhered to by all staff. To promote the safety and wellbeing of students. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College Knowledge, skills, experience and behaviours required for the post: KNOWLEDGE SKILLS, EXPERIENCE & BEHAVIOURS Essential Desirable Commitment to on-going professional development (school, SSAT, NCSL, TLA) Willingness to work towards further degree/TLA recognition Ability to work flexibly and constructively as part of a team, understanding school roles and responsibilities and own position within these. Ability to self-evaluate, reflect and change strategies according to student need. Innovative and willingness to take risks. Working knowledge of relevant policies/codes of practice/legislation. Work within the GTC professional standards. Understanding of the issues surrounding the safeguarding of children and commitment to child welfare and safety. Knowledge of child protection procedures. QUALIFICATIONS Degree or equivalent in your subject(s) Relevant teaching qualification (PGCE/QTS) Masters level qualification Preparedness to work towards TLA Recognition ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College RESPONSIBILITIES AND ACCOUNTABILITIES: A Main Scale Teacher should … Teach the subject(s) to National Curriculum and school requirements including GCSE and possibly AS/A2 under the direction of the Lead Teacher. To foster enthusiasm and enjoyment for the subject. To assist in the development of strategies to enhance teaching and learning. To maintain a well disciplined and purposeful learning environment. To record and maintain student progress in line with school policy. To attend and participate in meetings called by Middle and Senior Leaders in the school. General To promote the aims of the Academy. To liaise with the Curriculum Team Leader. To maintain standards set for safety. To ensure that whole school policies are implemented. To ensure the ethos of the school is maintained, particularly with reference to care, safety, respect and uniform. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College Responsibility for resources People No Line Management responsibilities Budgets None Physical resources None Characteristics of the post: (e.g. non standard working arrangements and/or conditions, physical requirements such as lifting, mobility etc.) None Employment checks required of this post: Evidence of entitlement to work in the UK Evidence of essential qualifications – see page 2 of this specification Two satisfactory references An Enhanced CRB Disclosure Pre-Employment Health Screening Questionnaire ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk OSSETT ACADEMY & SIXTH FORM COLLEGE A Specialist Technology and Sports College Mathematics Department There are thirteen mathematics teachers in the Mathematics Department at Ossett School, with an excellent mixture of youth and experience. The department is housed in a relatively new building which also houses the Mathematics Office, and workroom and several mathematics stores. All of the classrooms are equipped with an interactive whiteboard. The department has a history of success at advanced level and has always offered A-level Further Mathematics as an option. We deliver a range of modules based around the Edexcel specification. In year 12 students take C1, C2, and S1 modules, and in year 13 the C3, C4, and M1 modules. Further Mathematics students study Fp1, FP2, D1, D2, M2, & M3 modules. In June of this year 68% of our A level students gained an A*-C grade, including 2 A*'s. At Key Stage 4 we offer the AQA GCSE modular course to most of our students, however currently, the two top sets follow a linear Edexcel mathematics GCSE. Our main resource for the two-tier system in Mathematics at GCSE is from Collins Educational. In June of this year 71.4% of our GCSE students gained an A*-C grade. At Key Stage 3 our students are set by mathematical ability early in Year 7. We have two parallel bands of five sets. The department is well resourced and we have class sets of various texts available including; Collins, CPL, Key Maths and New National Framework Maths. The Mathematics team enjoy a very good environment and we are well resourced with new technologies and appropriate mathematics software, which can be accessed from any of the many computers we have on our school network. Ossett is an outstanding school, well supported and well led, with an excellent staff, well motivated students, and positive relationships. We consider ourselves to be a forward looking and positive department who look to nurture and develop its staff, within a hardworking team of professionals. ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Academy, Storrs Hill Road, Ossett, West Yorkshire, WF5 0DG Tel 01924 232820 Website: www.ossett.wakefield.sch.uk Email: recruitment@ossett.wakefield.sch.uk