PS320 INTERNATIONAL POLITICS FALL, 2010 PROFESSOR DARRYL ROBERTS TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY DEPARTMENT OF POLITICAL SCIENCE OFFICE: BIOETHICS CENTER, 70-107, PHONE: 334-7278560 678-488-6981 24/7 TEXTBOOKS John Rourke, International Politics ON THE WORLD STAGE. Joan Spero and Jeffrey Hart, The Politics of International Economic Relations. Andrew J. Bacevitch, The Limits of Power James P. Davis, The Rowman & Littlefield Guide to Writing with Sources. Recommended: Esposito, Unholy War. Charles Beitz, Political Theory and International Relations. Gregory Baum, Nationalism, Religion, and Ethics Robert Solomon, Money on the Move Williams, Goldstein, Shafritz, Classic Readings in International Relations J. L. Austin, How to Do Things With Words. Michael Doyle, Ways of War and Peace. Dougherty and Pfaltzgraff, Contending Theories of International Relations. Joseph Nye, The Paradox of Power. COURSE REQUIREMENTS: CLASS ATTENDANCE IS MANDATORY Writing Sample 5 % Case 10% PAPER I 20% EXAMINATION I 20% CLASS ATTENDANCE AND PREPARATION 5% FINAL PAPER 20% EXIT EXAMINATION 5% E-PORTFOLIO AND EMPIRICAL SELF-EVALUATIONS 15% MAKEUP EXAMINATIONS ARE STRICTLY FORBIDDEN. THE SCALE FOR GRADES IS: 90% AND ABOVE-A; 80%-89% B; 79-70%,C; 60-69, D; AND BELOW 60%,E. I RESERVE THE RIGHT TO CHANGE COURSE SCHEDULE AND REQUIREMENTS SHOULD IT BECOME NECESSARY! ALL WORK MUST BE STORED ON CD-ROM AND SUBMITTED WITH SELFEVALUATIONS AT THE CONCLUSION OF SEMESTER. All STUDENTS WHO ENGAGE IN PLAGIARISM RECEIVE FAILING GRADES . SHOULD WE EXPERIENCE A VERIFIABLE POWER OUTAGE, ALL WORK IS DUE 24 HOURS FROM THE TIME OF THE POWER OUTAGE. CELL PHONES ARE NOT PERMITTED IN THE CLASSROOM, AND STUDENTS MAY NOT RECORD OR TRANSMIT LECTURES OR EXAMINATIONS. All STUDENTS MUST SUBMIT SEMINAR PAPERS TO TURNITIN.COM PRIOR TO FINAL SUBMISSION. ALL WORK MUST BE SUBMITTED USING YOUR TUSKEGEE UNIVERSITY EMAIL ACCOUNT STUDENTS MAY NOT RETAKE ELECTRONIC EXAMINATIONS BY LOGGING OFF THE NETWORK, AND SUBSEQUENTLY LOGGING ON STUDENTS HAVE A SINGLE OPPORTUNITY TO COMPLETE ELECTRONIC EXAMINATIONS. STUDENTS WHO LOGON THE NETWORKTO RETAKE AN EXAMINATION WILL RECEIVE A FAILING GRADE ON THE EXAMINATION. MOST OF THE REQUIRED READINGS MAY ACCESSED AT JSTOR.ORG. ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIREDTO APPEAR FOR EXIT EXAMINATIONS. CLASS PROJECTS AND EXIT EXAMINATIONS WILL BE SCHEDULED ACCORDINGLY! POORLY WRITTEN WORK IS UNACCEPTABLE IN ANY FORM. STUDENTS MUST READ ALL CLASS READINGS PRIOR TO ATTENDING CLASS. STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO BRING SELECTED BOOKS TO CLASS FOR EVERY CLASS PERIOD. ALL CELL PHONES MUST BE POWEREDOFF PRIOR TO CLASS. STUDENTS WHO FAIL TO ATTEND CLASS MUST SEND ME AN EMAIL MESSAGE THAT EXPLAINS THEIR ABSENCE PRIOR TO THE NEXT REGULARLY SCHEDULED CLASS SESSION. All PAPERS MUST BE WRITTEN USING MICROSOFT WORD, AND USING TIMES ROMAN FONT,10 PITCHWITH ONE INCH MARGINS. ALL STUDENTS ARE REQUIRED TO ACQUIRE A VIRTUAL LIBRARY CARD. PLEASE SEE THE REFERENCE LIBRARIANS FOR DETAILS. LATE PAPERS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED. ALL EPAPERS MUST BE SUBMITTED TO IPOLITICALSCIENCE@GMAIL.COM. CLASS SCHEDULE Thursday, August 26, 2010 Introduction ETHICS, COURSE GUIDELINES, AND STANDARDS I James P. Davis, The Rowman & Littlefield Guide to Writing with Sources. Recommended: J. L. Austin, How to Do Things With Words II Hermeneutics and International Relations Rolnad Bleiker, Discourse and Human Agency, in Contemporary Political Theory, 2, 2003, pp. 25-47. Natal’ia E. Gronskaia, “The Virtual Space of language,” Russian Politics and Law, Vol. 44, 1, January-February, 2008, pp. 42-54. K.M. Fierke, “Links Across the Abyss: Language and Logic in International Relations,” International Studies Quarterly, 46, 2002, pp. 331-354. Alexander Anievas, “Critical Dialogues: Habermasian Social Theory and International Relations,” Politics, Vol. 25, No. 3, 2005, pp. 135-143. Tuesday, August 31, 2010 Session I Philosophy, History, and International Affairs Charles Beitz, Political Theory and International Relations. WRITING SAMPLE DUE (SUBMIT ELECTRONICALLY AND BRING HARD COPY TO CLASS) Recommended Readings: Hedley Bull, "Hobbes and the International Anarchy", Social Research, 1993, pp. 717-738. Hedley Bull, The Anarchical Society, pp. 3-76 Hedley Bull, "Society and Anarchy in International Relations," in Herbert Butterfield and Martin Wight, (eds.), Diplomatic Investigations (London: Allen and Unwin,1966),pp.35-50. J. Fitzpatrick, "The 'Image of International Society' in Anglo-American International Relations Theory," (unpublished MS). H. Bull and A. Watson, eds., The Expansion of International Society, pp. 19,11726,217-228,357-370,407-436. S. Hoffmann, "Hedley Bull and His Contribution to International Relations, International Affairs 62,2 (Spring 1986):179-195. Chadwick Alger, "Comparison of Intra-National and International Politics," APSR, vol. 57 (June 1963), pp. 406-419. Roger Masters, "World Politics as a Primitive Political System" World Politics, Vol. 16 (July 1964), pp. 595-619. F.H. Hinsley, Power and the Pursuit of Peace, chps. 8-17. H. Bull and A. Watson, eds., The Expansion of International Society H. Holborn, The Political Collapse of Europe. A.J.P. Taylor, The Struggle for Mastery in Europe. E.H. Carr, The Twenty Years Crisis. J.L. Gaddis, Strategies of Containment P. Armstrong, A. Glyn, J. Harrison, Capitalism since World War R. Rogowski, "Structure, Growth and Power," International Organization (Autumn 1983): 713-738. R. Gilpin, War and Change in World Politics, chps. 1-3. M. Olson, The Rise and Decline of Nations, pp. 1-118. D. North, Structure and Change in Economic History, chps. 1-6,15. A. Field, "The Problem with Neoclassical Institutional Economics,"Explorations in Economic History (1981), pp. 174-198. J.A. Caporaso, "Microeconomics and International Political Economy: The Neoclassical Approach to Institutions," in E.-O. Czempiel and J.N. Rosenau,eds., Global Changes and Theoretical Challenges, pp. l35-60. D.R. Cameron, "Distributional Coalitions and Other Sources of Economic Stagnation: On Olson's Rise and Decline of Nations," International Organization 42,4 (Autumn 1988): 561-604. D. Mueller, ed., The Political Economy of Growth. R. Rosecrance, The Rise of the Trading State. D. North and R. Thomas, "An Economic Theory of the Growth of the Western World," Economic History Review (1970). "Symposium: Mancur Olson on the Rise and the Decline of Nations," International Studies Quarterly (March 1983): 3-38. K.W. Deutsch, Nationalism and Its Alternatives. chps. 1-3. B. Anderson, Imagined Communities. ETHICS AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS SESSION II I John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, "Evolution of the World Political System", pp. 32-55. Joseph Nye, Ali Mazrui,Pierre Hassner, Stanley Hoffman”Superpower Ethics, Ethics and International Affairs,Volume 1, 1987. Jonathan Ban, Health as a Global Challenge, Seton Hall Journal of Diplomacy and International Relations, Vol. IV, No. 2,Summer/Fall 2003, pp. 19-28. II Human Rights CASES Iraq, Kosovo,Rwanda-Burundi Thursday, September 2, 2010 Session III Space and International Relations Charles Weiss, “Science, Technology, and International Relations,” Technology in Society, 27, 2005, pp., 295-313. Bruce Deblois, Richard L. garwin, R. Scott Kemp, and Jeremy C. Marwell, Space Weapons: Crossing the U.S. Rubicon, International Security, Vol. 29, Fall, 2010, No. 2, pp. 50-84. Ashton Carter, Satellite Warfare, in International Security. Simon P. Worden and Bruce P. Jackson,"Space,Power, and Strategy" Recommended: Pierre Lellouche, Yves Boyer, Eva Kulesza,Jerome Paolini, Satellite Warfare:A Challenge for the International Community Tuesday, September 7, 2010 Session IV Globalization, THEOCRACY, AND INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Ronen Palan, “Constructivism and Globalization: From Encounters to Units,” Cambridge Review of International Affairs, Vol. 17, No. 1, 2004, pp. 11-22. Esposito, Unholy War. Thursday, September 9, 2010 SESSION V Theory and International Relations Daniele Archibugi, Cosmopolitanism Democracy and its Critics, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 10, No. 3, 2005. Fred Dallymyr, “Globalization and Inequality: A Plea for Cosmopolitanism Justice.” John Lewis Gaddis, "Theory and the End of the Cold War", International Security, Volume 17, No. 3. Jill Steans, Engaging From the Margins: Feminist Encounters With the ‘Mainstream’ of International Relations, British Journal of Politics and International Relations, Vol. 5, No. 3, August, 2003, pp. 428-454. Recommended: Shivdeep Singh Greewald, Habermas and a Cosmopolitan Europe, European Integration, Vol. 2, 2005, pp. 191-215. George Liska, "The Vital Triad: International Relations Theory, History, and Social Philosophy", Social Research, 1993, pp. 700-716. E.-O. Czempiel and J.N. Rosenau, eds., Global Changes and Theoretical Challenges. chps. 1 and 14. K.J. Holsti, The Dividing Discipline: Hegemony and Diversity in International Theory. H. Alker and T. Biersteker, "The Dialectics of World Order: Notes for a future Archaeologist of International Savoir Faire," InternationalStudies Quarterly (1984), pp. 121-142. Rapoport, "Various Meanings of 'Theory"' in J. Rosenau, ed., International Politics and Foreign Policy, 1st ed., pp. 42-52. Alker, "The Long Road to International Relations Theory," World Politics. S. Hoffmann, ed., Contending Theories of lnternational Relations. Knorr and Verba, The International System, articles by Singer, Hoffmann, Modelski. Knorr and Rosenau, Contending Approaches to International Relations (Chps.byBull and Kaplan). H. Butterfield and M. Wight, eds., Diplomatic Investigations, pp. 17-34. S. Hoffmann, The State of War, chp. 1. R. Aron, "What is a Theory of International Relations?" Journal of International Affairs (1967). LABORATORY SESSION MANDATORY ONLINE DIAGNOSTIC (PAGEOUT) CASE DUE **BOOKCHECK** (All students must purchase Required Texts) Tuesday, September 14, 2010 Session VI Theory and International Politics Kenneth Waltz, Theory of International Politics, pp. 1-17; 38-78; 88-101. J. David Singer, "The Incompleat Theorists: Insight without Evidence", in Klaus Knorr and James N. Rosenau, ed., Contending Approaches to International Politics Hedley Bull, "Tradition", in Klaus Knorr and James N. Rosenau, ed., Contending Approaches to International Politics Recommended Readings: R. Aron, "What is a Theory of International Relations?" Journal of International Affairs (1967). Jervis, Robert, Perception and Misperception in International Politics,pp.13-31. Waltz, Kenneth, Man. The State. and War. *Oran R. Young, "Professor Russett: Industrious Tailor to a Naked Emperor,"World Politics (April 1969), pp. 486-511. *Bruce M. Russett, "The Young Science of International Politics, "World Politics (October 1969), pp. 87-94. Thursday, September 16, 2010 Session VII Comparative Method and Research Qualitative and Quantitative Matters Thomas P. Pepinsky, From Agents to Outcomes,’ Simulations in International Relations, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 11, 3, 2000 (?) Evan Liberman, “Nested Analysis as a Mixed-Method Strategy for Comparative Research,” in American Political Science Review, Vol. 99, No. 3, 2005. Robert D. English, “Sources, Methods, and Competing Perspectives on the End of the Cold War,” Diplomatic History , Vol. 21, No. 2 (Spring 1997), pp. 283–294. William C. Wohlforth, “Reality Check: Revising Theories of International Politics in Response to the End of the Cold War,” World Politics, Vol. 50, No. 4 (July 1998), pp. 675–679. Stephen G. Brooks and William C. Wolforth, From Old Thinking To New Thinking in Qualitative Research, International Security Thomas P. Pepinsky, From Agents to Outcomes,’ Simulations in International Relations, European Journal of International Relations, Vol. 11, 3, 2000 (?) Evan Liberman, “Nested Analysis as a Mixed-Method Strategy for Comparative Research,” in American Political Science Review, Vol. 99, No. 3, 2005. J. David Singer, "The Level-of-Analysis Problem in International Relations", World Politics, Vol. 14, Oct. 1961, pp. 77-93. Dina Zinnes, Formal Models in International Relations, in Handbook of Political Science (Reserve) Recommended Readings: Oran R. Young, "Professor Russett: Industrious Tailor to a Naked Emperor," World Politics, April 1969, pp. 486-511. Bruce M. Russett, "The Young Science of International Politics,"World Politics, October 1969, pp. 87-94. Symposium", International Studies Ouarterly (June 1985): 119-154. John A. Vasquez, "The 5 steps to War: Toward a Scientific Explanation of Correlates of War Findings," World Politics 40,1 (October 1987): 108-145. D. Singer, Quantitative International Politics, pp. 187-214, 247-286.. F. Hoole and D. Zinnes, Ouantitative International Politics, Chaps. 2, 4, 6,7,9, 11 (read selectively) Stuart Bemer, Simulated Worlds: A Computer Model of National Decision making. D. Singer, (ed.), Human Behavior and International Politics. R. Fisher, (ed.), International Conflict and Behavioral Science. McNeil, (ed.), The Nature of Human Conflict. Dean Pruitt and Richard Snyder, (eds.), Theory and Research on the Causes of War. R. Axelrod, Conflict of Interest. Q. Wright, A Study of War. J. Rosenau, (ed.), International Politics and Foreign Policy. H. Kelman, (ed.), International Behavior. B. Russett, (ed.), Peace, War, and Numbers. J. Mueller, Approaches to Measurement in International Relations. B. Bueno de Mesquita, The War Trap B. Bueno de Mesquita, "The War Trap Revisited: A Revised Expected Utility, Theory," The American Political Science Review (March 1985), pp.156-171. R. Harrison Wagner, "War and Expected Utility Theory," World Politics(April,1984). B. Bueno de Mesquita and David Lalman, "Reason and War," APSR (December,1986). Tuesday, September 21, 2010 SESSION VIII Case Study Methodology John Gerring, “What is the Case Study and What is it Good For?” American political Science Review. Alexander L. George, "Case Studies and Theory Development: The Method of Structured, Focused Comparison," in Paul Gordon, (ed.), Diplomacy: New Approaches in History. Theory and Policy, pp. 43-68. Recommended Readings: Harry Eckstein, "Case Study and Theory in Political Science," in Handbook of Political Science, VII, pp. 96-123. George and R. Smoke, Deterrence in American Foreign Policy, pp. 88-97. Thursday, SEPTEMBER 23, 2010 Session IX Game Theoretic Models and Analysis H. Wagner, "The Theory of Games and the Problem of International Cooperation, "American Political Science Review (June 1983). R. Axelrod, "The Emergence of Cooperation Among Egoists," American Political Science Review, (1981). J. Harsanyi, "Game Theory and Analysis of International Politics", in James N. Rosenau, International Politics and Foreign Policy. Recommended Readings: Snyder and Diesing, Conflict Among Nations, Chapters 1, 7. John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, "System Level Analysis", Chapter 3, pp. 56-83. R. Jervis, "Cooperation under the Security Dilemma, World Politics(January, 1978), pp. 167-214. Axelrod, The Evolution of Cooperation, pp. 3-87. K. Oye, ed., Cooperation under Anarchy, chps. by Oye and Snidal pp. 1-57 (also World Politics, October 1985 issue). T. Schelling, The Strategy of Conflict, pp. 1-117. G. Snyder and P. Diesing, Conflict Among Nations. P.C. Ordeshook, Game Theory and Political Theory. B. Frey, International Political Economics R. Axelrod and W.D. Hamilton,"The Evolution of Cooperation," Science (27,March 1981). M. Nicholson, Formal Theories in International Relations. G.H. Snyder and P. Diesing, Conflict Among Nations. R. Keohane, After Hegemony. K. Oye,ed., Cooperation under Anarchy, pp. 226-54. C. Lipson, "International Cooperation in Economic and Security Affairs," World Politics (October 1984). R. Keohane, International Institutions and State Power, chp. 7. H . Alker, "The Presumption of Anarchy in World Politics"(unpublished MS). Robert Jervis, "Realism, Game Theory, and Cooperation," World Politics 40,4,(April 1988): 317-49. *Joseph S. Nye, Jr., "Neorealism and Neoliberalism," World Politics40,3,(January 1988): 235-51. *Joseph M. Grieco, "Anarchy and the Limits of Cooperation: A Realist Critique of the Newest Liberal Institutionalism," International Organization 42,3 (Summer 1988): 485-508. A.K. Sen, "Rational Fools: A Critique of the Behavioral Foundations of Economic Theory, Philosophy and Public Affairs (1977): 317-344. G.A. Quattrone and Amos Tversky, "Contrasting Rational and Psychological Analyses of Political Choice, American Political Science Review 82,3,(September1988): 719-36. N. Onuf and F. Klink, "Anarchy, Authority, Rule," International Studies, Quarterly 33,2 (June 1989): 149-173. Tuesday, September 28, 2010 Session X Systems, History, and International Affairs John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, "System Level Analysis", Chapter 3. Kenneth Waltz, "The Stability of a Bipolar World," Karl W. Deutsch and J. David Singer, "Multipolar Power Systems and International Stability," R. Aron, "Homogeneous and Heterogenous International Systems," Robert O. Keohane and Joseph Nye, "The Characteristics of Complex Interdependence," Immanuel Wallerstein, "Three Paths of National Development in Sixteenth Century Europe." Recommended: Robert Jervis,"Systems Theories and Diplomatic History", in Paul Gordon Lauren, ed., Diplomacy: New Approaches in History, Theory, and Policy. (Reserve) PAPER I DUE! Thursday, September 30, 2010 Session XI Hegemony and International Affairs Bacevitch, The Limits of Power. Recommended: Charles A. Kupchan, The End of An American Era. C.P. Kindleberger, The World in Depression, chps. 1, 14. *S.D. Krasner, "State Power and the Structure of International Trade,"World Politics (April 1976): 317-347. C.P. Kindleberger, "Dominance and Leadership in the International Economy: International Studies of Quarterly 25,2 (June 1981): 242-54. J. Gowa, "Rational Hegemons, Excludable Goods, and Small Groups: An Epitaph for Hegemonic Stability Theory?" World Politics 41,3 (April 1989): pp. 307-24. R. Gilpin, U.S. Power and the Multinational Corporation. P. Kennedy, The Rise and Fall of Great Powers. C.A. Kupchan, "Empire, Military Power, and Economic Decline,"International Security 13,4 (Spring 1989): 36-53. A. Friedberg, "The Political Economy of American Strategy," World Politics, 41,2 (April 1989): 381-406. D. Snidal, "The Limits of Hegemonic Stability Theory," International Organization (Autumn 1985): 579-614. Bruce Russett, "The Mysterious Case of Vanishing Hegemony: or is Mark Twain Really Dead?" International Organization (Spring 1985). Strange, "The Persistent Myth of Lost Hegemony," International Organization 41,4 (Autumn 1987): 551-74. Timothy McKeown, "Hegemonic Stability Theory and l9th Century Tariff Levels in Europe, International Organization (Winter 1983): 73-92. A. Stein, "The Hegemon's Dilemma: Great Britain, the United States and the International Economic Order, "International Organization (Spring,1984):355-386. D. Lake, "Beneath the Commerce of Nations: A Theory of International Economic Structures, International Studies Quarterly (June 1984). John Conybeare, "Public Goods, Prisoner's Dilemma, and the International Political Economy," International Studies Quarterly, (March 1984), pp.5-22. S.C. James and D.A. Lake, "The Second Face of Hegemony: Britain's Repeal of the Corn Laws and the American Walker Tariff of 1846," International Organization 43,1 (Winter 1989): 1-29. G. Gallarotti, "Tariffs and the Business Cycle, International Organization," (Winter 1985), pp. 155-88. Susan Strange, "Protectionism and World Politics," International Organization (Spring 1985), pp. 233-260. David A. Lake, "International Economic Structures and American Foreign Economic Policy, 1887-1934," World Politics (July 1983): 517-543. Tuesday,October 5, 2010 Session XII The State and International Relations Darryl Roberts, "War and the Historical Formation of States: Evidence of Things Unseen," in Michael Banks and Martin Shaw, eds., The State and International Relations. Richard Rosecrance, The Virtual State, Foreign Affairs, July August, 1996. Alexander Wendt, "The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory, International Organization, Vol. 41, No. 3,Summer, 1987 Recommended: Horowitz, Ethnic Groups in Conflict. K.W.Deutsch and A. Eckstein, "National Industrialization and the Declining Share of the International Economic Sector," World Politics (Jan.,1961), pp. 267-299. K.W. Deutsch, "International Communications," Public Opinion Quarterly(1956). K.W. Deutsch, Nationalism and Social Communication. K.W. Deutsch, "Nation and World," in Ithiel de Sola Pool (ed.), Contemporary Political Science, pp. 206-227. K.W. Deutsch, Social Mobilization and Political Development," American Political Science Review (Sept. 1961). K.W. Deutsch, "Toward an Inventory of Basic Trends and Patterns in Comparative and International Politics," APSR (March 1960), pp. 34-57. K.W. Deutsch and R. Merritt, Nation-building. Royal Institute for International Affairs, Nationalism (1939), pp. 8-80. R. Emerson, From Empire to Nation. C.E. Black, The Dynamics of Modernization. H. Kohn, The Idea of Nationalism. H. Kohn, Nationalism: Its Meaning and-History Thursday, October 7, 2010 Session XIII State and International Politics John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 4-5. Recommended: J. March and J. Olsen, "The New Institutionalism: Organizational Factors in Political Life, American Political Science Review (September 1984), pp. 734-749. P. Evans, D. Rueschemeyer, T. Skocpol, Bringing the State Back In, chp. 1 *S. Krasner, "Sovereignty: An Institutional Perspective," Comparative Political Studies 21,1 (April 1988): pp. 66-94. *Stephen Krasner, Defending the National Interest, pp. 5-34, pp. 55-61. J.P. Nettl, "The State as a Conceptual Variable," World Politics 20 (July,1968). F. Kratochwil, "Of Systems, Boundaries and Territoriality: An Inquiry into the Formation of the State System," World Politics 31,1 (October 1986): pp. 27-52. Claus Offe, "Structural Problems of the Capitalist State: Class Rule and the Political System. and "On the Selectiveness of Political Institutions," German Political Studies, I (1974), pp. 31-59. E. Nordlinger, On the Autonomy of the Democratic State, pp.1-73. S. Krasner, "Approaches to the State: Alternative Conceptions and Historical Dynamics in Comparative Politics (Jan. 1984). J. Ikenberry, David A. Lake, Michael Mastanduno, eds., The State and American Foreign Economic Policy. TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12, 2010 Session XIV STATE: The RATIONAL ACTOR MODEL G. Allison, "Conceptual Models and the Cuban Missile Crisis," APSR (Sept.69): 696-718. *S. Krasner, "Are Bureaucracies Important?" Foreign Policy (Summer1972), pp. 159-179. G. Allison, Essence of Decision. J.G. Blight and D.A. Welch, On the Brink: Americans and Soviets Reexamine the Cuban Missile Crisis. P.E. Tetlock, F. Crosby and T.L. Crosby, "Political Psychobiography, "Micropolitics, 1, 2, pp. 191-213. R. Jervis, The Logic of Images International Relations. Robert M. Cutler, "The Formation of Soviet Foreign Policy: Organizational and Cognitive Perspectives." World Politics 3 (April 1982): 418-436. J.S. Levy, "Misperception and the Causes of War: Theoretical Linkages and Analytical Problems," World Politics (October 1983): 76-99. Herbert A. Simon, "Human Nature in Politics: The Dialogue of Psychology with Political Science, American Political Science Review (June,1985): 293-304. Stephen G. Walker, "The Motivational Foundations of Political Belief Systems: A Re-Analysis of the Operational Code Construct," International Studies Quarterly (June 1983): 179-202. Arthur Stein, "When Misperception Matters," World Politics (July1982):505-526. *Irving Janis, Group Think, 2nd ed., chps. 1,5,8,10. *E. Adler, The Power of Ideology, pp.l-17. Irving Janis and Leon Mann, Decision Making~: A Psychological Analysis of Conflict. Choice and Commitment. Michael Shafer, Deadly Paradigms. A. Friedberg, The Weary Titan. P. Hall, ed., The Political Power of Economic Ideas. J. Goldstein, The Impact of Ideas on Trade Policy: The Origins of U.S. Agricultural and Manufacturing Policies," International Organization, 43,1(Winter 1989): 31-71. E. Rohrlich, "Economic Culture and Foreign Policy," International Organiation 41,1 (Winter 1987). H. Eckstein, "A Cultural Theory of Political Change, American Political Science Review 82,3 (September 1988): 789-804. F. Gaenslen, "Culture and Decision Making in China, Japan, Russia, and the United States," World Politics 31,1, (October 1986): 78-103. M.J. Shapiro and G.M. Bonham, "A Discursive Practices Approach to Collective Decision-Making," International Studies Ouarterly 32, 4(December 1988):397-419. Thursday, October 14,2010 Session XV Realism and Liberalism John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 6, pp. 138-158. Michael Doyle,Ways of War and Peace, Part 1. *K. Waltz, Theorv of International Politics or R.O.Keohane, ed., Neorealism and its Critics, chps. 2-5. *R.O. Keohane, ed., Neorealism and its Critics, chp.ll. John Herz, "Political Realism Revisited," International Studies Quarterly, 25,2 (June 1981): 182-197. Recommended: M. Doyle, "Three Faces of Realism (unpublished MS)." M. Mandelbaum, The Fate of Nations. M. Kaplan, System and Process in International Politics, Part I. M. Kaplan, Toward Professionalism in International Theory, pp. 27-89;129 163. R. Rosecrance, Action and Reaction in World Politics. S. Hoffmann, The State of War. *R.O. Keohane, ed., Neorealism and its Critics, chps. 1,6,7,9. *R.K. Ashley, "Three Modes of Economism," International Studies Quarterly,(December 1983): 463-496. Alexander E. Wendt, "The Agent-Structure Problem in International Relations Theory," International Organization 41,3 (Summer 1987): 335-70. D. Dessler, "What's at Stake in the Agent-Structure Debate?" International Organization 43,3 (Summer 1989): 441-74. R.B.J. Walker, "Realism, Change, and International Political Theory," International Studies Ouarterly, 31,1 (March 1987): 65-86. R.K. Ashley, Political Realism and Human Interest," International Studies, Quarterlv 25,2 (June 1981): 204-37. EXAMINATION NOTE Examination I is Due by 11:59 p.m. on October 18, 2010 Tuesday, October 19,2010 Session XVI Realism and Nationalism John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 7. Recommended: Hans J. Morgenthau, Politics Among Nations."Symposium in Honor of Hans Morgenthau," International Studies Quarterly,25,2, (June 1981): 179-241. Inis Claude, Jr., Power and International Relations. Crowe and Sanderson memoranda, on G.P. Gooch and Harold Temperley,(eds.),British Documents on the Origins of the War, Vol. 3, (London:HMSO,1927), pp. 397-431. P.W. Schroeder, "The l9th Century International System: Changes in the Structure, World Politics 31.1 (October 1986): 1-26. Richard Elrod, "The Concert of Europe," World Politics (Jan. 1976), pp.159-174. Edward V. Gulick, Europe's Classical Balance of Power George Liska, Quest for Equilibrium A.F.K. Organski, World Politics, 2nd ed.1968) Robert Osgood and Robert Tucker, Force. Order and Justice, (Baltimore: JohnsHopkins University Press, 1967). Arnold Wolfers, Discord and Collaboration (Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1962), Chap. 12. S. Walt, "Alliance Formation and the Balance of World Power,"International Security 9,4 (Spring 1985):3-41. Steven Walt, The Origins of Alliances, chp. 1. Karl W. Deutsch and J. David Singer, "Multipolar Power Systems and International Stability," World Politics 16 (1964), pp. 390-406. Kenneth Waltz, "The Stability of a Bipolar World," Daedalus, (Summer 1964),pp. 881-909. Thursday, October 21,2010 Session XVII Liberalism and International Affairs John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 8. Michael Doyle,Ways of War and Peace,Part II. Recommended: George Liska, Nations in Alliance. W. Riker, The Theory of Political Coalitions H. Dinerstein, "The Transformation of Alliance Systems," American Political Science Review (Sept. 1965), pp. 589-601. R. Dawson and R. Rosecrance, "Theory and Reality in the Anglo-American Alliance," World Politics (Oct., 1966), pp. 21-51. M. Olson and R. Zeckhauser," An Economic Theory of Alliances," The Review of Economics and Statistics (1966), pp. 266-279. O. Holsti, P.T. Hopmann and John Sullivan, Unity and Disintegration in International Alliances. B. Bueno de Mesquita and David Singer, "Alliances, Capabilities and War: A Review and Synthesis," in C. Cotter, ed., Political Science Annual 4,pp.237-280. J. David Singer, Stuart Bremer and John Stuckey, "Capability Distribution, Uncertainty and Major Power War, 1820-1965, in B. Russett, ed., Peace, War and Numbers. Glenn Snyder, "The Security Dilemma in Alliance Politics," World Politics (July1984), pp. 461-495. George T. Duncan and Rudolph M. Siverson, "Flexibility of Alliance Partner Choice in a Multipolar System," InternationaI Studies Quarterly (December 1982): 511-538. Tuesday, October 26,2010 Session XVIII Power, Authority, and International Organization John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 9. Recommended: Duncan Snidal, "Coordination versus Prisoners' Dilemma: Implications for International Cooperation and Regimes," American Political Science Review (December 1985): 923-942. John A.C. Conybeare, "Public Goods, Prisoners' Dilemmas, and the International Political Economy, in International Studies Ouarterly, (March 1984): 5-22. Thursday, October 28, 2010 Session XIX Collective Interests and International Organization John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 12. II International Law John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 10. Michael Doyle, Ways of War and Peace, Part IV. Recommended: O.R. Young, Compliance and Public Authority. H. Lauterpacht, "The Grotian Tradition in International Law," British Journal of International Law (1946), pp. 1-53. Tuesday, November 2, 2010 Session XX Diplomacy and International Affairs John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 11. Putnam, "Diplomacy and Domestic Politics: The Logic of Two-Level Games, "International Organization 42,3 (Summer 1988): 427-60. S.A. Lenway, "Between War and Commerce: Economic Sanctions as a Tool of Statecraft," International Organization 42,2, (Spring 1988): 397-426. D. Baldwin, Economic Statecraft. G. H. Hufbauer and J.J. Schott, Economic Sanctions in Support of Foreign Policy Goals (1983) C. M. Becker, "Economic Sanctions against South Africa," World Politics39,2,(January 1987): 147-73. J.M. Lindsay, "Trade Sanctions as Policy Instruments: A Reexamination, "International Studies Ouarterly (June 1986). B. Jentleson, Pipeline Politics. M. Nincic and P. Wallerstein, eds., Dilemmas of Economic Coercion B. Jentleson, "From Consensus to Conflict, in International Organization (Autumn 1984). B. Crawford and S. Lenway, "Decision Modes and International Regime Change," World Politics (April 1985). Thursday, November 4, 2010 Session XXI The Substance and Causes of War John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 13. Joseph Nye, Understanding International Conflicts, Chapters 3 and 4. Recommended: G. Modelski, "The Long Cycle of Global Politics and the Nation-State," Comparative Studies in Society and History (1978). *R. Rosecrance, "Long Cycle Theory and International Relations," International Organization 41,2 (Spring 1987): 283-302. J. Goldstein, Long Cycles. G. Modelski, Long Cycles in World Politics. G. Modelski and S. Modelski, eds., Documenting Global Leadership. G. Modelski and W. R. Thompson, Seapower in Global Politics. 1494-1993. J. Levy, "Theories of General War, World Politics (1985). William R. Thompson, "Phases of the Business Cycle and the Outbreak of War," International Studies Quarterly (June 1982): 301-311. J. Levy, "Historical Trends in Great Power War, 1495-1975,"International Studies Quarterly, (June 1982): 278-300. Joshua S. Goldstein, "Kondratieff Waves as War Cycles," International Studies Quarterly (December 1985): 411-444. Karen Rasler, "War, Accommodation and Violence in the United States, 18901970,"American Political Science Review (Sept.1986): 921 948. Jack Levy, War in the Modern Great Power System. William R. Thompson and G, Zuk, "World Power and the Strategy Trap of Territorial Commitments, International Studies Quarterly, (September, 1986):249268. *J. Kurth, "The Political Consequences of the Product Cycle,"International Organization (Winter 1978): 1-34. *R. Cox, "Production, the State, and Change in World Order," in E.-O.Czempiel and J.N. Rosenau, eds., Global Changes and Theoretical Challenges,pp.37-50. R. Cox. Production. Power and World Order 4 vols. P. Gourevitch, Politics in Hard Times. James A. Caporaso, "Industrialization in the Periphery: The Evolving Global Division of Labor," International Studies Quarterlv (Sept. 1981):347-384. Timothy W. Luke, "Technology and Soviet Foreign Trade: On the Political Economy of an Underdeveloped Superpower," International Studies Quarterly, September, 1985, pp. 327-353. PAPER II DUE Tuesday, November 9,2010 Session XXII War and Revolution Michael Doyle, Ways of War and Peace, Part III. Theda Skocpol, States and Social Revolutions, Chapter 1; Choose two cases! Be prepared to discuss each case. (Skocpol's work on Reserve) Recommended: J. Snyder, "Science and Sovietology: Bridging the Methods Gap in Soviet Foreign Policy Studies," World Politics 40,2 (January 1988): 169-93. J. N. Rosenau, ed. Linkage Politics. K.N. Waltz, Foreign Policy and Democratic Politics. A. Wolfers, Discord and Collaboration, chp. 15. H. Kissinger, American Foreign Policy, Part I. M. Gordon, "Domestic Conflict and the Origins of the First World War,"Journal of Modern Historv (June 1974), pp. 19-226. D. Puchala, "Domestic Politics and Regional Harmonization in the European Communities, World Politics (July 1975), pp. 486-520. P. Roeder, "Soviet Policies and Kremlin Politics," International Studies Ouarterly, (June 1984), pp. 171-94. S. Hoffmann, Gulliver's Troubles. L. Hartz, The Liberal Tradition in America, chp. 11. A. Dallin, ed., Soviet Conduct in World Affairs. E. Comisso and L. Tyson, eds., Power. Purpose and Collective Choice. Matthew Evangelista, "Why the Soviets buy the Weapons They Do," World Politics (July 1984): 597-620. P. Gourevitch, "The Second Image Reversed," International Organization (Autumn 1978). *P. Katzenstein, "The Small European States in the International Economy": in J. Ruggie, ed., The Antinomies of Interdependence, pp.91-130. *J. Snyder, "International Leverage on Soviet Domestic Change, World Politics" II Strategy and Deterrence Joseph Nye, Understanding International Conflicts, Chapter 5. John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 14. Recommended: "The Rational Deterrence Debate: A Symposium," World Politics 41,2,(January, 1989): 143-237. Bernard Brodie, The Development of Nuclear Strategy," International Security, vol. 2, No. 4, (Spring 1978), pp. 65-83. Thomas Schelling, Arms and Influence. Robert Jervis, "Deterrence Theory Revisited," World Politics, 31(January, 1979), pp. 289-324. John Steinbrunner, Beyond Rational Deterrence: The Struggle for New Conceptions, World Politics, 28 (January 1976), pp. 223-245. Robert Jervis, Richard Ned Lebow, and Janice Stein, Psychology and Deterrence, chps. 1, 9. Bruce M. Russett, The Calculus of Deterrence," Journal of Conflict Resolution VII (June 1963), pp. 97-109. Paul Huth and Bruce Russett, Deterrence Failure and Crisis Escalation," International Studies Ouarterly 33,1 (March 1988): 29-46. Jack L. Snyder, "Rationality at the Brink: The Role of Cognitive Processes in Failures of Deterrence in World Politics, (April 1978), pp. 345-365. Albert Wohlstetter, The Delicate Balance of Terror," Foreign Affairs, 37(January 1959), pp. 211-235. FINAL PAPERS DUE, NOVEMBER 13, MIDNIGHT Thursday, November 11, 2010 Session XXIII Strategy and Deterrence John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 14. Joseph Nye, Understanding International Conflicts, Chapter 6. Recommended: Peterson, Deterrence and Compellence: A Critical Assessment of Conventional Uisdom, International Studies Quarterly (Sept. 1986). George and R. Smoke, Deterrence in American Foreign Policy. Huth and B. Russett, What Makes Deterrence Work? Cases from 1900 to 1980," World Politics (July 1984). R. Jervis, The Illogic of American Nuclear Strategy. G. Snyder and P. Diesing, Conflict Among Nations J.J. Mearsheimer, Conventional Deterrence. M. Mandelbaum, The Nuclear Revolution S.E. Miller, ed., Strategy and Nuclear Deterrence. S.E. Miller and S. Van Evera, eds., The Star Wars Controversy. Richard K. Betts, "Conventional Deterrence: Predictive Uncertainty and Policy Confidence,in World Politics, (Jan. 1985): 153-179. R.K. Betts, "A Nuclear Golden Age?"International Security 11,3(Winter 1986/87). Louis R. Beres, "Tilting Toward Thanatos: America's 'Countervailing Nuclear Strategy," World Politics (October 1981): 25-46. Samuel Glasstone and Philip Dolan, The Effects of Nuclear Weapons. (Washington, D.C.: US Department of Defense/US Department of Energy,1977), pp. 1-79. R. Jervis, "Why Nuclear Superiority Doesn't Matter," Political Science Quarterly, vol. 94, no. 4 (Winter 1979-80), pp. 617-663. *R.J. Art, "To What Ends Military Power?," International Security (Spring, 1980): 577-616. Carl Von Clausewitz, On War (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 1976), pp.7589, 119-121, 127-132, 141, 577-616. K. Knorr, On the International Uses of Military Force in the ContemporaryWorld," Orbis, vol. 21, (Spring 1977), pp. 5-27. B. B. de Mesquita, The War Trap. J.S. Levy, "Declining Power-amd the Preventive Motivation for War,"World Politics 40,1 (October 1987): 82-107. *B.R. Posen, The Sources of Military Doctrine, chps. 1-2. J. Snyder, Myths of Empire Articles by Lebow, Van Evera and Snyder in International Security (Summer,1984). J. Snyder, The Ideology of the Offensive. Sagan, ""1914 Revisited: Allies, Offense, and Instability, International Security (Fall 1986): 151-76. Lebow "The ~Soviet Offensive in Europe: The Schlieffen Plan Revisited/"International Security 9,4 (Spring 1985). J.J. Mearsheimer, "Why the Soviets Can't Win Quickly in International Security 7,1 (Summer 1982). *J.L. Gaddis, "The Long Peace: Elements of Stability in the Postwar International System, International Security 10,4 (Spring 1986): 99-142. *J. L. Gaddis, "Sufficiency, Necessity, and Paradigm Fratricide"(unpublished MS). J.L. Gaddis, The Long Peace. Joseph S. Nye, "Nuclear Learning and U.S.-Soviet Security Regimes,"International Organization 41,3 (Summer 1987): 371-402. John Mueller, ""The Essential Irrelevance of Nuclear Weapons: Stability in the Postwar World," International Security 13,2 (Fall 1988):55-79. Robert Jervis, "The Political Effects of Nuclear Weapons: A Comment,"International Security, 13,2 (Fall, 1988): 80-90. A. George et al., Managing US-Soviet Rivalry. Tuesday, November 16, 2010 Session XXIV International Political Economy John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 15. John A. Hobson, "The Economic Taproots of Imperialism." V.I. Lenin, "Imperialism: A Special Stage of Capitalism." Stephen D. Krasner, "Two Alternative Perspectives: Marxism and Liberalism." Recommended: J. Galtung,"A Structural Theory of Imperialism", Journal of PeaceResearch,8,2 (1971):81-117. B. Cohen, The Question of Imperialism. V.I. Lenin, Imperialism: The Highest Stage of Capitalism. H. Feis, Europe. the Worlds Banker, reprint (New York: A.M. Kelley, 1964). R. Robinson, A. Denny, and A. Gallagher, Africa and the Victorians W. Langer, The Diplomacy of Imperialism, 2nd ed., esp. chp. 3. D.K. Fieldhouse, Economics and Empire. 1830-1914. R. Owen and B. Sutcliff, eds., Studies in the Theory of Imperialism". S. Rosen and J. Kurth, eds., Testing Theories of Economic Imperialism. T. Smith, The Pattern of Imperialism. I. Wallerstein, The Modern World System, "Theoretical Reprise," pp.347- 57. I. Wallerstein, The Capitalist World Economy, pp. 1-37. A. Zolberg, "Origins of the Modern World System: A Missing Link," World Politics (Jan. 1981): 253-282. T. Skocpol, "Wallerstein's World Capitalist System," American Journal of Sociology (1977): 1075-1090. D. Chirot, Social Change in the Modern Era. C. Chase-Dunn and R. Rubinson, "Toward a Structural Perspective on theWorldSystem,in Politics and Society (1977). Christopher K. Chase-Dunn, "Comparative Research on World-System Characteristics, in International Studies Quarterly, (December 1979): pp. 601-624; and "An Exchange on the Interstate System and theCapitalist World-Economy," William R. Thompson, C. Chase-Dunn, J. Sokolovsky, International Studies Quarterly (Sept. 1983): 341-374. William R. Thompson, ed., Contending Approaches to World Systems Analysis. Rasler, Karen A. and Thompson, William R., "Global Wars, Public Debts, and The Long Cycle," World Politics (July 1983). B. Andrews, "Political Economy of World Capitalism: Theory and Practice,"International Organization (Winter 1982), pp. 135-163. A.L. Bergesen, Crises in the World-System. T.K. Hopkins and I. Wallerstein, Processes of the World System. R. Brenner, "The Origins of Capitalist Development. A Critique of Neo-Smithian Marxism,n New Left Review (July/August 1977), pp. 25-92. C. Chase-Dunn, "Interstate System and the Capitalist World-Economy: One Logic or Two?" International Studies Quarterly (March 1981), pp. 19-42. C. Chase-Dunn and R. Robinson, "Cycles, Trends, and New Departures in World-System Development, in John W. Meyer and Michael T. Hannan,eds.,National Development and the World System, pp. 276-296. G. Arrighi, ed., Semiperipheral Development EPORTFOLIOS CONTAINING WRITTEN WORK AND SELF-EVALUATIONS DUE MIDNIGHT ON November 21 Thursday, November 18, 2010 Session XXV States and Markets I John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 17. J. Spero, The Politics of International Economic Relations, Chapters 2,3,4. Robert Solomon, Money on the Move. Recommended: R. Keohane and J.S. Nye, Transnational Relations and World Politics,Introduction and Conclusion. (Also a special issue of IO,Summer,1971). R. Keohane and J.S. Nye, Power and Interdependence, Chaps. 1-3. *Samuel Huntington, "Transnational Organizations in WorldPolitics,"World Politics (April 1973), pp. 333-368. R. Keohane and J.S. Nye, "Power and Interdependence Revisited," International Organization 41,4 (Autumn 1987): 725-53. R. Gilpin, US Power and the Multinational Corporation, Chap. 9. Keohane and Nye, "World Politics and the International Economic System,"(chap. 5) in C. Fred Bergsten, ed.,The Future of the International Economic Order, Keohane and Nye, "Transgovernmental Relations and International Organizations, World Politics, (October 1974), pp. 39-62. Annette B. Fox, Alfred 0. Hero, Joseph Nye, eds., "Canada and the United States: Transnational and Transgovernmental Relations," InternationalOrganization (Autumn 1974) (essay by Nye, "Transnational Relations and Interstate Conflict, pp. 961-998). R. Cooper, "Economic Interdependence and Foreign Policy in the Seventies," World Politics (Jan. 1972), pp. 159-81. B. Haskel, "Access to Society”, in International Organization, pp. 89-120. B. Crane, "Policy Coordination by Western Powers," International Organization, Summer, 1984, pp. 399-428. K. Waltz, "The Myth of National Interdependence, in C. Kindleberger, ed.,The International Corporation, pp. 205-225. Stephen D. Krasner, ed., International Regimes (also published as a special issue of International Organization 36, 2 (Spring 1982). (Introduction and Conclusion by Krasner; and essays by Puchala and Hopkins, Keohane and Strange). Stephen D. Krasner, Structural Conflict: The Third World Against Global Liberalism, Chapter 1. Stephen Haggard and Beth A. Simmons, "Theories of International Regimes," International Organiation (Summer 1987), pp.491-517. O.R. Young, "International Regimes: Toward a New Theory of Institutions," World Politics (October 1986), pp. 104-122. R. Keohane, "The Study of International Regimes and the Classical Tradition in International Relations, (unpublished paper). O.R. Young, International Cooperation: Building Regimes for Natural Resources and the Environment. F.V. Kratochwil, Rules. Norms. and Decisions. P. Haas, "Do Regimes Matter? Epistemic Commumnities and Mediterranean Pollution Control," International Organization 43,3 (Summer 1989):377 404. O.R. Young, "The Politics of International Regime Formation: Managing Natural Resources," International Organization 43,3 (Summer 1989): 349 -76. O.R. Young, "International Regimes: Problems of Concept Formation,"World Politics (April 1980). E. Haas, "Why Collaborate? Issue Linkage and International Regimes,"World Politics (April 1980). Tuesday, November 23, 2010 Session XXVI States and Markets John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 16. J. Spero, The Politics of International Economic Relations, Chapters 5,6,7. Recommended: J.A. Caporaso, "Dependency in the Global System," International Organization (Winter 1978). *Tony Smith, "The Underdevelopment of Development Literature: The Case of Dependency Theory," World Politics (January 1979). D. Collier, ed., The New Authoritarianism. P. Evans, Dependent Development. E. Mandel, Europe vs. America. C. Wilber, ed., The Political Economy of Development and Underdevelopment. F.H. Cardoso and E. Faletto, Dependency and Development in Latin America. S. Amin, Accumulation on a World Scale. Cal Clark and Donna Bahry, "Dependent Development of Socialist Variant," International Studies Ouarterly ,(Sept. 1983): 271-294. R.D. Duvall and J.R. Freeman, "The Techno-Bureaucratic Elite and the Entrepreneurial State in Dependent Industrialization American Political Science Review (Sept. 1983): 569-587. Charles Doran, George Modelski, Cal Clark, eds., North-South Relations: Studiesin Dependency Reversal. Recommended: Michael Doyle, Ways of War and Peace, Part IV. P. Katzenstein, "International Relations and Domestic Structures: Foreign Economic Policies of Advanced Industrial States, International Organization (Winter 1976), pp.l-l9, 42-45. Katzenstein, ed., Between Power and Plenty, chps. 1, 9. Gourevitch, "Breaking with Orthodoxy: Europe in the 1930s,"International Organization 38,1 (Winter 1984): 95-130. Gourevitch, Politics in Hard Times. Zysman, Governments. Markets and Growth, P. Katzenstein, Corporatism and Change K. Waltz, Theory of International Politics, pp. 60-88 (review). Z. Brzezinski and S.P. Huntington, Political Power USA/USSR. K. Calder, "Japan's Foreign Economic Policy Formation: Explaining the Reactive State, in World Politics 40,4 (July 1988): 517ff. M. Kahler, "External Ambition and Economic Performance," World Politics, 40,4 (July 1988), pp. 419-51. M. Mastanduno, "Strategies of Economic Containment: U.S. Trade Relationswith the Soviet Union," World Politics (July 1985). Susan Strange, "The Management of Surplus Capacity: Or How Does Theory Stand up To Protectionism?" International Organization (Summer 1979). Rogowski, "Political Cleavages and Changing Exposures to Trade," American Politiical Science Review, 81,4, (December 1987): 1121-1138. Goldstein,"The Impact of Ideas on Trade Policy, International Organization 43,1 (Winter 1989): 31-71. Milner, "Trading Places: Industries for Free Trade," World Politics45,3,(April 1988): 350-76. Strange, "Protectionism and World Politics," International Organization, (Spring 1985). Keohane, "The Theory of Hegemonic Stability and Changes in International Economic Regimes, 1967-77," in O.R. Holsti, ed., Change in theInternational System. P. Cowhey and E. Long, "Testing Theories of Regime Change: Hegemonic Decline or Surplus Capacity," International Organization (Spring, 1983). M. Kahler, "European Protectionism in theory and Practice," World Politics 37,4 (July 1985): 475-502. H.R. Friman, "Rocks, Hard Places, and the New Protectionism: Textile Trade Policy Choices in the United States and Japan," InternationalOrganization 42,4 (Autumn 1988): 689-724. Moravcsik, "Disciplining Trade Finance: The OECD Export Credit Arrangement," International Organization 43,1 (Winter 1989): 173-205. Stegemann, "Policy Rivalry among Industrial States: When Can We Learn from Models of Trade Policy?" International Organization 43,1 (Winter, 1989):73-100. G. Sjostedt and B. Sundelius, eds., Free Trade-Managed Trade? in Krasner, ed., International Regimes, pp. 233-314. J. Evans, The Kennedy Round in American Trade Policy A. Shonfield, ed., International Economic Relations of the Western World. G.C. Hufbauer, D.T. Berliner, K.A. Elliott, Trade Protection in the United States: 31 Case Studies. L. Turner and N. McMullen, The Newly Industrializing Countries; Trade and Adjustment S. Strange and R. Tooze, eds., The International Politics of Surplus Capacity. D.B. Yoffie, Power and Protectionism. M. Aho, Trade Talks. W. Cline, Trade Policy in the 1980s. G. Curzon, Multilateral Commercial Diplomacy. V. Aggarwal, Liberal Protectionism. M. Kahler, European Protectionism in Theory and Practice," (World Politics, (July 1985). James Cassing, Timothy J. McKeown, Jack Ochs, "The Political Economy of the Tariff Cycle, American Political Science Review (Sept. 1986): 843 862. Beth V. Yarbrough and Robert M. Yarbrough, "Reciprocity, Bilateralism, and Economic Hostages': Self-Enforcing Agreements in InternationalTrade," International Studies Ouarterly, (March, 1986): 7-22. Timothy J. McKeown, "Firms and Tariff Regime Change: Explaining the Demand for Protection," World Politics (January 1984): 215-233. J. Zysman, Governments, Markets, and Growth, chps. 2, 5, 6. B. Scott, "National Strategies, in B. Scott and G. Lodge, eds., Competitiveness in the World Economy. M.J. Piore and C. Sabel, The Second Industrial Divide. J. Spindler, The Politics of International Credit. J. Zysman and S. Cohen, "Open Trade and Competitive Industry, "Foreign Affairs (Summer 1983). P. Krugman, "Targeted Industrial Policies: Theory and Evidence," in Industrial Change and Public Policy (Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City,1983). P. Krugman, "The U.S. Response to Foreign Industrial Targeting, "Brookings, Papers on Economic Activity, 1984. J. Zysman and L. Tyson, eds., American Industry in International Competition. R. Reich, The Next American Frontier. B. Bluestone and B. Harrison, The Deindustrialization of America. Tuesday, November 30, 2010 Session XXVI States and Markets (LECTURE) December 2 FUTURES IN INTERNATIONAL AFFAIRS Session XXVII John T. Rourke, International Politics on the World Stage, Chapter 18.