COVENANT UNIVERSITY FORMAT FOR COURSE COMPACT 2014/2015 ACADEMIC SESSION SEMESTER: OMEGA COLLEGE: LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT STUDIES SCHOOL: HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT: POLITICAL SCIENCE/ INTERNATIONAL RELATIONS COURSE CODE: IRL 221 COURSE TITLE: DEVELOPING COUNTRIES IN THE INTERNATIONAL SYSTEM UNITS: 2UNITS LECTURER-IN-CHARGE: DR. FAYOMI O.O CO-LECTURER: MRS LADY AJAYI VENUE: E401A Course Description The course is designed to enable students familiarise themselves with the role of developing countries in the international system. It investigates the global politics of development through a focus on the agency of developing countries in world politics. Methods of Lecture Delivery Intensive Class Discussions Student Presentations Use of Audio-Visuals Course Outline This course will examine the following topics: Introductory Class. Week 1: Perspectives on Development Week 2: The International System 1 Week 3: Sovereignty and the Developing Countries Week 4: Democratization and Governance in the Developing Countries Week 5: Human Rights and the Developing World Week 6: The BRICS in the International System Week 7: The Politics of Foreign Aid in the Development Countries Week 8: The Impacts of Global Trade Regime on Developing Countries Week 9: Revision Week 10: Examination Continuous Assessment: Tests- 10marks Class Presentations 5marks Mid-Semester Test 15marks Semester Exam 70marks Total 100marks Ground Rules and Regulations It is mandatory for students to have a minimum attendance of 75% in this course. All class presentations are compulsory. Alignment with Covenant University Visions The stated course description would produce very sharp and intelligent minds which would birth future World thinkers, who would accomplish the CU vision and mission of raising great reformers. Reading Texts Gunder, F (1966) “The Development of Underdevelopment,” Monthly Review, 17 MahbuIb, H (1995) “The Human Development Paradigm,” in M. Haq, Reflections on Human Development Oxford: OUP Sen, A. (1989) “Development as Capability Expansion,” Journal of Development Planning, 19 , 2 Todaro, M & Smith, S. (2003) Economic Development, Eight Edition New York: Addison Wesley 2 Valenzuela, J. S. and Valenzuela,A. (1978) "Modernization and Dependency: Alternative Perspectives in the Study of Latin American Underdevelopment," Comparative Politics, 10: 4. Waelbroeck, J. (1998) “Half a Century of Development Economics: A Review Based on the Handbook of Development Economics,” World Bank Economic Review, 12: 2 . 3