Study Guide for Exam 3
PSY 301 – Fall 2007 - Hawkins
**Page numbers represent only the first page. Some topics continue on for more pages.**
**Review bolded words in the textbook**
Chapter 9
Thinking - Concepts (289)
Solving Problems (290)
Obstacles to Solving Problems (291)
- Confirmation Bias
- Fixation
Heuristics (293)
Framing (295)
Belief Perseverance Phenomenon (295)
When do we learn? (299)
Chomsky: Inborn Universal Grammar (301)
Language influences thinking (303)
Do animals think? (307)
Theories of intelligence (310)
Emotional intelligence (314)
Origins of intelligence testing (315)
Principles of test construction (317)
Heritability of intelligence (322)
The question of bias (329)
Chapter 10
Motivational concepts (335)
Instinct theory (336)
Drive-reduction theory (336)
Maslow’s hierarchy of motives (337)
Physiology of hunger (339)
Psychology of hunger (341)
Eating disorders – close up (342)
Obesity and weight control (344)
Social effects of obesity (346)
Physiology of obesity (346)
Losing weight (349)
Psychology of sex (353)
Physiology of sex (351)
Sexual orientation (356)
Achievement motivation (366)
Chapter 11
Theories of emotion (371)
Emotions and the autonomic nervous system
Cognition and emotion (377)
Detecting emotion (380)
Gender, emotion, and nonverbal behavior
Anger (387)
Two psychological phenomena: adaptation
and comparison (393)
Predictors of happiness (394)
The stress response syndrome (397)
Stress and the heart (400)
Psychoneuroimmunology (402)
Coping with stress (407)
Managing stress effects – different
approaches (409)
Chapter 12
Personality (421)
Exploring the unconscious (422)
Personality structure (423)
Defense mechanisms (425)
Neo-Freudian and Psychodynamic Theorists
Assessing the unconscious process (427)
Abraham Maslow’s self-actualizing person
MMPI (437)
The big five factors (438)
Reciprocal influences (443)
Internal versus external locus of control
Exploring the self (450)
Benefits of self-esteem (451)
Self-serving bias (452)
- Review video notes
- Review lecture powerpoints
- Use the cd that comes with the book for