Exam 3 Study Guide

Exam 3 Study Guide
1. What are the processes involved in memory?
2. What are the stages of memory? How can you increase the length of time
information is held in short-term memory?
3. What is chunking?
4. How much information can typically be held in short-term and long-term
memory? How is information stored in long-term memory?
5. What is procedural memory, semantic memory, autobiographical memory,
implicit memory, explicit memory?
6. What is a TOT experience? An explanation for it?
7. What is the serial position effect, imagination inflation, mood congruence?
8. Theories of forgetting?
9. Retroactive vs. proactive interference?
10. What is repression
11. Elizabeth Loftus’s study including questioning about the automobile accident?
12. Binet’s efforts to develop an intelligence test were driven by what purpose? Did
he seek to assess an innate, fixed level of mental ability?
13. What is mental age…intelligence quotient?
14. Which tests were originally developed to screen army recruits?
15. Differences between Wechsler’s and Binet’s intelligence tests?
16. What scores are derived from Wechsler’s intelligence test?
17. Results of Terman’s longitudinal study of 1500 California schoolchildren with
high IQ’s?
18. Know the normal curve of distribution of IQ scores
19. What is standardization, reliability, validity?
20. Spearman’s, Gardner’s, and Sternberg’s views regarding intelligence?
21. The role of genetics versus environment with regard to intelligence?
22. Theories of motivation?
23. What is homeostasis, basal metabolic rate, positive incentive value, cafeteria diet
24. What are the functions of ghrelin, insulin, and CCK?
25. What is BMI?
26. Differences in basal metabolic rate for men and women?
27. What is anorexia nervosa, bulimia nervosa?
28. What needs are included on each level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs? People
can only reach self-actualization if…
29. How do men and women differ with regard to emotion?
30. What do we know about basic emotions? Do they differ among cultures?
31. Is the ability to decipher emotion universal?
32. What is the James-Lange theory of emotion? Research to support this theory?
33. What is the facial-feedback hypothesis?
34. What are display rules?