2. Types of Database Failures



Database Failure Policy

Version 1.1


Database failure Policy







Types of failure


Prevention steps


Recovery Plan



Revision History




First Version

Second Version


Table of Contents

Version: 1.1

Date: 2011-11-29


Ejaz Asghar Ali

Ejaz Asghar Ali

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Database failure Policy

1. Introduction

Version: 1.1

Date: 2011-11-29

1.1 Purpose of this document

The purpose of this document is to give overview of database failure policy. It includes steps need to be taken to prevent database failure from happening, recovery plan if it happens. One of the main part in software development is database. All project members have access to a shared database. All team members will have to follow the given guidelines and rules to reduce database failure and have a defined way of resolving them.

1.2 Document organization

The document is organized as follows:

Section 1,

Section 2, failure occur

Types of failure, short introduction to the types of database failure prevention Steps, list of guidelines and rules to follow to avoid failure or when

1.3 Intended Audience

The intended audience is:

PARTool project members

PARTool project supervisor

1.4 Scope

Scope of this document is for the PARTool project. All project members will follow database failure policy defined in this document.

1.5 Definitions and acronyms

1.5.1 Definitions



Model view controller, used as web development framework

1.5.2 Acronyms and abbreviations

Acronym or abbreviation





[1.] Failure types http://online.cit.edu.au/toolboxes/database_admin/tb/content/backup/failure_types.htm

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Database failure Policy

Version: 1.1

Date: 2011-11-29

2. Types of Database Failures

Database is core component of Software Development. Database failure is Show stopper in Web application. Due to its critical nature, prevention of failure is essential. Moreover contingency plan is required.

For Prevention of database failure, it is required to document all types of failure that can occur.

Following are types of failure that can occur.

2.1 System Failure


System failure can occur with Operating system failure. Operating System failure eventually results in

Database failure. It is, therefore, essential that Operating system failure is prevented.

Media Failure


Failure of Hard disk can also cause database failure. Out of memory error can also result in database failure. Out of disk space can also result in database failure.

Database, tables or data deletion through Model of MVC

Database drop, tables deletion or data deletion could occur through model of MVC.

3. Prevention

Database failure is not an option. To avoid database failure we need to make prevention steps.

Following are recommendation available for prevention of database failure.

3.1 Read only access

As our project scope doesn't require data write access. Data insert/update and delete operation is not required. Read only access to the database will be ensured through database user rights. In Code, as well, read only queries should be written.

3.2 Backup script to be prepared by db in-charge

DB In-charge will create a script to take incremental and/full backup and another separate script to restore db in case of crash.

3.3 Data-types

Data-types should be same in classes and database. To avoid conflict and problem in data through

MVC framework keep field-names and tables name should be used as same as in database.

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Database failure Policy

3.4 Backup strategies

Version: 1.1

Date: 2011-11-29

3.4.1 Plan backup of data. Planning backup includes reviewing database details, tables details, overall schema, Project requirement regarding data availability and resource planning and availability.

3.4.2 Plan backup technique (incremental or full). Incremental database backup can be used for short period availability, while full backups are taken over longer time period.

3.4.3 Decide occurrence of backup (daily, weekly, monthly). Daily backups can use full to mitigate data loss in case of database failure.

3.4.4 Write script for backup and restore.

4. Summary

Database is vital component of Software. Database failure is show stopper for project. It is highly recommended that preventive steps be taken to avoid such circumstances. In case, it occurs that contingency steps be taken to restore it.

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