Lesson Title – Entrepreneurship Author - Shawn O’Brien School - EHS Subject/Grade Level –9-12 Length of Lesson -3-4per. CTE Academic Integration Lesson Planner What do I want students to learn? CTE Standards ACT College Readiness Standards NBEA / MarkEd / ITEA Standards Reading I. Entrepreneurs and Entrepreneurial Opportunities Achievement Standard: Recognize that entrepreneurs possess unique characteristics and evaluate the degree to which one possesses those characteristics Locate important details in uncomplicated passages Make simple inferences about how details are used in passages Identify clear relationships between people, ideas, and so on in uncomplicated passages Draw generalizations and conclusions about people, ideas, and so on in uncomplicated passages Draw simple generalizations and conclusions using details that support the main points of more challenging passages English Determine relevancy when presented with a variety of sentence-level details Use conjunctive adverbs or phrases to express straightforward logical relationships (e.g., first, afterward, in response) Decide the most logical place to add a sentence in an essay Add a sentence that introduces a simple Use the word or phrase most consistent with the style and tone of a fairly straightforward essay Determine the clearest and most logical conjunction to link clauses Recognize and correct marked disturbances of sentence flow and structure (e.g., participial phrase fragments, missing or incorrect relative pronouns, dangling or misplaced modifiers) Ensure that a verb agrees with its subject when there is some text between the two Use commas to set off simple parenthetical phrases Delete unnecessary commas when an incorrect reading of the sentence suggests a pause that should be punctuated (e.g., between verb and direct object clause Students will Know: Students will Do: • (Content and Vocabulary) • (Skills, Strategies, Processes and Literacy) Entrepreneur Entrepreneurship Characteristics of successful entrepreneurs vision 1. Students will participate in KWL activity in class on the chalkboard 2. Students will take notes from readings taken from published business magazines and website research on the computer using the Cornell note system. 3. Students will complete a well constructed research paper with a proper citation of at least 3 sources used. 4. Students will participate in peer editing activity.. Enduring Understandings (Big Ideas) For example… principles, themes, generalizations or macro-concepts Entrepreneurship is vital to the American economy There are common characteristics of successful entrepreneurs Essential Questions Guiding, driving questions which lead to enduring understandings 1. 2. 3. What is entrepreneurship? What are the risk and rewards and why would anyone try? Who are the most successful entrepreneurs in America? How am I going to assess student learning? Assessments: Formative assessments and/or Summative assessments 1. Students will participate in KWL activity in class on the chalkboard 2. Students will take a personality test. Lesson Title – Entrepreneurship Author - Shawn O’Brien School - EHS Subject/Grade Level –9-12 Length of Lesson -3-4per. 3. Students will take notes from text, readings in published business magazines and websites research using the Cornell note system covering entrepreneurship and individual entrepreneurs of their choice. 4. Students will complete a well constructed research paper with a proper citation of at least 3 sources used. 5. Students will present paper to the class. Instructional Plan Prerequisite Skills: Preparation What prior knowledge, skills and understanding do the students need? How will you assess their background knowledge and readiness? Students will be grouped and fill out a KWL chart. Personality test will be taken and scored. Teacher led class discussion where the questions will be answered what is entrepreneurs and who can be one. Instruction and Activities: What procedure (sequence), teaching strategies, and student activities are used in this lesson? State the student roles, teacher roles, and grouping for this lesson. Grouping based on level ability/ ethnicity represented in each group Start with KWL activity Complete personality trait test and score. Teacher led discussion explaining the results and filling in the gaps based on KWL results Guided research and specific publications provided by librarian Research paper on individual entrepreneur of student’s choice will be produced and peer edited. Lesson Title – Entrepreneurship Author - Shawn O’Brien School - EHS Subject/Grade Level –9-12 Length of Lesson -3-4per. Academic Integration What core academic topics are integrated? What terminology is common? What terminology is different? Include specific examples to be used to introduce, teach, or review the topics. ACT Reading and English standards will be assessed along with research techniques and strategies. Resources What materials and resources are needed for this lesson? Describe the learning environment where this lesson will take place. Text book, Group work, individual work class discussion and personality exploration. Consultation with school Librarian for reading material