CAMBRIDGE ENGLISH EXAMS RULES AND REGULATIONS June 2015 REGISTRATION A candidate may register for the exam only if he/she has read and understood all the rules and regulations or if he/she has been briefed by the registering institution. It is the duty of the registering institution, making a Group entry, to notify the candidates about this document. Third parties (parents, relatives), authorised to register a candidate, must inform the candidate of this document prior to sending the online application form or registering the candidate with the registering institution. By the third party’s signature candidates accept these rules and regulations, that their personal data may be used by Cambridge English for registration purposes and by British Council for information purposes. Registration can be done exclusively within the registration periods (for the November/ December session in September/ October, for the March Session in January and for the May/ June session in March). The examination calendar is available on our web pages. To complete the registration, candidates are required to submit an online application form and a copy of the confirmation of payment. Registering institutions are required to submit a Group entry form according to which they will be invoiced. Their candidates can make payments individually as well – in which case the registering institution must submit all of their confirmations of payment by the registration deadline. It is possible to register with a late entry fee after the registration deadline. Please contact British Council for further information. ALL candidates (except for KET for SCHOOLS/ PET for SCHOOLS candidates) will be photographed on the day of the exam. In order for the registration to be valid, candidates or their parents/ legal guardians (if candidates are under 18), must sign a Consent Form and send it either to the British Council by the registration deadline or to the registering institution that should then forward it to the British Council by the registration deadline. **IMPORTANT** - Candidates must make sure they are able to attend the written part of the test on scheduled dates BEFORE THEY REGISTER as entries cannot be transferred from one examination session to a later one or to a different level of examination. REGISTRATION CONFIRMATION At least two weeks prior to the start of the Speaking window period, registered candidates will be emailed a Confirmation of Entry with all the details about the time and the venue of the exam. They will also get a Notice to Candidates and Summary regulations for candidates, documents which they must read carefully. If a candidate does not receive these documents two weeks prior to the start of the Speaking window period, he/she should contact the British Council immediately. Registering institutions will also be emailed these documents for their reference. DATES The dates for Reading, Writing, Use of English and Listening components for all exams are set at least 1 year in advance by Cambridge English and cannot be changed. The Window period for Speaking test dates is also set by Cambridge English and candidates need to make sure in advance they will be available in that period. DATES OF THE WRITTEN PART AND PRICES – MAY/ JUNE 2015 Exam KET for Schools PET for Schools Date of Reading, Writing, (Use of English) and Listening components 30 May 30 May Regular price Prices for Web shop credit card payment (5% RBA bank commission) 640,00 kn 695,00 kn 673,69 kn 731.58 kn FCE 6 June 1200,00 kn 1263,16 kn Computer based FCE 23 May 1200,00 kn 1263,16 kn CAE 10 June 1285,00 kn 1,352.64 kn Computer based CAE 30 May 1285,00 kn 1,352.64 kn CPE 11 June 1390,00 kn 1,463,16 kn BEC Preliminary 6 June 695,00 kn 731.58 kn BEC Vantage 4 June 1200,00 kn 1263,16 kn BEC Higher 2 June 1460,00 kn 1,536,85 kn ILEC 16 May 1280,00 kn 1.347,37 kn ICFE 16 May 1000,00 kn 1.052,64 kn TKT – all modules 9 May 250,00 kn 263,16 kn The United Kingdom’s international organisation for cultural relations and educational opportunities. A registered charity: 209131 (England and Wales) SC037733 (Scotland). SPEAKING WINDOW PERIODS – MAY/ JUNE 2015 KET for SCHOOLS PET for SCHOOLS FCE CAE CPE Computer based FCE Computer based CAE ILEC ICFE BEC Preliminary BEC Vantage BEC Higher 22 May – 1 June 22 May – 14 June 8 – 18 May 29 May – 8 June 16 – 24 May 23 – 31 May SPECIAL EXAMINATIONS CONDITIONS Special arrangements can be made for candidates who have special needs (e.g. blind, dyslexic candidates, candidates with a stutter, candidates with impaired hearing etc). If a candidate requires special arrangements he/ she needs to inform British Council at least 5 days before the registration deadline and fill out the Special Arrangements Request Form. The request must be supported by original medical evidence not older than 2 years. The registering institution needs to identify candidates with special needs and notify the candidates of the special procedure for registration and the British Council about such candidates. ON EXAM DAY Candidates are required to arrive at least 20 minutes before the start of the exam and bring their Confirmation of Entry and an ID card or a passport to be checked by the invigilators. All candidates have to be able to provide a valid identification document on the day of the test. The only ID documents accepted are an ID card and a passport. This applies to KET and PET candidates, too. To combat an increasing threat of impersonating malpractice, those candidates who fail to present the invigilators with a valid ID document will not be admitted to the test and will not be eligible for a refund. Pay attention to your Candidate number written on the Confirmation of Entry. Your seat will be marked by this number. If your name is wrongly printed on the Confirmation of Entry please notify the centre immediately. All cases of irregular conduct during the exam detected by the invigilators or supervisors will be reported to Cambridge ESOL and may lead to disqualification of candidates and withholding of their results. The supervisor has the authority to expel from the examination room any candidate detected engaging in irregular conduct. During the exam, mobile phones and other electronic devices have to be handed over to the invigilator. If you have queries or complaints about the way the exam is organised or conducted, please contact a supervisor or the British Council representative at the venue immediately after the end of the paper or exam. Any complaints raised afterwards will not be taken into consideration. CANCELLATIONS, TRANSFERS AND REFUNDS Once candidates register, it is not possible to cancel the exam, transfer to a later examination session or to a different level of exam. The fee will not be refunded in case of failing or withdrawal from the exam. It is possible to request a refund only in cases of illness or death (either of the candidate or someone in his closest family). Only 50% of the exam fee is refundable. Applications for refund must be accompanied by an original medical certificate (“Povijest bolesti” exclusively), with the diagnosis written legibly in Latin or English. Prior to sending the medical certificate to British Council, we need to be contacted by either the candidate or the parent and be given a valid explanation. Teachers may not request refunds on behalf of their students. The medical certificate must reach the British Council within a week of the written test date. RESULTS AND CERTIFICATES Candidates’ answers and other work done by candidates are property of the University of Cambridge and under no circumstances will these be released to candidates, schools or centres. All exam candidates will be provided with ID/ secret numbers together with the Confirmation of Entry which will enable them to access results online (approximately 8 – 10 weeks after the written test date). The registering institutions will be able to access their candidates’ results online at the same time, if they have received their own identification codes from the exam centre. About a month after the release of results, certificates will be sent to all candidates by post. Candidates that registered through a registering institution will receive their results through that institution. The results are provisional and are subject to amendment by Cambridge English prior to the issue of certificates. If candidates wish to apply for a recheck/ remark of their test, they need to contact British Council max. 4 weeks after they receive the Statement of Results. They will also need to pay a fee and fill in a form. If a candidate loses the certificate it is possible to get only a certified copy of the results at a certain fee. Page 2 of 3 DISCLAIMER British Council and the Examination Boards will take all reasonable steps to provide continuity of service. However we feel sure you will understand that we cannot be made responsible for any interruptions caused by circumstances beyond our control. If examinations or their results are disrupted, cancelled or delayed, every effort will be made to resume normal service as soon as possible. British Council’s liability will be limited to the refund of the registration fee or retesting at a later date. Page 3 of 3