Using Information Metrics and Developing Business Cases

5DBC ILD103001
CIPD Candidate Assessment Activity
Title of unit/s
Using information, metrics and developing business cases for L&D
Unit No/s
Credit value
Assessment method(s)
1. Written response
2. Written report
Learning outcomes:
Know how to scrutinise appropriate learning and development data.
Be able to conduct small-scale research in an area of L&D to support a business case.
Assessment brief/activity
Activity 1
Produce a written response in which you:
Identify examples of metrics used to inform and measure L&D
Evaluate a range of primary and secondary L&D data sources
Activity 2
Undertake research in an area of L&D and write a business report for stakeholders.
Within your report you should:
Provide a short rationale for the area investigated
Explain how you collected and analysed the data, justifying the approach adopted
2.2, 2.3
Draw conclusions and make recommendations based on the findings
2.4, 2.6
Summarise the limitations of your research
Evidence to be produced/required
Activity 1
Written response of approximately 500 words
Activity 2
A research-based business report of approximately 2,500 words.
All reference sources should be acknowledged correctly and a bibliography provided where
appropriate (these should be excluded from the word count).
Assessment Bank – LD Intermediate level – Version 1 January 2015
5DBC ILD103001
Guidance for Assessors for 5DBC (LO 1 & 2)
This guidance is for assessors only and should not be handed out to candidates.
Candidates should produce:
Task 1
Written response of approximately 500 words
Task 2
A research-based business report of approximately 2,500 words.
Candidates should acknowledge data sources appropriately.
Assessment criteria guidance:
Activity 1
AC 1.1, 1.2
Candidates should give examples of different types of metrics and illustrate their
understanding of these with examples in L&D e.g. training spend, take up on
different courses, course completions, time spent on training etc.
They should differentiate between primary and secondary data sources, giving
examples e.g. official records and reports, interviews, research reports v
interpretations of primary sources.
Activity 2
AC 2.1, 2.2,
2.3, 2.4, 2.5,
Candidates should undertake research in an area of L&D and produce a
business report. The report should have a title which clearly indicates the focus
of the report. There should be an explanation of the overall purpose of the
research and why it will be of benefit to identified stakeholders. The specific
objectives of the research should be stated clearly. Learners should explain and
defend the data collection methods chosen for achieving the objectives of the
research. If the research involves respondents/participants, a rationale for the
chosen sample should be provided. The findings of the research should be
presented clearly and succinctly using tables and graphs where appropriate. The
student should discuss the findings, presenting any themes that have emerged.
Conclusions and recommendations arising from the findings should be
presented with an acknowledgement of any limitations of the research.
Appendices should be provided which will not be included in the word count but
these should be kept to a minimum. References and bibliography should be
provided at the end using an appropriate convention.
A typical report structure could be:
Title page
Literature review
Research methodology
Assessment Bank – LD Intermediate level – Version 1 January 2015